
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Magic of the Magic Wand Vibrator and Enhancing Pleasure with PromescentDiscover the iconic magic wand vibrator and its powerful vibrations, try Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel for longer-lasting pleasure, and advocate for open conversations about sexual pleasure and pregnancy prevention.

      The magic wand vibrator is not just a sex toy, but a cultural icon known for its powerful and deep vibrations. Originally introduced decades ago, it has earned accolades and obsessive fans, leading to various iterations like the rechargeable, mini, micro, and plush versions. Summer is the sexiest season, and to enhance the experience, Promescent offers delay spray and warming arousal gel for longer-lasting pleasure. Gabrielle Stanley Blair, author of a viral Twitter thread, advocates for involving penis owners in pregnancy prevention discussions to reduce the burden on women. In a post-Roe world, she urges a shift in societal expectations and encourages open conversations about condoms, sexual pleasure, and the importance of women's lives and pleasure. So, embrace the magic wand, explore Promescent's offerings, and join the conversation to prioritize pleasure for all.

    • Men's role in preventing unwanted pregnanciesMen have the power and responsibility to prevent unwanted pregnancies as they are the only ones who can ejaculate and cause pregnancy

      Men hold the power and responsibility for preventing unwanted pregnancies, as they are the only ones who can ejaculate and cause pregnancy. Gabrielle Blair, a mother and blogger, and Dr. Wednesday Martin, a social scientist and author, discuss this perspective in the episode. According to Gabrielle, men are responsible for 100% of unwanted pregnancies due to their ability to ejaculate and fertilize eggs every day, while women are only fertile for a limited number of days each month. The conversation challenges listeners to reconsider the debate around pleasure, responsibility, and reproductive rights, and encourages men to take a more active role in preventing unwanted pregnancies.

    • Men's responsibility in unwanted pregnanciesMen's ability to ejaculate makes them biologically responsible for unwanted pregnancies, leading to a shift in perspective and actions towards reproductive choices and supporting women in birth control.

      Men are biologically responsible for unwanted pregnancies due to their voluntary ability to ejaculate, while women have no control over ovulation. This paradigm shift, first shared in a viral 2018 Twitter thread during the Kavanaugh hearings, led to a wave of reactions, including men taking responsibility for their reproductive choices and supporting women in birth control. The thread gained widespread attention, with many expressing gratitude for the perspective shift and pledging actions like getting vasectomies. The importance of this concept has only grown more urgent with ongoing debates around abortion rights.

    • Men need to share pregnancy prevention responsibilityMen should contribute to pregnancy prevention by sharing costs, using contraceptives, and engaging in open conversations about responsibility

      Women have been carrying the burden of pregnancy prevention and the consequences of unwanted pregnancies alone for too long. The cultural expectation that women are solely responsible for birth control and pregnancy outcomes is deeply ingrained. Men, on the other hand, often have the pleasure of the sexual act without considering the responsibility or consequences. This imbalance needs to be addressed. It's important to note that men can get a woman pregnant without her feeling any pleasure, and they can do so while causing her pain. Therefore, it's crucial for men to contribute to pregnancy prevention by sharing the cost of birth control or engaging in open conversations about responsibility. Many men have shared that they have no issue with condoms once they find the right fit and practice using them. It's time for a cultural shift towards shared responsibility and understanding that pregnancy prevention is a two-person job.

    • Understanding the importance of condoms for both partnersProperly used condoms can be just as enjoyable as sex without one, preventing unwanted pregnancies and protecting against sexually transmitted infections, while recognizing the risks and challenges of pregnancy and childbirth for women, especially for Black women in America.

      While men may perceive sex with condoms as less pleasurable, many men have shared that with proper use, it can be just as enjoyable as sex without one. However, it's important to note that the majority of women do not experience orgasms through penetration, and pregnancy, which is a natural and joyful experience for some, can cause significant physical and emotional pain and permanent damage. Furthermore, pregnancy and childbirth are dangerous for women, especially for Black women in America, with a higher risk of death compared to other professions. Preventing unwanted pregnancies through responsible use of condoms is a crucial step towards ensuring both parties' health and well-being, regardless of individual beliefs on abortion.

    • Effective Communication and Finding the Right Tools for Safe SexUnderstanding the importance of responsible sexual behavior, finding the right condom or alternative methods, and promoting open dialogue can lead to safe, consensual, and pleasurable sexual experiences for all parties involved.

      Effective communication and finding the right tools for safe and pleasurable sex are crucial. Condoms may not be perfect for everyone, and finding the right one, or alternative methods, can make a significant difference. For those who resist using condoms, it's essential to understand the potential risks they pose to their partners. Education and open dialogue can help men understand the importance of responsible sexual behavior and the potential consequences of not using protection. Unfortunately, cultural norms often prioritize male pleasure, making it challenging for women to insist on safe sex practices. Comprehensive sex education is vital in reducing unwanted pregnancies and promoting healthy and consensual sexual experiences for all parties involved.

    • Taking responsibility in nutrition and relationshipsRedefining conversations around responsibility in nutrition and relationships leads to better outcomes. Hero Bread offers a low-carb solution for bread lovers, while comprehensive sex education and open communication promote safer and more enjoyable experiences.

      Both in nutrition and relationships, taking responsibility is key. In the case of nutrition, Hero Bread offers a solution for those who love bread but want to avoid the carb consequences. With its impressive nutritional stats and great taste, Hero Bread has become a game changer for the speaker, adding more fiber to her diet while keeping the sugar at bay. Similarly, in relationships, comprehensive sex education and open communication about responsibility can lead to safer and more enjoyable experiences for both parties. By redefining the conversation around birth control and condoms, we can create a more balanced and fair dynamic. Whether it's enjoying a delicious low-carb sandwich or having a responsible and consensual sexual encounter, taking responsibility is essential for achieving our goals and living our best lives. So, whether you're in the kitchen or the bedroom, remember to take charge and make responsible choices.

    • Effective ways to reduce unwanted pregnancies and abortionsRobust sex education and accessible birth control decrease unwanted pregnancies and STIs, with the Netherlands as an example of success

      Improving sex education and making birth control accessible are effective ways to reduce unwanted pregnancies and abortions. The burden should not be on women to educate their partners about safe sex and STIs, and comprehensive, fact-based sex education from a young age can significantly decrease unwanted pregnancies and STIs. The Netherlands, which has a robust and fact-based sex education program, has a drastically lower rate of unwanted pregnancies compared to the US. Free birth control has also been shown to reduce unwanted pregnancies and abortions by significant margins. Ultimately, making sex education and birth control accessible and prioritizing pleasure in sexual health discussions can lead to healthier and more equitable sexual experiences for all.

    • Prioritize pleasure for both partners in sexual experiencesUnderstand the importance of pleasure in sex, engage in open conversations, and consider vasectomies as an alternative to condoms for mutual satisfaction.

      Pleasure should be an equal priority in sexual experiences for both partners. The analogy of a meal was used to illustrate this point, where both individuals should be engaged and receiving satisfaction. The conversation also highlighted the importance of understanding the reasons why people have sex, with pleasure being a primary motivation for most. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the topic of vasectomies as a viable alternative to condoms for men who dislike them, emphasizing the simplicity, effectiveness, and psychological benefits of the procedure. The speaker, Gabrielle, shared her personal experience of getting a vasectomy and the positive impact it had on her and her partner's sex life. The reversibility of vasectomies was also mentioned, making it a flexible option for those who may change their minds about having children in the future.

    • Men receive pain relief during vasectomies, women not always during IUD insertionsThe medical community needs to prioritize women's experiences and pain relief during reproductive procedures, challenging the paternalistic system that prioritizes male comfort.

      There is a need for more consideration and equality in the medical field when it comes to pain relief during reproductive procedures. Men often receive pain relief during vasectomies, while women are not always given the same option during IUD insertions. This disparity highlights a paternalistic medical system that prioritizes male comfort over women's experiences. The lack of pain relief options for women during IUD insertions can lead to significant pain and discomfort, which is often not taken seriously by the medical community. This not only affects women physically but also psychologically, as they are expected to endure painful procedures without adequate support. It's essential to challenge these expectations and prioritize women's experiences and pleasure by ensuring they receive the pain relief they need and deserve during reproductive procedures. Additionally, the conversation around reproductive responsibility should extend beyond just men taking responsibility for their actions but also recognizing the importance of women's experiences and bodies in the equation.

    • Expectations of women to prioritize motherhood can be harmfulWomen's choices about motherhood should be respected, as they are strategic and personal, and men can take more responsibility for their reproductive actions.

      Society's expectations of women to prioritize motherhood can be harmful and limiting. Women should not feel the need to defend their choices to be parents or not, as it's a personal decision. The assumption that women have an instinct to carry every pregnancy to term is incorrect and goes against our evolutionary history. Women have always been strategic in deciding whether to carry a pregnancy or not. The idea of men taking responsibility for their reproductive actions, such as using penis savers, can help reduce the burden on women and make their choices clearer. It's important to recognize and respect women's autonomy and choices in all areas of life, including motherhood.

    • Communicating about sex and responsible ejaculation with teenagersOpen and honest conversations about sex and responsible ejaculation are crucial for parents to have with their teenagers, promoting better understanding of sexual health and responsibility.

      Open and honest communication about sex and responsible ejaculation is essential for parents to have with their teenage children. Gabrielle, a mother of two teenagers, shared her experience of writing about the topic in a straightforward and practical way, which has been successful in reaching and educating both parents and teenagers. The main argument against this approach is the belief that all men are 100% responsible for unwanted pregnancies, but Gabrielle responds by acknowledging the effectiveness of contraceptives and rounding up the percentage to 100 for simplicity. Her thread, now a book, is written with teenagers in mind and has been used in health classes and family discussions. Reading it aloud together can lead to uncomfortable but necessary conversations, ultimately promoting a better understanding of sexual health and responsibility.

    • Men taking ejaculatory responsibility: Preventing unwanted pregnancies and saving livesMen can prevent unwanted pregnancies and save lives by taking ejaculatory responsibility, leading to a potential paradigm shift and improved sex education

      The author, Emily, believes that men taking ejaculatory responsibility can prevent unwanted pregnancies and save women's lives. She argues that this concept can lead to a paradigm shift and even bring people from different sides of the abortion debate together. The author emphasizes that this is not about blaming men, but rather about empowering them to take control and enjoy sex more. She also encourages pre-orders of her upcoming book on the topic to help spread the message further. The author and her interlocutor, Wednesday, agree that this concept could revolutionize sex education and make a significant difference in how we approach conversations about sex and responsibility.

    • Creating a Comfortable Environment for Pleasurable SexCommunication, addressing fears, and prioritizing pleasure are key to creating a comfortable and enjoyable sexual experience. Love and appreciation for your partner also enhance intimacy.

      Creating a comfortable and pleasurable environment during sexual encounters is crucial for both partners. Gabrielle Bernstein, a guest on the Sex with Emily podcast, emphasized the importance of addressing the fear of unwanted pregnancies and normalizing female pleasure. She encouraged men to help their partners feel at ease and focused on pleasure rather than potential consequences. Bernstein also shared her own turn-ons, turnoffs, and thoughts on what makes good sex. She emphasized the importance of choosing to love and appreciate one's partner every day to improve the relationship. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of communication, comfort, and prioritizing pleasure in sexual experiences.

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    Sex With Emily
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    Distanced, Not Alone (COVID-19 FREE Pop-up support group):



    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewright_rachel/



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