
    Elizabeth Drew covered Watergate. Here's what she thinks of Trump.

    enFebruary 21, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Insights from Mercury, Wise, and The Ezra Klein Show on navigating business and uncertain timesMercury and Wise simplify business operations, while The Ezra Klein Show offers clear-headed thinking and accurate information during periods of uncertainty, aiding companies and individuals in making informed decisions.

      Simplicity and precision in business operations, as provided by Mercury and Wise, can help companies perform at their best and individuals manage their money globally without hassle. Elizabeth Drew, a renowned political journalist, shares historical insights from the Watergate era on navigating periods of uncertainty and confusion, emphasizing the importance of clear-headed thinking and accurate information. The Ezra Klein Show offers valuable perspectives on current events, encouraging listeners to engage with important topics and share the podcast with others.

    • Uncertainty and Fear during Nixon's ResignationThe Watergate scandal's outcome seemed inevitable, but uncertainty and fear were prevalent. Impeaching a president was a serious prospect, and 'Washington Journal' captures the confusion and recognition of political upheaval through instinct and intuition.

      That the events leading up to the resignation of President Nixon during the Watergate scandal were not inevitable, despite how tidy the outcome may seem in hindsight. The uncertainty and fear during that time were palpable, and the idea of impeaching a president was a serious and awe-inspiring prospect. The book "Washington Journal" stands out because it captures the confusion and uncertainty of the time, with people trying to make sense of incomplete information and the unthinkable becoming thinkable with tremendous velocity. The discussion also highlights the role of instinct and intuition in recognizing the signs of political upheaval.

    • Political uncertainty and turmoil: Then and nowDuring politically uncertain times, it's essential to stay informed and open-minded while remembering that historical comparisons may provide context but not definitive answers.

      During times of political uncertainty and turmoil, such as the current situation with the Trump administration, people are left feeling confused and uncertain about the future. Just as during the Watergate scandal, there was a sense of mystery and nervousness, with rumors and information flying around rapidly. However, there are some key differences between then and now, such as the availability of information through modern technology. Despite these differences, it's important to remember that the outcome of the situation is uncertain, and comparisons to historical events like Watergate can provide some context but not definitive answers. Ultimately, it's essential to stay informed and open-minded as events unfold.

    • A turning point in American history: WatergateWatergate was a constitutional crisis testing the balance of power and the rule of law, marked by defiance of court orders, resignations, and extralegal actions.

      Watergate was more than just a break-in and cover-up; it was a constitutional crisis that raised serious questions about the president's accountability to the other branches of government. The refusal to obey court orders and the Saturday Night Massacre, where several high-ranking officials resigned rather than carry out the president's orders to fire the special prosecutor, were turning points that highlighted the gravity of the situation. The president's actions, including ordering a worldwide nuclear alert and using extralegal means to target political enemies, added to the alarm and uncertainty. Ultimately, Watergate was a pivotal moment in American history that tested the balance of power and the rule of law.

    • Political climate may hinder Russia investigationsThe partisan control of Congress in the current political climate could hinder thorough investigations into potential wrongdoing, as seen in Watergate where bipartisan votes led to the appointment of a special prosecutor.

      The current political climate, with its hyperpolarization and partisan control of Congress, could hinder investigations into potential wrongdoing in the same way that investigations into Watergate were able to move forward. The speaker expresses concern that a Republican-controlled House and Senate might prevent a thorough investigation into the Russia issues, unlike in Watergate where bipartisan votes led to the appointment of a special prosecutor. The uncertainty surrounding the truth of the Russia issues adds to the concern that important information may not come to light. The speaker also highlights the flexibility and capabilities of Shopify and Wise in managing commerce and currency transactions, respectively.

    • Comparing Trump to Nixon, but with key differencesDespite similarities in reactions to investigations and the press, Trump's intellect and understanding of complex issues differ from Nixon's. The outcome of Trump's presidency is uncertain, with various ways he could leave office before his term ends.

      The situation surrounding President Trump's administration is compared to Watergate, but the speaker believes there are significant differences. Trump's reaction to investigations and the press, as well as his perceived paranoia, are similar to Nixon's. However, Trump's intellect and understanding of complex issues are seen as weaker than Nixon's. The speaker also emphasizes that there are various ways Trump could leave the presidency before his term ends, and the outcome is uncertain. Despite the comparisons, the speaker suggests that the current situation is unique and cannot be directly compared to Watergate. Overall, the speaker expresses uncertainty about the future and the potential implications for Trump's presidency.

    • Concerns about Trump's competence and potential authoritarianismDespite concerns, it's unclear if Trump's lack of experience and understanding of government will lead to an illiberal or authoritarian presidency

      The early stages of the Trump presidency have raised concerns about his competence and the functioning of his administration. Some fear that under the pressure of opposition and institutional checks, Trump may turn against the very institutions of government, leading to a potentially dangerous situation. However, it's important to note that Trump's competence as an authoritarian leader is questionable due to his lack of experience and understanding of government. While some worry about the possibility of Trump becoming an illiberal or authoritarian leader, others believe it's an unlikely scenario given his limitations. The current state of the White House and Trump's reactions to perceived opposition are concerning, but whether it will lead to a more serious threat remains to be seen.

    • Trump's base keeps him in power despite controversiesDespite controversies, Trump's base keeps him in power. If it erodes, Republicans might find courage to act against him.

      Despite Donald Trump's contentious relationship with the media and intelligence agencies, his eroded authority due to frequent lying, and the lack of support from some Republicans, his low disapproval among his base keeps him in power. However, if his base starts to erode, it could embolden Republicans to stand up against him. The speaker expresses concern that in a time of external threat, these Republicans might not resist Trump's actions, as they are afraid of their base. The fall of Nixon serves as a parallel, as Republicans were also worried about Nixon's base but eventually found the courage to act when it eroded.

    • Impact of Political Climate on Handling Political ScandalsThe current political climate's high polarization affects how scandals are handled, with bipartisan efforts yielding different outcomes and the lack of independent investigations raising concerns about transparency

      The current political climate, characterized by high polarization, can significantly impact how political scandals are handled. During the Watergate era, the bipartisan effort to push Nixon out ultimately led to his resignation, but the Republicans suffered heavy losses in the subsequent elections. Current Republican leaders, such as Paul Ryan, are cautious about investigating potential scandals involving President Trump, fearing being dragged down by association. The lack of a special prosecutor or independent commission raises concerns about the truth coming to light. The speaker also notes that containment of information is increasingly difficult and that the current situation may be unique, requiring a different approach. Ultimately, it's uncertain how the situation will unfold, with possibilities ranging from Trump's health or mental capacity to potential invocation of the 25th Amendment. The speaker suggests that we may need to let the situation play out and potentially redefine it as a unique event rather than trying to compare it directly to Watergate.

    • Political Climate: Unpredictable OutcomesThe political climate is complex and uncertain, with ongoing investigations, potential constitutional crises, and a volatile president adding to the instability.

      The current political climate is complex and unpredictable, with various loose parts that could lead to different outcomes. The ongoing investigations into President Trump's actions, particularly regarding Russia and his business dealings, could potentially evolve in various ways and may not necessarily lead to impeachment. However, there are concerns about constitutional crises, such as a 4-4 Supreme Court split on controversial executive orders or a Democratic-controlled House launching aggressive investigations. The Republican Congress's handling of oversight and investigations could also play a role in shaping the outcome. Trump's rhetoric and actions towards the judiciary add another layer of uncertainty to the situation. Ultimately, the future course of events depends on a multitude of factors, and it's essential to remain vigilant and prepared for various possibilities.

    • President Trump's unconventional leadership and mistrust of institutions pose challenges for crisis managementTrump's unconventional leadership, mistrust of institutions, understaffing, infighting, and reliance on Twitter increase challenges for effective crisis management

      President Trump's unconventional leadership style and mistrust of the government institutions he runs pose significant challenges for effective crisis management. General Kelly's reluctance to enforce certain laws and the understaffing and infighting within the administration are compounding issues. Trump's history of obeying court judgments and his tendency to rely on Twitter for communication raise concerns about his ability to make informed decisions and coordinate responses during a crisis. The lack of trust and control he feels over his presidency, combined with the constant leaks and instability within his administration, increase the likelihood of miscalculations and mistakes.

    • Trump Administration's Instability and UncertaintyDespite potential appointments of more mainstream figures, the Trump administration's instability and uncertainty continues due to a lack of clear structure, competing factions, and Trump's personal preferences.

      The current state of the Trump administration is marked by uncertainty and a lack of clear structure or focus. The discussion touched upon various issues, including the Russian investigation, potential cabinet appointments, and the role of Steve Bannon in the National Security Council. It was suggested that Trump's personal proclivities and his preference for competing factions within his administration may hinder the establishment of a well-oiled machine. The resignation of Michael Flynn and potential appointments of more mainstream figures were seen as possible steps towards a more conventional foreign policy team. However, the question remains whether Trump will actually listen to their advice. The lack of a clear chain of command and Trump's history of relying on competing groups was also raised as a concern. Overall, the administration's instability and the uncertainty surrounding Trump's decision-making process were the key themes of the discussion.

    • Trump administration's flawed foundationThe Trump administration's chaotic nature and lack of discipline leave it vulnerable to various crises, including legal issues, opposition, and internal struggles within the Democratic party.

      The Trump administration's chaos and scandals stem from a deeply flawed foundation. The Russia investigation is just one symptom of this underlying problem. The administration's lack of discipline and chaotic nature leaves it vulnerable to various crises. The potential accumulation of Trump Inc. scandals and legal issues, as well as lawsuits from state attorneys general, add to the instability. Furthermore, Trump's controversial win and the large number of voters who feel misrepresented by his presidency fuel a strong opposition. The Democrats, too, face internal struggles, potentially leading to primaries and the nomination of more ideological candidates. Overall, the Trump administration's foundation is cracked, and the future holds uncertainty and potential crises.

    • Political landscape shifts with redistricting and immigrationMitch McConnell, Ben Sasse, and Trump's actions shape Congress, state security agencies raise concerns, and bigger issues demand attention.

      The political landscape has shifted significantly since the 2016 election, with the redistricting leading to fewer swing seats and the immigration issue creating new dynamics. Mitch McConnell and Ben Sasse are notable figures to watch in Congress. However, the mood and reactions to Trump's actions, such as his controversial press conference and the FBI's intervention in the election, are important indicators of the political climate. The role of state security agencies in American politics has become a concern, with heavy levels of intervention raising questions about the democratic process. While there are worries about the current situation, there are also bigger issues that demand attention. The FBI's handling of the Clinton email investigation and Trump's actions continue to be sources of controversy and intrigue.

    • Unprecedented and unsustainable political situation with TrumpTrump's lack of discipline and constant chaos hampers progress and could cause long-term damage to the country.

      The current political situation with President Trump is unprecedented and unsustainable, according to the speaker. Trump's lack of discipline, as shown by his association with figures like Rudy Giuliani and his executive orders, has led to constant chaos and conflict. This constant frenzy may work for Trump and his team, but it is not beneficial for the country. The speaker also notes that Trump's lack of productivity is a concern, as he has not passed significant legislation like previous presidents. The Obama administration faced criticism for not appearing to work hard enough, but Trump's constant activity, even if it results in little actual progress, gives the appearance of productivity. Trump's ability to handle high levels of conflict and chaos sets him apart from most people and allows him to thrive in this chaotic environment. However, the speaker expresses concern about the long-term damage that this situation could cause.

    • Chaos as a deliberate tactic in politicsSteve Bannon uses chaos to advance agendas, keeping people off balance, and understanding this kind of politics is challenging in the current climate, with limited recommended readings.

      Chaos is a deliberate tactic used by some political figures, such as Steve Bannon and Donald Trump, to get their agendas passed. This tactic involves keeping people off balance and unsure of the true intentions behind actions. The podcast discussion suggests that Bannon's influence on Trump is a significant factor in the current state of American politics, and removing Bannon could potentially change the dynamic. However, recommendations for books to understand this kind of chaos in American politics are elusive as the current political climate is unique. While classics like "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis and Andrew Jackson's biography provide historical context, they may not fully capture the current situation. The podcast host, Elizabeth Drew, expresses the challenge of keeping up with the consuming nature of Trump's politics and the impact it has on all of our lives.

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