
    Encore: Three Autistic Redditors on Autism

    en-usDecember 21, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Using person-first language is crucial for individuals with autismIndividuals with autism prefer person-first language, emphasizing their identity as autistic people rather than patients, and online communities like Reddit amplify their voices and promote inclusivity.

      Language and semantics play a significant role in how individuals with autism perceive and describe their condition. During a podcast episode from December 2019, three individuals with autism shared their perspectives, emphasizing the importance of using person-first language. Nick Bevans, one of the guests, expressed his preference for being referred to as an autistic person rather than a person with autism. He believes that this distinction challenges the medical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder and avoids pathologizing an entire population. The internet, particularly Reddit, serves as an amplifying tool for autistic communities, allowing individuals to connect, share experiences, and express pride anonymously. This shift in language and the growing online presence of autistic communities contribute to a more inclusive and accepting society.

    • Autism: Beyond the Linear SpectrumAutism is a complex condition, not a linear spectrum. It's important to challenge stigmatizing narratives and listen to autistic voices for a more inclusive understanding.

      Autism is a complex condition that manifests differently in every individual, and it's important to challenge the limiting narrative that views it solely as a disorder. The episode of Endless Thread introduces us to three autistic individuals - Nick, Jess, and David - each with unique experiences and perspectives. They challenge the traditional view of autism as a linear spectrum and instead see it as a circle, where individuals exhibit certain traits more than others but may exhibit others less. Nick, in particular, advocates for a shift in perception, arguing that being autistic isn't a disability but a different way of experiencing the world. He draws parallels to the historical stigmatization of the LGBT community and encourages a more inclusive understanding of autism. Ultimately, the episode invites us to listen to autistic voices and consider their valuable contributions to society.

    • Neurodiverse individuals face societal pressure to conformAdvocate for acceptance and representation of neurodiverse individuals beyond stereotypes, inspired by activists like Nick, the first openly autistic politician in New Mexico.

      The neurodiverse community, specifically those with autism, have faced and continue to face societal pressure to conform to cultural norms, often resulting in negative labeling and stereotyping. This can be seen through historical comparisons to the LGBT community and the evolution of derogatory language. Activists, like Nick, are advocating for society to recognize and value neurodiverse individuals beyond stereotypes and caricatures, such as Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory. Nick's activism includes running for local office in 2021 to be the first openly autistic politician in New Mexico, with the hope of inspiring greater representation and acceptance. The history of autism research is complex, with figures like Hans Asperger having controversial associations with the Nazi regime. Despite this, Asperger's ideas formed the foundation for modern understandings of autism. It's crucial to move beyond these harsh and narrow definitions and embrace the diversity and unique strengths of neurodiverse individuals.

    • Misconceptions about Autism and Diagnostic BiasAutistic individuals, like Jess, face diagnostic bias and misunderstandings about their abilities. Girls are often underdiagnosed, and technology can foster understanding and community.

      Autistic individuals, like Jess, often face diagnostic bias and misconceptions about their abilities. Despite her intelligence and unique abilities, Jess was initially diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder due to her differences in social interaction and executive functioning. However, her experiences align with research suggesting that girls are underdiagnosed for autism. Jess's story highlights the importance of understanding and accepting the diversity within the autistic community and challenging diagnostic biases. Additionally, her use of online communities as a source of support and connection demonstrates the power of technology in fostering understanding and community for individuals with autism.

    • Living with Autism: Challenges and ValidationBeing diagnosed with autism can provide validation and a sense of community, but individuals may still face health challenges and obstacles. Creativity and resilience help overcome these hurdles and promote authentic representation.

      Diagnosis can provide validation and a sense of community for individuals with autism, but challenges and health issues can still present significant obstacles. Jess's experience of being diagnosed with autism and dealing with increased sensitivity to light and sound highlights the complexities of living with autism. Despite these challenges, connecting with other autistic people provides a sense of belonging and understanding. Jess's desire to create authentic autistic characters in a comic book reflects her determination to share her experiences and advocate for representation. The process of creating this project, from considering various mediums to dealing with the technical challenges, demonstrates the resilience and creativity of the autistic community.

    • Autistic blogger Jess shares her experiences and challenges societal norms through her blog and poetryJess, an autistic blogger and poet, uses her experiences, both positive and traumatic, to challenge societal norms and advocate for being seen as a person first, despite facing sensory overload and meltdowns. She plans to create a comic book about autistic superheroes.

      Jess, the autistic blogger and poet, uses her experiences, both positive and traumatic, to share her perspective and challenge societal norms. Her blog, b a 4 a, serves as a platform for autistic voices. One of her most powerful pieces is a poem about a traumatic childhood birthday party experience. The poem vividly portrays the sensory overload and resulting meltdown. Despite the challenges, Jess continues to speak out and advocates for being seen as a person first, with autism being a part of her identity but not defining her entirely. She also plans to create a comic book about autistic superheroes. The podcast hosts, Candice and Rachel, appreciate her work and look forward to reading the comic book. The BBC, a provider of information and inspiration, is a reminder that understanding the world extends beyond our personal experiences.

    • Growing up undiagnosed with autism: A unique experienceUndiagnosed autism can lead to challenges, but experiences can help individuals learn social skills and develop coping mechanisms. Understanding and accommodating unique needs is crucial for individuals on the spectrum, regardless of age or diagnosis.

      Growing up undiagnosed with autism can lead to unique challenges and experiences. David William Chen, a culinary arts teacher, shared his story of not being diagnosed until later in life. He recalled an incident in the 4th grade where he reacted literally to a situation, leading to him jumping into a pool fully clothed. His parents had strict expectations for him, making him participate in activities he disliked, such as scouts and piano lessons. However, these experiences helped him learn social skills and interact with people. Growing up in the 60s, parents used harsh methods to discipline children with self-stimulating behaviors, like Chen's shaking his head and flapping his arms. He learned to internalize these behaviors to avoid punishment. As he grew up and gained independence, he continued to struggle with relationships due to the emotional exhaustion of investing time and effort. Chen's story highlights the importance of understanding and accommodating the unique needs of individuals on the autism spectrum, regardless of age or diagnosis.

    • Misunderstanding intentions in relationshipsClear communication and understanding are vital in relationships, especially when boundaries are involved. Misunderstandings can lead to hurt feelings and relationship breakdowns. Be attuned to nonverbal cues and have open communication to avoid misunderstandings.

      Clear communication and understanding are crucial in relationships, especially when boundaries are involved. The speaker shared an experience of a friendship that turned romantic, but the lack of clear communication and misunderstanding of intentions led to the end of the relationship. The speaker, who identifies as autistic, explained that they had a hard time understanding social cues and had a strong adherence to rules and agreements. In the relationship, they followed the agreed-upon "friendship paradigm," but their friend's actions and eventual rejection left them confused and hurt. The experience highlights the importance of open communication and being attuned to nonverbal cues to avoid misunderstandings and potential hurt feelings in relationships.

    • A diagnosis of autism brings relief and understandingReceiving an autism diagnosis can bring relief, acceptance, and the ability to make lifestyle changes to better accommodate needs.

      Receiving a diagnosis for autism can bring a sense of liberation and understanding for some individuals. This person shared how getting diagnosed was like lifting a weight off their shoulders and allowing them to accept themselves for who they are. They made significant changes in their life, such as transferring to a smaller school and limiting social interactions, to reduce stress and better accommodate their needs. They found comfort in their cats, who also have routines and can be challenging to communicate with. Interacting through online platforms like Reddit allows them to connect with others while maintaining control over their social interactions. Although there are challenges, the individual appreciates their narrow focus and project-oriented mindset, which can be beneficial in certain aspects of their life.

    • Unique careers based on personal interests for individuals on the autism spectrumIndividuals on the autism spectrum have diverse interests and coping mechanisms, and their unique talents can lead to rewarding careers. Remember, every person is unique and requires individualized support and accommodating work environments.

      Individuals on the autism spectrum often have unique interests or passions that can be leveraged into careers, and they may use various coping mechanisms, such as masking or adopting personas, to navigate professional and social situations. David, a guest on the podcast, shared his experiences of forgetting to take care of himself but never forgetting to feed his cats, and how he discovered his passion for teaching culinary arts. He also discussed his challenges with socializing during the holiday season and wrote a Christmas carol expressing his need for space. It's essential to remember that people on the autism spectrum are diverse, and while some may prefer solitude, others may enjoy socializing or even have relationships. The spectrum's vastness underscores the importance of understanding and accommodating individual differences.

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    **Click here for Kate's groundbreaking ADHD Women's Wellbeing Hormone Series **

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    **Click here for Kate's groundbreaking ADHD Women's Wellbeing Hormone Series **

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner helping overwhelmed yet unfulfilled (many with ADHD like her) women find more calm, balance, health, compassion, creativity and clarity. 

    Have a look at some of Kate's workshops and free resources here.

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here

    Follow Kate on Instagram here

    Have a read of Kate’s articles in ADDitude magazine here

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    More on this Episode: Episode Page
    Join the discussion: Ask Jordan and Dr. Maureen questions on AI and Neurodiversity

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    01:45 About Dr. Maureen and her work
    04:15 Neurodiversity term coined to value diverse perspectives.
    08:42 Neurodiversity, biases, and inclusive talent assessment strategies.
    11:44 AI aiding cognition and productivity for neurodivergent.
    14:28 AI empowering neurodiverse individuals through communication and learning.
    17:48 Neurodiversity community valued for unique talents.
    23:38 AI's impact on diverse thinking abilities emphasized.
    25:36 Embrace neurodiversity and human-AI cooperation for innovation.

    Topics Covered in This Episode:
    1. Neurodiversity and AI
    2. Challenges Faced by Neurodivergent Individuals in the Workplace
    3. Positive Impact of AI on Neurodivergent Individuals
    4. Future Implementations of AI in the Workplace

    neurodiversity, ChatGPT, everyday AI, generative AI, neurodivergent, neurotypical, cognitive biases, inclusivity, workforce, AI integration, AI impact, AI applications, AI limitations, future of work, skill sets, complementary cognition, leveraging AI, organizational inclusivity, artificial intelligence, workplace challenges, productivity, innovation, cognitive diversity, cultural fit, leadership, human resources, cognitive approaches, organizational change, emerging technologies, interdisciplinary thinking

    Get more out of ChatGPT by learning our PPP method in this live, interactive and free training! Sign up now: https://youreverydayai.com/ppp-registration/

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