
    Podcast Summary

    • Jabless's Busy Weekend and Unexpected StoryJabless had a successful podcast in Letterkenny but struggled with attendance in Mullingar. He shared an unexpected story about getting chlamydia from a Jacuzzi and emphasized the importance of meeting book deadlines.

      The podcast host, Jabless, had a busy and eventful weekend with two live podcasts in Letterkenny and Mullingar. The podcast in Letterkenny was a success with a full house and a lovely audience, but the one in Mullingar was a tough sell due to the amount of immigration in the area. Jabless also shared an unexpected story about getting chlamydia from a Jacuzzi, which made him hesitant to use it during his stay at a hotel. Despite the pressure of an upcoming book deadline, Jabless still had two more gigs to attend this weekend, but he planned to write on the way there using his laptop and a cushioned table. Overall, Jabless's podcast episodes are not sequential, and new listeners are encouraged to go back to the beginning for a better understanding of the content. The host also shared the importance of meeting book deadlines to ensure a successful release during the Christmas market.

    • Travel conditions and question reception impact writer's productivity and creativityWriter finds it hard to write on bumpy roads but can read and take notes. Struggles to answer all questions due to mental energy limits and long hot takes. Uses random inputs for creativity. Plans to answer Patreon questions this week and hasn't tackled serial killer topic yet.

      The writer's productivity and creativity are heavily influenced by the conditions of his travel and the nature of the questions he receives. He finds it challenging to write on winding and bumpy roads, but he can read and take notes for editing during such journeys. He also struggles to answer all the questions he receives due to mental energy limitations and the lengthy hot takes he often provides. To overcome creative blocks, he uses random inputs like images, words, or questions to spark new ideas. This week, he plans to answer Patreon questions for a change to keep the podcast democratic and because the questions tend to be of high quality. Despite the abundance of serial killer podcasts, he hasn't tackled the topic yet due to his uncertainty about how it fits with his personal interests and podcast content.

    • The Thrill of Fear: Why We're Fascinated with Serial KillersPeople are drawn to the thrill of fear from serial killers, similar to roller coasters or horror films, but eventually seek out more wholesome content due to the grim reality.

      The fascination with serial killers, as depicted in popular media like podcasts, can be explained through the human desire for thrill and excitement. This is akin to experiencing roller coasters, horror films, or even spicy food – we enjoy the rush of fear and adrenaline, knowing that we are safe. However, this fascination has its limits, and most people eventually reach a point where the grim reality becomes too depressing and they seek out more wholesome content. This phenomenon can be compared to the experience of consuming stimulants like chocolate, which provides pleasure but eventually leads to a sense of disgust and regret. Despite the dark subject matter, this interest in serial killers seems to be a universal human trait.

    • Exploring our fascination with serial killersThe fascination with serial killers can provide therapeutic value but should not lead to glorification or idolization of perpetrators.

      The fascination with serial killers can be linked to our innate human capacity for brutality, as explored in Freud's book "Civilization and Its Discontents." This darker side of humanity, which can surface during times of war or conflict, is often hidden in peacetime. Serial killers serve as a therapeutic outlet for us to confront this part of ourselves and recoil in horror. However, the problematic side is the valorization of serial killers in celebrity culture, which distorts our perspective and desensitizes us to the true horrors of their actions. It's essential to remember that while the fascination may have some therapeutic value, it's crucial not to glorify or idolize the perpetrators of such heinous crimes.

    • Exploring Ted Bundy's manipulative charm in 'Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile'The film effectively connects audiences with Bundy, leaving viewers with new emotions despite its controversial marketing.

      The film "Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile" about serial killer Ted Bundy, despite its controversial marketing, effectively manipulates the audience into forming a connection with Bundy through the perspective of his manipulated victims. This participatory and engaging experience left the viewer with new emotions, even if the film itself was not exceptional. Regarding Lydia's question about the key to a peaceful existence, the speaker expressed that they have achieved peace in their own life, but did not provide a definitive answer. The podcast was supported by listeners through Patreon, and the speaker invited those who could afford it to become patrons.

    • Achieving holistic well-being for true happinessMaintain balance in physical, mental, dietary, and social health for long-term happiness and peace.

      True happiness and peace in life are not achievable by focusing on just one aspect of well-being. According to the speaker, a holistic approach is essential, which includes taking care of physical, mental, dietary, and social health. The speaker shares that they maintain a high level of happiness most of the time due to their intense focus on their work, which gives them a sense of meaning and fulfillment. However, they emphasize that neglecting other aspects of self, such as physical health through sedentary behavior or social health by isolating oneself, can lead to stress and unhappiness. The speaker's experience of creating an album without taking care of their overall well-being resulted in feeling miserable despite the accomplishment. Therefore, it's crucial to maintain a balance in all areas of life to achieve long-term happiness and peace.

    • Balance physical and mental health for overall well-beingProper nutrition benefits body and mind, avoid external comparison for mental peace, focus on internal evaluation, set long-term goals, and pursue passions for purpose

      Taking care of both physical and mental health is crucial for overall well-being. Proper nutrition not only benefits the body but also contributes to emotional satisfaction. However, it's essential to avoid an external locus of evaluation, meaning that comparing oneself to others negatively or positively can lead to mental health issues. Instead, focusing on an internal locus of evaluation, recognizing one's intrinsic value, and finding meaning in life are essential for peace and happiness. While not everyone may find meaning in their current job, setting long-term goals and pursuing passions outside of work can contribute to a greater sense of purpose.

    • Finding Personal Meaning for Mental and Social HealthExploring unique activities, reflecting on childhood joys, and maintaining relationships can lead to greater happiness and peace through personal meaning.

      Discovering and pursuing personal meaning is crucial for both mental and social health, leading to greater happiness and peace. As individuals, we each find meaning in unique ways, be it through creativity, volunteering, or other activities. Reflecting on what brought us joy as children can help us identify our adult hobbies and potential careers. Introverts, like the speaker, may find meaning through solitary creative pursuits, while extroverts may find it through social connections. Regardless, it's essential to maintain relationships and practice empathy to foster a holistic sense of well-being. Ultimately, understanding our own emotions and being able to share that understanding with others enhances our overall sense of meaning and happiness.

    • Expressing emotions effectively for better relationshipsWork on emotional intelligence, practice active listening, and focus on physical, dietary, mental, and social health for peaceful and happy existence. Avoid toxic nationalism and promote cultural understanding and respect.

      Understanding and expressing our emotions effectively is crucial for building meaningful relationships and empathizing with others. When we struggle with our internal language for emotions, it can hinder our ability to connect with others and experience empathy. It's essential to work on developing emotional intelligence and having a social life where we can practice active listening and being present for others. For some people, being alone can be unpleasant, while for others, they may need more time to introspect and explore their emotions. Overall, focusing on physical health, dietary health, mental health, and social health are key components for living a peaceful and happy existence. Additionally, it's important to recognize that nationalism, whether Irish or English, can be toxic when based on the notion of empire and feelings of superiority over others. Instead, we should strive for understanding and respecting different cultures and identities.

    • Contrast between English and Irish nationalismEnglish nationalism, rooted in superiority and entitlement, contrasts with Irish nationalism, which focuses on ending colonialism and solidarity with oppressed peoples. Colonialism involves culture erasure and dehumanization, damaging impacts requiring recognition and challenge.

      English nationalism, as well as other colonial nationalisms, are rooted in the belief of superiority and entitlement to conquer and civilize other cultures. This contrasts with Irish nationalism, which is focused on ending colonialism and advocating for solidarity with oppressed peoples around the world. The education systems in colonial powers often downplay the atrocities committed during colonialism, presenting it as a civilizing mission. However, colonialism shares disturbing similarities with mass murder and genocide, as both involve the erasure of cultures and the dehumanization of those being colonized. It's essential to recognize the damaging impact of colonialism and challenge the entitlement and superiority complexes that underpin it.

    • Indigenous ways vs industrialized lifeIndigenous ways may cause less harm to the planet and preserve well-being, while publishing creative work requires dedication, talent, and persistence for success

      The industrialized way of life, while convenient for a privileged few, comes with significant environmental and societal costs. The indigenous ways of life, despite having lower technological advancements, may cause less harm to the planet and preserve the well-being of a larger percentage of humanity and other species. Publishing a creative work requires dedication, talent, and the willingness to put it out there for the world to see. Success may not come quickly, but with persistence and belief in the quality of one's work, opportunities will eventually arise.

    • Belief in yourself and persistence pay offStay true to your creative vision, seek constructive criticism, and don't let external validation define your process.

      Persistence and self-belief are key to getting your creative work published and overcoming writer's block. The speaker shares how they were approached to write a book and were given full support, but it was their visibility and dedication to their craft that made them noticeable. However, putting your work online comes with criticism, both positive and negative. It's essential to write for yourself and not let external validation define your creative process. Writer's block can be a challenge, but it's crucial not to put too much weight on anyone's opinion, positive or negative. Instead, focus on the work and seek constructive criticism from those involved in the creative process. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not seeking validation from external sources, such as critics or specific literary scenes, and instead staying true to your creative vision.

    • Enjoying the process of creating and letting go of external validationFocusing too much on external validation can hinder creativity, instead, enjoy the process and let go of the need for perfection.

      Focusing too much on external validation, such as positive reviews or external expectations, can lead to writer's block and hinder the creative process. The author shared his personal experience of being thrown off by unexpected popular elements in his book and how it affected his creativity. He emphasized the importance of enjoying the process of creating and letting go of the need for perfection or external validation. The author drew an analogy between a child playing with Lego and the creative process, highlighting the importance of allowing the process to unfold naturally without attachment to the outcome. Therefore, to overcome writer's block, the author suggested focusing on the process of writing and letting go of the need for the story to be good or bad. By doing so, the author found that he could enter a state of flow and produce work that he was happy with.

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    She's is an intuitive and a creative seeker of truth, helping artists to do what they love full time, to create art they are fully aligned with in heart, mind and soul and she helps them bring out the version of them that is authentic & powerful. Maria also helps artist in in their journey of setting up/running their own art business and making those long desired dreams become reality, where purpose is created moving beyond thought, via impactful mindset shifting spiritual tools and wisdom, to the direct communication with one's soul and subconscious via powerful art therapy tools, allowing one to step into their grounded self and achieve those milestones, celebrate successes and create a state of optimal performance.
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