
    Ep. 1040 - Everything Is Republicans’ Fault

    enJune 26, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Handling of potential hate crime hoax in NASCAR and global COVID-19 surgeDespite criticism, good intentions prevailed in NASCAR's handling of a potential hate crime hoax. The pandemic is surging in both red and blue states in the US and Europe, emphasizing the global nature and shared responsibility to mitigate its impact.

      While NASCAR's handling of a potential hate crime hoax in Bubba Wallace's garage was criticized, the good intentions of all parties involved is a positive outcome. However, it's important to note that the resurgence of COVID-19 is not limited to red states in the US, but is also happening in Europe, as acknowledged by the WHO's European regional director. The media's narrative of blue states effectively managing the pandemic while red states struggle is not entirely accurate, as the virus is surging in various parts of Europe as well. It's crucial to acknowledge the global nature of the pandemic and the shared responsibility to mitigate its impact.

    • COVID-19 Deaths in Europe and US: Not as Far Apart as It SeemsDespite Europe's higher COVID-19 death toll, US population size and potential unreported cases could result in similar fatality rates.

      The number of COVID-19 deaths in Europe and the United States are not as far apart as it may seem, and the US population is similar in size to Europe. The WHO has expressed concern about resurging outbreaks in Europe, particularly in countries like Poland, Germany, Spain, and Israel. The situation is expected to calm down over the summer but could become more challenging when COVID-19 meets other respiratory diseases in the fall. In the US, there are varying approaches to reopening schools, with some districts planning for full attendance and others for limited in-person instruction. The CDC estimates that there may be ten times more COVID-19 cases in the US than reported, which could lower the infection fatality rate significantly. The virus is more transmissible than the flu, but if the actual number of cases is higher, the fatality rate could be similar. The virus affects different age groups differently, with young people being less affected than older populations. The assessment of the CDC comes from looking at antibody tests and blood samples across the country.

    • CDC estimates 23 million unreported COVID-19 cases in USCDC reports potential 23M unreported US COVID-19 cases, expanding risk factors, importance of safety measures, and staying informed.

      The true number of COVID-19 cases in the United States may be significantly higher than reported, with an estimated 23 million cases based on new CDC estimates. This means that while the chances of death for those who contract the virus may be lower for some, the risk of transmission remains high. The CDC has expanded its list of risk factors for complications, including conditions like asthma, high blood pressure, and pregnancy. It's important to note that the CDC is cautious in its estimates, and the danger of the virus is not gone. Additionally, the accuracy of antibody tests and their protective abilities are still uncertain. The media's focus on certain states like Texas, Florida, and Arizona may not accurately reflect the current situation in other areas, such as California, which is experiencing a resurgence of COVID-19 cases. Overall, it's crucial to prioritize safety measures and stay informed about the ongoing developments related to the virus. Ring's home security products offer peace of mind and help keep families and belongings safe and secure.

    • COVID-19 Cases Surge in Certain US StatesThe US is experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases, with some states like California, Texas, and Washington state being hit harder. Protests and less adherence to guidelines may be contributing factors. Good policies include protecting the vulnerable, wearing masks, socially distancing, and limiting large gatherings to reduce risk.

      The resurgence of COVID-19 cases in the United States has hit some states harder than others, with California, Texas, and Washington state being particularly affected. The media's focus on governors like Abbott and DeSantis in Florida has led to less coverage of the situation in other states. The protests against stay-at-home orders in late May are believed to have contributed to the increase in cases. Good policy, according to the speaker, includes protecting the elderly and vulnerable, wearing masks in public places, socially distancing, and limiting large gatherings. The speaker emphasizes that masks don't eliminate the risk entirely but can reduce it significantly. Hospitals in Texas and other states are now reporting high occupancy rates for ICU beds. The United States saw a record number of new coronavirus cases in a single day, with Southern and Western states experiencing significant spikes. It's crucial to follow guidelines to slow the spread and keep economies open.

    • Reopening states did not cause an immediate spike in COVID-19 casesResponsible behavior and localized outbreaks, not mass reopenings, contributed to the initial stability in COVID-19 cases post-lockdowns.

      The reopening of states in May did not immediately lead to a spike in COVID-19 cases, as some had predicted. Instead, responsible behavior from the public and localized outbreaks seemed to be contributing factors. For example, Florida reopened certain businesses on May 4th, but there was no significant increase in cases until massive protests occurred later in the month. Similarly, Georgia also reopened early without a massive resurgence, but large protests did lead to a spike in cases. It's important to note that other factors, such as the yelling and spitting that occurs during protests, may contribute to the spread of the virus. The media has focused on states like Florida and Arizona, but California, which had a statewide lockdown and allowed massive protests, is also seeing a significant increase in cases. It's crucial to understand that the situation is localized and not everywhere, and that governors can only do so much to control the spread, relying mainly on the compliance of the American people.

    • Political leaders' handling of nursing homes during pandemicDespite media praise for some leaders' COVID-19 responses, the speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging initial poor management and accountability for political leaders' actions. Maintain healthy habits and hold leaders accountable.

      During the pandemic, political leaders like Governors Whitmer and Cuomo have faced criticism for their handling of nursing homes, resulting in a significant loss of lives among elderly residents. Now, as their states begin to recover, the media is praising their responses. However, the speaker argues that this is a delayed reaction, and the initial poor management should not be overlooked. Additionally, the speaker encourages the importance of developing healthy habits during the pandemic, using Noom as an example, and urges accountability for political leaders' actions regarding COVID-19. The speaker also criticizes the media for blaming Republicans for the ongoing spread of the virus and for downplaying the role of Democratic leaders in contributing to its spread earlier in the pandemic.

    • Fox News and COVID-19: Amplifying Misinformation and Discouraging Protective MeasuresThree studies link Fox News to decreased adherence to public health guidelines during COVID-19, but causality is not proven; other factors like age, ideology, and rural living also influence behavior; blame game and politicization of pandemic response should be avoided

      The consumption of conservative media, particularly Fox News, has been linked to a decrease in adherence to public health guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Three studies have suggested that this media ecosystem amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories, and discourages audiences from taking protective measures. However, the correlation between Fox News viewership and reduced compliance with social distancing practices does not prove causality. It's important to consider other factors, such as age, political ideology, and rural living, that could also influence behavior. Meanwhile, some in the media, like CNN's Chris Cuomo, have been praised for their coverage of Democratic leaders' handling of the crisis. Despite this, New York, Michigan, and New Jersey, states with high COVID-19 death tolls, are not typically considered Fox News strongholds. The blame game and politicization of the pandemic response should be avoided, as the crisis requires a unified effort to save lives.

    • Media bias in COVID-19 governors' coverageMedia coverage of COVID-19 governors, particularly Andrew Cuomo and Gretchen Whitmer, is biased, with Democrats receiving more favorable treatment despite higher death tolls in some cases.

      The discourse surrounding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by different governors, specifically Andrew Cuomo of New York and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, has been subject to significant media bias. While both governors have faced challenges in managing the crisis in their respective states, the media coverage has been more favorable towards Whitmer, a Democrat, despite Michigan having a higher number of deaths than several Republican-led states. The narrative presented in the media often paints Republicans in a negative light and portrays Democrats as competent and effective leaders, even when the facts suggest otherwise. This bias can have a significant impact on public perception and the political landscape.

    • Uncertain Political Climate and Its Impact on BusinessesIn the volatile political climate, businesses need a reliable and comprehensive system like NetSuite by Oracle to manage finances, HR, inventory, and e-commerce operations, saving time, money, and headaches.

      The current political climate in the United States is marked by uncertainty and instability, with President Trump facing significant challenges in key swing states according to polls. Joe Biden, on the other hand, is seen as a potential return to normalcy, despite concerns about his radical left ties and perceived lackluster campaign. The pandemic and its impact on the economy and people's lives have heightened the sense of volatility, making every vote and every dollar count for businesses. Amidst this backdrop, it's crucial for businesses to have a reliable and comprehensive system to manage their finances, HR, inventory, and e-commerce operations. NetSuite by Oracle is the world's number one cloud business system that offers all these features in one place, enabling businesses to save time, money, and headaches, regardless of their sales volume.

    • Effective business integration and data management are crucial for successBusinesses need to integrate systems and manage data effectively to prevent efficiency losses and maintain profitability. In politics, staying informed and adapting to changing circumstances is essential.

      Effective business integration and data management are crucial for success in today's business environment. NetSuite, a leading business software company, has identified seven key actions businesses need to take to stay competitive. Integration of business systems is one of them, as it helps prevent efficiency losses and maintain profitability. Meanwhile, in politics, the Democratic Party is facing internal strife as its more radical elements push for the removal of historical statues and memorials. This trend, led by figures like Nikole Hannah Jones, has raised concerns about the direction of the party. While Joe Biden may not personally support such actions, his inability to control the narrative within his own party is a cause for concern. In both business and politics, it's essential to stay informed and adapt to changing circumstances. For businesses, this means embracing integrated systems and data management. For politics, it means staying informed about the evolving ideologies and power structures within political parties.

    • Nikole Hannah Jones's College Letter Reveals Deeply Held BeliefsJones's college letter reveals her deeply held beliefs about race and history, including accusations of genocide and atrocities against indigenous peoples and Africans. While everyone is entitled to their opinions, ongoing dialogue and understanding are crucial.

      The opinions expressed by Nikole Hannah Jones in a letter she wrote to the editor of Notre Dame's school newspaper while in college reveal her deeply held beliefs about race and history. These beliefs, which include accusations of genocide, rape, and other atrocities committed by Europeans against indigenous peoples and Africans, have resurfaced in her current work. While it's important to recognize the significance of these views, it's also crucial to remember that everyone is entitled to their opinions, and cancel culture is not a productive solution. However, the fact that Jones's perspectives align with broader ideologies within the Democratic party underscores the importance of ongoing dialogue and understanding regarding race, history, and the complexities of human interactions.

    • Black Americans' Role in Abolition and EmancipationBlack Americans significantly contributed to their own freedom, but Lincoln and the Republicans played a crucial role in setting freedom in motion and codifying it into law. Understanding American history and rejecting divisive narratives is essential.

      The role of Black Americans in the abolitionist movement and the eventual emancipation of slaves was significant, with the slaves themselves playing a crucial part in their own freedom. However, it's important to remember that Lincoln and the Republican party helped set freedom in motion and eventually codified it into law with the 13th amendment. The ongoing narrative that America is inherently evil and racially divided is dangerous and divisive, and it's concerning that President Biden hasn't publicly disavowed this ideology. Moving on, the discussion also touched upon the importance of understanding American history and the potential dangers of discarding equal rights before the law. The book "How to Destroy America in 3 Easy Steps" offers a diagnosis and solution to these issues. Lastly, the discussion mentioned the sad demise of Chaz (not a person but a place), and the importance of preordering Ben Shapiro's book for insights on the current state of the country.

    • Cultural Battles in America: Protests, Symbol Changes, and Heated ResponsesSenator Ted Cruz and AG Bill Barr discussed coordinated protests and potential anthem replacement, Mayor Bill de Blasio painted 'Black Lives Matter' outside Trump Tower, and Ben Shapiro encouraged listeners to support his upcoming book and Daily Wire membership.

      There are ongoing cultural battles in America, with various figures and groups advocating for significant changes to longstanding traditions and symbols. During a recent podcast episode, Senator Ted Cruz and AG Bill Barr discussed the coordination of violent protests and the potential replacement of the national anthem with John Lennon's "Imagine." Meanwhile, Mayor Bill de Blasio painted "Black Lives Matter" outside Trump Tower, leading to a heated response from the former president. These events highlight the intensity of the ongoing cultural conflicts and the potential consequences of these actions. Additionally, Ben Shapiro encouraged listeners to preorder his upcoming book and become Daily Wire members for exclusive content.

    • Reevaluating Cultural Symbols and NamesDisney alters theme park attractions, Dixie Chicks change name, CHOP zone disbands due to violence and lack of resources, necessary step or unnecessary erasure of history?

      Cultural symbols and names with historical context are being reevaluated and changed due to perceived racist or offensive connotations. For instance, Disney is altering elements of its theme park attractions, and the Dixie Chicks are changing their name. However, the implications and execution of these changes are open to debate, with some arguing it's a necessary step to address past wrongs and others viewing it as an unnecessary erasure of history. Additionally, the CHOP (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest) zone in Seattle, which aimed to establish a police-free community, has disbanded due to violence and lack of resources, leaving its future uncertain. Ultimately, these events highlight the complexities and challenges surrounding issues of race, history, and identity in contemporary society.

    • The Power of Resurrection and Personal ResponsibilityEmbrace personal responsibility, encourage positive change, and focus on life, family, and faith for a better society.

      Key takeaway from this episode of The Ben Shapiro Show is the importance of personal responsibility and encouraging positive change, even if it may not always yield the desired results. Ben Shapiro discussed the idea of resurrecting something in a new form, drawing a comparison to Venezuela and Cuba, acknowledging that it might not turn out great but expressing hope for improvement. He also touched upon the importance of individual actions and their impact on society, encouraging listeners to avoid negative behaviors and instead focus on life, family, and faith. The Matt Walsh Show, another Daily Wire podcast, was introduced as a platform for discussing culture, which drives politics and other aspects of life. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of personal responsibility, positive change, and focusing on fundamental aspects of life.

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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Nostalgia Trap - Episode 105: Between Oligarchy and Democracy w/ Heather Cox Richardson

    Heather Cox Richardson is a historian of American politics with a number of important books on the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the ideological evolution of the Republican Party. Richardson’s work tracks the space between rhetoric and reality, showing us how political parties pull the levers of race and class to manipulate public opinion and gain power.

    Richardson’s recent focus is the way American conservatism has influenced the direction of the Republican Party over the course of the past several decades. In this conversation, she explains how “movement conservatives” since the Buckley era pushed the GOP to embrace increasingly extreme candidates and positions, setting the table for the Trump nightmare:

    “Americans figured out fairly early on that [Republican economic policies] didn’t really help them. So Republican language has gotten more and more crazy. For me, the real sign was when Carly Fiorina, in the debates in 2016, said that Democrats were literally killing babies so they could sell their body parts . . .

    They’ve had to ratchet this language up more and more. So when Trump came in and said and did the horrific things he did, he was really simply playing that movement conservative narrative out to its logical end. It’s exactly the path we started on in 1951 with God and Man at Yale.”