
    Podcast Summary

    • Balancing values during political climatePromote understanding and respect for differing viewpoints while emphasizing the importance of upholding the core values of the United States

      During the current political climate, the importance of instilling one's values in children while being mindful of the other parent's beliefs can be a challenging task. A piece from Slate, a left-leaning publication, suggests that in light of the divisive political landscape, it might be necessary to be more assertive in conveying one's perspective. However, the Ben Shapiro Show argues that it's crucial to celebrate the fundamental principles of the United States, such as inalienable rights and equality before the law, rather than focusing on vilifying opposing viewpoints. The show also criticizes the New York Times for attacking symbols of American history, like Mount Rushmore, and condemns the actions of China in ending Hong Kong's freedom. Overall, the key takeaway is to promote understanding and respect for differing viewpoints while emphasizing the importance of upholding the core values of the United States.

    • Demonizing Opponents: A Dangerous PerspectiveA divisive perspective on the left views opponents as morally depraved, justifying extreme measures and creating an unlivable society. It's crucial to foster understanding and respect, rather than demonizing.

      There's a deeply divisive perspective gaining ground on the political left that views those who hold opposing political beliefs as morally depraved and evil. This perspective justifies extreme measures, including damaging children's wellbeing, to prevent them from adopting these beliefs. This worldview, which paints America as an inherently corrupt and racist place, is self-flattering for those who hold it, as they see themselves as morally superior to others. This us-versus-them mentality risks creating an unlivable society, where people are pitted against each other rather than engaging in open dialogue and respecting differing viewpoints. It's crucial to remember that most Americans, regardless of political affiliation, are decent, morally upstanding individuals. It's essential to foster understanding and respect, rather than demonizing those with differing beliefs.

    • The Reality of Human NatureMost people throughout history would have followed the prevailing system rather than risking their own well-being to speak out against injustice. Human nature is inherently flawed, and the belief that people are inherently good and that changing the system will eliminate sin is a religious philosophy that is unsustainable.

      While some people may claim they would have stood against slavery if they lived in the past, the reality is that most people, including today's students, would have gone along with the prevailing system rather than risking their own well-being to speak out. The speaker argues that human beings are inherently flawed and that the belief that people are inherently good and that changing the system will eliminate sin is a religious philosophy that is unsustainable. The culture, including media, Hollywood, and corporate boards, is now dominated by the hard left, leading to a shift in values and the loss of conservative influence in institutions. The speaker encourages individuals to stand up for unpopular causes at personal risk to make a real difference.

    • A widening moral gap and censorshipThe pursuit of a utopian society has led to increased censorship and labeling those who disagree as part of an evil system, disregarding individual autonomy and complexities of history.

      Our society is experiencing a widening moral gap, with each side viewing the other as immoral or evil. This divide has led to increased censorship and activism from certain media outlets, who view those who disagree with them as part of a system that needs to be crushed in pursuit of a utopian society. This mentality disregards individual autonomy and choice, instead blaming the evils of the system for all problems. Even historical landmarks and figures are not exempt from being labeled as symbols of this supposedly evil system. However, it's important to note that many of these institutions and entities, such as The New York Times, have their own problematic histories, yet they are not held to the same standard of accountability. Instead of focusing on tearing down symbols of the past, we should strive for understanding, respect for individual autonomy, and a recognition of the complexities and nuances of history.

    • Rejection of Western civilization and its valuesThe removal of historical statues is not solely about acknowledging past wrongs, but a rejection of Western civilization and its values, oversimplifying complex historical issues

      The removal of statues of historical figures like Christopher Columbus and Abraham Lincoln is not primarily driven by a desire to acknowledge past wrongdoings or to promote greater understanding of history. Instead, it reflects a rejection of Western civilization and the values it represents. These statues are being torn down not because of what the figures did, but because of the systems and civilizations they were a part of. This perspective denies the positive contributions these figures made and reduces complex historical issues to simplistic black-and-white narratives. It's important to remember that history is complex, and understanding it requires nuance and a willingness to grapple with the complexities of the past.

    • A cultural war in the US between preserving American values and moving away from AmericanismThe shift towards post-Americanism in the US and other countries risks eroding fundamental principles and leading to crises. It's crucial to reeducate ourselves about American values and challenge the narrative that America is uniquely evil.

      We are currently witnessing a cultural war in the United States between those who want to preserve American values and those who want to move away from Americanism. This shift towards post-Americanism, as some call it, has led to a significant erosion of America's culture, history, and philosophy. This trend has been observed in other post-European countries, leading to major crises and culture clashes. If a country cannot stand up for its fundamental principles, it puts itself at risk. For instance, in Israel, a post-Zionist period led to the election of left-wing governments that apologized for Israel's existence, emboldening its enemies and resulting in a snapback to a center-right populace. The same thing is happening in the United States today, where generations have been taught that disowning Americanism is a sign of virtue. This shift in values is now the norm, and there is little risk in criticizing American symbols or institutions. The Republican Party's focus on winning elections while ignoring the cultural shift is likened to shifting deck chairs on the Titanic. To prevent further damage, it's crucial to reeducate ourselves about the United States and challenge the narrative that America is uniquely evil.

    • Protecting your online privacy with ExpressVPNUsing the internet without a VPN is like going to the bathroom with an open door. ExpressVPN creates a secure tunnel, protecting your online activity from intruders. Progress has been made in addressing past societal issues, but it's our responsibility to acknowledge and address them to build a better future.

      Just as you value your privacy in real life, you should value it online as well. Using the Internet without a VPN like ExpressVPN is like going to the bathroom with an open door, exposing your online activity to unwanted intruders. ExpressVPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel, ensuring your online activity remains private and can't be sold to third parties. The convenience of using ExpressVPN is similar to closing a bathroom door - just one click and you're protected. Another key takeaway is the importance of acknowledging and addressing past inequalities, rather than dismissing them as unchanged. The metaphor of America as a house with deep-rooted issues is not entirely accurate, as significant progress has been made in addressing these issues through legislation and societal change. We, as current occupants, have a responsibility to deal with these issues and build a better future, rather than ignoring them or labeling the past as unchangeable.

    • The Complex Reality of American Social IssuesWhile progress in addressing deep-rooted social issues has been slow, the US has invested resources and undergone changes. It's not just about changing systems, but also the narrative and desire for a post-America ideal. Human sin cannot be healed solely by changing systems, and recognizing underlying issues is key.

      Despite the belief that the United States has not made significant progress in addressing deep-rooted social issues like racism and inequality, the reality is more complex. The country has spent vast resources on anti-poverty programs and has undergone significant changes since the 1960s. The metaphor of a house built on unstable foundations is used to describe the American social order, but the speaker argues that it's not about changing the system, but rather the narrative and the desire to be part of a post-America ideal. The speaker also challenges the notion that the US has a formalized caste system like India or Nazi Germany, and that human sin cannot be healed solely by changing systems. Instead, it's about recognizing and addressing the underlying issues. The conversation also touched on the importance of hiring the right people, with ZipRecruiter being a solution for companies looking to find qualified candidates.

    • Politics of Division: Police Reform, Reparations, and Finding Common GroundIn today's political climate, finding common ground and practical solutions is overshadowed by divisive issues like police reform and reparations. While progress can be made through improving schools and increasing transparency, the focus is often on creating controversy rather than collaboration.

      The current political climate prioritizes exacerbating disagreements over finding solutions to issues. This was highlighted during a discussion about the ongoing debate over police reform and reparations. While most people agree on general approaches to addressing inequalities, such as improving schools or increasing transparency, the focus in modern politics is on creating divisive issues rather than finding common ground. An example of this was given through the push for slavery reparations, which has been proposed by some Democrats. Despite the fact that this policy is unlikely to be implemented and would not benefit individuals like Representative Sheila Jackson Lee herself, it continues to be a contentious issue. The underlying message being conveyed is that America is inherently evil and has never truly rectified its past wrongs. Meanwhile, in the job market, tools like ZipRecruiter can help businesses find skilled candidates and individuals find employment opportunities. The story of Alexandra Roja, who was able to secure a job despite the hiring freeze during COVID-19, is a testament to this. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of recognizing the potential for agreement and focusing on practical solutions, rather than perpetuating divisive narratives.

    • Debates over reparations and Black Lives Matter go beyond specific issuesThe focus on America's past evils can oversimplify complex issues and hinder progress towards meaningful solutions.

      The ongoing debates surrounding reparations and the Black Lives Matter movement go beyond addressing specific issues of slavery, Jim Crow laws, and systemic discrimination. Instead, they focus on portraying America as inherently evil and unchangeable, with figures like Congresswoman Maxine Waters advocating for reparations not as a solution, but as a symbol of division. The Black Lives Matter Organization, which is often conflated with the slogan, is actually a radical Marxist group, and its advocates often make extreme accusations against political figures like Donald Trump. This narrative, which is widely accepted by the media, justifies extreme actions and overlooks the principles that supposedly good liberal people believe in. This war mentality leads to bizarre situations where protesters, who are not even of color, scream at police officers for not having a college education and call them "black judges." The focus on America's past evils can lead to a dangerous oversimplification of complex issues and hinder progress towards meaningful solutions.

    • Cultural debates and criticisms towards Western civilizationAcknowledge biases, approach discussions with accurate info, and strive for a better world while staying informed and on top of data.

      The ongoing cultural debates and criticisms towards Western civilization and institutions, such as America and its police force, can be intense and polarizing. Some argue that these criticisms are justified as a means to tear down and address systemic issues, while others believe that these criticisms can overshadow real problems and exacerbate existing issues. It's important to acknowledge unconscious biases and strive towards creating a better world for all, but it's also crucial to approach discussions with accurate information and a clear understanding of the implications and consequences of our words and actions. Furthermore, it's essential for individuals and businesses to stay informed and on top of their data to navigate the complex business environment effectively.

    • Counterproductive effects of defunding the policeDefunding the police is not a solution to societal issues and can lead to increased violence and crime. Instead, focus on supporting youth and community initiatives.

      The push for defunding the police and dismantling systems, as suggested by some on the left, is not about solving problems but rather tearing down foundations. This perspective, as discussed, is counterproductive and can lead to increased violence and crime, as seen in rising homicide rates and shooting victims in cities like New York and Chicago. Instead of defunding the police, efforts should focus on supporting and nurturing young people through initiatives like creating positive recreational centers and expanding broadband access. It's important to remember that America, despite its imperfections, remains the greatest country on the earth and that fighting back against disintegrationist narratives is crucial. Additionally, integrating business systems with NetSuite and subscribing to The Daily Wire for access to valuable content are recommended actions.

    • Unrest in the US and Hong Kong: Calls for ChangeThe US criminal justice system is under scrutiny for its flaws, while China's authoritarian rule is criticized for human rights violations. Both situations require nuanced solutions to address deeper systemic issues.

      The current social and political climate in both the United States and Hong Kong is marked by significant unrest and challenges to established systems. In the US, the increase in shootings and homicides in cities like Milwaukee has led to calls for more policing and criticism of the criminal justice system. Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, China's imposition of a national security law has led to widespread protests and the arrests of thousands, including a 15-year-old girl, for expressing dissenting views. Both situations highlight deeper systemic issues, with some arguing that the American criminal justice system is inherently flawed and that China's authoritarian rule is a violation of human rights. However, it's important to note that these issues are complex and multifaceted, and that simplistic solutions or moral posturing may not lead to meaningful progress. Instead, a more nuanced and thoughtful approach is needed to address the root causes of these problems and find lasting solutions.

    • Defending America's PrinciplesCelebrate America's greatness, reflect on its principles, and defend its existence against those who wish to dismantle it.

      The principles enshrined in America's Declaration of Independence are worth defending and upholding, not abandoning or apologizing for. America's survival as a nation hinges on its ability to recognize and address its flaws while standing firm in its principles. The proposed elimination of Columbus Day, as part of a larger cultural narrative that portrays America as fundamentally evil and cruel, is not a sustainable path for any country. It's crucial for Americans to celebrate and defend their country, especially in the face of those who wish to see it dismantled. The dominant culture should remember and celebrate America's greatness, rather than succumbing to the perception that it is inherently flawed. This 4th of July weekend, let's take a moment to reflect on the importance of standing up for our nation's principles and defending its existence.

    Recent Episodes from The Ben Shapiro Show

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    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    We review the first—and likely only—debate between President Biden and former President Trump.


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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Watch the exclusive Daily Wire Backstage: Presidential Debate post-show as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, and Jeremy Boreing dissect Trump's landslide victory and Biden's catastrophic performance that sent the Democratic Party into full-blown panic. Our all-star panel delivers the unvarnished truth about this debate's seismic impact on America's future. Don't miss this no-holds-barred analysis of a night that may have already decided the 2024 election.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    The polls show Donald Trump beginning to pull away as the Biden team struggles for an answer; will World War III break out if Biden begins to collapse?; and the Supreme Court proves it isn’t a conservative policy think tank.


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    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Jamaal Bowman goes down in flames; Hillary Clinton sounds off on how to debate Trump; and the “experts” emerge to explain how Trump will jack up inflation.


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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    A frivolous political class faces down a tsunami of debt; Joe Biden pledges to legalize illegal immigrants; and Biden goes on an ad blitz against Donald Trump.


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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    #16 - CHRIS SINGLETON | From Pain to Purpose

    Our guest tonight is Chris Singleton who is going to speak about his story and share the message that "Love is stronger than Hate".

    Chris' website: https://www.chrissingleton.com/

    Chris' story: Chris Singleton is a former minor league baseball player drafted by the Chicago Cubs. He became a nationally-renowned speaker with a message of resilience, forgiveness and unity following the loss of his mother in the 2015 Mother Emanuel Church Tragedy in Charleston, SC.

    Chris now shares his message with over 80 organizations annually and his clients include: Boeing, The Houston Texans, Microsoft, Biogen, Volvo, The Washington Wizards and over 100,000 students and educators across the world.

    One of his children's books, Different – A Story About Loving Your Neighbor, was a best seller in its category and has been featured by numerous outlets, including The Obama Foundation.

    Chris' overall mission when speaking is to inspire his audiences with his story of resilience and to unite millions of people with his belief that, "Love is Stronger Than Hate."

    234 - Stop Ratting

    234 - Stop Ratting

    Tim returns from Vegas this week to discuss the Capitol Hill siege, why lesbians are incredible at their job, what comedians should do now if they can't scratch together a couple nickels, and closes out the show performing a new Billie Eilish song.

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    Introducing Peacemakers in Action

    Introducing Peacemakers in Action
    Hidden in the news, if reported on at all, are the brave religiously-motivated actors working to bring peace and reconciliation to their countries. Tanenbaum has spent years researching and upholding the work of these amazing individuals. In this episode, we give a brief history of our Peacemakers in Action award, Network, and introduce you to some of the Peacemakers you’ll hear from in this series. Follow us @TanenbaumCenter. Transcript & more info at tanenbaum.org.