
    Ep. 1111 - A Whistleblower Reveals What's Really Going On Inside Gender Transition Clinics

    enFebruary 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A whistleblower exposes the child gender transition industryA brave whistleblower revealed horrifying details about the child gender transition industry, potentially leading to accountability and change.

      Despite facing numerous disadvantages in the fight against gender ideology and the child mutilation industry, there have been significant victories. However, a major hurdle has been the lack of whistleblowers from within the industry. Yesterday, a whistleblower named Jamie Reed came forward and revealed horrifying information about the child gender transition industry in an article published by The Free Press. This is a significant development as it provides an inside look into the industry and may lead to further accountability and change. It's important to note that speaking out comes with risks, but the courage of this whistleblower could potentially open the door for others to come forward and expose the truth. In the meantime, individuals can take steps to be prepared for emergencies and unexpected situations by checking out Jace Medical and using the promo code Walsh for a discount on their order.

    • Former case manager raises concerns over gender dysphoria treatment for teen girlsA former case manager at a gender dysphoria clinic expressed concern over the potential harm caused to vulnerable teen girls, despite their psychological comorbidities and social contagions. The clinic did not recognize gender dysphoria as a social contagion and allowed easy access to hormonal treatments.

      Jamie Reed, a former case manager at the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children's Hospital, has spoken out against the clinic's practices, expressing concern that the American medical system is causing harm to vulnerable patients. Reed, who identifies as queer and is married to a trans man, spent four years at the clinic and witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of teenage girls seeking gender dysphoria treatment, many with no prior history of distress. These girls often had psychological comorbidities, and some invented disorders as part of social contagions. Despite recognizing this, the clinic did not consider gender dysphoria as a social contagion. To begin transitioning, girls only needed a letter of support from a therapist and a single visit to an endocrinologist for a testosterone prescription. Reed left the clinic due to her moral and medical concerns, and her testimony reveals that these clinics may be causing irreparable harm to children, knowing full well the potential consequences.

    • Effects of Hormone Therapy on AdolescentsDiscussions reveal unexpected side effects of hormone therapy for adolescent gender transition, raising concerns about informed consent and irreversible physical changes. Studies suggest potential psychological benefits but lack reliable evidence.

      The decision to undergo hormone therapy for gender transition during adolescence can have profound and permanent effects on bodies and minds, and young people may not fully comprehend these consequences. The discussion highlights cases of patients experiencing unexpected side effects, such as liver toxicity, severe vaginal bleeding, and the development of atypical genitalia. These experiences raise concerns about the adequacy of informed consent processes and the potential risks of irreversible physical changes. While some studies suggest that transitioning can lead to improved psychological functioning, there is a lack of reliable evidence to support this claim, and individual experiences vary greatly. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of careful consideration, thorough education, and ongoing support for individuals and families navigating gender transition, particularly during adolescence.

    • Allegations of Manipulation at Saint Louis Children's Hospital Transgender ClinicThe Saint Louis Children's Hospital transgender clinic faced accusations of manipulating parents' consent and misdiagnosing children with gender dysphoria, even in cases with a history of mental health issues or disturbing behaviors. The clinic reportedly testified against a father in a custody hearing, potentially influencing the outcome.

      The Saint Louis Children's Hospital transgender clinic reportedly manipulated parents' consent and diagnosed children with gender dysphoria even when they had a history of mental health issues or disturbing behaviors. This was revealed in a conversation where a clinician described a case of a teenager who had a history of sexual abuse and was diagnosed with gender dysphoria after expressing a desire to become female. The clinic allegedly testified in a custody hearing against a father who opposed his daughter's transition, leading to the mother gaining custody. This raises concerns about the clinic's practices and the potential manipulation of parents' consent.

    • Discussions on child mutilators, identity theft, and politicsWhistleblowers expose child mutilators, protect yourself from identity theft with services like LifeLock, and be aware of limits to constitutional rights in political debates.

      The fight against child mutilators is ongoing, but there's hope with whistleblowers coming forward and the unacceptable nature of their actions. Meanwhile, in the digital world, identity theft remains a serious concern, with new threats emerging in 2023. Protecting oneself from identity theft can be made easier with services like LifeLock. In politics, there's ongoing debate about the "weaponization of the federal government," with a recent House Select Subcommittee hearing featuring discussions about suppressing speech. The First Amendment does not protect all speech, but there are limits to constitutional rights. These are just a few of the key takeaways from the discussions covered.

    • The 'yelling fire in a crowded theater' analogy doesn't apply to real issues like child mutilationIt's important to acknowledge and address real issues, rather than silencing those who bring them to light

      The "yelling fire in a crowded theater" analogy often used in debates, particularly regarding controversial topics like child mutilation, does not hold up under scrutiny. The analogy assumes that there is no actual fire, but in reality, if there is a fire, not only is it acceptable but necessary to alert others. In the context of metaphors, it's crucial to acknowledge the existence of the "fire" being referred to, rather than silencing those who point it out. During a committee hearing, this concept was illustrated when those against child mutilation were accused of "yelling fire in a crowded theater," but the fact remains that the alleged child mutilation is an actual issue that needs to be addressed. Ignoring it or silencing those who speak out only allows the problem to persist.

    • Politicians using credentialism to dismiss opposing viewsPoliticians may use lack of credentials as a tool to discredit opponents, while ignoring their own credibility issues and transparency.

      During a hearing, a representative tried to discredit a doctor's expertise based on his lack of specific credentials in certain areas, even though the doctor was board certified in multiple fields and had extensive training. However, the representative did not apply the same scrutiny to individuals who did not agree with his views and were not medical professionals. This incident highlights how some people may use credentialism as a way to dismiss opposing opinions, rather than focusing on the merit of the arguments themselves. Additionally, during the same hearing, a representative who had previously attempted to discredit another individual's character, removed all contact information from his website to avoid receiving feedback from the public. This behavior raises questions about transparency and accountability in politics.

    • Response to defamation and sensitive social issuesFirmly standing against defamation has consequences, while navigating sensitive social issues requires understanding and moving on.

      Attempts to defame or harm others, particularly in an effort to protect controversial issues, will not go unanswered. The response will be firm and consequential. In the discussed scenario, a representative's plan to present a hit piece and expect an apology did not go as planned, leading to public humiliation and negative feedback. Regarding trans issues, it was shared that feeling misgendered in a well-intended interaction can be challenging, but the solution is to move on and live one's life. Additionally, there was a mention of a troubling story from Newsweek that left the speaker perplexed and unable to make sense of it. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of standing firm against defamation and the challenges of navigating sensitive social issues.

    • James O'Keefe leaves Project Veritas amidst allegations of harsh management styleJames O'Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, took a leave of absence due to allegations of harsh management style, including public crucifixions and forced lie detector tests. The future of Project Veritas and O'Keefe's role is uncertain.

      James O'Keefe, the founder of the right-wing investigative group Project Veritas, has taken a paid leave of absence from the organization amidst allegations of harsh management style and potential expulsion. The specifics of his departure and the reasons behind it are unclear, but leaked memos suggest that employees have raised concerns about O'Keefe's behavior towards staff, including public crucifixions and forced lie detector tests. Some believe the timing of O'Keefe's leave is suspicious, coming shortly after a major exposé on Pfizer. Despite the allegations, some argue that O'Keefe's status as a high achiever and visionary justifies any perceived jerk-like behavior, as great leaders often have quirks and difficult personalities. Ultimately, the future of Project Veritas and O'Keefe's role within it remains uncertain.

    • Supporting values-aligned companies and informed decisionsConsider the long-term implications of actions, support companies that align with personal values, and make informed decisions based on values and future consequences.

      PureTalk is a veteran-owned wireless company offering excellent service, low prices, and a 100% money-back guarantee for the first month. The speaker also emphasized the importance of supporting companies that align with personal values. Additionally, a thought-provoking question was posed regarding the ability of a 16-year-old girl to meaningfully consent to body modification procedures. A personal story was shared about the consequences of impulsive decisions made in one's youth and the importance of considering the future and potential consequences. Overall, the conversation touched on the importance of making informed decisions, supporting values-aligned companies, and considering the long-term implications of actions.

    • Reflecting on life's priorities and the importance of clear communicationAsk clear questions, demand definitions, and engage with thoughtful, independent voices to broaden perspectives and deepen understanding.

      As we grow older, our perspectives and priorities change drastically. Using the analogy of a genie offering a deal that involves giving up the ability to have children, the speaker reflects on how his answer would have been different at various stages of his life. He also emphasizes the importance of asking clear questions and demanding definitions when engaging in debates, especially with those who use vague language. Another key takeaway is the importance of having thoughtful and independent voices in discussions, especially when the topic is contentious and politically charged. The speaker highlights a young man named Vince, who managed to contribute interesting and correct perspectives during a Vice panel discussion on the Asian American experience in America. Despite the panel's expected lean towards leftist viewpoints, Vince's clear and independent thinking made the conversation more productive and insightful. Additionally, the speaker encourages people to take advantage of opportunities to learn and engage, such as the Daily Wire's Super Bowl watch party and President's Day sale. These events offer opportunities for in-depth analysis, live betting tips, and access to thought-provoking content. By staying informed and engaged, we can broaden our perspectives and deepen our understanding of the world around us.

    • Assimilation: Deciding the Common GroundAssimilation is vital for societal unity, but it raises questions about power dynamics and potential biases in deciding the common ground

      Assimilation is a necessary aspect for a society to function and hold together, but it raises questions about who gets to decide the common ground and potential power dynamics involved. During a panel discussion, a speaker argued that assimilation is crucial for a society to prevent division and chaos, using examples of differences in language, race, culture, and religion leading to violent wars throughout history. However, the speaker also acknowledged that the majority culture, often perceived as white people with power, gets to decide the common ground. Another panelist questioned the existence of white supremacy in America and whether it's a white supremacist state. The speaker responded by pointing out that such a state would not allow for open discussions like the one they were having. The conversation sparked controversy among some panelists, with one expressing offense at the notion of assimilating with the majority culture and labeling America a white supremacist state. In conclusion, the takeaway is that assimilation is essential for societal unity, but it raises important questions about power dynamics and potential biases.

    • Misconceptions about white supremacy and non-white communitiesDespite stereotypes, many non-white communities have higher median household incomes and better educational outcomes than the white community due to cultural values, not systemic racism.

      The stereotype of a white supremacist state where non-white people are oppressed and white people hold all the power is not an accurate representation of reality. In fact, many non-white communities, particularly the Asian community, have higher median household incomes and better educational outcomes than the white community. This discrepancy is not due to systemic racism, but rather to cultural values that prioritize education, hard work, and family stability. It's important to observe and understand these trends, rather than labeling them as "assimilation" or "erasure." Ultimately, the key to success is not tied to race, but to personal choices and values. The statistics on income, education, and family structure are irrefutable, and noticing these trends is not a moral crime, but an important step towards understanding the complexities of society.

    • Unwillingness to acknowledge personal responsibility and community structuresIntellectual curiosity and open-mindedness are crucial for understanding complex issues. Vince's analysis on the importance of intact families, discipline, education, and personal responsibility was met with shock and disbelief, highlighting the need for diverse perspectives and engagement with new ideas.

      The discussion highlighted the unwillingness of certain individuals to acknowledge and address the role of personal responsibility and community structures in the improvement of the black community's situation. Vince's common-sense analysis, which emphasized the importance of intact families, discipline, education, and personal responsibility, was met with shock and disbelief from the other panelists. They seemed to have been insulated from alternative viewpoints and reacted as if encountering a heresy. Despite Vince's data-backed analysis being correct, the other panelists were stunned and unable to engage with the ideas presented. This incident underscores the importance of intellectual curiosity and open-mindedness to new perspectives. Vince's YouTube channel, where he further explores these ideas, is a valuable resource for those seeking to broaden their understanding of complex issues. The unwillingness of the other panelists to engage with these ideas demonstrates their cancellation, as they remain trapped in their narrow worldview.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

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    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

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    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show. Kathy introduces Dr. Lauren Schwartz back to the listeners
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    Dr Lauren Schwartz | Proliferation and Procedures of Gender-Affirming Care

    Dr Lauren Schwartz | Proliferation and Procedures of Gender-Affirming Care

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show. Kathy introduces guest, Dr. Lauren, Schwartz 
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    • [48:030] Tune into Part 2 as Kathy and Dr. Schwartz next week!
    • [0:00] Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Remember to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.

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    Self-Sabotage & Dumbing/Numbing Yourself Down: Higher-Dimensionals don't 'fit-in' they 'expand out'!

    The behaviors that stop us from accessing the true deep Source BE-ings we are and why so many have needed to dumb ourselves down to go with the masses. NO MORE! We are a strong and brilliant collective that is letting the 3D Matrix keep those who want to stay in that world to finish out their loves. We love and honor them but we let them and the habits that kept us stuck GO! Learn to let go of guilt, take the baby steps to remove 'entities' and 'addictions' and how to move through with personal responsibility. The current new energy of the Universe is HERE to push you through, EVEN if you have failed every other time! 

    Finally,  please take  a moment to like, subscribe here and/or pop over to buy me a coffee to donate or subscribe. I'm starting membership at $5/month just to be able to drop more truths that not all are ready to hear. If you have an open mind, and even more a heart that wants to expand, then I am happy to have this evolve in the direction you all need it to go.  

    https://www.buymeacoffee.com/docstarseeN  (not sure how the N was allocated but glad I've been seen by the Universe!) 

    An email address of askdocstarseed@gmail.com has been set up. You can send your questions or suggestions of topics and needs to this email. Although there may not be direct answers, a group of the most common questions will be addressed in a recorded format. The growth of this platform is up to you and the direction that serves the evolving beings the most. Please feel free to comment and also put in your POSITIVE AND HELPFUL thoughts. Remember, we mirror back to ourselves what we send out. 

    Make sure to listen to the 'Who am I and Why Speak Now' video to learn all about the experience and knowledge Doc has acquired and the downside of telling the truth. This will not stop her, ever! Having risked all to come forward, donations are needed to keep the materials coming and deeply appreciated at https://gofund.me/74e47e7a .

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Episode 172 - Edge of Darkness (1:11:44)

    Episode 172 - Edge of Darkness (1:11:44)
    Just in case there wasn't enough toxic masculinity last week, we are going to up the dose tonight as we discuss the "Edge of Darkness" with the Professional Asshole.

    When the only daughter of a Boston homicide detective, Thomas Craven (Mel Gibson), is shot on his doorstep, everyone assumes that he was the intended target. Then evidence suggests otherwise, and Craven sets out to find her killer and, in the process, uncovers her secret life, corporate coverups, government collusion, and murder.

    Mel Gibson plays the same role he often plays as an aggrieved man seeking justice for something done wrong to a family member. The old man's still got it in this one that marks his return to acting after a bit of an unplanned hiatus.

    We’ll talk about whistle-blowers, trusting the politicians and the false flags on this one - it gets a little spicy, but nothing our audience can't handle.

    Join us next week, if we're still around, to talk about another virus and the panic that ensued from it when we talk about HIV and AIDS form its early days with returning guest, Jon Reed and his movie selection, "And the Band Played On:.

    Show notes: http://www.actualanarchy.com/172

    Presented by www.ActualAnarchy.com

    Robert and I analyze popular movies from a Rothbardian/Anarcho-Capitalist perspective. We use movies as a starting point for people who may not be familiar with this way of thinking.

    Discussion of the plot and decisions that characters make in relation to morality and violations of the non-aggression principle are our bread and butter.

    We also will highlight and discuss any themes or lessons from Austrian Economics that we can glean from the film.

    The point is to show what anarchy actually is with instances that are presented in film.

    We publish at least once per week; and occasionally will do specials surrounding holidays or events (elections/olympics) and have guests.