
    Ep. 1123 - Using Covid To Take Down Trump

    enOctober 26, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • US Election Hinges on Swing StatesTrump needs to win Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, and one of Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin to secure the presidency. Polls show close races in these states, with Trump within 3 points in Pennsylvania.

      The US election is coming down to a few key swing states, with Trump needing to win Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, and one of Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin. The polls show close races in these states, and Trump has a chance to win Pennsylvania, where the latest polls have him within 3 points. The election outcome hinges on Trump's ability to win over voters in these states, as the national polling averages show Biden with a significant lead. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic remains a significant issue in the election, with Democrats making it their final appeal to voters. Despite Trump's controversial rhetoric and tweets, his record before the pandemic was strong, and many Americans were willing to overlook his crude behavior if he could effectively address their concerns. Now, it's up to Trump to make his case to voters in the remaining days of the campaign.

    • The COVID-19 pandemic showed the need for a president to provide emotional supportThe pandemic highlighted the importance of a president's ability to both manage practical problems and provide emotional support, which Trump was criticized for lacking.

      The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the need for a president to act not just as a manager, but also as a comforter and empathizer. Prior to the pandemic, Trump's ability to fix practical problems, such as a clogged toilet or a shower, was appreciated by some. However, his lack of empathy and hygiene concerns became less acceptable when people sought comfort and competent leadership during the crisis. The Democrats' lie that Trump is responsible for every COVID death and their push for top-down control further highlighted the contrast between Trump's approach and what many Americans wanted. Despite Trump's refusal to centralize power, the media criticized him for not focusing enough on his COVID response in a video where the speaker expressed their intention to vote for him. The speaker argued that no politician, including those in Europe, has a perfect handle on COVID, and the second wave in Europe showed that even strict lockdowns and mask mandates don't guarantee success. Ultimately, the pandemic demonstrated that effective crisis management requires both practical problem-solving and emotional support, which Trump was criticized for lacking.

    • No clear solution from Democrats to stop COVID-19 spread or make it less deadlyDemocrats lack a sustainable plan for reducing COVID-19 deaths or stopping its spread beyond lockdowns. They have not presented a vaccine or therapeutic solution.

      There is no clear solution from the Democrats to stop the spread or make COVID-19 less deadly, despite attempts to differentiate their approach from the Trump administration. The only policies they have presented are lockdowns, which are not sustainable in the long term. The death rates from COVID-19 have decreased significantly due to improved hospital treatments, but the number of cases has spiked. There is no Democratic plan for a vaccine or therapeutic that radically reduces mortality rates. The media has not discussed the actual infection fatality rates, as people might not support societal shutdowns if they knew. The bottom line is that there is no solution being presented by the Democrats, but they must pretend otherwise for Trump to lose.

    • White House Chief of Staff acknowledges reality of pandemic mitigationFocus on mitigation strategies like vaccines, therapeutics, and testing to minimize COVID-19 impact

      Neither Democrats nor Republicans have a magic solution to stop the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Mark Meadows, White House Chief of Staff, acknowledged this reality, stating that the focus should be on mitigation rather than attempting to halt the spread entirely. The media, however, interpreted his statement as an admission that the Trump administration wants people to die from the virus. It's essential to understand that controlling the pandemic requires drastic measures such as low community spread and extensive testing, masking, and quarantine. These conditions are not currently present in the United States. Instead, efforts should be made to ensure adequate access to vaccines, therapeutics, and other mitigation factors to minimize the impact of the virus on individuals.

    • The challenge of containing COVID-19 in large countriesDespite lockdown measures, controlling COVID-19's spread in large countries is difficult. Focus should be on effective measures to save lives and mitigate its impact.

      Containing the COVID-19 virus in large countries like the United States with high levels of community spread is a significant challenge, as seen in Italy's experience despite lockdown measures. Mark Meadows' statement acknowledging this reality is not a sign of surrender, but a call to focus on saving lives where possible. The media's portrayal of this as giving up is anti-scientific and nonsensical, as no one has been able to fully control the virus's spread. The debate over masking and COVID-19 handling between Democrats and Republicans doesn't necessarily yield clear answers, as both regions with extensive masking and minimal masking have experienced significant outbreaks. Ultimately, the focus should be on effective measures to save lives and mitigate the virus's impact.

    • The pandemic requires collective effort and responsible leadershipFocus on facts and evidence-based information to navigate the complexities of the pandemic and hold leaders accountable for their actions, rather than engaging in blame games and morally disgusting narratives.

      The COVID-19 pandemic is a complex issue that requires collective effort and responsible leadership. The use of masks, particularly N95 masks, is crucial in preventing the spread of the virus. The notion that the pandemic could have been easily contained if not for former President Trump is a contentious topic, with Democrats and the media repeating this belief despite lacking a clear solution on what they would have done differently. Current President Trump, on the other hand, seems more interested in deflecting attention from the pandemic to other issues. The idea that a Democratic president would magically end the pandemic is also misleading, as COVID-19 will continue to be a concern even after a new president takes office. Additionally, the blame game and morally disgusting narratives, such as those spread by the Lincoln Project, do not contribute to productive discourse or solutions. It's essential to focus on facts and evidence-based information to navigate the complexities of the pandemic and hold leaders accountable for their actions.

    • Debate on COVID-19 pandemic strategies continuesExperts have different opinions on managing the COVID-19 pandemic, with some advocating for protecting the elderly and allowing young people to build herd immunity through natural infection or vaccination.

      The debate on handling the COVID-19 pandemic continues, with different opinions coming from various experts. Joe Biden criticized Scott Atlas, a doctor from Stanford and Hoover Institution, for speaking outside his purview on the pandemic. However, it's important to note that Biden himself is not an epidemiologist. The Great Barrington Declaration, which advocates for protecting the elderly and allowing young people to build herd immunity, has been downgraded by tech companies. Herd immunity is a natural outcome when a certain percentage of a population becomes immune, either through infection or vaccination. The Great Barrington Declaration proposes a strategy to pursue herd immunity at a faster clip by allowing young people to get the virus and isolate from older populations. This strategy, known as the controlled avalanche strategy, was also suggested by experts in April. While some politicians and media outlets criticize the idea of herd immunity, it's important to consider different perspectives and strategies to manage the pandemic. Employers looking to hire qualified candidates can use ZipRecruiter to streamline their hiring process.

    • The debate over COVID-19 restrictions and strategiesJoe Biden criticizes Dr. Scott Atlas for advocating young people to live normally while protecting the elderly. Younger people are less affected, but mask effectiveness varies, and finding a balance between public health and individual freedoms is key.

      The debate over COVID-19 restrictions and mitigation strategies continues, with differing opinions on the role of lockdowns, mask mandates, and herd immunity. Joe Biden has criticized Dr. Scott Atlas for advocating for younger people to go about their normal lives while protecting the elderly. However, many argue that young people are less likely to be hospitalized or severely affected by the virus, and they will continue to engage in normal activities regardless of restrictions. Additionally, the effectiveness of masks varies, with cloth masks being the least effective and N95 masks offering the greatest protection. The debate over mask mandates and enforcement continues, with some arguing that mandates would be more effective than relying on individual compliance. Ultimately, finding a balanced approach to managing the pandemic that considers both public health and individual freedoms remains a challenge.

    • New COVID-19 safety guidelines in California limit private gatherings and mandate outdoor eventsCalifornia's new COVID-19 guidelines restrict private gatherings to three households and mandate outdoor events for two hours or less, but critics question their effectiveness and feasibility, and concerns have been raised about enforcement and personal freedoms. The guidelines also require face coverings and restrict activities like singing and chanting.

      During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, new safety guidelines have been issued by California Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Public Health, limiting private gatherings to no more than three households, including hosts and guests, and mandating they be held outdoors for two hours or less. This is due to the increased risk of transmission when people from different households mix. However, critics question the effectiveness and feasibility of these strict rules, and concerns have been raised about potential enforcement and infringement on personal freedoms. The guidelines also include requirements for face coverings and restrictions on activities such as singing and chanting. Despite these measures, California currently holds the record for the most confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States, with over 855,000 cases, despite massive lockdown restrictions. The focus on COVID-19 control being predicated on the notion that flipping a switch will make it go away, and that switch being President Trump, has been criticized as a simplistic and ineffective approach.

    • Understanding Self-Defense and Legal Rights Amidst the 2020 Presidential RacePrioritize self-defense and family protection, learn legal rights, and stay informed during the 2020 presidential election with resources like the USCCA's guide and Ben Shapiro's book.

      The 2020 presidential race is heating up with Joe Biden continuing to surge in the polls despite limited media appearances. However, it's important for individuals to prioritize their self-defense and understand their legal rights, especially in a potentially unfair legal system. The USCCA's free Complete Concealed Carry and Family Defense Guide is a valuable resource for learning how to protect oneself and one's family. Meanwhile, the philosophical differences in the United States are coming to a head, with some in the Democratic party challenging the negative rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. The upcoming presidential election is expected to be a significant turning point, and it's crucial for individuals to be informed and prepared. Ben Shapiro's book, "How to Destroy America in 3 Easy Steps," offers insights into the importance of the US Constitution and American history, serving as a primer for potential resistance if Joe Biden wins the election. The Daily Wire will provide extensive coverage of the election, with a livestream starting on November 3rd.

    • Political use of COVID-19 for avoiding scrutinyThe COVID-19 pandemic is being used as a political tool to divert attention from issues regarding Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's fitness for office, with inconsistent media coverage and lack of transparency from the campaign.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has become a political tool for avoiding scrutiny of candidates, particularly Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Members of the Daily Wire are encouraged to join and access exclusive content, including live broadcasts and merchandise. The speaker criticized the media for their inconsistent coverage of COVID-19 cases in political offices, with no repercussions for Democrats, while suggesting stricter measures for Republicans. The speaker also highlighted the lack of transparency from the Biden-Harris campaign, with Harris avoiding press conferences. The focus on COVID-19 allows the media to avoid discussing issues regarding Biden's fitness for office. The speaker emphasized that while taking precautions can reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19, nothing is foolproof, and the media's coverage of the pandemic is biased and partisan. The speaker also discussed the Hunter Biden and Joe Biden connection to CEFC China, but urged caution in interpreting the information and emphasized the importance of factual reporting.

    • Joe Biden's family business dealings during his tenure as Vice President raised concernsJoe Biden's family had business dealings with foreign entities during his time as Vice President, which raised concerns of influence peddling, despite Biden's claim of ignorance

      During Joe Biden's tenure as Vice President, his son Hunter and brother James were involved in business dealings with foreign entities, including CEFC China Energy, which raised concerns of influence peddling. The deal, which aimed to trade oil futures and secure rights to overseas oil fields, reportedly targeted countries where Joe Biden had previously been involved as Vice President. While Joe Biden maintains he was unaware of these dealings and never received any money, the New York Times reported that the documents suggest his proximity to power may have played a role in the joint venture. The standard for reporting such stories, according to Tom Cotton, should not be the inability to corroborate every piece of evidence, as was the case with the Russian collusion hoax. However, the lack of a full accounting from Joe Biden regarding his family's business dealings during his time in office continues to be a significant issue.

    • Media's shifting standards during 2020 presidential campaignMedia's bias towards Democratic nominee Joe Biden allows him to dismiss allegations against his son and avoid addressing gaffes and lack of clear plan, potentially impacting election outcome.

      During the final days of the 2020 presidential campaign, the media's standards for reporting on controversial topics have shifted dramatically. The Hunter Biden story, which involves allegations of corruption and potential Russian involvement, is being treated as Russian disinformation despite evidence to the contrary. This double standard allows Democratic nominee Joe Biden to dismiss questions about his son and avoid addressing his gaffes and lack of a clear plan. The media's reluctance to cover the story has also allowed Biden to portray himself as the victim of Trump's attacks, rather than addressing the substance of the allegations. The shifting standards have raised concerns about media bias and the potential impact on the election. It's important to remember that transparency and factual reporting are essential for a healthy democracy.

    • Political Charges and Corporate Involvement in the US ElectionThe US election is highly charged and polarized, with accusations of voter fraud, political labels, and corporations expressing political views, sparking controversy and accusations of bias.

      The political discourse in the United States has become highly charged and polarized, with accusations of voter fraud, labels of socialism and progressivism, and corporations wading into the political arena. Kamala Harris, the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee, was seen laughing off questions about her political labels on 60 Minutes, while accusations of voter fraud have been made without evidence. Social media and corporations have become increasingly vocal in their support for Joe Biden, with some companies even sending emails to customers urging them to vote for the Democratic nominee. However, this has sparked controversy and accusations of virtue signaling and political bias. The political climate has become so divisive that even seemingly neutral actions, such as corporations expressing political views, can spark intense reactions. The stakes are high in this election, with some arguing that anything less than a vote for Biden is a threat to democracy itself. At the same time, there are concerns about potential power grabs, such as packing the Supreme Court or eliminating the filibuster, which could shift the political landscape significantly. Overall, the political landscape is complex and contentious, with both sides digging in their heels and making their positions known.

    • The Importance of Voting in the US Presidential ElectionNot voting in the US presidential election threatens democracy, as it could lead to significant damage and a referendum on elected officials' power. Policies are needed to prevent voter suppression and limit the spread of extremist views online.

      The choice not to vote in the upcoming US presidential election is seen as a threat to democracy. The speaker argues that democracy is essential for a functioning society and economy, and that the potential re-election of Donald Trump could cause significant damage. He emphasizes that this election is not just about normal issues, but a referendum on the limits of elected officials' power. The speaker also touches upon the issue of voter suppression and the role of social media in shaping public discourse. He suggests that there should be policies in place to prevent the spread of extremist views online. Overall, the speaker encourages everyone to take the election seriously and to vote for the candidate they believe in to protect democracy.

    • Debate over political bias in social media companiesConcerns over political bias in social media companies continue, with some accusing them of interfering in elections by limiting or censoring content, while others argue little evidence exists. Media reporting on bias can create a feedback loop, potentially downgrading conservative content due to lower publisher numbers and higher engagement rates.

      There is ongoing debate about perceived political bias in social media companies and their handling of content, particularly during the election season. Some argue that these companies are interfering in the election by limiting or censoring certain content, while others claim there is little evidence of systematic bias. The discussion also touched upon the feedback loop created by media outlets reporting on social media bias, leading to accusations of downgrading conservative content. However, it's important to note that the number of right-wing publishers is significantly lower than left-wing publishers, resulting in higher engagement rates for right-wing content due to supply and demand dynamics. Ultimately, the issue remains complex and nuanced, with valid concerns on both sides.

    • Suppressing conservative voices and narrativesPersistent efforts to silence conservative voices are justified under the guise of misinformation or censorship, but these criticisms are often hypocritical as left-leaning figures engage in similar behavior.

      There's a persistent effort from certain quarters to suppress conservative voices and narratives, often using allegations of misinformation or censorship as justifications. This was discussed in relation to conservative news sites and social media, with examples given of accusations of voter fraud misinformation and calls for censorship. The speaker also pointed out the hypocrisy of these criticisms, as left-leaning outlets and figures are often guilty of similar behavior. The conversation also touched on the role of cultural icons like Sacha Baron Cohen in shaping narratives and promoting censorship, despite his own history of controversial content. Ultimately, it seems that the issue is not about misinformation or censorship per se, but rather about the selective application of these concepts to serve political agendas.

    • A generational battle for control over informationPowerful forces are trying to suppress opposing viewpoints and limit access to information, using technology, corporate power, and social media to enforce their stance, in a long-term cultural battle.

      We are witnessing a cultural battle over the dissemination of information and the right to access it. Some are using their power to suppress opposing viewpoints and change the standards to freeze their opponents in place. This is not just about the current election or tax rates, but a generational battle for control over information and the ability to label those who disagree as "evil" and suppress them. The media and cultural elites have declared that certain material should not be accessible and have employed technology, corporate America, and social media to enforce their stance. This battle will continue long beyond the current election.

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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

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    Jeff Peel, Editor Of The New Era Discusses Covid, WEF, Politics, Freedom And More

    Jeff Peel, Editor Of The New Era Discusses Covid, WEF, Politics, Freedom And More

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    About this interview:

    Jeffrey Peel is editor of The New Era and is a businessman, writer and political commentator. Jeff has been involved in the 'resistance' to flawed anti-freedom Covid policies since the earliest days of lockdown and has collaborated with many of the leading spokespeople against encroaching government authoritarianism. He was an early member of HART and Pandata. Jeff was previously involved in Conservative Party politics - and has written widely for Conservative titles. Prior to March 2020 he was a regular commentator on mainstream media - but was quickly de-platformed when he expressed his views about the coercion and control associated with Covid response. Jeff's substack, The New Era, has thousands of subscribers and he has interviewed many of the movers and shakers in the liberty movement on both sides of the Atlantic. In this podcast we talk about a range of topics, from COVID, WEF, Politics, freedom and so much more. ​ Links - Website
    ⁠The New Era Twitter
    Jeffrey Peel Enjoy and love to you all x About Doc Malik: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.

    You can follow us on social media, we are on the following platforms: 
    ⁠Twitter Ahmad⁠ | ⁠Twitter Podcast⁠ | ⁠Instagram Ahmad⁠ | ⁠Instagram Podcast

    Averting a Clean Energy Recession

    Averting a Clean Energy Recession

    The 2020 election is crawling forward amid the coronavirus pandemic. Former Vice President Joe Biden has become the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party, with Senator Bernie Sanders announcing his withdrawal from the race.

    With the primary settled, the next question is: can Biden win over Bernie’s climate supporters? And how much do these supporters matter?

    Speaking of support, clean energy stakeholders say they're in dire need of government help. Industry researchers project that the clean energy sector could lose more than a half million jobs — or 15 percent of its total workforce — in the coming months if no additional policy actions are taken by Congress.

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    We discuss on this week’s episode of Political Climate.

    Recommended reading:

    • Axios: Biden and Sanders vow joint climate work as part of endorsement
    • NYT: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Has Never Spoken to Joe Biden. Here’s What She Would Say
    • GTM: Virginia Mandates 100% Clean Power by 2045
    • The Atlantic: Coronavirus Killed the Policy Primary
    • E2: 106,000 Jobs in Clean Energy Lost in March Due to COVID-19 Economic Crisis

    Political Climate is produced in partnership with the USC Schwarzenegger Institute. Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play or wherever you get podcasts!

    This episode is brought to you by the nonprofit environmental forum EarthX. The Earthx2020 Conference and Film Festival will be held virtually from April 22-27 to mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Find more information at www.earthx.org!

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