
    Ep. 1147 - When Ladies Play Football

    enDecember 01, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Media double standard on COVID rules for DemocratsBen Shapiro criticized media for inconsistent coverage of COVID rule violations by Democrats and past aggressive stance against Trump, encouraged diversifying investments, and criticized The New York Times for bias.

      There is a perceived double standard when it comes to media coverage, specifically regarding Democratic politicians and COVID rules. Ben Shapiro expressed frustration over the media's defense of Joe Biden while ignoring COVID rule violations and their previous aggressive stance against former President Trump. Additionally, Shapiro encouraged listeners to diversify their investments, including precious metals, due to economic uncertainty. He also criticized The New York Times for their perceived bias and lack of trustworthiness among Republicans. Shapiro emphasized the importance of being transparent about one's political stance and audience demographics.

    • Media outlets have political biasesMany mainstream media outlets present as objective but have clear political biases, which can mislead the public and create a distorted understanding of the world. Seek out diverse perspectives to form a well-informed opinion.

      Many mainstream media outlets, such as The New York Times, present themselves as objective news sources, but in reality, they have a clear political bias. This bias is not only held by the journalists, but also embraced by their audience. The notion that their opinions are the absolute truth is flattering to both parties. However, it's important to recognize that these media outlets are not objective, and their journalists do not hold diverse political viewpoints. Instead, they often promote a particular agenda, which can be seen in their coverage of various issues. For instance, The New York Times ran a piece glorifying young heirs who want to give away their wealth and live a life against capitalism, while dismissing the hard work and voluntary transactions that created that wealth in the first place. This kind of biased reporting can mislead the public and create a distorted understanding of the world. Therefore, it's crucial to be aware of media bias and seek out diverse perspectives to form a well-informed opinion.

    • Young People's Perspective on Inheritance and Economic InequalityYoung people, including trust fund kids and self-proclaimed socialists, are using their inheritances to challenge economic inequality and capitalism, with a growing wealth gap fueling a resurgence of left-wing politics. Critics argue for the importance of traditional American values in the debate.

      The extreme wealth concentration in the hands of a few, like that of millennial heir Dan Jacobs, is seen as a moral and economic failure by some young people, who aim to use their inheritances to fight against economic inequality and capitalism. Jacobs, a trust fund kid and self-proclaimed socialist, plans to put his fortune towards ending systems that accumulate wealth for the elite. The wealth transfer between generations is expected to reach unprecedented levels, with tens of trillions of dollars passing between baby boomers and millennials. However, most millennials are receiving a much smaller inheritance, and the growing wealth gap has fueled a resurgence of left-wing politics. Rachel Gelman, a 30-year-old anti-capitalist activist, is one of many young people grappling with how to use their privilege to help the 99%. Despite the challenges, they remain committed to using their resources to make a positive impact. Meanwhile, critics argue that the media's portrayal of wealth and capitalism is biased, and that traditional American values of free markets and individual rights are being overlooked. Regardless of one's perspective, myphoto.com offers a simple solution for creating personal and special gifts for loved ones this holiday season.

    • Media bias in political controversiesMedia often focuses on partisan politics rather than actions, making it hard for public to understand context of controversies. E.g., Neera Tanden's nomination.

      The media's coverage of political controversies can be biased, focusing on partisan politics rather than partisan actions. In the case of Neera Tanden, the headlines and initial reporting on her nomination to lead the White House budget office focused on Republican opposition, rather than her own controversial statements and actions. This pattern of reporting, where the media focuses on partisan infighting rather than the substance of the issues, can make it difficult for the public to fully understand the context and significance of political controversies. Additionally, the ease and affordability of photo products from myphoto.com, as described by the speaker, makes it an appealing option for creating personalized and meaningful keepsakes.

    • Melania Trump's Christmas decorations draw attentionThe Washington Post article explores Melania Trump's unique Christmas decorating style, sparking discussion about distractions and holiday traditions

      While The Washington Post covers various topics, the focus on Melania Trump's White House Christmas decorations has drawn significant attention. The article, titled "Everything we needed to know about Melania Trump is in those bewildering Christmas decorations," delves into the first lady's decorating style without mentioning ongoing controversies such as the sexual harassment allegations against Neera Tanden or Melania Trump's controversial social media presence. Instead, the article provides a detailed description of the decorations, highlighting elements like roses, white lights, and ornaments, as well as more unique pieces like airplanes and speed boats. The piece has sparked discussion, with some viewing it as a distraction from more pressing issues, while others appreciate the focus on holiday traditions. Meanwhile, The Daily Beast offers coverage of Joe Biden's pets, featuring an interview with a pet psychic. This contrast in coverage highlights the diverse range of topics media outlets choose to explore.

    • Pet Psychic Shares Insights on Biden's DogsAn article revealed a pet psychic's claims about Biden's dogs' excitement for the White House and Biden's bond with them, sparking debates on the relevance and importance of such coverage and Biden's agenda on appointments.

      The Daily Beast published an extensive article about a pet psychic's telepathic communication with President-elect Joe Biden's dogs, Champ and Major. The dogs reportedly expressed their excitement about moving to the White House, Biden's bond with them, and his ongoing issues with Donald Trump. Critics argue that such coverage is sycophantic and unnecessary, especially considering the Biden administration's leaks and agenda. Meanwhile, Biden's agenda includes appointing individuals based on exterior characteristics, such as race and gender, which has sparked controversy and debate. The validity and importance of this type of journalism and political appointment strategy remain open to interpretation.

    • The inconsistency in the left's stance on genderThe inconsistent views on gender within the left can create confusion and hinder progress towards gender equality, emphasizing the importance of clear definitions and logical consistency.

      The concept of gender and its definition continues to be a topic of debate and fluidity in contemporary society, with some arguing for the social construct nature of gender and others emphasizing its biological basis. The discussion highlighted the inconsistency in the left's stance on gender, with some advocating for women's empowerment and the importance of having a female Secretary of Defense, while others denying the relevance of gender entirely. This inconsistency can create confusion and undermine the progress made towards gender equality. The importance of logical consistency and clear definitions in societal discussions and policies cannot be overstated. The ongoing debate on gender and its definition underscores the need for continued dialogue and understanding to ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

    • The disconnect between perceived notions of violence and choice in gender identity and biological sexLeft-wing circles accept gender as a social construct but view labeling an unborn baby's sex as violent while terminating the pregnancy as a choice, creating inconsistency in society and the need for careful consideration of these complex issues.

      There is a disconnect between the perceived notions of violence and choice when it comes to gender identity and biological sex. According to Charles Blow, labeling an unborn baby based on its sex is considered violent, while physically terminating the pregnancy is seen as a choice. However, the idea that gender is a social construct and not connected to biological sex is widely accepted in left-wing circles, despite evidence to the contrary. This contradiction is present in various aspects of society, including politics and health websites. The reduction of womanhood to just genitalia and the demand for a female secretary of defense exemplify this inconsistency. The true understanding of these complex issues requires careful consideration and an acknowledgement of the interconnectedness of gender and biology.

    • Jason Waller's inspiring story and gender debateDespite challenges, believe in self and work hard for success. Understand nuances of diverse perspectives.

      Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks in his life, Jason Waller, a successful entrepreneur and the host of the True Underdog podcast, encourages listeners to keep pushing forward and believing in themselves. He shares his experiences and lessons learned from building three companies, emphasizing that success is achieved through hard work and determination, not through an "elevator" or easy shortcuts. Simultaneously, in a different context, there is a conflicting narrative on the left, which holds that gender is both a social construct and deeply important in certain contexts, such as competitive sports. This paradoxical stance on gender highlights the importance of understanding the nuances of various perspectives and being open to diverse viewpoints. Overall, Waller's inspiring story and the intriguing gender debate serve as reminders that resilience, self-belief, and critical thinking are essential for personal growth and navigating complex issues in today's world. Tune in to the True Underdog podcast or join the Daily Wire community to learn more from these thought-provoking discussions.

    • Acknowledging Sarah Fuller's achievement, but recognizing it's not the same as a man'sWomen's accomplishments should be celebrated in all areas, not just those that mimic men's, and media coverage should avoid overshadowing other groundbreaking achievements.

      Sarah Fuller's achievement of kicking the ball off in a major conference football game as the first woman to do so is significant, but it's important to acknowledge that it's not the same as a man's performance in the same sport. Her soccer skills are impressive in their own right, and the media coverage of her football appearance, fueled by affirmative action, can overshadow the groundbreaking accomplishments of women in other fields, such as medicine or leadership. The real progress lies in recognizing and celebrating women's achievements in all areas, not just those that mimic or compare to men's.

    • First woman to score in Power Five football gameSarah Fuller made history as first female to score in Power Five football game, emphasizing team spirit and inspiring teammates despite controversy

      Sarah Fuller made history as the first woman to play and score in a Power Five college football game, making a 50-yard punt return for a touchdown against Missouri. Her achievements were met with controversy as some criticized the focus on her gender, arguing that it diminished her accomplishments by implying she wasn't on the same level as male players. However, Fuller herself emphasized the importance of team spirit and cheering each other on, giving a halftime speech to her teammates to encourage them to do so. Despite some criticism, Fuller's impact on the game and her team's morale was significant, and she hopes to have gained their respect. Additionally, it was noted that she had practiced all week and her longest field goal attempt was 38 yards. While her achievements were impressive, it's important to remember that she was competing against male players in a traditionally male-dominated sport, making her accomplishments even more noteworthy.

    • Coaching approaches for women in sports differ from men'sCoaches should tailor their motivational tactics to women's unique needs, using supportive and collaborative approaches, and considering tone and asking for input.

      Coaching approaches for women in sports, particularly in high-pressure situations, can differ significantly from those for men. The Vanderbilt football coach's decision to let his kicker make her own choices and feel comfortable in her kicks is a prime example of this. On the other hand, traditional motivational tactics used with men, such as intense halftime speeches, might not be as effective with women. UNC women's soccer coach Anson Dorrance, who has coached both men and women, emphasizes the importance of tone and asking for their thoughts when addressing women's teams. These differences underscore the reality of distinct motivational needs between men and women in competitive environments.

    • Challenging Stereotypes and Demanding EvidenceIn sports and politics, it's essential to challenge outdated stereotypes and demand factual evidence to promote fairness, accuracy, and unity.

      Gender stereotypes and ideologies continue to create unnecessary division and confusion, even in the context of sports and politics. In the sports discussion, the assumption that a woman's role is to lecture and "turn around" a male team is outdated and inaccurate. Meanwhile, in politics, the certification of election results in Arizona was met with criticism and accusations of voter fraud, despite the state's strong election laws and procedures. These incidents highlight the importance of facts and evidence over speculation and ideology. In the case of the Arizona election, Governor Doug Ducey followed the law and emphasized the need for credible challenges with actual evidence if there is to be any change in the results. Overall, it's crucial to challenge stereotypes and demand evidence in both sports and politics to promote fairness, accuracy, and unity.

    • Race for Presidency and COVID-19 Vaccine ProgressDonald Trump's presidency remains uncertain, but progress on COVID-19 vaccines offers hope: Moderna's vaccine, which has shown 100% effectiveness, could protect 20 million people by year-end. FDA approval and distribution to follow.

      The race for the presidency is still uncertain for Donald Trump, as he needs to win Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania to secure the election. Meanwhile, encouraging news on the COVID-19 front: Two vaccines are heading to the FDA for review, and if approved, millions of doses could be distributed within days. The Moderna vaccine, which has shown 100% effectiveness in lowering the severity of the disease, could protect 20 million people by the end of the year. The vaccines are expected to start shipping within 24 hours of FDA approval, and distribution will be handled by nursing homes, hospitals, and pharmacies. This is an unprecedented accomplishment, considering the pandemic hit the US shores 10 months ago. Additionally, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the NIAID, thinks it's a good idea for kids to go back to school. However, it's important to note that Fauci's stance on school reopenings has been inconsistent since March.

    • Public officials and media should not be the sole sources of information during a crisisDuring a crisis, look at scientific data and consult multiple sources for accurate information. Unnecessary restrictions based on fear can cause economic and mental health issues.

      Public officials, including elected ones, should not be the sole source of information or guidance during a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic. The inconsistency and panic created by some officials have led to unnecessary lockdowns and business closures, causing economic and mental health issues for many. Furthermore, the media has not done a good job of providing accurate information, leading to misunderstandings and fear. It's essential to look at scientific data and consult multiple sources to make informed decisions. For instance, the data shows that children under 18 have not contributed significantly to COVID-19 deaths, and outdoor dining is not a significant vector of transmission. Therefore, locking down outdoor dining or other unnecessary restrictions does more harm than good. It's crucial to approach information critically and make decisions based on facts rather than fear.

    • Public figures' personal COVID-19 guideline breachesDespite urging public adherence to COVID-19 guidelines, some officials and public figures have faced criticism for not following their own rules, potentially blurring the line between personal and public conduct.

      Public figures and officials, including mayors and governors, have faced criticism for not following their own COVID-19 guidelines during the holiday season and in their personal lives. For instance, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo held a private Thanksgiving dinner with an unknown number of guests, potentially breaking health protocols. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles County, federal relief funds meant for struggling Californians were used to fund no-bid contracts with PR firms that hired celebrity influencers to spread coronavirus messaging on social media. Additionally, some public figures, like LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, have been seen dining outdoors or holding indoor gatherings despite restrictions. These incidents highlight the blurred line between personal and public conduct and the importance of accountability and transparency during the ongoing pandemic.

    • Governor Cuomo and aids ignore mask guidelines, China's mishandling of COVID-19 revealedTransparency and adherence to guidelines during crises are crucial to prevent further spread and misinformation

      During a press conference, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his top aids were not wearing masks despite CDC warnings about possible transmission at distances greater than 6 feet. Meanwhile, CNN released leaked documents revealing China's mishandling of the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak, which showed numerous inconsistencies between what authorities believed internally and what was revealed to the public. The documents also highlighted the inflexible healthcare system in China that was ill-equipped to deal with the crisis. These instances underscore the importance of transparency and adherence to guidelines during crises to prevent further spread and misinformation.

    • Politicizing the COVID-19 pandemicDuring crises, it's crucial for accurate and unbiased reporting to prevent confusion and misinformation. Be aware of biases and seek reliable sources.

      During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a significant effort from certain sources, including China and CNN, to politicize the virus and blame then-President Trump. Now, after the election, the focus has shifted back to the origins of the virus, with it being referred to as the Wuhan flu once again. It's important to note that accurate and unbiased reporting is crucial during times of crisis, and politicizing the situation only serves to confuse and misinform the public. Additionally, Andrew Klavan, host of The Andrew Klavan Show, discusses how the news industry has become an "empire of lies," taken over by the upper classes who prioritize their own agendas over truth and accuracy. It's essential to be aware of these biases and seek out reliable sources for information.

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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    Bishop WC Martin is an American pastor, author, adoption advocate, and the inspiration for the upcoming Angel Studios film, The Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, releasing in partnership with DailyWire+. As the pastor of Bennett Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Possum Trot, Texas, Bishop Martin and his wife Donna adopted 4 children and persuaded their entire community to do the same. Ultimately, 77 children were adopted into 22 loving families in their small Texas town. In today’s episode, Bishop Martin and I discuss the problems within the current foster care system and the role of the church in successful adoption stories. Bishop Martin also shares personal anecdotes about raising his adopted children and a few behind-the-scenes moments from the making of the movie. Don’t miss this heartening conversation about family and faith on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

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    The Backlash is Coming (Ep 1296)

    The Backlash is Coming (Ep 1296)
    In this episode, I address the explosive backlash brewing against the radical leftist destruction of the Republic. I also address the media’s purposeful coronavirus hysteria campaign. We give you the facts, not hysteria. We also discuss the disgusting attacks on the St. Louis couple who defended their home against a violent mob.  News Picks: AOC says the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard about the crime wave in New York City.  Ridiculous! Warrants are served on the home of the St Louis residents who defended themselves against the BLM mob. The CEO of Goya tells cancel culture to stick it up their cabooses! Airport Hangar rallies for Trump? This is a great idea. USA Today attacks Trump and humiliates itself, again! The Democrats are losing their minds over the Roger Stone commutation.  These attacks on the police are getting people killed. This FBI employee was a key player in the Spygate scandal and he deserves more scrutiny.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 1089 - The Problem With Politics

    Ep. 1089 - The Problem With Politics

    The Biden campaign rolls into Kenosha; the American Psychological Association condemns capitalism and American institutions; and The Atlantic alleges that Trump mocked dead American soldiers.

    Get your copy of "How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps" here: https://utm.io/uHjV

    If you like The Ben Shapiro Show, become a member TODAY with promo code: SHAPIRO and enjoy the exclusive benefits for 10% off at https://www.dailywire.com/shapiro

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    Mind Blowing Video Captured At The Border (Ep 1487)

    Mind Blowing Video Captured At The Border (Ep 1487)
    In this episode, I compare the very real chaos of the Biden administration, with the media-driven fake chaos of the Trump administration. I use video and media reports to prove the case and debunk the rhetoric. I also address the Hunter Biden/Secret Service story using information I received from a source.  News Picks: Two teen girls charged with murder in carjacking death of Uber Eats driver.  A must-read explanation of the coming debt crisis. Yes, your taxes are going up. Thank Joe Biden. The Hunter Biden - Secret Service story discussed in the show today. Troubling video from the growing crisis at the border. President Trump is headed to the border. Two weeks after Texas reopened and dropped the mask mandate, COVID cases are dropping.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 1123 - Using Covid To Take Down Trump

    Ep. 1123 - Using Covid To Take Down Trump

    White House chief of staff Mark Meadows says the United States can’t control the pandemic; Gavin Newsom rolls out insane new Thanksgiving restrictions; and the Left tries to manipulate social media into censoring conservatives.

    Get your copy of "How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps" here: https://utm.io/uHjV

    If you like The Ben Shapiro Show, become a member TODAY with promo code: SHAPIRO and enjoy the exclusive benefits for 10% off at https://www.dailywire.com/shapiro

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    A Fight for America Part 1: The Trump Campaign w/ Donald Trump Jr.

    A Fight for America  Part 1: The Trump Campaign w/ Donald Trump Jr.
    This race for the presidency is one of the MOST polarized elections in modern American history... and as voters, WE get to be "in the room where it happens!" And as with all huge decisions comes GREAT responsibility. Over the next few weeks, as Trump and Biden go head to head, I'm sitting down with the top 2 rising stars from each side of the political spectrum, Donald Trump Jr. (R) and Andrew Yang (D). MY JOB IN BOTH INTERVIEWS IS TO ASK HARD QUESTIONS! IM NOT POLITICAL, I HAVE NO AGENDA. I ASK DIFFICULT QUESTIONS ABOUT TRUMP (and his philosophies )AND NEXT WEEK I WILL DO THE SAME W BIDEN! Too often we put blinders on and don't ever hear the story from the other side of the room. We watch only our favorite new stations, get fed social media content that the algorithm knows we want to see, and the truth becomes a one-sided conversation. The Maxout Community is better than that! We are independent thinkers. We value diversity and encourage insight from those who think differently. We allow ourselves to be CHALLENGED... which allows us to GROW! I do myself no favors by releasing these interviews but it's not about ME... it's about delivering unfiltered information so YOU can be fully equipped to VOTE based on the FACTS and make the BEST decision not just for you, but for your family and for the United States. My first guest, Donald Trump Jr. is the eldest son of President Trump. He currently serves as a trustee and executive vice president of the Trump Organization and is an active member of the Trump campaign. From President Trump's controversial tweets to their stance on Black Lives Matter and police brutality, we're covering it all! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices