
    SNL Crowd Goes Silent as Woody Harrelson Goes Off-Script on COVID | Direct Message | Rubin Report

    enFebruary 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Woody Harrelson's Unconventional SNL AppearanceWoody Harrelson used SNL to discuss COVID, vaccines, cartels, government, media, and corporations, aligning with Rubin Report's perspectives. Promoted MOINK, a company delivering sustainable meat, using code 'rubin' for a free filet mignon.

      During a recent episode of The Rubin Report, Erin Rubin discussed the unexpected appearance of Woody Harrelson on Saturday Night Live, which has become known for its left-leaning content in recent years. Harrelson used the platform to discuss topics like COVID, vaccines, cartels, government, media, and multinational corporations, offering perspectives that aligned with those often discussed on The Rubin Report. Erin also took a moment to promote MOINK, a company that delivers grass-fed and grass-finished meat, pastured pork, and sustainable wild-caught salmon directly to consumers. He encouraged viewers to support American farming by signing up for MOINK's service and using the code "rubin" to receive a free filet mignon in every order for a year. Overall, the Woody Harrelson appearance on SNL served as an interesting contrast to the show's usual content and provided a platform for discussing important issues.

    • Media manipulation for powerThe entertainment industry may allow controversial content to control narrative and maintain power, making fringe ideas seem mainstream while keeping the status quo intact.

      The entertainment industry, including NBC and Saturday Night Live, may allow controversial or seemingly conspiracy theory-laden content on their platforms as a way to control the narrative and maintain their power. Woody Harrelson's monologue about drug cartels buying up media and politicians, and the subsequent allowance of such content on SNL, can be seen as an example of this. Harrelson's past criticisms of government and pharma collusion, and his skepticism towards their motives, further emphasizes the point that those in power may manipulate information and public opinion for their own gain. The audience's confusion and approval of Harrelson's monologue on SNL also highlights the effectiveness of this strategy, as it can make fringe ideas appear more mainstream while keeping the status quo intact. Ultimately, it's important to be aware of the potential manipulation and consider the motivations behind the information we consume.

    • Woody Harrelson's SNL monologue questioned big government and big pharma's interests in public healthThe media's labeling of individuals who question mainstream narratives as 'anti-vaxxers' or 'conspiracy theorists' highlights the importance of staying informed and questioning dominant narratives, as recent developments have shown that these individuals may be vindicated over time.

      Woody Harrelson's monologue on SNL raised valid concerns about the interests of big government and big pharma in relation to public health. Harrelson's questioning of the system was met with backlash from mainstream media outlets, who labeled him as an "anti-vaxxer" and "conspiracy theorist." However, his points about the coordination of media headlines and the suppression of alternative narratives highlight the power and influence of the media as a cartel. Furthermore, recent developments, such as the US Energy Department's conclusion that the COVID-19 pandemic most likely originated from a laboratory leak, vindicate those who were labeled as conspiracy theorists for entertaining this idea in the past. The media's treatment of these individuals serves as a reminder of the importance of questioning mainstream narratives and staying informed.

    • Theories about COVID-19's origin and the role of the NIH and Fact Checker UnitNew evidence suggests NIH funded bat coronavirus research at Wuhan Institute, contradicting previous denials by Fact Checker Unit and Fauci

      During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were numerous theories circulating about the origin of the virus, including the possibility of a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The Washington Post's Fact Checker Unit, led by Glenn Kessler, dismissed this theory, giving it a "Pinocchios" rating for Ted Cruz, who had brought it up. However, more recent revelations have shown that the NIH did fund research at the Wuhan Institute involving bat coronaviruses, and an experiment there may have resulted in a bat coronavirus becoming more contagious to humans. Fauci, the head of the NIH, had previously denied under oath that the NIH funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute. The inconsistency between Fauci's statements and the available evidence raises questions about the accuracy of the information provided by the Fact Checker Unit and the NIH during this critical time.

    • Political Landscape: Challenges and ControversiesThe political landscape is complex with ongoing debates over COVID-19, foreign policy, and media. The Republican Party is challenging figures like Dr. Fauci, while concerns about wars and the US dollar are raised. The situation in Ukraine is escalating, with calls for continued American support, but some argue for transparency and accountability.

      The political landscape is complex and contentious, particularly when it comes to issues surrounding COVID-19, foreign policy, and the role of media. The Republican Party is currently challenging figures like Dr. Fauci over alleged lies to Congress, while also raising concerns about ongoing wars and the value of the US dollar. Meanwhile, the situation in Ukraine is escalating, with President Zelensky appealing for continued American support. However, some critics argue that this support comes with no accountability or transparency, and that the media and politicians are driving the narrative towards conflict without proper scrutiny. Ultimately, it's important to remain informed and critical of the information we're being presented, and to demand transparency and accountability from those in power.

    • The complex issue of Russia-Ukraine conflict and US involvementPolitical leaders must be responsible and cautious in dealing with Russia-Ukraine conflict, as the risk of escalation to a third world war is real. Continuing to fund the war may push Russia towards further aggression, and the American public may not want an endless war.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the involvement of the United States, is a complex issue with potentially dangerous consequences. Political leaders need to be responsible and cautious, as the risk of escalation leading to a third world war is real. Some experts argue that continuing to fund the war may be pushing Russia towards further aggression, rather than de-escalation. The American public, dealing with domestic issues and concerns, may not want to continue funding an endless war. It's important for leaders to level with the American people about the unpredictability of the situation and the potential risks involved. Predicting the future is impossible, but understanding the potential consequences of our actions is crucial.

    • Perceived Discrepancy in Resource Allocation between International Conflicts and Domestic IssuesFrustration with lack of explanation or action regarding resource allocation for East Palestine toxic train derailment victims. Call for transparency and accountability from government officials.

      There is a perceived discrepancy between the large amounts of money being spent on international conflicts versus domestic issues, specifically in the context of the East Palestine toxic train derailment. The speaker expresses frustration with the lack of explanation or action regarding the allocation of resources to help those affected by the derailment. Trump's direct approach to the situation and his promise to provide support to the community is contrasted with the perceived inadequacy of the response from government officials. The speaker also criticizes the perceived misuse of taxpayer funds and calls for transparency and accountability from those in power.

    • Biden's Prioritization of International Affairs and Domestic CriticismCritics argue Biden's focus on international issues implies a lack of concern for domestic crises, but swift government response to derailment challenges this narrative. Opponents capitalize on public concerns, while media bias complicates the discussion.

      The discussion revolves around the perception of President Joe Biden's absence during a train derailment in Ohio and his prioritization of international affairs. Critics argue that his focus on Ukraine and other international issues implies a lack of concern for domestic issues and American citizens. However, it was also pointed out that the government's response to the derailment was swift, with various agencies arriving on the scene within hours. Despite this, the narrative persists that Biden does not care about America, providing an opportunity for political opponents like former President Trump to capitalize. The larger issue, as mentioned, is how information is presented to the public through a biased lens, with some media outlets dismissing comparisons between Biden's absence from Ohio and his presence in Ukraine. Ultimately, the debate underscores the importance of balancing international and domestic responsibilities while addressing public concerns effectively.

    • Media bias and the perception of racismThe media's portrayal of racism and the actions of individuals can be influenced by biases. Some argue America has made progress, while others believe more work is needed. The phrase 'Make America Great Again' sparks debate on racism and historical injustices.

      The media's portrayal of events and people can be heavily influenced by their biases, and in this case, the discussion revolves around the perception of racism and the actions of actor Bryan Cranston. Some argue that America has made significant strides in addressing historical injustices, while others believe there is more work to be done. The debate surrounding the phrase "Make America Great Again" and its potential connection to racism was discussed, with some arguing that it excludes certain groups and perpetuates a narrow view of history. Meanwhile, others argue that America is the least racist nation in the world and that the media's portrayal of certain individuals and regions as racist can be harmful and inaccurate. Ultimately, it's important to consider multiple perspectives and to engage in open and respectful dialogue to better understand complex issues.

    • Florida Schools Review Controversial Books, Not Due to Black CharactersFlorida schools review books for potential inclusion of critical race theory and gender queer ideologies, not due to black characters, while maintaining balance between education and individual freedom.

      There is ongoing debate and controversy surrounding the removal or review of certain books in Florida schools, with some claiming it's due to the books having black characters, but this is not the case. The books in question, such as "Sulwe" by Lupita Nyong'o and Vashti Harrison, are not banned statewide, but are being temporarily pulled for review. The real concern is the potential inclusion of critical race theory and gender queer ideologies in education materials. The Biden administration's recent executive order creating a national diversity, equity, and inclusion bureaucracy has raised concerns due to its emphasis on advancing equity, which some argue is counter to the principles of equality enshrined in the founding documents of the United States. The debate highlights the importance of ensuring appropriate educational materials for children while maintaining a balance between individual freedom and state intervention.

    • The Unchecked Growth of Bureaucracy and Government Control: A Threat to Individual FreedomsLimiting government control and bureaucracy is crucial for individual freedoms and the health of the country. Potential leaders like Ron DeSantis aim to reduce bureaucratic control and restore the president's power under Article 2.

      The unchecked growth of bureaucracy and government control, as represented by the hypothetical scenario of Skynet turning on humans and enforcing equity, can be detrimental to individual freedoms and the American experiment. The solution, according to the speaker, is to "starve the beast" by reducing bureaucratic control and getting rid of entrenched bureaucrats who have failed in their duties. Ron DeSantis and other right-leaning politicians are seen as potential leaders in this regard. The speaker also suggests reconstitutionalizing the executive branch under Article 2 to restore the elected president's power and competently explain the executive branch's true powers. Overall, the message is that limiting government control and bureaucracy is essential for individual freedoms and the health of the country.

    • Restoring Constitutional FoundationsTo restore individual freedoms, we need a competent leader who understands the importance of constitutional foundations and can make significant changes, despite facing backlash from the media and big tech.

      The founders of America valued freedom and intended for the government to protect individual rights, not infringe upon them. However, the current administrative state has become unchecked and infringes on people's freedoms. To restore the constitutional foundations, we need a competent leader who understands this and can make significant changes. However, this won't be easy as the media and big tech currently work against this by spreading misinformation and limiting access to the truth. If a leader like DeSantis or Trump were to come into power and dismantle the deep state, they would face backlash from the media, who would label it as fascism or Nazism. To combat this, we need to build new tech and media platforms to spread the truth and educate the public. I am proud to be part of a company like Rumble, which is working towards this goal.

    • Florida Welcomes Rumble: A Tech Company Defending Free SpeechFlorida governor Ron DeSantis welcomes Rumble, a tech company defending free speech, and pledges to protect Floridians' digital rights, while DeSantis and Dan Dicks discuss policy topics and the governor's book release.

      Florida is welcoming tech company Rumble with open arms as they establish their US headquarters in the state. Governor Ron DeSantis congratulated Rumble for standing up for freedom of speech, as he has adopted the platform due to past censorship experiences on Google. DeSantis also pledged to protect Floridians with a digital bill of rights and prohibit government agents from coordinating with big tech to police or censor speech. The governor shared his personal connection to Rumble, as his work in Locals merged with the platform. The Rubin Report's Dan Dicks shared his excitement about interviewing DeSantis and discussed policy topics, including reducing costs for working families. The governor's book release was also mentioned. Overall, the discussion highlights Florida's commitment to defending free speech and individual rights.

    • Join the postgame wrap-up discussion at rubenreport.locals.comEngage in deeper discussions and connect with like-minded individuals after each episode of the Ruben Report

      After each episode of the show, there is an opportunity to join a postgame wrap-up discussion at rubenreport.locals.com. This platform allows for a deeper dive into the topics covered in the show, providing additional insights and perspectives. By joining this community, you can engage with other like-minded individuals, ask questions, and share your own thoughts and experiences related to the show's content. This interactive and collaborative space enhances the overall learning experience and fosters a sense of connection and community among the audience. So, make sure to check it out every day after the show for valuable and meaningful discussions.

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