
    Ep. 1131 - Media Panics Over 'Dangerous' Trad Wife Trend

    enMarch 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Media Focuses on Perceived Trends, Ignores Significant IssuesMedia highlights perceived stay-at-home mom trend while overlooking concerns over personal data sales

      The media is focusing on perceived trends, such as women choosing to be stay-at-home moms, while ignoring more significant issues. The discussion also touched on the concern over tech companies selling personal data without consent. Regarding the stay-at-home mom trend, some view it as a dangerous and perverse new development, while others see it as an ancient and enduring way of life. The left seems particularly alarmed, portraying it as a cutesy TikTok trend. Meanwhile, the sale of personal data, which can be used to target individuals with ads, goes relatively unnoticed. It's essential to be aware of these practices and take steps to protect your privacy online.

    • Trad wives on social media face criticism for promoting regressive ideologiesCritics argue that the trend of Trad wives on social media promotes regressive gender roles, advances a right-wing agenda, and targets young women, while the left's stigmatization of traditional lifestyles is hypocritical.

      The trend of Trad wives, or stay-at-home wives, on social media is being criticized for promoting regressive political ideologies and romanticizing an era of sexism and racism. Critics argue that it's not just about personal choice but a way to advance a right-wing agenda. The trend is particularly concerning because it targets young women and normalizes rigid gender roles in the home, relationships, and economic activity. The left's stigmatization of traditional lifestyles, such as being a stay-at-home mom, is also highlighted as hypocritical, as they shame normalcy while celebrating perversion. The trad wife trend is part of a larger shift of young people being dissatisfied with neoliberalism and wanting social change, but it's important to recognize the potential harm it can cause in reinforcing outdated and harmful gender roles.

    • Seeking Deeper Meaning Beyond PoliticsIndividuals disillusioned with career-focused values seek traditional family life for fulfillment, facing backlash from media fearing conservative agendas.

      The woman in the video represents individuals who are seeking deeper meaning and fulfillment in life beyond political statements. These people are disillusioned with the values they were raised with, which prioritize careers over family and independence over dependence. However, they find themselves lost and unhappy with the results. Those who are turning to traditional values and focusing on their families are not making a political statement, but rather reclaiming a sense of direction and purpose in their lives. The media's fear of Ron DeSantis stems from his effective use of state power to advance a conservative agenda, making him a greater threat than Trump in their eyes. The discussion also highlighted the success of Genucel skincare, offering a solution for those seeking to look younger and more refreshed.

    • Opponents Attack DeSantis Over Minor IssuesDespite attempts to tarnish his image, DeSantis's unconventional behavior and clean record make him an appealing candidate for some voters, undeterred by minor criticisms.

      Ron DeSantis's political opponents are stepping up their attacks. However, these attacks seem to be based on minor issues, such as his aloof persona and unorthodox table manners. For example, reports have circulated that he wasn't well-liked in Congress and that he eats food, including pudding, with his fingers during meetings. While some may view these behaviors as negative, others see them as endearing qualities. The fact that DeSantis isn't a typical politician and doesn't make a lot of friends in political circles is actually appealing to some voters. Additionally, the lack of significant dirt on DeSantis despite extensive investigations suggests that he is a clean and honest public figure. Overall, these attacks are unlikely to damage DeSantis's reputation or his chances in a potential 2024 presidential run.

    • Ron DeSantis' unconventional problem-solving approachDeSantis' ability to get things done, like declassifying COVID origins intelligence, showcases his effective leadership skills, regardless of perceived lack of friendliness or personality.

      Ron DeSantis' ability to get things done, even in the most unconventional ways, makes him an effective leader. The anecdote about him eating pudding with his hands is symbolic of his pragmatic approach to problem-solving. While some may focus on his perceived lack of friendliness or personality, what truly matters is his governance skills. The recent unanimous passing of a bill to declassify COVID origins intelligence in the House and Senate highlights the importance of transparency and accountability. Despite the political motivations behind the vote, it's still a step in the right direction. Ultimately, effective leaders may not always be the most personable or fun to be around, but they know how to wield power and make things happen.

    • Biden Administration Reviews COVID Origins BillThe Biden administration is reviewing the COVID origins intelligence bill, which has already been unanimously passed, and has not yet decided whether to sign it. Some lawmakers are growing frustrated with the delay and urging quick action for political and transparency reasons.

      The Biden administration is considering but has not yet decided whether to sign the COVID origins intelligence bill, despite it being a unanimously passed legislation. Karen Jean Pierre, White House Press Secretary, mentioned that they are still reviewing the bill and will share more information when available. The speaker also expressed frustration over the delay, suggesting that the administration should sign it due to political reasons and transparency. Additionally, Representative Jerry Miller shared a personal story about his grandchild's gender identity and urged lawmakers to vote against a bill that would ban gender transitions for minors. Miller emphasized the importance of allowing parents to protect their children's safety and happiness.

    • Skepticism towards children's gender identity claimsWhile it's important to respect children's self-identified genders, it's also crucial to consider the complexities and nuances behind their claims, rather than making hasty judgments based on limited information.

      The argument against accepting a child's gender identity based on their young age and seemingly incongruent behaviors can be seen as a radical rejection of reality. The speaker expresses skepticism towards the idea that a child's preference for dresses or feminine toys indicates a fundamental identity contradiction. He also criticizes the idea that a child's perceived stupidity or attention-seeking behavior justifies denying their self-identified gender. The speaker's perspective is further illustrated through a discussion of Dylan Mulvaney, a person who gained attention for appearing as a woman on The Price is Right years after being known for their flamboyant behavior as a man. The speaker suggests that Mulvaney's actions may have been driven by a desire for attention rather than a genuine identity shift. However, the speaker's skepticism towards children's gender identity claims should not be taken as an argument against respecting and affirming their identities. Instead, it highlights the importance of considering the complexities and nuances behind these claims, rather than making hasty judgments based on limited information.

    • Discussions and speculations about extraterrestrial life and their possible interaction with EarthPentagon officials suggested the possibility of an artificial interstellar object, theories of UFOs and extraterrestrial life, and ongoing government secrecy surrounding these phenomena.

      There are ongoing discussions and speculations regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life and their possible interaction with Earth. Some people believe that aliens might be visiting our solar system and sending probes, similar to NASA's missions. This theory gained attention after the release of a draft document from Pentagon officials suggesting the possibility of an artificial interstellar object releasing smaller probes. An intriguing example is the cigar-shaped object named 'Oumuamu, detected in 2017, which scientists believe could be of extraterrestrial origin. The Pentagon has been tracking UFOs for decades, and there have been numerous sightings and crashes reported, many of which have been kept secret from the public. Tucker Carlson revealed on a podcast that the federal government has been lying about this for 80 years, but the reasons for this remain unclear. The debate continues as scientists and researchers explore the possibilities and implications of these phenomena.

    • Stanford professor shares UFO encounters with US governmentA professor claims US gov't reached out for UFO expertise, citing incidents at nuclear sites causing traumatic brain injuries, but no definitive proof of extraterrestrial life was presented.

      A tenured Stanford Medical School professor claimed on a podcast that the US government has reached out to him for expertise on cases involving UFOs and servicemen who have been killed or injured after encountering these objects. He asserted that these incidents have occurred at nuclear energy sites and that the victims have suffered from traumatic brain injuries caused by unknown powerful energy. While the conversation did not provide definitive proof of extraterrestrial life, the professor presented compelling evidence including video footage and testimonies from government personnel. The conversation also suggested that many UFO sightings might not originate from the sky but rather from the ocean. Despite skepticism, there is a growing body of evidence, including video footage and testimonies from credible sources, that UFOs may be real phenomena worthy of further investigation.

    • The Irrational Denial of Extraterrestrial LifeKeep an open mind about the existence of extraterrestrial life and avoid making irrational assumptions based on limited knowledge.

      It's irrational to deny the existence of extraterrestrial life based on current evidence and personal assumptions. The universe is vast and full of mysteries, and it's irrational to claim that there's nothing else out there based on limited knowledge. Many people who hold this view refuse to consider the possibility of other intelligent beings in the universe. Instead of denying the evidence, it's essential to keep an open mind and continue exploring the unknown. The speaker also mentioned PureTalk, a wireless service provider that offers affordable plans and uses the same network as larger providers but with no hidden fees or contracts. Additionally, the speaker touched on the topic of cultural appropriation and how societal norms allow certain forms of it while condemning others. Overall, the key takeaway is to approach new information with an open mind and avoid making irrational assumptions based on limited knowledge.

    • Ignoring societal issues doesn't stop their spreadEngaging in discussions and opposing controversial issues is necessary to challenge their normalization in society

      Ignoring controversial issues and avoiding engagement with them may not be effective in stopping their spread and normalization in society. The film "The Banshees of Inisheer" resonated deeply with the speaker due to its relatable theme of avoiding small talk and unnecessary conversations. However, when it comes to societal issues, particularly those that challenge traditional norms, ignoring them may only give more power to those promoting them. The speaker used the example of Bruce Jenner's transition to Caitlyn Jenner and the conservative strategy of ignoring the issue, which ultimately did not stop its acceptance and normalization. Similarly, with Dylan Mulvaney's rise to prominence as a transgender mascot, ignoring the issue may only allow the campaign to continue unopposed. Engagement, discussion, and opposition are necessary to challenge and counteract the normalization of controversial issues.

    • The Complexity of the Gender Pay GapControlling for factors like industry, job type, hours worked, and experience level eliminates the gender pay gap, making the common statistic of women earning less than men misleading.

      The existence of a gender pay gap is a complex issue that requires considering various factors beyond just gender. The speaker mentioned the common belief that women make less than men, but when controlling for factors like industry, job type, hours worked, and experience level, the pay gap essentially disappears. According to the speaker, the common statistic of women earning 82 cents for every dollar men earn is misleading because it does not control for these other factors. The speaker also criticized those who continue to claim a gender pay gap exists despite the data showing otherwise, suggesting they may be biased in favor of the idea. Additionally, the speaker mentioned Ben Shapiro's interview with Russell Brand, where they discussed various topics, including the gender pay gap. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of looking at the data and considering multiple factors when evaluating the issue of the gender pay gap.

    • Opinion on Meg White's drumming skills sparks controversyExpressing opinions can lead to backlash and controversy, especially in sensitive cultural climate. Be mindful of potential impact of words.

      Expressing an opinion, even about something as seemingly trivial as a drummer's skills in a rock band, can spark massive outrage and controversy in today's hyper-sensitive cultural climate. A simple tweet from journalist Lachlan Markay expressing his view that Meg White of The White Stripes was not a great drummer led to a wave of backlash, with many major media outlets and celebrities condemning the tweet as misogynistic. The controversy even prompted former White Stripes lead singer Jack White to write a lengthy poem in tribute to Meg White, memorializing her as if the tweet had caused her harm. This incident highlights the importance of being mindful of the potential impact of our words and the need for greater nuance and perspective in public discourse.

    • Online interactions can lead to extreme behaviors and consequencesBe mindful of the potential consequences of online actions and consider the impact on others before engaging in inflammatory content.

      Online interactions can lead people to behave in extreme ways, either instigating or reacting to provocative statements. Lachlan's tweet about Meg White's drumming led to a massive backlash, causing him to delete the tweet and issue a public apology. He admitted to being caught up in the implicit incentive structure of online discourse, which rewards inflammatory content with attention. However, Meg White was not the victim in this situation; she is a successful musician who has encountered criticism throughout her career. The real victim was Lachlan, who was targeted and harassed by thousands of people. His apology was filled with self-degradation and an attempt to conform to the popular opinion, even if it went against his original belief. The incident highlights the importance of considering the potential consequences of online actions and being mindful of the impact on others. Additionally, it's important to remember that popular opinion can change over time, and what was once widely accepted as true can become controversial.

    • Cancel culture: Arbitrary rules and cruelty towards certain individualsCancel culture's rules are arbitrary and can be cruel towards individuals, regardless of their apologies, with no regard for context or innocuous intentions.

      The current cultural climate has shifted dramatically in terms of criticism and cancel culture. Insults and criticisms, even if creative and harmless in nature, are now treated as serious offenses. Opinions, no matter how innocuous, can be considered war crimes, depending on who the criticism is aimed at. The rules are arbitrary, and there's an element of "Simon Says" to it. The culture is far nastier, more negative, and crueler than it was 20 years ago, but the cruelty can only be directed at certain people who are not part of recognized victim groups. Criticizing Meg White's drumming ability, for instance, is a human rights violation due to her status as a woman. The cancel mob's target, Loughlin, was canceled for his actions, but even after apologizing, he was also canceled. The rules are insane, and this is why cancel culture is a significant issue in today's society.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

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    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

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    Unlike Trump, Folks Who Don't Like Biden May Vote For Him Anyway

    Unlike Trump, Folks Who Don't Like Biden May Vote For Him Anyway
    Both men are strikingly unpopular — two-thirds of Americans don't want Trump to run for president again and just 41 percent approve of Biden's job performance, according to a recent poll from NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist. But the Democratic performance in the 2022 midterm elections and other recent polling suggests voters who don't like Biden might cast a ballot for him anyway.

    This episode: political correspondent Susan Davis, White House correspondent Scott Detrow, senior political editor and correspondent Domenico Montanaro, television critic Eric Deggans, and disinformation correspondent Shannon Bond.

    The podcast is produced by Elena Moore and Casey Morell. This episode was edited by Lexie Schapitl and Eric McDaniel. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi.

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    AAUP Report on Political Interference in Higher Education

    AAUP Report on Political Interference in Higher Education

    The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) released its comprehensive report titled "Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida's Public Higher Education System." This report marks a critical juncture in the AAUP's history, being one of only eight special reports issued, and underscores a growing concern over political interference in the realm of academic governance.

    Hank Reichman, co-author of the report and co-chair of AAUP, joins the Changing Higher Ed podcast to discuss the report and provides details about Governor DeSantis's legislative efforts to control what can be taught, how it's taught and who teaches, particularly attacking faculty rights and tenure.

    The report includes the specific case of the hostile takeover of New College, describing it as a blueprint for potential future encroachments on public colleges and universities across the United States.

    McNaughton and Reichman cover the processes and conclusions of the AAUP report, emphasizing the detrimental effects on academic governance, academic freedom, and the well-being of faculty and students.


    Podcast Overview

    Unpacking the AAUP Report: A Critical Look at Political Interference in Florida's Higher Education:

    ·       The rarity of such comprehensive reports by AAUP, with only eight instances in its history, three of which occurred in the last three years.

    ·       The specific case of Florida under Governor DeSantis's administration highlights legislative and administrative actions perceived as politically motivated attacks on academic freedom, faculty rights, and tenure.

    Investigation Approach:

    ·       Conducting over 65 interviews with various stakeholders, including faculty, students, alumni, and former presidents, while noting challenges in engaging current administrators and political leaders.

    Major Findings:

    ·       The hostile takeover of New College is a model for potential future actions in other institutions.

    ·       Academic administrators' failure to contest or, in some cases, complicity in these attacks.

    ·       Legislative actions are collectively seen as an effort to enforce a narrow political ideology.

    ·       The chilling effect of these actions on academic freedom and the higher education environment.

    Human Impact:

    ·       The emotional and professional toll on faculty and students, with significant faculty departures and declining academic standards.

    ·       The broader implications for the quality of higher education in Florida and potential nationwide consequences.


    Key Takeaways for University Presidents and Boards:


    1. Thoroughly Review the Report: University presidents, administrators, provosts, deans, and other leaders actively engage with the contents of the report. Don't just skim through it; understand its implications for your institution and its broader impact on academic freedom.

    2. Build Resilience and Courage: Leaders in higher education are strongly urged to cultivate the strength to face political pressures. This involves developing a steadfast approach to defending the rights and freedoms of your institutions, faculty, and students against politically motivated pressures.

    3. Stand Up for Academic Integrity: When confronted with situations that threaten academic freedom or the integrity of your institution, take a clear and firm stand, even if it entails personal or professional risks. Demonstrating leadership in such situations is crucial.

    4. Voice Your Concerns Publicly: In Florida, it's mostly retired university presidents who are making statements against these issues. Encourage not only retired but also current university leaders to speak out against political interference. Public statements from active leaders can have a significant impact and inspire others to follow suit.


    Final Thoughts

    The critical nature of the current situation in higher education is a pivotal moment in the history of institutions. We are reminded that what's happening in Florida is not just an isolated issue but a warning sign of the potential nationwide impact of political interference in academia. Leaders in higher education are urged to recognize the severity of this crisis and respond with conviction and strength. It's a call to action for maintaining the integrity and freedom of our academic institutions against partisan politics, ensuring these values are upheld for future generations.


    Read the transcript on our website →


    About Our Podcast Guest

    Henry “Hank” Reichman is the chair of the American Association of University of Professors’ Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure and a professor emeritus of history at California State University, East Bay. Hank co-authored the AAUP report, "Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida's Public Higher Education System," released on December 6, as co-chair of a special investigating committee.


    About the Host

    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed®, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.


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