
    Ep. 1255 - Bud Light Really Did This For Pride Month

    enMay 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • BLM funds distributed, organization may closeBLM funds distributed, organization may close, while companies face backlash for sponsoring Pride events, damaging their brands

      The Black Lives Matter organization, despite raising a large sum of money following George Floyd's death, is not going bankrupt as reported. Instead, the funds have been distributed, and the organization is likely to close its doors, allowing it to avoid scrutiny. Meanwhile, companies like Bud Light continue to sponsor Pride events, despite backlash from conservatives. This trend is expected to continue, and the rainbow flag has become a toxic symbol in corporate America, representing the deadliest of the seven deadly sins according to some perspectives. Conservatives are putting pressure on these companies, damaging their brands, and making a significant impact.

    • The Negative Impact of Exalting Pride Above Other VirtuesExalting pride above other virtues can harm individuals and society. The LGBT movement's extreme actions, like a transgender man claiming to produce milk, have generated backlash. Avoid companies and politicians flying the pride flag as a political statement, and consider positive alternatives like PureTalk's free 5G offer.

      Exalting pride above other virtues and supporting establishments or politicians who do the same can negatively impact individual and societal flourishing. The LGBT movement pushing transgender ideology too far, including the disturbing example of a transgender man claiming to produce milk and feeding it to a baby, has generated widespread public backlash. Companies and politicians who fly the pride flag as a political statement should be avoided, and economic pressure can be applied to make a difference. The free 5G Samsung Galaxy offer from PureTalk, a dependable and affordable wireless company, is a positive alternative to consider. The speaker's political ideology is focused on stopping the transgender movement's harmful practices. The transgender community's defense of such actions is concerning, and it is essential to keep the conversation going and stand against it.

    • The safety and ethics of men producing milk for babiesWhile men can produce milk through hormones, ethical concerns remain about its use for feeding babies, and societal norms may discourage it.

      While men can be induced to produce a substance resembling milk through hormone injections and other chemicals, the safety and ethical implications of this substance being used to feed babies are still uncertain and raise concerns. The speaker argues that we all have instincts, traditions, and prejudices that guide us, and the wisdom of repugnance is an important consideration. The image of a man, who has altered his body and is feeding a baby an untested substance from his chest, is universally recognized as wrong and should be discouraged and potentially banned by law. The future may already be here with ethical dilemmas and advancements that challenge our values and require careful consideration.

    • Ethical Implications of Advancements in Human ReproductionAdvancements in human reproduction, such as in vitro gametogenesis and surrogacy, raise ethical concerns about identity, relationships, and societal implications. It's crucial to consider the potential impact on individuals and society as a whole.

      The discussion revolves around the ethical implications of potential advancements in human reproduction, specifically in vitro gametogenesis and surrogacy. The potential for creating a human being without biological parents raises serious concerns about morality, ethics, and philosophy. The speaker expresses unease about the societal implications of such advancements and the potential for losing touch with our fundamental understanding of identity and relationships. The speaker also shares a personal experience with surrogacy and the emotional disconnect she felt as a result. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of considering the ethical and moral implications of scientific advancements and the potential impact on individuals and society as a whole.

    • Reducing Human Relationships to Economic TransactionsAppreciate deeper human experiences and relationships, rather than reducing them to transactions or economic considerations.

      While the desire for a baby may be a noble goal, engaging in immoral means to achieve it, such as surrogacy, can lead to unintended consequences and a loss of deeper human values. The speaker warns against reducing human relationships, particularly that between a mother and her child, to mere economic transactions. He urges us to recognize the limitations of modernity and its focus on consumption, and instead, appreciate the deeper, more complex aspects of human life. The speaker also encourages gratitude for the simplest gifts, like the gift of life from one's father. In essence, the takeaway is to value the deeper human experiences and relationships, rather than reducing them to transactions or economic considerations.

    • Tech companies' power to control access and censor contentTech companies' influence in the 2024 presidential race could impact the outcome, with potential candidates taking different approaches to address the issue.

      Technology companies are wielding significant power by controlling access to their platforms and censoring content, even for high-profile individuals like Vivek Ramaswami, who was recently kicked off LinkedIn for expressing views on climate and energy. This incident serves as a warning shot in the upcoming presidential race, where big tech's influence could potentially impact the outcome. Meanwhile, potential candidates like Mike Pence are beginning to shape their campaigns, with Pence taking a more business-focused approach and criticizing government interference in private businesses. However, this message might not resonate with the GOP base, which is eager for a more aggressive response to perceived cultural wars waged by liberal forces. Ultimately, the complex relationship between technology, politics, and business is shaping the early stages of the 2024 presidential race.

    • Some Republican candidates emphasizing pro-business stance, others confrontationalCandidates differ in their approaches towards business, with some promoting pro-business policies and others taking confrontational stances, while Trump maintains his image as a dealmaker.

      The political landscape is seeing various candidates positioning themselves differently in the ongoing Republican primary race. Calvin Coolidge's quote, "The business of America is business," is being echoed by some candidates, who are emphasizing their pro-business stance and advocating for a return to normalcy. However, others are taking a more confrontational approach towards specific businesses, such as Disney, in the name of defending values. Trump, as the frontrunner, is maintaining his belligerent image while also making deals. The Quinnipiac poll indicates that Trump is currently leading the race with a significant margin, and it remains to be seen if the entrance of new candidates like DeSantis and Pence will significantly impact the race. Regarding your question, it's important to distinguish between the sin of pride and feeling proud of accomplishments or achievements. While the former is a negative trait, the latter is a natural and healthy emotion, especially when it comes to parents feeling proud of their children's accomplishments. This type of pride is not a sin.

    • The Meaning of Pride and Biblical DivorceWhile excessive pride is a sin, a proper love of oneself and one's country is not. The Bible generally does not allow divorce, with exceptions only in specific circumstances.

      The word "pride" carries different meanings, and while excessive pride is a sin, a proper love of oneself and one's country is not. Regarding the Bible and divorce, the exceptive clause in Matthew's gospel does not grant permission for divorce in most circumstances, but rather emphasizes the importance of the sacred bond between a man and a woman in marriage. The historical Christian understanding of this passage is that divorce is generally not allowed. The exception clause has only been interpreted as such in recent centuries, and it is essential to understand the context and other relevant passages in the Bible to gain a proper perspective on this issue.

    • Disagreements between federal and state laws in ancient Jewish communities and Second Amendment rightsAncient Jewish communities had debates over divorce, with Matthew's gospel omitting an exceptive clause, while Second Amendment rights face ongoing tension between federal and state laws, with states often infringing upon these rights

      The gospel of Saint Matthew's exclusion of the exceptive clause in the discussion of divorce may have been intended to address controversies within ancient Jewish communities or to emphasize the importance of valid marriages. Regarding the second amendment, while the constitution establishes the supremacy of federal law, states have historically infringed upon Second Amendment rights through gun laws. This disconnect arises from the need for the constitution to be embodied in state laws and practices. Ultimately, states may infringe upon Second Amendment rights because they can, and the tension between federal and state laws is a longstanding aspect of governance.

    • Living a Fulfilling Life Despite Unable to Marry or Start a Family due to Sexual OrientationHonesty, celibacy, community involvement, and following reason can help individuals live a fulfilling life despite being unable to marry or start a family due to sexual orientation.

      Despite not being able to marry or start a family due to sexual orientation, it's possible to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. Michael suggested being honest about the situation, considering celibacy, and focusing on community involvement as potential solutions. He also emphasized the importance of following reason and not succumbing to societal pressure to pursue every sexual desire. While the modern left may argue against living a life of repression, Michael believes that following reason and living according to one's principles is more likely to lead to happiness. Ultimately, it's essential to find meaning and purpose beyond physical attraction and societal norms.

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    Welcome Leah!! Thanks for joining us today! 

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    Melissa Gragg
    Expert testimony for financial and valuation issues
    Bridge Valuation Partners, LLC
    Cell: (314) 541-8163 

    Leah Wietholter
    MBA, CFE, PI
    Managing Director
    Workman Forensics
    (918) 574-6616
    https://www.linkedin.com/in/leah-wietholter-cfe-pi-33557815  https://twitter.com/wforensics  

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    So, what did I do? I did what women do. Oh, I'm strong. I can do it. You know what? It's okay. It's okay to listen to yourself to be sad and the last part of it, the divorce, which is the most recently, it was beautiful because I had the chance to feel everything that I needed to feel. All the disappointment, all the rage, I was angry, I was sad

    Yanira Puy 

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    How I went from female executive to empowering individuals to become healthier and happier...

    Many people ask me the same question. The answer is that I found my purpose &  Empowering people to heal themselves from the inside out and have a healthy and happy life. How do I do it? I listen with love and conviction, I am passionate about what I do, and most importantly, I lead with my own example and experience in this journey.

    After 20 years working as a marketing professional in Venezuela, the United States and Colombia, I began to question my purpose and my professional path. That is when I decided to help people achieve wellness and got certified as a health coach, got my second master’s degree; this one focused on coaching; and founded two companies. I am currently working as a wellness professional, with individuals and companies in Latin America and the USA. I have helped dozens of people in my coaching practice, hundreds of people with my online programs and thousands of people through my webinars, workshops, conferences and wellness programs.

    I believe each of us have the power to change our health, heal ourselves and find the balance in our lives.

    Core purpose/passion: I empower women to heal themselves from the inside out to become healthy and happy.

    Website |  Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | YouTube  | Linktr.ee  



    As a recently De-Registered board-certified naturopathic physician & in practice since 1992, I’ve seen an average of 150 patients per week and have helped people ranging from rural farmers in Nova Scotia to stressed out CEOs in Toronto to tri-athletes here in Vancouver. 

    My resolve to educate, empower and engage people to take charge of their own health is evident in my best-selling books:  'What Patients Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask: The Mindful Patient-Doctor Relationship' and 'A Healer in Every Household: Simple Solutions for Stress'.  I also teach BowenFirst™ Therapy through Bowen College and hold transformational workshops to achieve these goals.

     So, when I share with you that LISTENING to Your body is a game changer in the healing process, I am speaking from expertise and direct experience".

     Mission: A Healer in Every Household!

    For more great information to go to her weekly blog:  http://bowencollege.com/blog. 

    For tips on health & healing go to: https://www.drmanonbolliger.com/tips 



    Manon's show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives. 

    Follow Manon Bolliger, on social media!

    Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter | Linktr.ee | Rumble 

    * De-Registered, revoked & retired naturopathic physician after 30 years of practice in healthcare. Now resourceful & resolved to share with you all the tools to take care of your health & vitality!

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