
    EP: 126 UFOs in The Vatican Archives with Dr. Diana Pasulka

    enSeptember 13, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Catholic Church's Archives on Extraterrestrial Life and the Impact of 'Blurry Creatures' PodcastThe Catholic Church's archives contain historical records about extraterrestrial life, while 'Blurry Creatures' podcast fosters a sense of community for those with unexplained beliefs, emphasizing free thought and open dialogue.

      The Catholic Church's archive at the Observatory in Castle Gandolfo, Italy, houses historical records about extraterrestrial life, while the Vatican archive focuses on religious matters. The discussion also touched upon the impact of the podcast "Blurry Creatures," which explores various unexplained phenomena, and how it has provided a sense of community for listeners who feel isolated due to their beliefs. The hosts, Luke and Alvaro, emphasized the importance of free thought and open dialogue, encouraging listeners to question experts and form their own opinions. They also expressed gratitude for their listeners' support and announced plans for exclusive content and merchandise for members. Overall, the conversation highlighted the value of curiosity, open-mindedness, and the power of community in exploring the unknown.

    • From skeptic to researcher: The importance of questioning beliefsExploring the unknown and challenging established beliefs can lead to personal growth and profound discoveries. Open-mindedness and intellectual curiosity are key to expanding our understanding of history and the supernatural.

      Exploring the unknown and challenging established beliefs can lead to profound discoveries and personal growth. The speaker, a podcast host with a newborn, expressed gratitude for their supportive community and the impact their show has had. They also emphasized the importance of being bold in sharing truths, even in the face of pushback or potential consequences. The upcoming guest, Doctor Diana Posulka, was introduced as an author and professor who wrote a book about UFOs, religion, and technology. Her journey from skeptic to researcher was highlighted as an inspiring example of intellectual curiosity and the importance of questioning one's beliefs. The conversation touched on the idea that our understanding of history and the supernatural may be limited, and the significance of open-mindedness and exploration.

    • Personal experiences and open-mindedness can challenge academic beliefsEncountering new perspectives through personal experiences and remaining open-minded can broaden one's worldview

      Personal experiences and open-mindedness can challenge preconceived academic beliefs. The speaker grew up with a strong religious background and was inspired by nuns who dedicated their lives to helping others. He pursued academic studies in religious studies but was later distanced from religious experiences due to his education. However, in his research on Catholic doctrine, he came across numerous accounts of UFO sightings from European and North American Catholics throughout history. Initially dismissive, he attended a UFO conference and was struck by the continuity of these experiences. This encounter led him to reconsider the supernatural and ultimately, his worldview changed.

    • UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life as a Developing Religion75% of Americans believe in extraterrestrial life, and the study of UFOs is rooted in historical paranormal activities within space programs

      The study of UFOs and extraterrestrial life can be seen as a developing religion in American culture. The speaker, who had a personal experience with UFOs and wrote a book about it, noted that 75% of American adults believe in extraterrestrial life. The speaker's research led him to discover that both the Russian and American space programs were founded on ritualistic and paranormal activities, which are often overlooked in the narrative of scientific progress. This historical context led the speaker to label his study "American cosmic," highlighting the unfamiliar yet significant role of paranormal rituals in the development of space exploration. This perspective offers a fascinating way to understand the intersection of science, religion, and popular culture.

    • Secrecy and occult influences in space-oriented organizationsNASA and NRO maintain extreme secrecy, even from their own employees, due to historical influences and potential hidden activities

      Certain organizations, such as NASA and the NRO, have a culture of extreme secrecy surrounding their work. This secrecy is so pervasive that even the people working within these organizations may not know the full scope of their missions. The history of this secrecy can be traced back to the 1930s and the rise of space-oriented agencies, which were heavily influenced by the occult beliefs and practices of figures like Jack Parsons and Wernher von Braun. Despite public claims of scientific research, these organizations may be involved in hidden activities or discoveries that are not disclosed to the public. This complex web of secrecy and compartmentalization is reminiscent of the "first rule of Fight Club" - don't talk about it. While it's impossible to know the exact truth behind these organizations' activities, it's clear that there are many layers of secrecy and deception that continue to surround them.

    • Stories of UFOs, aliens, and unexplained phenomena often lack written records due to potential consequences.Despite solid evidence, those who study unexplained phenomena face skepticism, ridicule, and potential reprisals, creating an environment where the truth remains hidden.

      The world of UFOs, aliens, and unexplained phenomena is shrouded in secrecy, with many stories passed down through oral tradition due to the potential consequences of writing things down. People involved in these fields often face skepticism and ridicule, even from their own communities. For instance, Bob Lazar's story of working on alien technology at Area 51 was met with disbelief due to the lack of written records. Similarly, those who study ancient history, megaliths, or cryptids like Bigfoot face similar challenges in getting their findings taken seriously. Even educated and respected individuals like Jeff Meldrum, who have solid evidence, face ridicule from their peers. The use of oral tradition and the fear of reprisals create an environment where the truth remains hidden, fueling the allure and intrigue of these mysterious topics.

    • A Copernican-like revolution in understanding realityThe UAP disclosures mark a potential shift in public understanding, challenging deeply ingrained beliefs and requiring open-minded dialogue and exploration.

      We are possibly experiencing a Copernican-like revolution in our understanding of reality, with the recent UAP disclosures and mainstream discussions about unidentified flying objects. This shift is not on the timeline of those in power, but rather on the public's, as advancements in technology and space exploration allow for more evidence to surface. This era is unique as it has the potential to challenge deeply ingrained beliefs and narratives, and it's crucial for communities to work together to identify and separate fact from fiction. The history of stigmatized knowledge, such as UFO research, shows that scholars and institutions have suppressed information that challenges established norms. As we navigate this period of potential transformation, it's essential to remain aware of the narrative framing and to support open-minded dialogue and exploration.

    • Impact of Technology on People and Supernatural ExperiencesTechnology can have addictive effects leading to behavioral changes and societal disruptions. Open-mindedness and revisiting religious texts may provide insights into supernatural experiences.

      Technology, particularly social media and entertainment platforms, can have physiologically addictive effects on individuals, leading to behavioral changes and potentially disrupting societal norms. This was a key point made during the discussion about the impact of technology on people, particularly young adults, and the increasing reports of paranormal experiences and unexplained phenomena. The speaker, who is a professor, shared his observations of how students have changed over the years due to their addiction to technology. He also touched upon the growing number of UFO sightings and the possibility of a major revelation or "ultimate reveal" in the future. The speaker emphasized the importance of being open-minded and encouraged people to revisit religious texts, such as the Bible, to gain a deeper understanding of the supernatural. His own personal experience of having supernatural encounters as a child and then studying religion from a skeptical perspective before having a life-changing realization, highlights the evolution of beliefs and the importance of being open to new experiences and perspectives.

    • Speaker's experiences in 2012 shaped their faith and worldviewEncountered presence of darkness, remained committed to UFO research, some in aerospace believe in contact with extraterrestrials

      The speaker's experiences in 2012, which included consulting on the film "The Conjuring" and delving deeper into UFO research, significantly impacted their faith and worldview. They encountered both support and challenges during this time, including feeling the presence of darkness at a conference. Despite these challenges, the speaker remained committed to their research and was motivated by the importance of the work. Additionally, the speaker mentioned that some individuals within aerospace and space programs believe they are in contact with extraterrestrial or otherworldly presences, adding to the ongoing debate about the origins of such knowledge.

    • The complex relationship between humans and the acquisition of knowledgeHistorically, humans have engaged in practices to acquire knowledge, some involving exchanges or sacrifices, leading to advancements but raising ethical concerns.

      Throughout history, from ancient civilizations to modern times, there have been beliefs and practices surrounding the acquisition of knowledge and technology, some of which involve the exchange of ideas for resources or even human sacrifices. These practices, while often seen as dark or even evil, have led to significant advancements, including the exploration of space. The idea of receiving knowledge from external sources, whether literal or metaphorical, has been a recurring theme. For instance, the myth of Prometheus, who was punished for bringing fire to humanity, is a testament to the complex relationship between humans and the acquisition of knowledge. However, the moral implications of these practices are debated, with some arguing that the ends justify the means and others insisting on ethical considerations. Ultimately, understanding these historical practices and their implications can shed light on the human condition and our ongoing quest for knowledge and progress.

    • Exploring connections between unexplained phenomena and ancient beliefsUnexplained phenomena and ancient beliefs may hold important truths, and exploring their connections can provide insights into unexplained phenomena still relevant today. Keep an open mind and be willing to explore possibilities.

      Throughout history, there have been many unexplained phenomena and beliefs that have been dismissed or ignored, but they may hold important truths. From the Old Testament to ancient myths and modern-day experiences, there are connections that can be drawn between seemingly disparate concepts. For instance, the Nephilim from the Bible and the myth of Prometheus may not be as different as we think. Similarly, some ancient accounts of encounters with the supernatural, such as those found in the Vatican archives, may provide insights into unexplained phenomena that are still relevant today. It's important to approach these topics with an open mind and a willingness to explore the possibilities, rather than dismissing them as mere myths or legends.

    • The Vatican preserves and studies ancient documents involving unexplained phenomenaThe Vatican is not hiding UFO or Nephilim related documents but rather preserving and studying them, making efforts to digitize them to prevent deterioration.

      The Vatican, an institution known to many as guardian of religious secrets, is not trying to hide the truth but rather preserving and studying ancient documents, some of which involve unexplained phenomena like UFOs and possible encounters with beings often referred to as Nephilim. The speaker, a historian and Catholic, gained access to these documents due to his expertise and background, and was surprised to find connections to his own research and experiences. Despite the sensitivity of these documents, the Vatican is making efforts to digitize them to prevent their deterioration. The speaker faced no resistance from the Vatican regarding his research on UFOs for his book. However, it's important to remember that every institution has its complexities and potential biases, and it's crucial to approach such topics with a critical and informed perspective.

    • The Vatican's Complex History and CultureThe Vatican, with its deep historical roots, is more than just a religion; it's an empire with a complex past, and its stance on UFOs and extraterrestrial life reflects its nuanced understanding and respect for its history and culture.

      The Vatican, as an institution with deep historical roots, represents more than just a religion. It's an empire with a complex and often controversial past. While some individuals within the Vatican hold a serious and separate faith, others may be corrupt. Regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial life, the Catholic Church, specifically the Vatican, has a long history of considering such phenomena, but they prefer not to label them as "aliens." This perspective is rooted in the semantic differences between angels and extraterrestrials, and the Church's historical understanding of otherworldly beings. The Vatican is not open to sensational claims or intrusions, and security is tight. Therefore, those seeking answers about the Vatican and UFOs should approach the topic with a nuanced understanding and respect for the institution's complex history and culture.

    • Vatican's Extraterrestrial Research: Shifting Priorities and Censored InformationThe Vatican's archives reveal a history of shifting priorities and censored information in their extraterrestrial research, with a move from studying intelligent life to microbiology and the suppression of certain findings.

      The Vatican's archives, particularly those related to extraterrestrial research, reveal a complex history of shifting priorities and censored information. The research, which was initially focused on the study of intelligent extraterrestrial life, saw a change in funding and focus towards microbiology in the late 1970s and 1980s. Researchers were sometimes instructed not to discuss certain findings, but as government disclosures occurred, these restrictions were lifted. The speaker, who is a professor, believes that humans have been experiencing unexplained phenomena for centuries, and that these experiences can be attributed to a range of phenomena, including angelic and demonic presences. The complex history of this research underscores the importance of critical analysis and the potential for hidden agendas in scientific inquiry.

    • Exploring the Spiritual Significance of UFOsSome individuals perceive UFOs as having spiritual or interdimensional significance, leading to transformative experiences akin to religious moments.

      The speaker believes in the existence of spiritual and potentially extraterrestrial or interdimensional experiences, which can be interconnected with religious or spiritual beliefs. The speaker also mentions that some people may have transformative experiences, akin to a "come to Jesus moment," after encountering these phenomena. The speaker uses the example of Kenneth Arnold's UFO encounter in 1947, where the pilot's description of the event and subsequent behavior suggest a spiritual interpretation. The speaker emphasizes that they are not imposing a religious framework on UFOs, but rather observing the potential connections that some individuals make between the two. The complexity of these topics and the limited information available make for an intriguing and ongoing exploration.

    • UFOs and Religion: A Complex ConnectionUFOs involve more than just physical encounters, they can include paranormal experiences challenging our understanding of religion and history. Faith and the savior are essential in navigating these complexities.

      UFO events, as some may perceive, are not just simple nuts and bolts craft incidents. They can involve paranormal experiences that challenge our understanding of religion and the world around us. A personal story shared by the speaker involves a skeptical colleague, Jeff Kripel, from Rice University, who initially dismissed the idea of UFOs having any connection to Catholicism. However, after the speaker pointed out similarities between Teresa of Avila's reported experience and UFO encounters, Jeff was surprised and acknowledged the possibility. The speaker emphasizes that our understanding of history and religion may be incomplete, and the debate over the existence and meaning of UFOs is a waste of time. Instead, it's essential to recognize the complexity and potential deception in the kingdom of darkness. The speaker concludes by reminding us of the importance of faith and the savior in navigating these complexities.

    • Exploring the Unexplained: Academics and the SupernaturalAcademics find wider audience for work on supernatural, encounter skepticism and trolling, but also strong desire for understanding and belief, emphasize following data and evidence, can bring people together and give permission to believe in other unknown areas.

      People are increasingly open to exploring the supernatural and unexplained phenomena, as evidenced by the success of podcasts and books on these topics. The speakers in this conversation, who come from academic backgrounds, have found that their work resonates with a wider audience than they initially anticipated. They've encountered skepticism and trolling, but also a strong desire for understanding and permission to believe in the strange and unexplained. The speakers also emphasized the importance of following the data and evidence where it leads, even if it takes you out of your comfort zone or challenges established beliefs. They've found that exploring these topics can bring people together and give them permission to believe in other seemingly unrelated areas of the unknown. If you're interested in learning more about the intersection of technology, belief, and the unexplained, you can check out D.W. Pacolka's work on her Amazon author page, academia.edu, and Twitter (@dwpacolka).

    • Start interactions with a friendly greetingGreeting people warmly sets a positive tone and shows respect, fostering strong connections

      Effective communication is key to building a strong relationship. Starting with a friendly greeting sets a positive tone for any interaction. Whether it's in person or through text, acknowledging the other person's presence and expressing a pleasant sentiment can go a long way in making a good first impression. It's a simple gesture, but it shows respect and appreciation for the other person's time and attention. Building a meaningful connection requires consistent effort and a genuine interest in getting to know the other person. Effective communication is the foundation of any successful relationship, whether personal or professional. So, always remember to greet people warmly and engage in open and honest conversations to foster strong connections.

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    Inverse sparks curiosity about the future. We explore the science of anything, innovations that shape tomorrow and ideas that stretch our minds. Our goal is to motivate the next generation to build a better world.


    ‘I Need My Space’ is an Inverse production hosted by Steve Ward, produced by Sam Riddell, and executive produced by Hannah Margaret Allen and Weston Green. This episode was also produced and hosted by Moiya McTier. Our intro and outro music was created by Andrew Olivares.

    Steve: @stevejohnhenryw

    Moiya: @GoAstroMo

    Andrew: https://soundcloud.com/andrewo

    Other Topics Discussed Include: Gimlet, ‘The Habitat’, Lynn Levy, HI-SEAS, Hawaii, and NASA

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