
    #78 Tim Burchett - Inside UFO/UAP Government Programs | Part 1

    en-usOctober 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Congressional hearing on UFOs marks a significant shiftThe first-ever Congressional hearing on UFOs in the US marks a major step towards achieving full disclosure from the government and military industrial complex companies, fueled by public interest and demand for transparency.

      The UFO/UAP topic, once a taboo subject, has gained significant relevance and recognition in recent times. This shift is evident in the increasing number of hearings and conferences on the topic, including the first-ever Congressional hearing in the US. Congressman Tim Burchett, who played a key role in setting up this hearing, shared his experience and discussed future plans for achieving full disclosure from the government and military industrial complex companies. The public's interest in UFOs is widespread, with many reaching out to their representatives to push for more information. The success of the initial hearing has led to plans for another one, marking a significant step forward in the pursuit of transparency regarding this intriguing phenomenon.

    • UFO reports suppressed for control, power, and moneyThe speaker argues that powerful entities in Washington D.C. have suppressed UFO reports for reasons of control, power, and financial gain. He encourages readers to explore ancient accounts of unusual aerial phenomena in the Bible and other historical texts.

      The speaker believes that UFO reports and related information are often suppressed by powerful entities in Washington D.C. for reasons of control, power, and money. He cites the example of a UFO report that was expected to be released but never was, and uses his experience with TMZ and a UFO quote to illustrate his point. The speaker also references his Christian faith and the Bible, specifically the book of Ezekiel, to provide evidence of ancient descriptions of UFOs. He encourages readers to explore these descriptions for themselves, emphasizing that many civilizations throughout history have recorded accounts of unusual aerial phenomena. The speaker acknowledges that his beliefs may be controversial and repetitive, but he remains convinced that these reports deserve serious consideration.

    • Congressman Tim Burchett's Belief in UAPs and Advocacy for TransparencyCongressman Tim Burchett advocates for transparency regarding UAPs, believing in their existence and addressing the challenge of distinguishing true experts from those who claim to be, while emphasizing the importance of addressing mental health issues in the field.

      Congressman Tim Burchett shared his experience from the first-ever congressional hearing on UAPs, expressing his belief in the existence of these phenomena and the need for transparency from the government. He also highlighted the issue of compartmentalization within the expert community, making it difficult for newcomers to distinguish between true experts and those who claim to be. Burchett emphasized the importance of removing the stigma surrounding mental health issues and shared his personal experiences with mental health legislation in Tennessee. Despite facing criticism and potential backlash, he remains committed to advocating for transparency and open dialogue in the UAP field.

    • The challenge of identifying true UFO expertsDistrust in government and past secrets keep the identity of true UFO experts uncertain, as compartmentalization may still be in play but its effectiveness wanes with technology advancements.

      Deciphering who the real UFO experts are can be challenging due to potential false information and the compartmentalization of secretive knowledge. The speaker shares his distrust in the government and past experiences with secrets being kept, using the development of the atomic bomb at Oak Ridge National Laboratory as an example. Compartmentalization, the practice of limiting information to specific individuals, was crucial in keeping the atomic bomb project a secret. However, with the widespread use of technology and increased transparency, it's unclear if this level of secrecy still exists or if advancements in technology are being made and gradually revealed.

    • Power dynamics and UFO technologyThose with advanced UFO technology face challenges in sharing it with the world due to technological disparities and potential government secrecy.

      The power dynamics in the world could shift significantly with the discovery and understanding of advanced technologies, such as those related to UFOs. The speaker believes that those who currently possess this technology will face challenges in sharing it with the rest of the world due to the vast differences in technological knowledge and understanding. He uses the example of his old motorcycle and the challenges the people of the past would face in trying to understand and operate it. Additionally, the speaker expresses frustration with the government's handling of UFO-related information, as they may choose to keep it classified for national security reasons. Despite his own lack of personal experiences with unexplained phenomena, he encourages the sharing of information and the pursuit of knowledge in this area. He believes that the window for whistleblowers to come forward without repercussions may have closed, but he still encourages those with knowledge to share it.

    • Risks for Whistleblowers Exposing Extraterrestrial TechnologyWhistleblowers sharing sensitive information about extraterrestrial technology face risks including professional and personal harm, intimidation, violence, illegal actions, and discreditation through PTSD claims.

      Whistleblowers who come forward with sensitive information, particularly regarding extraterrestrial technology, face significant risks, including professional and personal harm, intimidation, and even potential violence. These tactics are used to silence and discredit them, and in some cases, may involve illegal actions such as leaking personal information or exploiting vulnerabilities. The use of PTSD as a means of discreditation is particularly egregious and undermines the credibility of all those who have served in the military or faced traumatic experiences. Despite these challenges, it is crucial that there are mechanisms in place to protect and support whistleblowers, allowing them to come forward safely and share vital information with the public.

    • Military whistleblowers provide crucial information on UAPWhistleblowers, driven by a desire to share their experiences, provided compelling testimony about observing unconventional UAP, leaving open the possibility of extraterrestrial or reverse-engineered origin.

      During investigations into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), whistleblowers with firsthand knowledge, particularly military personnel, played a crucial role in bringing forward valuable information. These individuals, driven by a desire to share their experiences and lacking ulterior motives, provided compelling testimony about observing objects exhibiting unconventional flight characteristics that defied explanation. Despite speculation about foreign involvement, the technological capabilities of these objects remained uncertain, leaving open the possibility that they were of extraterrestrial or reverse-engineered origin. The importance of these testimonies underscores the significance of maintaining an open-minded approach to UAP investigations and the value of gathering information from credible sources.

    • UFOs baffle officials with unexplained phenomena and technology limitationsDespite advanced technology and military involvement, officials remain baffled by UFOs, unable to identify them or allow pilots to testify about their experiences.

      During a discussion about UFO sightings, it was mentioned that a nuclear reactor shut down in response to a UFO, but officials were baffled by what they were looking at in the video evidence. Meanwhile, the promotion of Helix Sleep and Hoist IV hydration products were featured, offering listeners discounts for improved sleep and hydration, respectively. The most intriguing moment was when it was revealed that officials couldn't slow down a video of a UFO to identify it, despite having advanced technology. Additionally, a pilot who had encountered a UFO was not allowed to testify about his experience. These incidents highlight the ongoing mystery and lack of understanding surrounding UFOs, despite technological advancements and military involvement.

    • Congressman's Frustration over Military's Handling of Aviation Safety RisksLack of transparency in military and media can lead to misinformation and erode public trust.

      During a Congressional hearing, a Congressman expressed frustration over the military's handling of potential aviation safety risks, which were downplayed by the military and the media. He used the example of the Roswell incident in 1947, where an initial report of a "flying saucer" discovery was quickly retracted and dismissed as a weather balloon. The Congressman emphasized how the public's trust in the military and media allowed for this misinformation to spread. He also shared his personal experience of his father's skepticism towards the official explanation given during the press conference. This anecdote highlights the importance of transparency and the potential consequences of misinformation.

    • UFO Cover-ups: The Roswell Incident and BeyondAllegations of government cover-ups persist regarding UFO crashes, such as the one in Roswell, New Mexico, with some claiming multiple crashes occurred worldwide on the same day. Skepticism exists about the government revealing the truth due to compartmentalization.

      There are allegations of government cover-ups surrounding UFO crashes, specifically the incident in Roswell, New Mexico, in the late 1940s. The speaker shares a personal anecdote about a conversation he had with a man from New Mexico who claimed his father was involved in the Army Air Corps and had talked about a UFO crash. The man believed that the military had covered up the incident and that there were other similar crashes around the world on the same day. The speaker also mentions that there have been documented cases of unusual aircraft or objects before the widespread use of airplanes. He expresses skepticism about the idea that the government would reveal the truth about these incidents, believing that they have been compartmentalized and that those analyzing the evidence may not even realize they are dealing with extraterrestrial craft.

    • Government UFO investigations: Cover-up or genuine curiosity?Despite debates over government motivations, UFO investigations continue to raise questions about advanced technology and extraterrestrial life, with the Skinwalker Ranch incident serving as a notable example of alleged government interference.

      The UFO phenomenon and related government investigations, such as Project Blue Book, have been shrouded in controversy and suspicion. Some believe these investigations were cover-ups intended to conceal advanced technology or even extraterrestrial life, while others argue that genuine concern and curiosity drove them. Regardless, the involvement of government agencies and the potential financial implications have fueled skepticism and mistrust. The Skinwalker Ranch incident is a notable example of alleged government intimidation and suspected infiltration. Ultimately, the truth remains elusive, and the public is left to decide for themselves what to believe.

    • UFO Encounters from Credible SourcesHistorical UFO accounts include detailed stories from credible sources like military personnel, adding to the intrigue and mystery surrounding the phenomenon

      There are numerous claims of UFO sightings and encounters throughout history, with some coming from credible sources like military personnel. However, the UFO community is filled with competition, animosity, and potential false flags. One man shared a detailed account of an encounter in the Navy involving a large, silent object with a dome shape that hovered above them, only to be followed by government officials warning them not to speak about it. Another account comes from astronaut Gordon Cooper, who described witnessing a saucer-shaped object landing and taking off with landing gear. These stories, along with the detailed nature of the accounts, add to the intrigue and mystery surrounding the UFO phenomenon.

    • Congressman Mozingo's stance on UFOs and UAPs: Transparency and evidenceCongressman Mozingo prioritizes authentic footage and tangible evidence for UFO and UAP phenomena, expressing concern about false information. He's met with UFO community figures, but uncertain about their claims.

      Congressman Mozingo values transparency and evidence when it comes to UFO and UAP phenomena. He emphasizes the importance of authentic footage and tangible evidence, expressing concern about potential false information. Mozingo has met with various figures in the UFO community, including Dr. Steven Greer, and has received books and information from them. Greer discussed military operations involving the retrieval of UFO craft, but Mozingo is uncertain about the validity and implications of such claims. Overall, Mozingo's focus remains on his role as a congressman and addressing the concerns and needs of his constituents.

    • Congressman's Openness to Unexplained Aerial PhenomenaCongressman Bertrand emphasizes the importance of open-mindedness towards unexplained aerial phenomena, acknowledging individuals' experiences and potential significance, despite facing ridicule.

      Congressman Bertrand believes in the importance of open-mindedness and transparency regarding unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP), despite differing beliefs among people. He emphasizes the need to validate and acknowledge individuals who have experienced such phenomena, as many have shared their stories with him, some of which he finds compelling. Bertrand also mentions how he has faced ridicule and jokes about the topic but brushes them off, focusing instead on the potential significance of these reports. He was initially reluctant to discuss the issue publicly but eventually took on the role due to encouragement from his colleagues. Overall, Bertrand's message highlights the importance of being open to unexplained phenomena and providing a platform for those who have experienced them to share their stories.

    • Government Employee's UFO Encounter and InvestigationFormer government employee Lou Elizondo shares his encounter with a large, silent UFO and his involvement in UFO investigations. He encourages continued investigation and is joined by Chris Mellon, another advocate for UFO research. Ketones for improved workouts and mental clarity were also discussed.

      There have been numerous reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) throughout history, some of which have been investigated by government organizations. One such person who has spoken about his experiences is Lou Elizondo, a former government employee who was involved in such investigations. He reported encountering a large, silent object that was being pursued by military aircraft. Despite the government's denial of the existence of such organizations, Elizondo was a key figure in one of them. He encouraged Dave, the person being interviewed, to continue his investigation into UFOs, as he had found him to be trustworthy. Chris Mellon, another well-known figure in the UFO community, is an advocate for the study of these phenomena and has spoken publicly about his experiences. The use of ketones as a supplement for improved workouts and mental clarity was also mentioned in the conversation.

    • Disinformation Agents in Circles Investigating Government SecretsAgents spread disinformation to discredit truth-seekers, lead others astray, and maintain public interest in government projects

      The discussion revolves around the presence of disinformation agents in various circles, particularly those investigating government secrets. The speakers express concern that these agents discredit individuals who get too close to the truth, while leading others astray to generate more funding for the government's projects. They also share anecdotes about prominent figures, like George Knapp and Jeremy Corbel, who have uncovered significant information despite potential risks. Ultimately, the speakers believe that these agents serve to discourage those seeking the truth and keep the public intrigued enough to continue funding these projects.

    • Power and Control in UFO DiscussionsDiscussions around UFOs and extraterrestrial life are often shrouded in power dynamics, with some in control suppressing information and maintaining secrecy for personal gain.

      There seems to be a pattern of power and control, as well as potential disinformation, surrounding the discussion of UFOs, extraterrestrial life, and government reports. The speaker shares experiences of being kept away from important figures and information due to control and arrogance. They also mention Project Grudge, which was created to debunk UFO sightings, and suggest that there may be a psychological condition at play, with those in power using their position to maintain control and suppress information. The speaker also believes that any potential communication or recoveries of non-human biologics are likely accidental rather than intentional. The discussion also touches on the idea that advanced technology could lead to extended lifespans or wealth, but those possessing such abilities would likely stand out.

    • Make a strong first impression with a compelling P.S. in your job application cover letterUp to 75% of recruiters or hiring managers might read the P.S. first, make it valuable and compelling to increase chances of getting noticed and landing an interview

      Adding a P.S. to your job application cover letter can significantly increase its chances of being read. According to Skip Freeman, author of "Headhunters Hiring Secrets," up to 75% of recruiters or hiring managers might glance at the P.S. first before reading the rest of the letter. So, make sure to include valuable and compelling information in that P.S. to make a strong first impression. This strategy can help you stand out from other applicants and potentially land an interview. If you're in the process of job hunting, keep this tip in mind and give it a try. You can listen to more practical tips and insights from experts like Skip Freeman on the "Something You Should Know" podcast.

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    Interview starts 48:20
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    http://www.grimerica.ca/episodes/ep270/ our ep with Joseph Farrell
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    The NY Times' Five Year UFO Anniversary

    The NY Times' Five Year UFO Anniversary
    Bryce and Ross mark two anniversaries in this episode. It's been one month since the deadline for Congress to release a new UAP report. And we're close to the five-year anniversary of the New York Times article on the $22 million Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program at the Defense Dept. It's regarded as the first truly series piece by a mainstream media organization on UFO research. And as for the Congressional UAP report that was due at the end of October? Bryce is not happy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Fight The Power - UFO Transparency

    Fight The Power - UFO Transparency
    For more than 75 years, the Pentagon, intelligence agencies, and major defense contractors have muddied the waters and thwarted attempts to obtain some measure of transparency regarding the UFO mystery. The recent wave of UFO activism by the public has led to congressional hearings, the creation of a new agency to investigate UFOs, a NASA study, and genuine interest within academia and news media. Now, the Keepers of the Secrets are pushing back, trying to quash congressional inquiries, discourage legitimate studies, and thwart honest scrutiny by major media. In this episode, Jeremy and George look closely at several recent developments that are a direct threat to UFO transparency and they issue a call to arms to UFO activists to take a strong stand right now, before this window of opportunity closes forever.  Here is where you can go to make a CALL or send an EMAIL and MAKE some NOISE & FIGHT the POWER! https://www.uapcaucus.com/enduapsecrecy https://www.witnesscitizen.com/enduapsecrecy-2023 https://DisclosureDiaries.com/push-for-transparency https://DeclassifyUAP.org/action  OR just CALL this dude’s office : Mike Turner, OH-R, (202) 225-6465, mike.turner@mail.house.gov Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (or HPSCI)  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices