
    Podcast Summary

    • A woman shares her experiences of being abducted by 'grays' and taken to underground facilitiesListeners are introduced to a woman's traumatic experiences with extraterrestrial beings, challenging conventional understanding of the supernatural and history. The speaker's story underscores the complexities and potential profound impact of encounters with the unknown.

      The speaker describes experiences of being abducted by "grays," extraterrestrial beings, who would take her to underground facilities. She shares that these encounters were traumatic and difficult to recall, but they seemed to be a part of a larger, complex narrative. The speaker emphasizes that these experiences challenge conventional understanding of the supernatural and our history. The podcast hosts express their gratitude for the speaker's trust in sharing her story, acknowledging the heavy content and potential triggers for sensitive topics like lost pregnancies. They encourage listeners to support the show financially to help produce more content on unexplored topics in the church. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities and potential profound impact of encounters with the unknown.

    • Exclusive Events for Gold MembersBlurry Creatures offers gold members access to documentary watching parties, members-only chats, and exclusive events like Whispers of Blurry Con in Nashville.

      Blurry Creatures, a podcast hosted by Nate and Luke, offers exclusive perks to its gold members, including documentary watching parties and members-only chats. During one such event, they shared Karen's personal story about her experiences, which was a heavy and emotional episode. The podcast also announced an upcoming member's event in Nashville and teased Blurrycon, an upcoming conference. They encourage listeners to become members for access to exclusive content and events. The podcast aims to create an authentic and organic atmosphere, allowing guests to share their stories freely. The hosts also revealed that they are planning Whispers of Blurry Con early February in Nashville, and listeners are invited to join. The podcast's unique style and content continue to evolve, offering a blend of the strange and the personal.

    • Alien Abduction Testimony for Upcoming MovieA person with a history of alleged alien abductions, primarily involving the Grays, is sharing their story in an upcoming movie. The speaker met the filmmaker at a conference and discussed specific details. They emphasized the importance of family history and blood type in their experiences, which were often telepathic and involved threats.

      The speaker has been involved in experiences they describe as alien abductions, primarily involving the Grays, and they are set to be featured in an upcoming movie based on their testimony. The speaker met the filmmaker at a conference and discussed specific parts of their story, which will be the focus of the film. The speaker emphasized that they would only share more details after the movie's release. They also mentioned that their family history and blood type were significant factors in their abductions. The communication during these experiences was often telepathic and occurred as if on a screen or in front of them. The speaker acknowledged the discomfort and skepticism surrounding the topic and appreciated the safe space to discuss it. The speaker's experiences began at a young age and involved threats to harm their loved ones if they didn't comply.

    • Childhood experiences shaped by fascination, fear, and the afterlifeEarly life events, including fascination, fear, and encounters with the afterlife, can significantly impact one's future and lead to personal growth through seeking help and sharing experiences

      The speaker's childhood experiences, including being taken to unknown facilities and having a near-death experience, have significantly impacted her life. She recalls vividly her fascination with a decorative ceiling fixture at her grandmother's house and the traumatic experiences of being taken away, which she blocked out for many years. The near-death experience, however, was a turning point. Despite not remembering the details of her journey to the afterlife and back, she believes she was visited by angels in the form of two young men who helped her through recovery. These experiences have shaped her life, leading her to seek counseling for PTSD and eventually sharing her story to validate her experiences.

    • Repressed memories of traumatic experiences can resurface during significant eventsTraumatic experiences, including alien encounters, can lead to deep-rooted fears and suppressed memories. These memories may resurface during near-death experiences or other significant events, allowing individuals to process and acknowledge their past.

      Traumatic experiences, especially those involving alien encounters, can lead to deep-rooted fears and memories that are suppressed. These memories can resurface, often during near-death experiences or other significant events, allowing individuals to process and acknowledge their past. The speaker in this discussion shares her experiences of being told she was never good enough and enduring disgusting treatments, which made her unable to face anything related to UFOs or aliens. Her near-death experience, however, helped her remember and confront these repressed memories, enabling her to understand and accept her past. She also mentions that her early childhood memories involve fear of people with certain features, possibly due to her experiences in alien facilities. The overwhelming fear she feels when sensing the presence of these entities is described as an almost tangible sensation in the air.

    • Encountering the Unknown: A Speaker's Story of Extraterrestrial EncountersThe speaker shares her experiences of encountering unexplained phenomena, including floating and teleportation, since childhood. She was part of a program where she learned about the world and entities like the Grays, and believes her unique ability to understand concepts easily led to her selection.

      The speaker describes experiencing unexplained phenomena, such as floating through the sky and teleportation, starting from a young age. She was part of an organized program where she was taught about the world and various entities, including the Grays, which she describes as having large eyes, being smaller than humans, and feeling cold and bony. The speaker also mentions that she had a unique ability to understand concepts easily and that her education was effortless. She believes she was chosen for this program due to her family background and bloodline. Despite some confusion and traumatic experiences, such as being put under anesthesia and being asked questions as a child, the speaker seems to have accepted these experiences as part of her reality.

    • Encounters with Extraterrestrial BeingsThe speaker shares experiences of encounters with tall, blonde, fair-skinned beings with icy blue eyes, involving abductions, unexplained pregnancies, and non-humanoid creatures. They now understand these beings lack a spiritual existence like humans, emphasizing self-acceptance.

      The speaker describes encounters with extraterrestrial beings, who appeared as tall, blonde, fair-skinned, with icy blue eyes. These beings were involved in the alleged abduction of the speaker and other unexplained pregnancies. The speaker recalls a specific encounter where they were given a baby creature that they believed was theirs, but were not allowed to keep. The speaker reflects on their experiences, understanding now that these beings do not possess a spiritual existence like humans. They also recall a sense of deep connection and personality with their own spiritual identity, emphasizing the importance of self-acceptance. The speaker's experiences include elements of abduction, unexplained pregnancies, and encounters with non-humanoid beings.

    • Childhood Experiences in a Military BaseA speaker recounts being taken to a military base as a child for unknown tests and interactions with hybrid children or entities, leaving a lasting impact.

      The speaker's experiences in her early childhood involve being taken to a mysterious location where she was expected to interact with potentially hybrid children and other entities. She underwent various tests and felt groomed by one specific person, who was often with her and dressed in military attire. The speaker's mother was not able to get proper help for her during this time, and the incidents left a lasting impact on her. The speaker believes she was in a deep underground military base, possibly with a network of tunnels and trains. She felt unsure of the purpose of her experiences and sometimes felt that those in charge were not sure what to do with her. The speaker's account includes elements of medical testing, interaction with hybrid children or other entities, and a sense of being groomed or prepared for a specific purpose.

    • A spiritual awakening and a period of violation shaped the speaker's lifeThe speaker's life was shaped by two distinct periods: a spiritual transformation during her teenage years and experiences of violation later in life. These experiences challenged her beliefs and offered insights into the complexities of faith, relationships, and personal growth.

      The speaker's life was significantly impacted by two distinct periods: the first, marked by a profound spiritual awakening during her teenage years, and the second, characterized by experiences that left her feeling violated and disconnected. The spiritual transformation occurred during a Duran Duran song's interpretation session with her roommates, leading them to rediscover their faith. However, this fervor waned when she married a non-religious partner, resulting in two miscarriages and a sense of spiritual emptiness. The second period was marked by experiences that left her feeling used and violated, which she finds difficult to discuss in detail. Despite these challenges, she remains hopeful and seeks solace in sharing her story with others who have gone through similar experiences. From a broader perspective, her experiences challenge conventional beliefs and offer valuable insights into the complexities of faith, relationships, and personal growth.

    • Traumatic experiences' long-lasting effectsTraumatic experiences, such as abductions, can impact physical health, emotional wellbeing, and relationships. It's important to create a safe space for individuals to share and seek help.

      Experiencing traumatic events, such as being abducted, can have profound and long-lasting effects on an individual's life. These experiences can be difficult to discuss with others, including therapists, due to the stigma and disbelief surrounding such events. The effects can manifest in various ways, including physical health issues, emotional distress, and interpersonal relationships. It's important to acknowledge and address these experiences, even if it takes decades, as they can impact not only the person who experienced them but also their loved ones. The speaker expresses a sense of responsibility for not dealing with these experiences earlier and wishes they could have protected their children from similar experiences. It's crucial to create a safe and supportive environment for individuals to share their experiences and seek help when needed.

    • Encounters with Alien BeingsThe speaker describes encounters with extraterrestrial beings throughout her life, believing they have a unique appearance and cold presence, possibly influenced by her blood type and religious beliefs, and expresses concern for their intentions

      The speaker describes experiencing encounters with extraterrestrial beings during her life, starting from a young age. She believes these beings have a different appearance, with larger, oddly spaced eyes and a cold presence. She also shares that her involvement seems to be due to her blood type and that the encounters increased when she was not living a devout Christian life. The speaker expresses her belief that these beings are not here for a benevolent purpose. She has encountered others who exhibit similar characteristics and has tried to warn them, but they have not been receptive. The speaker's experiences have left her feeling that her life has been influenced against her will, and she can only speculate about the true purpose and appearance of these beings.

    • Fear of judgment and rejection can prevent individuals from sharing experiencesSharing experiences, even the unusual ones, is essential for connection and understanding. Fear of judgment and rejection should not prevent us from seeking validation and acceptance.

      Keeping secrets and not sharing experiences, especially with those closest to us, can lead to feelings of isolation and vulnerability. This was evident in the discussion about the speaker's past experiences and her reluctance to share them with others, even with her supportive husband. The fear of judgment and rejection can prevent individuals from seeking understanding and connection with others who may have gone through similar experiences. Additionally, the conversation touched on the existence of unusual creatures and artifacts, with the speaker sharing her childhood experiences growing up near Indian mounds and the discovery of giant bones. The importance of acknowledging and validating these experiences, even if they may seem strange or unbelievable to others, was emphasized. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of open communication, connection, and acceptance in dealing with the unknown and the challenges of life.

    • The Connection Between Entertainment and Unexplained PhenomenaPersonal experiences with cults and secret societies can leave lasting impressions of strangeness and discomfort, but maintaining faith and trust in God can help individuals overcome and move forward. Sharing stories in a safe space like Blurry Creatures podcast can provide validation and a sense of community.

      There seems to be a connection between the entertainment industry and unexplained phenomena, with stories of filmmakers obtaining mysterious footage and cult involvement. Personal experiences with cults and secret societies, including Rainbow Girls and Eastern Star, have left lasting impressions of strangeness and discomfort. Sharing these experiences can provide a sense of community and validation for those who have gone through similar situations. Despite the challenges and hardships, maintaining faith and trust in God can help individuals overcome and move forward. Blurry Creatures podcast aims to create a safe space for people to share their stories, knowing that they are not alone in their experiences.

    • Encounters with the unknown can be dangerousApproach the unknown with caution and skepticism, seek guidance from faith, and be aware of potential harm.

      Not all encounters with the unknown are benign or good. The speaker shares their experience of being approached by a group that tried to make them feel welcome but were ultimately not the "good guys." They also caution against seeking out such encounters, comparing it to playing with a Ouija board or other potentially dangerous practices. The speaker believes that there is both good and evil in the world, and we should be cautious and skeptical, especially when dealing with the unknown. They encourage people to look to their faith, such as the Bible, for answers and guidance. The speaker's personal experiences and family stories add to the belief that there are strange and unexplained phenomena in the world, but we must approach them with caution and skepticism.

    • God's love and redemption remain constantDespite past trauma, God's love and redemption are constant. Hold on to faith and love, even in adversity.

      No matter how much trauma or hardship one experiences in life, God's love and redemption remain constant. The speaker's ability to share the goodness of God despite their past experiences is a testament to the miraculous nature of God's love. The speaker also emphasizes the profound depth of God's love, which is bigger than any hardships or challenges. Additionally, the speaker shares an encounter with an unexplained smell at an RV park, which left them feeling uneasy, and their belief that it was a sign of something real and organic. The speaker also mentions their encounters with various types of extraterrestrial beings, some of whom were kind and others not, but the closest relationship they formed was with one who was kind and helped them through difficult times. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of holding on to faith and love, even in the face of adversity.

    • Encountering strange beings and environmentsThe speaker describes unexplained encounters with otherworldly beings and environments, some reminiscent of science fiction or animation, and a large underground facility possibly linked to UFO sightings and paranormal phenomena.

      The speaker describes encountering strange, otherworldly beings and environments, some of which were reminiscent of science fiction or animation, in various locations. These beings, who seemed to have a hierarchical structure, were not open to interaction with regular people, and their appearance was often unsettling and unbelievable to those who saw them. The speaker also mentions the existence of a large, underground facility with many rooms and activities, which may be connected to UFO sightings and paranormal phenomena. The speaker's theory is that this underground base may be trying to keep people away due to the potentially dangerous or radioactive conditions inside. The speaker expresses a sense of isolation and confusion regarding their experiences, as they have never encountered anyone else who has had similar encounters and find it difficult to discuss these events due to their seemingly implausible nature.

    • Sharing personal experiences can inspire and healPersonal stories of overcoming challenges can connect and inspire others, creating safe spaces for sharing can lead to healing and growth, and God's love can provide support during difficult times.

      Personal experiences, no matter how difficult or unbelievable they may seem, have the power to connect and inspire others. The speaker shares her story of dealing with past traumas and the importance of sharing it, not for personal gain, but for the potential of helping others who may be going through similar experiences. She emphasizes that God's love and support can help individuals overcome even the most challenging circumstances. The speaker also highlights the importance of creating safe spaces for people to share their stories and find community and support. The podcast platform provides an accessible and non-judgmental space for these conversations to take place. The speaker's courage to share her story and the podcast's role in facilitating these conversations demonstrate the transformative power of sharing personal experiences and the potential for healing and growth.

    • The importance of finding comfort and support during challenging timesConnecting with others and finding inner guidance are crucial for personal growth and healing during difficult experiences. Faith or other sources of strength can also provide comfort and help navigate through adversity.

      Sharing experiences and finding support, especially during difficult times, is essential for personal growth and healing. The speaker, Cameron, emphasized the importance of having a savior or source of comfort and strength, whether it be through faith or other means, to help navigate through challenging experiences. He also highlighted the value of connecting with others who have gone through similar situations and the importance of looking inward for guidance rather than relying on external sources. The conversation also touched upon the benefits of sharing experiences and memories as they can help in the healing process and allow one to relax and remember more clearly. Overall, the discussion underscored the significance of community, faith, and self-reflection in overcoming adversity and finding peace.

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    Your experiences are important to us, and we noticed the 2022 episodes you liked best. So to honor that, we’re sharing some gems from those conversations.

    • In Reality as Medicine, we explore the task of adapting to the truths of our inner and outer worlds. Finally, in Vocation: Answering the Call, we deepen Jung’s comment, “In the final analysis, we count for something only because of the essential we embody, and if we do not embody that, life is wasted.”
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    Donald Kalsched

    Connie Zweig


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    How To Waste Your Life & Never Be Happy - The #1 Thing Sabotaging You | Paul Conti PT 1
    Prepare to dive deep into the intricate web of human psychology, trauma, and the essence of personal responsibility.  Today, I’m joined by the insightful Dr. Paul Conti, a psychiatrist, consultant, and author who is adept at helping people untangle complex problems and find a path to healing. His book, Trauma: The Invisible Epidemic, examines the most recent research, clinical best practices, and dozens of real-life stories to present a deeper, richer, and more urgent view of trauma. In the first part of this episode, Dr. Conti unravels the complexities of trauma, its lasting impact on our mental and emotional well-being, and the pivotal role of personal responsibility in our healing journey. We also explore the power of self-belief and conceptualizing trauma, gaps that exist in society around understanding and treating trauma, and the role of meaning and purpose in surviving and overcoming trauma.  SHOW NOTES: 0:45 | Process of Understanding Ourselves 11:40 | Overcoming the Shame Spiral 18:30 | Markers of Trauma 25:59 | Conceptualizing Trauma and the Power of Self-Belief 33:01 | Societal Gaps in Understanding Our Responses 49:09 | The Depth of Loneliness and Feeling "Dead" Inside 1:05:13 | Compassion in a Societal Context 1:15:00 | The Role of Meaning and Purpose in Trauma Follow Paul Conti: https://drpaulconti.com/  SPONSORS: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://bit.ly/AG1Impact. Right now, Kajabi is offering a 30-day free trial to start your own business if you go to https://bit.ly/Kajabi-Impact. Head to www.insidetracker.com and use code “IMPACTTHEORY” to get 20% off! Learn a new language and get 55% off at https://bit.ly/BabbelImpact. Try NordVPN risk-free with a 30-day money-back guarantee by going to https://bit.ly/NordVPNImpact Give online therapy a try at https://bit.ly/BetterhelpImpact and get on your way to being your best self. Go to https://bit.ly/PlungeImpact and use code IMPACT to get $150 off your incredible cold plunge tub today. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you. Want to transform your health, sharpen your mindset, improve your relationship, or conquer the business world? This is your epicenter of greatness.  This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. * New episodes delivered ad-free * Unlock the gates to a treasure trove of wisdom from inspiring guests like Andrew Huberman, Mel Robbins, Hal Elrod, Matthew McConaughey, and many, many, more * Exclusive access to Tom’s AMAs, keynote speeches, and suggestions from his personal reading list * You’ll also get access to an 5 additional podcasts with hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, meticulously curated into themed playlists covering health, mindset, business, relationships, and more: *Legendary Mindset: Mindset & Self-Improvement *Money Mindset: Business & Finance *Relationship Theory: Relationships *Health Theory: Mental & Physical Health *Power Ups: Weekly Doses of Short Motivational Quotes  *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Psychological impact of Poverty with Dr.Katriona O Sullivan

    The Psychological impact of Poverty with Dr.Katriona O Sullivan
    Dr. Katriona O Sullivan is a psychologist whose work centers around the impact of poverty on a person's development. She works towards improving access to education for marginalized people. Her memoir "Poor" charts her journey as a child who grew up in extreme poverty to eventually studying in Trinity college

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    30.23 - MU Podcast - The Abductee Enforcers

    30.23 - MU Podcast - The Abductee Enforcers
    With the recent explosive whistleblower testimony regarding the government's knowledge of UFOs, crashed craft, and ET interactions, you could be forgiven for thinking that the decades-long agenda of cover-up and secrecy is finally coming to an end. However, it's possible that nothing could be further from the truth, especially if extraterrestrial intelligence itself is responsible for the cover-up. On this episode, we consider reports from alleged abductees and leading researchers who claim that an alien infiltration of humanity is well underway and has been so for more than a century. We hear stories of alien hybrid security enforcers, mind control, and more. Then, for our Plus+ members, we take an in-depth look into the hotly anticipated Fairy Census 2! We cover reports of man-eating fox spirits, hidden realms, and terrifying black monsters of the fae sort. Links Alien Infiltration Alien Infiltration vs. Mind Games A Tale of (Possible) Alien Intruders in Antarctica Truly Bizarre Accounts of Shapeshifting Alien Infiltrators Amongst Us Dr. David Jacobs (11-15-11) Abductees and their Involuntary Tasks Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of Ufo Abductions The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda 30.11 - MU Podcast - The Program Out of Time: The Intergenerational Abduction Program Explored Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. Fairy Census 2 The Dancing Fairies of Sennen Cove Beach Combing Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices