
    Ep. 139: Am I Good at Time Management or Just Lazy?

    en-usOctober 18, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering Effective and Affordable Men's Skincare with DiscoThe Disco starter set offers a convenient and effective solution for men seeking to improve their skin health, with a face cleanser stick, exfoliating facial scrub, and hydrating face moisturizer. Listeners can enjoy a 30% discount on their first order with the code DEEPSKIN at www.letsdisco.com/deep.

      Disco's skincare products are an effective and affordable solution for men looking to improve their skin health. The speaker, Cal Newport, shares his personal experience of discovering Disco after realizing the need to upgrade his own skin care routine due to increased on-camera appearances. He highlights the ease of use and convenience of the Disco starter set, which includes a face cleanser stick, exfoliating facial scrub, and a hydrating face moisturizer. He also mentions the special offer for Deep Questions listeners, granting them a 30% discount on their first order at www.letsdisco.com/deep. Additionally, Newport reflects on the importance of recognizing the behind-the-scenes work that goes into creating high-quality content in professional studios. He shares his newfound appreciation for the smooth operation and high output of these studios after attempting to replicate the technology in his own office. Lastly, he apologizes for recent errors in episode timestamps and explains the shift to dynamic ad insertion as the cause.

    • Predicting the future of remote work communicationThe pandemic has led to a shift towards remote work, but constant messaging can create a hyperactive work environment. A more structured approach to organizing work and communication is needed to make remote work feasible in the long run.

      The pandemic has led to a shift towards remote work, and while this may eliminate some friction in communication, it also risks creating a hyperactive work environment with constant messaging. To mitigate this, there is a need for more structured approaches to organizing work and communication. The speaker, who made this prediction in an early New Yorker article, believes that this structured approach could make remote work more feasible in the long run. Additionally, a technical fix is being implemented to podcast episodes, allowing listeners to easily navigate between topics using chapter markers.

    • The challenges of remote work prove unsustainable for most organizationsOrganizations must address systemic issues and find effective ways to structure work before attempting to change where it takes place.

      The shift to remote work during the pandemic led to increased communication and productivity in some ways, but also created unsustainable levels of hyperactivity and distraction. While some predicted this would force companies to reevaluate their work structures, the overwhelming nature of the pandemic and other personal challenges kept most organizations from making significant changes. As a result, many are expected to return to in-person work within the next year, as the challenges of remote work prove to be more than what can be sustained in the long term. It's crucial for organizations to address the systemic issues that make the hyperactive hive mind incompatible with remote work and find ways to structure work more effectively before attempting to change where that work takes place.

    • Remote-first startups gaining advantage during pandemicRemote-first startups can access larger talent pool, reduce overhead costs, and develop new ways of organizing work, giving them a competitive edge over traditional office-based companies.

      The pandemic-driven shift to remote work may not result in a permanent change to traditional office settings. Large companies may eventually reopen, but startups that have built their businesses from scratch during the pandemic and adopted a "remote-first" approach will have a competitive advantage. These companies can access a larger talent pool, reduce overhead costs, and develop new ways of organizing work. As these startups grow, their best practices for remote work will likely be adopted by larger companies, leading to a more flexible and efficient work environment. Chris Herd, a technology entrepreneur and remote work advocate, argues that this trend will continue to shape the future of work. However, it may take some time before these changes become the norm.

    • Remote work trend accelerating for large corporationsLarge corporations, including monopolies, will adopt remote work policies, expertise will spread vertically, PE firms will drive change, and a significant percentage of workers will have no permanent office in the next few years.

      The pandemic has accelerated the trend towards remote work, and this shift is not limited to small companies. Large corporations, even monopolies, will eventually adopt remote work policies as well. The expertise on how to effectively run a remote office will spread vertically from large tech companies to smaller businesses through hiring of experts. Private equity firms are expected to play a significant role in this process by acquiring companies and implementing remote work policies to boost profitability and expand their talent pool. The landscape of work will look different in the next three to four years, with a significant percentage of workers having no permanent office. This change is already underway, even if it's not yet visible in the current landscape of mostly hybrid work arrangements. The pandemic has laid the seeds for a phase shift in where work happens, and the effects of this change will become more visible in the coming years. Remote work is not a complete replacement for in-person work, but it will become more prevalent than it is currently. This is good news for those seeking deeper focus and productivity through remote work.

    • Improve focus and productivity through structured work habits and style replicationFocusing deeply on work, whether it's writing or another task, is essential for productivity and job satisfaction. Adopt structured work habits and practice style replication to enhance your skills.

      Developing the ability to focus deeply on your work, whether it's writing or any other task, is crucial for increasing productivity and job satisfaction. This can be achieved by moving away from a distracting work environment and adopting more structured work habits. When it comes to writing specifically, if you don't have an editor to provide feedback, try practicing style replication. This involves studying and attempting to replicate the writing styles of authors you admire. Benjamin Franklin used this method to improve his own writing skills, and it can be a valuable tool for anyone looking to expand their writing toolkit. As for measuring the effort required to complete a PhD thesis or a nonfiction book, both types of projects demand significant time and dedication. Writing a book may involve reading numerous articles, writing for hours each day or week, and attending conferences to network with other professionals in your field. The exact amount of time and resources required will depend on the specific project and the individual's writing process.

    • Writing a PhD dissertation and a nonfiction book at the same timeDespite differences in writing processes and time commitments, both PhD dissertations and nonfiction books can be worked on simultaneously. Short breaks, like 10-minute ones, generally don't hinder deep work sessions.

      Writing a PhD dissertation and a nonfiction book simultaneously can be done, but it's important to note that the writing processes and time commitments can vary greatly depending on the field of study. For instance, in theoretical computer science, a dissertation might involve stapling together published papers, while a nonfiction book may require extensive research and writing from scratch. The dissertation process may also be more focused on establishing research productivity beforehand. In contrast, writing a nonfiction book often involves a lengthy preamble period to determine the topic and a significant time commitment during the writing, editing, and publicity stages. However, taking short breaks, such as 10-minute breaks from sitting, is generally not enough to significantly disrupt deep work sessions, especially if those breaks are designed to minimize context shifting costs.

    • Avoid distractions during deep work sessionsMinimize distractions, take physical breaks, and avoid emotionally arousing content during deep work sessions for optimal focus and productivity. Try mushroom coffee for an added productivity boost.

      During deep work sessions, it's important to avoid distractions that create cognitive collisions or emotional arousal. Looking at work-related emails during breaks can lead to confusion and make it harder to refocus. Emotionally arousing distractions, like social media, can be even more detrimental as they activate different parts of the brain and make it difficult to return to the original task. Instead, taking a physical break or exposing yourself to neutral, non-emotional content during a break can help maintain focus and productivity. Additionally, consider trying mushroom coffee before deep work sessions to help your brain associate the feeling with deep work mode and make it easier to shift focus. Remember, the key is to minimize distractions and maintain a clear cognitive context for optimal productivity. Furthermore, the Blinkist app can help you make the most of your time by providing key takeaways from top non-fiction books in just 15 minutes. This way, you can gain valuable insights and ideas without getting bogged down in lengthy texts. And if you're looking for a productivity boost, consider trying Four Sigmatic's mushroom coffee for an added physiological footprint that can help you get into deep work mode faster. Just remember to avoid relevant and emotionally arousing distractions during your deep work sessions for optimal focus and productivity.

    • Explore new topics efficiently with BlinkistBlinkist helps determine if books are worth investing time and money by summarizing key insights. Effective time management practices like GTD and time blocking increase productivity, allowing for personal growth or additional responsibilities.

      Blinkist is a valuable tool for exploring new topics and deciding whether to invest time and money into reading a full book. By using Blinkist to consume the key insights from multiple books on a given topic, you can efficiently determine which resources are worth delving deeper into. Additionally, effective time management practices like GTD and time blocking can lead to increased productivity, allowing you to accomplish more in less time. If you find yourself with unexpected free time as a result, consider using it to take on additional responsibilities or pursue personal interests. Remember, being efficient with your time doesn't make you lazy or underworked – it simply means you're working smart.

    • Balancing work and personal life with part-time jobs or personal projectsOrganizations can manage high volumes of incoming information by setting clear guardrails and structures, enabling assistants to process and prioritize efficiently.

      Having a part-time job or dedicating time to personal projects can be a viable option for those looking to balance their work and personal life. Ethically, as long as the work produced meets the required standard, the way the work is structured is immaterial. For organizations dealing with high volumes of incoming information, setting clear guardrails and structures is essential to empowering an assistant while maintaining mission-based standards. By establishing specific channels for incoming information and setting clear expectations, organizations can effectively manage the inflow of pitches or queries and ensure that their assistant is able to process and prioritize them efficiently. Clarity and structure are key components in effectively utilizing an assistant to manage incoming information.

    • Effective use of assistance requires structureStructuring communication channels, tasks, and leisure time around personal values and goals enhances the benefits of assistance and prevents aimless activities.

      Effective use of assistance, whether at work or in managing leisure time, requires a well-structured system. When communication channels and tasks are structured, assistance can be beneficial. However, if the system becomes too easy to manage on one's own, the need for assistance may diminish. Regarding leisure time, structuring it around the deep life elements can help fill it in a meaningful way, ensuring that activities align with personal values and goals. This approach can make the most of one's time and prevent the feeling of aimlessly filling it with random activities. In summary, structure is key to effectively utilizing assistance and managing leisure time.

    • The challenges of remote work for digital nomadsThe increasing demand for constant communication and meetings hinders the ability to focus on deep work while traveling. A potential solution is a shift towards more outcome-driven, structured approaches to work, allowing for a more viable digital nomad lifestyle.

      While remote work and digital nomadism have become more accessible and desirable due to cultural shifts and technological advancements, the nature of work itself has evolved to be less compatible with the nomadic lifestyle. The increasing dominance of constant communication and meetings in the form of the "hyperactive hive mind" makes it difficult to disconnect and focus on deep work while traveling. However, there's a potential solution in the form of a second phase of the remote revolution, which involves moving towards more outcome-driven, structured approaches to work. Once this shift occurs, digital nomadism may become more viable again as people will have more autonomy and flexibility in how they work, making it easier to interleave work with interesting experiences in new locations. Conversely, if work becomes more structured and efficient, the efficiency advantages of remote work and digital nomadism may no longer be significant.

    • The decline of RSS and the loss of context in content consumptionRSS offered privacy, distributed content curation, and a more complex context for content consumption, but its advantages have been overshadowed by monopolistic platforms, leading to a collapse of context in content consumption.

      The future of work may involve increased productivity and effectiveness, but it could also lead to higher expectations and less free time. RSS feeds, a distributed and democratic alternative to social media for keeping up with topics of interest, were once a healthy approach to information consumption but have been overshadowed by monopolistic platforms. RSS allows for independent content creation and peer-to-peer subscription, offering advantages such as privacy, distributed content curation, and a more complex context for content consumption. The loss of these advantages in favor of monopolistic platforms has led to a collapse of context in content consumption. Despite this, there may be a way to return to the benefits of RSS and independent content creation.

    • Navigating Quality Information Amidst Digital UniformityIndependent content creation and peer-to-peer subscription can foster diverse ideas and minimize unintended consequences. Connect with like-minded individuals through email lists, social media, or events.

      In today's digital age, with the uniformity of interfaces across social media platforms, it's increasingly challenging to discern quality information from misinformation or disinformation. The interchangeable nature of content presentation makes it harder for individuals to curate and filter what they consume. Independent content construction and peer-to-peer subscription, on the other hand, can foster a more diverse range of ideas and innovation while minimizing unintended consequences. To connect with like-minded individuals, consider putting out a call on email lists, social media, or in-person events. Deep question-type content consumers might not be as active on popular platforms, but they are out there. Organizing meetups or events can also help facilitate connections within the community.

    • A community of deep thinkers and knowledge workersThe audience for 'The Daily Stoic' podcast and 'Deep Work' book share characteristics of being knowledge workers, open-minded, intentional with time, skeptical of tech trends, and willing to explore new ideas, and they value depth and intellectual curiosity.

      The audience for the podcast "The Daily Stoic" and those who appreciate the book "Deep Work" share a unique set of characteristics. They are knowledge workers, open-minded, intentional with their time, skeptical of technological trends, and willing to explore new ideas. The podcast's host encourages listeners to connect with each other and potentially organize meetups or events. Additionally, the host is planning a live appearance and invites those interested in organizing such an event to contact him at interestingacalenuport.com. Overall, the podcast's audience represents a community of individuals who value depth, intentionality, and intellectual curiosity.

    Recent Episodes from Deep Questions with Cal Newport

    Ep. 302: Re-Enchanting Work

    Ep. 302: Re-Enchanting Work

    We talk a lot on this show about how to organize and execute your work, but not enough about where to do it. In this episode, Cal explores the theory and practice of “adventure working,” in which you escape to novel and inspiring locations to tackle your most demanding and interesting cognitive efforts. He then answers reader questions about habits and rituals, before ending with a critical look at a famous football club’s distressing embrace of pseudo-productivity.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode: youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: Re-Enchanting Work [5:39]

    - What are Cal’s health habits? [31:12]
    - What’s the difference between discipline and rituals? [34:08]
    - How does Cal read so much? [37:37]
    - What are Cal’s writing-related rituals? [40:44]
    - Should I go slow in my job hunting? [45:05]
    - CALL: Working at a natural pace as a teacher [49:47]
    - CALL:  How to navigate the “pull system” [54:31]

    CASE STUDY: Organizing files in a household [1:00:57]

    CAL REACTS: Manchester’s United’s Pseudo-Productivity [1:11:13] 



    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 301: Reclaiming Time and Focus (w/ Jordan Harbinger)

    Ep. 301: Reclaiming Time and Focus (w/ Jordan Harbinger)

    In this episode, the proverbial tables are turned, with Cal being interviewed by Jordan Harbinger about time, focus, and the quest for a slower notion of productivity. (This interview originally aired as episode 975 Jordan's can’t-miss podcast, The Jordan Harbinger Show).

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    - INTERVIEW: Cal being interviewed by Jordan Harbinger [1:54]

    Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity” at www.calnewport.com/slow
    Get a signed copy of Cal’s “Slow Productivity” at https://peoplesbooktakoma.com/event/cal-newport/ 

    Thanks to our Sponsors:


    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 300: Hidden Technology Traps

    Ep. 300: Hidden Technology Traps

    There has been a lot of attention paid recently to the impact of technology like social media on the mental health of young people. But this is not the only technology trap lurking for this generation. In this episode, Cal talks about three subtle but significant ways in which our current technology culture is setting up young people for professional failure in the years ahead. He then provides some advice for resisting this fate. In addition to this discussion, he answers questions from the audience and reacts to one of the coolest examples of slow craft that he’s encountered in a long while.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: The Burnout Society [7:53]

    - How can I stop distraction relapses? [35:18]
    - How can I reduce my social media addiction without abandoning these technologies? [39:37]
    - How can I schedule deep work with a scattered class schedule? [44:29]
    - How should I reintroduce video games after a successful digital declutter? [47:14]
    - How do I apply Slow Productivity later in life? [51:04]
    - CALL: How to formulate a deep life when you’re young [54:41]   

    CASE STUDY: Tweaking the time block planner [1:06:44] 

    CAL REACTS: A Slow Reconstruction of an Ancient City [1:11:00]


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 299: Our Love/Hate Relationship with Personal Productivity

    Ep. 299: Our Love/Hate Relationship with Personal Productivity

    Cal has been writing professionally about issues related to personal productivity for two decades. In today’s episode, he provides a short history of what he’s observed during this period about out constantly shifting relationship with this topic, from the quiet optimism of the 1990s, to the techno-mania of the early 2000s, to the whiplash shift from anti-distraction to anti-work sentiments in the 2010s. He ends with a summary of where we are today and what he currently thinks matters in thinking about getting things done. During the Q&A session, Cal is joined by special guest host Scott Young (whose new book is GET BETTER AT ANYTHING) to help answer your questions. We conclude with a list of the books Cal read in April.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: The 20-year history with personal productivity [4:20]

    - How does Cal organize his files as a technical researcher? [1:04:55]
    - How slow is too slow? [1:18:48]
    - Does “Monk Mode” actually work? [1:27:25]
    - How do I adapt my organizational systems to do more complicated work? [1:36:07]
    - What are the most underrated habits for living a great life? [1:49:46]

    CASE STUDY: Unconventional slow productivity [1:55:56]

    FINAL SEGMENT: The 5 Books Cal Read in April 2024 [2:04:51]

    Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity” at calnewport.com/slow
    Get a signed copy of Cal’s “Slow Productivity” at peoplesbooktakoma.com/event/cal-newport/ 
    Cal’s monthly book directory: bramses.notion.site/059db2641def4a88988b4d2cee4657ba?v=448bf8afad0740d18f6b109b4bd40d51

    Books Discussed in Deep Dive:

    7 Habits of Highly Effective People
    How To Become CEO
    Getting Things Done
    The Four Hour Work Week
    How To Do Nothing

    April Books:

    An Empire of Their Own by Neal Gabler
    Co-intelligence by Ethan Mollick
    Dragons of Eden by Carl Sagan
    The Perfect Mile by Neal Bascomb
    To Heal a Fractured World by Jonathan Sacks

    Thanks to our Sponsors:

    This show is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/deepquestions

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 298: Rethinking Attention

    Ep. 298: Rethinking Attention

    We think of information as something neutral; a spotlight that helps illuminate the reality of the outside world. Accordingly, more information is better than less. In this episode, Cal pushes back on this model, arguing that the form in which information arrives can strongly impact the understanding we extract. We must therefore be more intentional about what and how we pay attention. He then answers reader questions and surveys some unusual but entertaining stories about slowness.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: Rethinking attention [4:08]

    - What books should I read to help me develop a deep life? [34:35]
    - Does writing by hand have benefits for your brain? [38:40]
    - Should I get a brain scan to prove I have a low IQ? [43:46]
    - Should I use ChatGPT for book recommendations? [47:39]
    - How can I avoid wasting your gap year? [49:40]
    - CALL: Is “Slow Productivity” related to “The Burnout Society” by Buying-Chui Han? [55:32]

    CASE STUDY: Utilizing the phone foyer method [1:01:58]  

    FINAL SEGMENT: Slow news [1:10:58]


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 297: The Deep Life Hardware

    Ep. 297: The Deep Life Hardware

    Why do you struggle with your grand attempts to escape distraction and aimlessness to make your life deeper? In this episode, Cal draws on an unexpected metaphor – Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace, and the Analytical Engine – to help identify the subtle obstacle on your path to increase depth. With this new understanding in hand, he then details a specific gameplan to get around it. Later, he takes questions from the audience and reacts to the new AI Pin, a tool intended to render smartphones obsolete.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: The Deep Life Hardware [4:09]

    - Does personal productivity make us anxious? [34:04]
    - How can I build skills without getting in the way of my existing work? [42:11]
    - How can I build a deeper life after years of neglect? [46:00]
    - How is Sam Sulek’s stripped down YouTube channel doing so well? [52:12]
    - How can I convince my husband that I’m not a time management snob? [1:02:38]
    - CALL: Obsessing over quality [1:06:04]

    CASE STUDY: Shifting a mindset to do more deep work [1:11:04] 

    CAL REACTS: Is the Al Pin the End of Smartphones? [1:17:46]


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 296: Jane Austen’s To-Do List (LIVE)

    Ep. 296: Jane Austen’s To-Do List (LIVE)

    In the first ever live episode of Deep Questions, recorded at People’s Book in Takoma Park, MD, Cal extracts a modern productivity lesson from the tale of Jane Austen’s frustrated ambitions, before taking questions from the audience.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: Jane Austen’s To-Do List [3:22]

    — Is Cal building his YouTube channel with social media tactics? [27:36]
    — How can I do less in such a busy world? [31:53]
    — How do I escape the flow state? [37:01]
    — How can someone become a star while obsessing over craft? [40:52]
    — How can I apply Slow Productivity to unrelated projects? [46:40]
    — How does Cal develop his writing frameworks? [50:20]
    — How can I apply Slow Productivity principles to a team? [52:48]
    — How can I avoid the Zoom apocalypse? [57:48]
    — Is there a conflict between working at a natural pace and obsessing over quality? [1:07:16]
    — How can a personal trainer build a wellness solution company? [1:09:46]
    — How can our team not get delayed with technical problems? [1:13:00]
    — How can a young lawyer manage peer relationships with teams? [1:16:38]         


    — Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity” at calnewport.com/slow
    — Use this link to preorder a signed copy of “Slow Productivity”: peoplesbooktakoma.com/preorder-slow-productivity/
    — Cal’s Monthly Books directory: bramses.notion.site/059db2641def4a88988b4d2cee4657ba?v=448bf8afad0740d18f6b109b4bd40d51

    Thanks to our Sponsors:

    cozyearth.com  (Use promo code “Cal”)

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 295: Artists Revolt Against Social Media

    Ep. 295: Artists Revolt Against Social Media

    In this episode Cal takes a closer look at a growing trend of artists quitting social media and instead reverting to old-fashioned websites. Are these acts of principled sacrifice or a sustainable way to be creative online? Cal argues for the latter, showing how the internet without social media curation algorithms can be a place of rich discovery and audience building. He then takes questions on similar topics and ends by playing a few rounds of “deep or crazy” during the final segment.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: A Quiet Revolt Against Social Media [7:37]

    - Is my deep living too extreme? [45:06]
    - LinkedIn is getting toxic. Should I quit that too? [47:39]
    - Where do online articles fit into the life of a digital minimalist? [51:09]
    - Did Cal design the specifications for the hardcover copy of “Slow Productivity”? [54:04]
    - How do I not feel overwhelmed by online content after a Digital Declutter? [58:07]
    - CALL: Obsessing over quality [1:01:08]

    CASE STUDY: Applying lessons from “Digital Minimalism” [1:06:37]

    CAL REACTS: Deep or Crazy? [1:13:54]


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 294: A Tactical Assault on Busyness

    Ep. 294: A Tactical Assault on Busyness

    One of the biggest problems afflicting knowledge workers in the digital age is frantic busyness; days filled with emails, chats, and meetings, without much to show for all the effort. In today’s episode, Cal dives into one of the most-discussed ideas from his new book, Slow Productivity, which offers a simple, tactical assault on this state of persistent busyness. He then answers listener questions about similar issues and lists the book he read in March.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  hyoutube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: A Tactical Assault on Busyness [3:47]

    - How can I stop chasing the “perfect” productivity system? [34:51]
    - How do I avoid losing my day to distraction? [39:08] 
    - How do I help my partner escape meeting quickstand? [42:31]
    - How do we design the perfect client/task/scheduling system? [48:59]
    - Can Apple Vision Pro help deep work? [54:46]

    The 5 Books Cal Read in March 2024 [1:06:43]

    A Short History of England (Simon Jenkins)
    Into the Impossible (Brian Keating)
    The Amen Effect (Sharon Brous)
    Sink the Bismark! (CS Forester)
    Hidden Potential (Adam Grant)

    Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity” at calnewport.com/slow
    Thanks to our Sponsors:

    This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/deepquestions

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 293: Can A.I. Empty My Inbox?

    Ep. 293: Can A.I. Empty My Inbox?

    Imagine a world in which AI could handle your email inbox on your behalf. No more checking for new messages every five minutes. No more worries that people need you. No more exhausting cognitive context shifts. In this episode, Cal explores how close cutting-edge AI models are to achieving this goal, including using ChatGPT to help him answer some real email. He then dives into his latest article for The New Yorker, which explains the key technical obstacle to fully automated email and how it might be solved. This is followed by reader questions and a look at something interesting.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link:

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: Can A.I. Empty My Inbox? [4:33]
    - Should I continue to study programming if AI will eventually replace software jobs? [44:40]
    - Is it bad to use ChatGPT to assist with your writing? [49:22]
    - How do I reclaim my workspace for Deep Work? [55:24]
    - How do I decide what to do on my scheduled mini-breaks at work? [1:00:11]
    - CALL: Heidegger’s view on technology [1:02:48]
    - CALL: Seasonality with a partner and kids [1:09:11]

    CASE STUDY: A Silicon Valley Chief of Staff balancing work and ego [1:20:07]

    Something Interesting: General Grant’s Slow Productivity [1:30:08]

    Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity”at calnewport.com/slow


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Related Episodes

    Ep. 79: Should This Meeting Have Been an Email?

    Ep. 79: Should This Meeting Have Been an Email?

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). For instructions on submitting your own questions, go to calnewport.com/podcast.

    DEEP DIVE: Should this meeting have been an email? [5:30]


     - How do I recharge after a hard year of work? [17:14]
     - How do I write blog posts? [20:46]
     - How important is working from home for accomplishing deep work? [22:52]
     - How can I apply productive meditation to work that requires a computer? [28:52]


     - How do I step away from WhatsApp? [33:13]
     - Are spaced repetition flashcard programs worth it? [36:47]
     - What should I replace social media with in my life? [43:24]
     - How can I start a business without social media? [51:19]


     - Why are kitchens such appealing work locations? [54:53]
     - How do I overcome deep procrastination during remote learning? [58:10]
     - Should I time block after retirement?

    Thanks to Jay Kerstens for the intro music.

    Ep. 239: On Time and Stress

    Ep. 239: On Time and Stress

    The relationship with time is one of the more interesting things going on in work culture. Many knowledge workers take on too much work and become overloaded. If we have less to do, our relationship with time can be repaired. So we have to think very concretely about building systems and mindsets that reduce how much we have to do.

    Life of Focus link here: life-of-focus-course.com

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: https://bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  https://youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Today’s Deep Question: Is our relationship to time broken? [16:12]

    - Do we need AI-driven time management tools? (Rant alert) [39:39]
    - Is slow productivity compatible with becoming world class in a competitive field? [47:46]
    - What deep accomplishments are Cal and Jesse most proud about? [50:15]
    - CASE STUDY: A composer embraces slow productivity [59:40]

    Something Interesting:

    - Quiet quitting in academia? [1:08:35]



    Thanks to our Sponsors:


    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 71: How Do We Escape the Autonomy Trap?

    Ep. 71: How Do We Escape the Autonomy Trap?

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). For instructions on submitting your own questions, go to calnewport.com/podcast.

    DEEP DIVE: The Autonomy Trap [7:25]


     - How do I focus when working on a distracting computer? [19:58]
     - How do you maintain energy while increasing deep work? [23:34]
     - Can the pomodoro technique help achieve deep work? [29:00]
     - How can I time block when working with two kids in a small apartment? [31:29]
     - Have I thought about updating my student books? [38:!7]


     - Are project management tools like Basecamp just a fancier version oof email? [42:26]
     - How can I integrate OmniFocus into daily, weekly, quarterly planned work schedules? [46:38]
     - What about the social costs of missing invitations because you're not on social media? [55:09]


     - How do I organize my life as a newly published author? [1:01:10]
     - How do I balance rigor and accessibility in my non-fiction writing? [1:07:52]
     - How young is too young for getting kids started on the deep life? [1:14:08]

    Thanks to Jay Kerstens for the intro music.

    Ep. 16: Habit Tune-Up: Why Relaxation is Overrated and the Importance of Facing the Productivity Dragon

    Ep. 16: Habit Tune-Up: Why Relaxation is Overrated and the Importance of Facing the Productivity Dragon

    In this mini-episode, I take "calls" from listeners asking for advice about how best to tune-up their productivity and work habits in a moment of increased distraction and disruption.

    You can submit your own audio questions at speakpipe.com/calnewport.

    Here are the topics we cover: 

    * Does capturing thoughts diminish deep work? [2:09]

    * Trouble relaxing after periods of intense focus. [7:37]

    * Should you list specific tasks on time block schedules? [14:23]

    * Time blocking for jobs with regular unexpected emergencies. [18:46]

    * What administrators can do to help teachers work deeply. [26:08]

    As always, if you enjoy the podcast, please considering subscribing or leaving a rating/review.

    Thanks to listener Jay Kerstens for the intro music.

    Ep. 30: The False Choice: Move Fast or Think Deeply

    Ep. 30: The False Choice: Move Fast or Think Deeply

    There is a false dichotomy between thinking deeply and moving fast. We are often presented with these as mutually exclusive choices and both have real advantages. But there is a way to do both at the same time--and it is a life changing insight (at least, it was for me).


    Sign up to have Scott email you a weekly shot of energy, with 1 Cool Quote, 1 Deep Thought, and 1 Useful Tool. This is original content, not a repost of the podcast. You can find the sign-up section at the bottom of my website www.ScottWozniak.com 

    Learn how Scott and his team of consultants can help you build a legendary brand at www.SwozConsulting.com 

    Connect with Scott on social media:  




    Bonus: check out his other podcast (Alpha Pack): https://kite.link/alpha-pack-podcast 

    If you like this podcast you will probably like that one, too. Who knows, you might even like it better! :)