
    Ep 144. Licence to snooze

    enNovember 26, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Value of Flexibility in Travel and Health InsuranceFlexibility is important in travel and health insurance, allowing for unique experiences and budget-friendly options. Airbnb offers flexibility in travel accommodations, while UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans provide flexible and affordable medical, dental, and vision coverage.

      Flexibility is a valuable asset, whether it's in our daily lives or in terms of our health insurance and travel plans. Michelle Norris shared how Airbnb provides flexibility for those who want to entertain or find a taste of home while traveling. Meanwhile, UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans offer flexible and budget-friendly medical, dental, and vision coverage. In the past, pop stars traveled from city to city, not always knowing where they were, much like how Airbnb allows us to experience new places. And just as we value flexibility in our travels, it's important to have it in our health insurance. So, whether you're looking for a flexible way to entertain guests or to ensure you're covered for unexpected health issues, consider the benefits of flexibility. For more information on UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans, visit uhone.com. And for those looking to travel and experience new places, check out Airbnb.com/host.

    • School Trips and Drinking Water: A Contrast Between Past and PresentIn the past, school trips meant strict rules around bedtime and no drinking water, while today's kids enjoy more relaxed experiences with easy access to hydration.

      The experiences of being on a school trip with kids and the strict rules around drinking water at school in the past were significantly different from what children experience today. The speaker shared his memories of having to go on school trips with teachers and the challenges of enforcing bedtime rules in hotels. He also recalled the strict no-drinking rules at school and how thirsty he often was throughout the day. The speaker joked about having to ask permission to drink tap water in France and reminisced about the unhealthy food options available at school. He also shared a story about drinking water from a paintbrush pot in an art class due to his extreme thirst. The speaker emphasized that there were no fountains or other sources of water available at school during his time. Overall, the discussion highlighted the contrast between the strict rules around drinking water and the lack of access to it during the speaker's school days and the more relaxed and hydrated experiences of children today.

    • Shared memories and American traditionsBrits express frustration with commercialization of Black Friday sales, Chris shares tip on waiting for sale items

      The discussion revolved around shared memories and the introduction of American traditions, specifically Thanksgiving, into British culture. Chris shared a humorous anecdote about accidentally drinking PVA glue when he was thirsty as a child, which brought back a vivid memory of the unusual yet enjoyable experience. The group also expressed their frustration with the commercialization of Black Friday sales in the UK, despite it not having the same significance as in the US. They joked about the possibility of Thanksgiving becoming a popular holiday in the UK in the future. Additionally, Chris shared a tip for those looking to buy sale items: if an item has a pencil number on the tag, it's likely going on sale soon, so it's best to wait.

    • Power and secrecy can lead to manipulative behaviorsPower and secrecy can blind us from making ethical decisions, leading to negative consequences. Use power responsibly.

      Power and secrecy can lead to manipulative behaviors, and the allure of saving money can sometimes blind people from making ethical decisions. The speaker shared an anecdote about undercutting ticket prices before a secret sale, which ultimately resulted in customers feeling cheated. This experience made the speaker feel powerful, leading them to push people out of the way and manipulate prices. However, the consequences of these actions were not worth the temporary gain. The jingle in the podcast serves as a reminder of the freedom and power that comes with adulthood, but it's essential to use that power responsibly. Additionally, the speakers encourage their audience to vote for their podcast in the National Comedy Awards and still have some power left to give away - a few tour tickets for a Christmas night out.

    • Thousands of seats still available at O2 Arena tourDespite being labeled sold out, thousands of seats remain at the O2 Arena tour. Affordable ticket prices make attending live shows an enjoyable experience for fans.

      Despite the O2 Arena tour being labeled as sold out due to reaching over 85% of sales, there are still thousands of seats available. Additionally, the tour organizers have kept ticket prices relatively low to make the experience accessible to a larger audience. During an exciting week, they had the opportunity to appear on The Graham Norton Show alongside notable guests like Lin-Manuel Miranda and Will Smith, creating a memorable experience for them. Despite their enthusiasm, they hope they didn't come off as awkward during the interview. Overall, the affordable ticket prices and opportunity to attend high-profile events like this make attending live shows an accessible and enjoyable experience for fans.

    • The unexpected distraction during a warm-up set on a TV showTV shows can be unpredictable, even a captivating story can be overshadowed by something as simple as a glass of water, but the experience still offers valuable learning opportunities.

      The experience of being a warm-up comic on a TV show can be a humbling one, especially when compared to performing in a comedy club where the audience is more engaged and focused. During the warm-up for the Graham Norton Show, the speaker was telling a story when suddenly, everyone's attention was drawn to a runner putting a glass of water on a table. This moment served as a reminder of the pecking order in the world of TV and fame, and how even the most engaging story can be overshadowed by something as simple as a glass of water. Despite the excitement of working with famous guests like Will Smith and Richard Osman, the speaker felt insignificant in the grand scheme of things. However, the experience was still a valuable one, as it provided an opportunity to learn and grow as a performer.

    • Will Smith's sudden departure from podcast leaves hosts feeling guttedWill Smith's sudden departure from a podcast interview left the hosts feeling disappointed and wishing for more time with the celebrity.

      During an interview on Graham Norton, Will Smith went straight from the show to do a book launch with Idris Elba, leaving his podcast hosts feeling left out and jokingly worried about unexpected encounters. The hosts, Richard Osman and Mark Labbett, had a strange departure from Will Smith, with Osman jumping on a motorbike taxi and leaving immediately after the interview. Despite the awkward ending, Osman expressed his admiration for Smith, who he found to be a nice and cool person. The experience left Osman feeling gutted and wishing he could have stayed longer. Overall, the conversation highlighted the unexpected and sometimes disappointing nature of celebrity encounters.

    • Assuming shared humor can lead to embarrassmentBe mindful of others' perspectives and consider the context before attempting to connect through humor or other forms of communication.

      Even in moments of excitement and triumph, it's important to be mindful of our surroundings and the impact of our actions on others. The speaker in this story, despite being in high spirits and feeling like a "posh dickhead," assumed that others would share in his excitement and humor. However, when he attempted to use a joke that was part of his tour routine with strangers, he was met with silence and disapproval. This experience left him feeling embarrassed and disappointed. It serves as a reminder that not everyone may share our sense of humor or perspective, and it's essential to consider the context and audience before making assumptions or attempting to connect with others through jokes or other forms of communication.

    • Exploring collaborations with favorite companiesListeners learned about the speakers' love for Olive and June's affordable, long-lasting manicure kit and exclusive discounts from Blue Nile and 1800flowers.com.

      The speakers on this podcast discussed various topics, including their excitement about collaborating with different companies, their personal experiences, and expressing their admiration for those businesses. Paige spoke about her love for Olive and June, a company that provides a salon-quality manicure kit at an affordable price. She shared her enthusiasm for the quick-drying, long-lasting polish and the significant difference it has made in her nail care routine. Another topic was a humorous conversation between Chris and Belinda, where they joked about various mishaps, including falling on a metro line and being in a coma. They also mentioned their excitement about the holiday season and their personal relationships. Lastly, the speakers mentioned some companies they endorsed, such as Blue Nile, which offers lab-grown diamonds, and 1800flowers.com, which specializes in gifts for various occasions. They encouraged listeners to check out these companies and take advantage of exclusive discounts using promo codes. Overall, the speakers shared their personal experiences and expressed their appreciation for the companies they collaborated with, emphasizing the convenience, affordability, and high-quality products these businesses offer.

    • The importance of communication and understanding in relationshipsThrough a heartwarming encounter, the speaker learns the value of open communication and understanding in relationships, as well as the importance of being supportive of each other's choices and struggles.

      Communication and understanding are key in any relationship, be it personal or professional. The speaker shares a heartwarming encounter with a friend they hadn't seen in a while, only to find out the friend had been by their bedside during a hospital stay. However, their conversation took an unexpected turn when they discussed their dietary restrictions and the speaker's inability to resist condiments. This led to a humorous exchange about willpower and the importance of being honest about one's actions. Despite the lighthearted banter, the conversation underscores the importance of open and clear communication, as well as the importance of being understanding and supportive of each other's choices and struggles. The speaker also expresses their desire to lose weight and the challenges they face in sticking to their diet, highlighting the common struggle many people have with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Overall, the conversation demonstrates the importance of friendship, communication, and mutual understanding in navigating the ups and downs of life.

    • Disagreements and Humor in a ConversationPeople can have differing opinions and experiences, leading to disagreements and humor in conversations.

      The speakers in the conversation have different opinions and experiences with various things, leading to disagreements and humor. For instance, they had a discussion about Fruity Mentos, where one assumed there was mint in them, but the other clarified it was just fruity. The conversation also touched on a past incident where one flashed their bra at their manager in a service station. Despite their disagreements, they agreed to disagree and continued to have a light-hearted conversation. Additionally, they mentioned their upcoming dinner plans with a HelloFresh duck meal. The conversation ended with an invitation for listeners to send in their questions for the tour.

    • Unexpected experiences leading to entertaining storiesMaintaining a sense of humor in everyday situations can lead to amusing interactions and connections

      Life's unexpected experiences, whether they involve funny encounters on Facebook Marketplace or dealing with persistent sellers, can lead to entertaining stories. A man's insistence on selling a bike trailer led to a comical interaction filled with denials of criminal activity and reassurances of fidelity. Meanwhile, a child's misunderstanding of a game's name resulted in a humorous back-and-forth between a mother and her son. These instances, though seemingly trivial, demonstrate the importance of maintaining a sense of humor in everyday situations. Additionally, the man's emphasis on the safety of his street, despite it appearing otherwise, highlights the importance of trust and reassurance in transactions. Overall, these anecdotes serve as reminders that life's little quirks and misunderstandings can provide moments of amusement and connection.

    • Seller's assumptions about buyer's use of item can lead to confrontationsRespect individual choices and avoid making assumptions about others when buying or selling items online.

      The seller's assumption about the buyer's intended use of a purchased item can sometimes lead to unexpected confrontations. The seller in this story was upset that the buyer, a woman without children, had bought a bike trailer for herself instead of for transporting children. The buyer, on the other hand, was frustrated by the seller's insistence on her intended use and was able to eventually cycle away with the trailer. This incident highlights the importance of respecting individual choices and avoiding making assumptions about others. Additionally, the story also showcases the unique experiences and diverse communities that can be discovered through online marketplaces like Facebook Marketplace.

    • Encountering Unusual Fetishes at a Fetish ClubIndividuals engaging in unique fetishes are consenting adults, but personal comfort levels may vary.

      Some people have unique and unusual fetishes that may be disturbing to others. During a visit to a fetish club, the speaker and her husband encountered various zones catering to different fetishes, including a dark maze with glory holes and a zone dedicated to piss play. The speaker expressed her discomfort and reluctance to engage with these activities, particularly the use of glory holes and the paddling pool filled with urine. Despite the disturbing nature of these fetishes, it's important to remember that individuals engaging in them are consenting adults. However, the speaker's experience left her feeling uneasy and vanilla in comparison.

    • Saving Money in Unusual WaysRespecting rules and being honest is important, even when trying to save money, to avoid embarrassing situations and unwanted consequences.

      Even in the midst of enjoying luxurious experiences, some people may feel compelled to save money, leading to awkward situations. In the first story, a couple was left embarrassed and out of pocket when they tried to sneak a Toblerone from their hotel room's minibar, only to be caught and forced to pay the $3 charge. In the second story, a woman in Las Vegas attempted to deceive housekeeping by resealing a bag of M&M's with nail varnish to avoid paying for them. Both instances highlight the importance of respecting the rules and being honest, even when the temptation to save a few dollars may be strong. It's important to remember that these small actions, while seemingly insignificant, can lead to unwanted consequences. Instead, it's better to budget wisely and avoid putting oneself in a position where dishonesty is necessary.

    • Balancing Personal Interests and Family CommitmentsDespite their excitement to watch the new James Bond movie, the speakers found it challenging to find a suitable time due to family commitments. They also discussed the misconceptions about getting a coil fitted for birth control, which is often perceived as a major procedure.

      The speakers in the conversation expressed their excitement about watching the new James Bond movie but found it challenging to find a suitable time to watch it due to their family commitments. They discussed the possibility of watching it over three nights, but the movie's length and their responsibilities made it difficult. The conversation then shifted to another topic about getting a coil fitted for birth control. The speakers discussed the process and misconceptions about it being a major procedure. They also talked about the timing of getting it done and the misconception that it is a significant operation. Overall, the conversation showcases the challenges of balancing personal interests and family responsibilities.

    • Navigating Women's Health Procedures: A Humorous and Challenging ExperienceEffective communication and patience are crucial when dealing with unexpected challenges in women's health procedures. Unconventional methods and open discussions can lead to a better understanding and preparation for such experiences.

      Checking and maintaining certain health procedures, such as checking the coil string after insertion, can be unexpectedly challenging and even embarrassing. The speaker in this conversation had a difficult time locating the string herself and enlisted her boyfriend's help, only to encounter more frustration and humor in the process. The use of unconventional tools like teaspoons and a headlamp added to the absurdity of the situation. Despite the challenges, the speaker expressed respect for women's experiences with their bodies and the various procedures they undergo. The conversation highlights the importance of open communication and patience when dealing with such situations. It also sheds light on the often-unspoken aspects of women's health and the importance of being informed and prepared.

    • A woman's unconventional coil retrieval experienceA woman shares her horror and disappointment over her boyfriend's unusual method of retrieving a lost coil using a headlamp and spoons, reflecting on the lack of romance or sexiness in the situation.

      The discussion revolves around a woman's experience of having a coil lost inside her body and the unconventional method used to retrieve it. She shares her discomfort and horror at the idea of her boyfriend searching for it with a headlamp and spoons, finding it both demented and disgusting. Despite the successful retrieval of the coil, she expresses her disappointment and frustration over the entire ordeal. The woman also reflects on the lack of romance or sexiness in the situation and the contrasting imagery of the winter activity and the use of spoons. She concludes by expressing her strong disapproval of the situation and moving on from the topic. Additionally, the podcast includes promotional content for voting in the National Comedy Awards and upcoming events.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/sma. https://plus.acast.com/s/sma.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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