
    Ep.15 Why Stress Is Your Superpower, And How To Cut Out The Bad Bits - The Science-Backed Method with Physiologist Oli Patrick

    enOctober 17, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring LinkedIn for Hiring and Stress ResilienceLinkedIn is valuable for small businesses to find passive job candidates. Stress resilience is crucial for personal growth and can be improved with Ollie Patrick's practical tips.

      LinkedIn is an essential platform for small business owners looking to hire professionals. It's where you can find candidates who aren't actively seeking new jobs but might be open to the right opportunity. Additionally, reducing stress is crucial for personal growth and improved well-being. Ollie Patrick, a world-leading physiologist, emphasizes the importance of building stress resilience and offers actionable tips for living a more stress-free life. As a society, we're in the midst of a stress epidemic, and Ollie's mission is to teach the skills required to cope better. In his career, Ollie has focused on moving health screening from disease detection to functional evaluation, helping scale health assessments, and starting the world's most advanced health assessment service. His latest venture is the world's first lifestyle medicine gym. By understanding the importance of managing stress and implementing small, actionable changes, we can all strive for better physiology and well-being.

    • Advanced health assessments using functional medicine labsAdvanced health assessments offer insights into various health aspects, but raise ethical questions due to limited access and affordability. Making effective tests more accessible could bridge the gap and benefit all.

      Advanced health assessments using functional medicine laboratories can provide valuable insights into various aspects of our health, including hormones, brainwaves, digestive function, gut microbiome, sleep cycles, and more. However, access to these advanced assessments raises ethical questions, particularly in societies with limited resources where not everyone can afford them. These assessments can potentially lead to earlier detection and improved quality of life, but they also create a divide between those who can afford them and those who rely on public healthcare systems. The challenge is to learn from these advanced assessments and make the valuable insights accessible to a larger population. This could involve identifying the most effective tests and making them more affordable and accessible. It's important to remember that these assessments have value not just in disease detection, but also in prevention by identifying early signs of dysfunction in the body.

    • Impact of stress on overall healthAddressing stress can lead to improvements in various health parameters beyond just mental well-being, including mobility, nutrition, recovery, and skin.

      Stress management and lifestyle improvements are not wishy-washy concepts but are based on solid science. They impact our physiology in various ways, and addressing stress can lead to improvements in numerous health parameters, not just psychological well-being. Stress is a major contributor to ill health, and its impact is seen in various health issues beyond just mental health. It affects our ability to move, nourish ourselves, recover, and even impacts our skin. By focusing on the root causes of health issues, including stress, rather than just the symptoms, we can make significant improvements in overall health and well-being. The interconnected nature of our physiology means that addressing one aspect, such as stress, can lead to improvements in other areas as well.

    • Understanding the role of stress and the nervous systemStress is beneficial but prolonged exposure can lead to distress, affecting health. Balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is crucial, assessed through heart rate variability.

      Stress, while often seen as a negative, is actually a positive force that pushes us to grow and perform. However, prolonged exposure to stressors can lead to distress, which can negatively impact our health. The nervous system, specifically the autonomic nervous system, plays a significant role in how we respond to stress. It has two key components: the sympathetic nervous system, which speeds up our physiology, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows it down. A healthy balance between these two systems is crucial. By measuring heart rate variability, we can assess whether an individual is spending too much time in a stressed state or not enough time in a restful state. This information can help us understand how to better manage stress and promote overall well-being.

    • Valuing Rest and Respite for Modern ExecutivesAdvocate for a culture that values rest and respite to help modern executives cope with constant work demands and improve overall health.

      Modern executives are not excessively stressed, but rather inadequately recovered. The constant pressure to work long hours and keep up with the news and social media can make it difficult for people to switch off and fully recover, leading to a hyper-stimulated state. This can have negative effects on both mental and physical health. To combat this, it may be beneficial to advocate for a culture that values rest and respite, such as a five-day work week and limiting exposure to constant news and social media during off hours. By recognizing the importance of recovery and creating opportunities for it, we can help individuals better cope with the demands of modern life.

    • Transitioning body from stimulus to recoveryMeditation, breathing exercises, cold water therapy, and intentional movement can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being

      In today's constantly connected world, reducing stress requires deliberate efforts to transition the body from a state of stimulus to recovery. Activities like meditation, breathing exercises, and cold water therapy can help activate the body's relaxation response. Another effective method is movement, which recalibrates the internal physiology and improves digestion. It's essential to understand that not all movement is created equal, and focusing on calorie burn or weight control may not provide the same benefits as intentional, full-body movements. By incorporating these practices into daily life, individuals can better manage stress and improve overall well-being.

    • Modern lifestyle's impact on health and recoveryRegular movement and exercise promote recovery, while lifestyle factors like caffeine and alcohol hinder it. Incorporate practices like meditation, cold water therapy, and mindful eating to increase movement and reduce stress.

      Our modern lifestyle, with its emphasis on labor-saving conveniences and sedentary activities, can negatively impact our health by decreasing movement quality and volume. This can lead to issues with circulation, glucose control, and digestion. However, regular movement and exercise can help combat these effects by promoting recovery and engaging the parasympathetic nervous system, which aids in relaxation and rest. Additionally, lifestyle factors such as caffeine and alcohol consumption can exacerbate stress and hinder recovery. To counteract these challenges, consider incorporating practices like meditation, cold water therapy, and mindful eating into your routine. Remember, the key to thriving in today's environment is finding ways to increase movement and reduce stress.

    • Establishing a pre-sleep routine for deep sleepCreating a calming routine before bed signals your body for deep sleep, while alcohol hinders it. Try practices like deep breathing, a cold bath, and turning off electronics.

      Creating a consistent pre-sleep routine is crucial for achieving deep sleep. The body needs clear signals that it's time to wind down and enter recovery mode. Alcohol, despite being marketed as a stress reliever, actually exacerbates stress and hinders deep sleep. Instead, try establishing an evening hygiene routine, such as deep breathing, a cold bath, and turning off electronic devices. These practices help your brain understand that it's safe to let go and enter a restorative sleep state. Remember, deep sleep is essential for immune system regulation, memory consolidation, and overall well-being. By creating a calming environment and signaling to your body that it's safe to sleep, you'll improve your chances of getting the restorative sleep you need.

    • Transitioning between work and personal timeChanging clothes, taking a shower, using different scents, engaging in physical activity, and avoiding alcohol can help manage stress and improve sleep quality. High or low intensity exercise, morning routines with natural light, and consistent sleep schedules are effective methods.

      Creating a meaningful transition between work and personal time is crucial for managing stress and improving sleep quality. This can be achieved through various methods, including changing clothes, taking a shower or bath, using different scents, engaging in physical activity, and avoiding alcohol. The type of exercise, whether high or low intensity, plays a role in recalibrating the body's alertness. Additionally, incorporating a morning routine with natural light exposure and establishing a consistent sleep schedule can help regulate hormones and improve overall well-being. Routines matter, and creating a cycle of prompts for morning and evening can go a long way in reducing stress and promoting better sleep.

    • Solving hangovers through sleepTaking half a melatonin pill and going back to sleep can help combat a hangover, but it may not be suitable for everyone and can disrupt the circadian rhythm.

      A hangover is primarily a sleep issue, and the speaker's solution to combat it is to take half a melatonin and go back to sleep until midday. The speaker's personal experience and research suggest that this method ensures a good day by the time one wakes up, although it results in only a few hours of sleep. The speaker acknowledges that this method may not be suitable for everyone, especially as people age and their physiology changes, requiring different resources and facing different challenges. The use of melatonin, while helpful for the speaker, also disrupts the circadian rhythm. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of addressing the sleep aspect of a hangover and acknowledges the role of age and physiology in determining the best approach to dealing with hangovers.

    • Managing Jet Lag with MelatoninMelatonin helps regulate time zones and our bodies are resilient to poor sleep or lack of resources. Focus on daily positive choices for better well-being.

      Melatonin is primarily used as a time zone regulation tool for managing jet lag, rather than a sleep aid for most people. Our bodies are designed to handle periods of poor sleep or lack of resources, demonstrating remarkable resilience. Well-being can be seen as a balance between positive and negative impacts on our physiology, with small daily choices contributing to overall improvement. Alcohol or other potentially negative influences become problematic only when the negative impacts outweigh the positive ones consistently. The human body's ability to adapt and recover is significant, and focusing on making small, positive choices each day can lead to better overall well-being.

    • Focusing on individual solutions for overall well-beingConsider the collective impact of various actions on our physiology, identify limiting factors, and approach wellness holistically.

      Focusing on individual solutions for overall well-being can be misleading. Our bodies are complex systems, and what works for one person may not work for another. Instead, it's essential to consider the sum of positive and negative influences on our physiology. This includes factors like fitness, nutrition, recovery, and sleep. By identifying our limiting factors, we can make informed decisions about the media we consume and the actions we take to improve our well-being. However, it can be challenging to determine which actions will have a positive impact without access to comprehensive health screenings. Therefore, it's crucial to approach wellness holistically and consider the collective benefit of various actions on our physiology. Additionally, it's essential to be aware of the potential for anecdotal evidence and social media influencing our perception of what is best for our individual well-being.

    • Focus on sustainable lifestyle changesEffective stress reduction comes from making practical and pragmatic lifestyle changes in movement, nutrition, recovery, environment, and mindset, not just relying on passive solutions

      While passive solutions like IV vitamin infusions may provide temporary relief, they are not as effective or meaningful as making lifestyle changes. The speaker emphasizes that people often look for quick fixes, but true well-being comes from fundamental changes in movement, nutrition, recovery, environment, and mindset. These changes may not be sexy or cool, but they are practical and pragmatic. The speaker also encourages managing caffeine and alcohol intake based on personal recovery levels to improve overall well-being. In essence, the most effective way to reduce stress and improve one's life is to focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes rather than relying on passive solutions.

    • Improve overall well-being with a balanced lifestyleAssess personal needs and add valid behaviors for improved well-being, such as meditation, daily movement, and mindful caffeine consumption.

      Prioritizing a balanced lifestyle, including regular meditation, daily movement, and mindful caffeine consumption, can significantly improve overall well-being. However, not everyone needs all three components, and it's essential to assess which areas are most negatively or positively affecting one's physiology. For instance, if someone wakes up feeling unrefreshed or is experiencing low energy levels, they might benefit from incorporating meditation and daily movement into their routine. Conversely, if someone is consistently feeling foggy or experiencing cognitive decline, they may find that reducing caffeine intake or increasing meditation practice improves their mental clarity. Ultimately, well-being is a toolkit, and it's essential to add behaviors that are valid and beneficial to each individual.

    • Peace of mind with extended health coverageUnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical plans offer flexible and budget-friendly coverage lasting nearly three years in some states, providing peace of mind for your health needs

      While technology and trends may change, the importance of having health insurance remains constant. In the span of three years, a chatbot could become your new companion, but your need for health coverage will not wane. UnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical plans, underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company, provide flexible and budget-friendly coverage that lasts nearly three years in some states. This means you can have peace of mind knowing you're protected for an extended period. So, whether you're making new friends in the form of AI or focusing on your health, UnitedHealthcare has you covered. To learn more, visit uhone.com.

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    The Psychology Of Your 20s: https://www.psychologyofyour20s.com/

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    Girls That Invest: https://girlsthatinvest.com/

    GTI Podcast: https://girlsthatinvest.com/pages/podcast



    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/



    This podcast is sponsored by Skin & Me, a brand whose products have genuinely changed my life. Try your first Skin + Me Daily Doser for £4.99 using code HARDLYWORKING: https://www.skinandme.com/?promocode=...


    Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent Girls That Invest, however, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Girls That Invests Masterclass is for educational purposes only. Girls That Invest does not provide personalised investing advice for your individual needs. We Are not Financial Advisors. The advice from Girls That Invest exists for educational purposes only and should not be relied upon to make an investment or financial decision. Advice from Girls That Invest is general in nature and does not consider individual circumstances. Always do your research and please use your due diligence.

    Grace mentions Shopify in this episode. Grace has worked with Shopify in the past but this episode is in no way sponsored by Shopify.


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

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    SLA: https://www.slathelabel.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahhashcroft/


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    This podcast is sponsored by Skin & Me, a brand whose products have genuinely changed my life. Try your first Skin + Me Daily Doser for £4.99 using code HARDLYWORKING: https://www.skinandme.com/?promocode=HARDLYWORKING


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Trinny London: https://trinnylondon.com/uk/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trinnywoodall/


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    This podcast is sponsored by Skin & Me, a brand whose products have genuinely changed my life. Try your first Skin + Me Daily Doser for £4.99 using code HARDLYWORKING: https://www.skinandme.com/?promocode=HARDLYWORKING


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Website: https://www.marieforleo.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marieforleo/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuoxrRDDgk3UUnxR4tlkJYQ


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    This podcast is sponsored by Skin & Me, a brand whose products have genuinely changed my life. Try your first Skin + Me Daily Doser for £4.99 using code HARDLYWORKING: https://www.skinandme.com/?promocode=HARDLYWORKING


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timmchiusano/?hl=en

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@timmchiusano?lang=en


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Whoop: https://www.whoop.com/us/en

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/willahmed/?hl=en


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robinsharma/

    The Wealth Money Can't Buy: https://www.waterstones.com/book/the-wealth-money-cant-buy/robin-sharma/9781846048296

    The 5am Club: https://www.amazon.co.uk/5-AM-Club-Robin-Sharma/dp/0008312834


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/your.richbff/?hl=en

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yourrichbff

    Vivian's book Rich AF: https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/456914/rich-af-by-tu-vivian/9780241644959


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    Download Revolut for free and get £20 when you use your card! www.revolut.com/grace

    Cashback subject to availability. Max £200 cashback per month. T&Cs apply. £20 Reward only available until 30th April 2024 and other T&Cs apply.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    I owe a huge amount to the following habit theory researchers who make up the reading list below and whose work I researched for this episode!


    Download Revolut for free and get £20 when you use your card! www.revolut.com/grace

    Cashback subject to availability. Max £200 cashback per month. T&Cs apply. £20 Reward only available until 30th April 2024 and other T&Cs apply.



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    Need help? hello@wearetala.com


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    THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD, SHREDDY and TALA are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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