
    EP: 17 Hybrids & Chimeras with Gary Wayne

    enNovember 24, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Mythological Creatures and Their ConnectionsBigfoot and the Nephilim share similarities and are connected to portals and little people. Bigfoot might be a type of chimera, a primate with a spirit father.

      According to Gary Wayne, Bigfoot and the Nephilim share similarities in their historical mythos and legends. Both are large, hairy creatures with glowing eyes, and they have been reported on all continents except Antarctica. Bigfoot is also connected to portals and the little people, and they both seem to have a significant basis in reality despite being considered fabled creatures. Additionally, Gary mentioned the existence of chimera creatures, which are mythological beings with a combination of different animal parts. He suggested that Bigfoot might be a type of chimera, a primate with a spirit father. Overall, Gary's perspective connects various mythological creatures and legends from different cultures and time periods.

    • Mythological Creatures: Nephilim, Elementals, and FairiesNephilim are humanoid beings created through divine intervention, leading to the birth of elementals. Fairies consist of various groups, including mischievous elementals, and ancient civilizations may have possessed advanced technology connected to end times prophecy.

      The discussion revolves around various mythological creatures and their origins, specifically focusing on Nephilim, elementals, and fairies. Nephilim are humanoid beings created through divine intervention, with different groups such as the Nephilim and Greater Nephilim, and the Nephilim's offspring, the elementals. Fairies are categorized into four major groups: the proud and rebellious ones, earth-born giants, demonic spirits, and elementals. The elementals consist of three groups of little people: the ugly ones (dwarves, hobbits, trolls), the good-looking ones (pixies, elves), and the mischievous ones (leprechauns, trickster elves). These little people were created by the gods before the flood and had specific agendas. The discussion also touches upon the idea that ancient civilizations might have possessed advanced technology, which is only now being rediscovered. The Nephilim's creation and the advanced technology are believed to be connected to the end times prophecy in the Bible.

    • Tales of Nephilim: Human-Angel Hybrids in MythologyNephilim were believed to be large, powerful beings who usurped kingships, partnered with mystical religions, and contributed to knowledge and sciences. Myths suggest they had offspring with humans, creating smaller beings, and could create chimerical creatures.

      Throughout history, there have been various tales and myths about the existence of non-human beings, such as little people, giants, and bearded leprechauns. Some of these beings were believed to have been the result of sexual experimentations between humans and fallen angels, also known as Nephilim. Nephilim were depicted as large, powerful beings, while the offspring of their unions were smaller in size. The Nephilim were believed to have usurped kingships, partnered with mystical religions, and had a hand in developing knowledge and sciences. It's important to note that these tales often contain elements of fantasy and should be taken with a grain of salt. However, they do provide intriguing insights into the cultural beliefs and values of various civilizations throughout history. Additionally, some myths suggest that Nephilim were capable of creating chimerical creatures through their knowledge and power, rather than through direct sexual contact with animals. These creatures were often depicted as half-animal, half-human beings. Overall, the stories of Nephilim and their offspring offer a fascinating glimpse into the rich and complex mythologies of different cultures throughout history.

    • Angels and spiritual beings taking physical form and mating with humans or animalsAngels and spiritual beings are believed to have taken physical form and mated with humans or animals, passing on knowledge and technology through their offspring and creating diverse supernatural beings.

      According to various religious and mythological texts, angels or spiritual beings are believed to have taken physical forms and mated with humans or animals, resulting in offspring with supernatural traits. These beings, such as the Watchers (seraphim angels), Anunnaki (bird and Anzu-bird like gods), and Anubis (jackal or dog god), are thought to have passed on their knowledge and technology through their offspring by assuming animal forms and breeding with them. This concept is reflected in various scriptures and mythologies, including Jude 16 and the Greek word oiketarian, which refers to the dwelling place for spirits or gods in both the spiritual and physical realms. The ability of these beings to take on various forms and mate with different species allows for the creation of diverse supernatural beings, such as werewolves, giants, and chimera, as described in the text.

    • Narrative of Watchers, Fallen Angels, and Giants across Religions and CulturesThe interaction between watchers, fallen angels, and humanity is a recurring theme in religious and cultural texts, involving the creation of giants or demigods, their limited existence, and demons' desire for a physical dwelling place.

      Across various religious and cultural texts, there exists a consistent narrative about the interaction between the watchers, fallen angels, and humanity. This narrative involves the creation of giants or demigods, their limited physical existence due to divine intervention, and the demons' desire for a physical dwelling place to interact with the world. This theme can be found in different names and mythologies, including the Danawa, Ditya, Azura, Titans, Hercules, Miossi, Anunnaki, and Zibalba, among others. The Nephilim, or giants, are often referred to as Rapha, which can mean a ghost or demon, a physician, or a tribe of giants, depending on the context. The Hebrew language, like many others, contains words with multiple meanings, so it's essential to understand the specific application and meaning in each context. This global legacy of the watchers, fallen angels, and their offspring can be seen as a common thread in human history and mythology.

    • Biblical Giants: Nephilim and RephaimThe Bible distinguishes between Nephilim, giants with divine and human ancestry, and Rephaim, larger-than-human beings, with the Nephilim being associated with Mesopotamian gods and the Rephaim having a clear patriarch, Arba.

      The Bible distinguishes between two types of giants: the Nephilim and the Rephaim. Nephilim are believed to be giants with divine and human ancestry, while Rephaim are generally considered to be larger-than-human beings. The Nephilim are mentioned several times in the Bible, including in Genesis and Numbers, and are often associated with the Anunnaki, a group of gods from Mesopotamian mythology. The Rephaim are mentioned after the flood in the Bible and are the only giants with a clear patriarch, Arba. Other groups mentioned in the Bible, such as the Amorites and the Hittites, are believed to have produced hybrid giants through interbreeding with Rephaim or other giant ancestors. These hybrid giants were likely larger than humans but smaller than the Nephilim or Rephaim. The Bible's descriptions of giants are complex and often metaphorical, making the study of these beings a fascinating subject.

    • Ancient Giants and Their Descendants in the Bible and Royal LineagesThe Bible mentions the existence of giants, or Nephilim and Rephaim, who intermarried with humans, resulting in offspring with unique traits. Their DNA survived and influenced royal lineages, particularly in Western France, where 15% of the population has rh negative blood.

      The Bible mentions the existence of giants, or Nephilim and Rephaim, in the Promised Land, and these beings intermarried with humans, resulting in offspring that were taller and stronger than the Israelites. The Amorites, Amalekites, and other groups were descendants of these unions. Although the Nephilim were exaggerated to scare the Israelites, their DNA survived and continued to influence royal lineages throughout history. Giants continued to exist and were fought against by the Israelites and their leaders, such as David and Saul. The royal families today claim descent from these ancient beings, and some believe that the rh negative bloodline is connected to the Nephilim and Rephaim. However, it's important to note that the rh negative blood type is missing certain antigens, making it a complex issue regarding its origins. Regardless, 15% of the population has rh negative blood, and it is most prevalent in Western France, making it a significant factor in some royal lineages.

    • Mythological humanoid beings and ancient civilizations linked by Rh negative bloodThroughout history, recurring themes of unusual humanoid beings and ancient civilizations are linked by the belief in Rh negative blood, suggesting a long-standing existence and possible divine intervention or advanced knowledge.

      Throughout history and mythology, there are recurring themes of unusual humanoid beings and ancient civilizations. Rh negative blood, believed to be linked to the "gene of Isis," is thought to be connected to these beings and civilizations, including the Basques, who claim to be descendants of the lost civilization of Atlantis. The creation stories of these beings often involve divine intervention or manipulation, such as the Centaurs being created in a cloud, and they are often associated with advanced knowledge and education. These beings, including Centaurs, fawns, and werewolves, have been depicted in various cultures throughout history, suggesting a global distribution and long-standing existence. The reasons for their existence and survival are still a mystery, but some theories suggest a second incursion or restart of forbidden technology and creations after a global event, such as a flood. The mythology and folklore surrounding these beings and civilizations continue to intrigue and inspire modern-day beliefs and spirituality.

    • Ancient civilizations believed to have received knowledge from supernatural sourcesAncient civilizations believed advanced knowledge came from supernatural beings, influencing literature and elite control of religion, nobility, education, and literature throughout history.

      The ancient civilizations, such as those in Sumeria and Egypt, were believed to have received knowledge from supernatural sources after the Babel incident. This knowledge may have included advanced technologies like DNA manipulation or the building of cities. Some theories suggest that there were multiple incursions of these beings, leading to the existence of the Rephaim and Nephilim. Literature from authors like Tolkien and Lewis, who were part of secret societies, may reflect this knowledge passed down through the elite bloodlines. These authors' extraordinary works can be seen as reflections of this ancient history, which was kept hidden from the general population. The elite, who are believed to be descendants of these ancient beings, have controlled religion, nobility, education, and literature throughout history. These authors, Tolkien and Lewis, were initiated into the Inkling Society, a Rosicrucian Golden Dawn order, despite having no recorded Freemason membership. Their works, filled with mythical creatures and complex histories, can be traced back to the royal bloodlines, suggesting they had prior knowledge that influenced their writing.

    • The preservation of mythology and the supernatural through various writing societiesAncient societies like the Speershaker Society passed down knowledge of mythology and the supernatural, including dualistic polytheist beliefs, through rival entities vying for dominance, with Satan as the central figure and salvation achieved through accepting God and Jesus.

      Throughout history, various writing societies, such as the Golden Dawn Society, have preserved their knowledge and skills, including those related to mythology and the supernatural. This continuity can be traced back to ancient societies like the Speershaker Society, which included figures like Shakespeare and Bacon. The dualistic polytheist belief system underpins much of this mythology, with a perpetual conflict between good and evil. Within this system, there are dualities, such as white and black magic, good and bad Nephilim, and good and evil kings. Despite rivalries, all entities are ultimately power-hungry and aim for dominance, forming a belief system that posits only one ruling class will prevail. Satan, as the head of the pantheon of gods, is a central figure in this belief system, with a hierarchy of angels and other entities mirroring that in heaven. Ultimately, it's the actions of these entities that determine their alignment with good or evil, and accepting God and Jesus as saviors is believed to ensure salvation.

    • Belief in unforgivable sins and existence of supernatural beingsSome believe in unforgivable sins like blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and taking the mark of the beast, and the existence of beings like Nephilim and fallen angels is debated. These beings may reside in isolated locations and are often linked to portals. Jesus acknowledged their presence but didn't speak about them directly in the Bible.

      There are certain sins, such as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and taking the mark of the beast, which are believed to be unforgivable. These sins may involve violations against the Holy Spirit or worship of Satan. The existence of these beings, such as Nephilim and fallen angels, has been a topic of debate throughout history, with some suggesting they were hunted and wiped out. These beings may reside in isolated locations like mountains and caves, which are often linked to portals. Some people question why more people don't acknowledge these beings or why Jesus didn't speak about them directly. However, there are instances in the Bible where Jesus acknowledges the presence of demons and deals with them. Overall, the discussion suggests a belief in the existence of these beings and the significance of certain sins.

    • Manipulation of history and reality by powerful entitiesPowerful entities manipulate history and reality to control our understanding and promote their narratives, using education, media, and religion. Be aware and critically evaluate information to avoid deception.

      Our understanding of history and reality is often manipulated and controlled by powerful entities. These entities have been working to suppress knowledge and promote their own narratives, using various means such as education, media, and religion. They have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and preventing people from discovering the truth about their true nature and agenda. This manipulation can be seen in the proliferation of conspiracy theories and the polarization of opinions, making it difficult for individuals to discern fact from fiction. The ultimate goal of these entities is to establish a new world order, which they believe will permit a rendezvvous of destiny. This new world order involves the formation of a 10 king empire, which will be preceded by the deification of Jesus and the destruction of Christianity. It's essential to be aware of this manipulation and to critically evaluate information to avoid being deceived.

    • Biblical references to unexplained phenomena and end timesAs we approach the end times, expect more unexplained phenomena, earthquakes, wars, pestilence, pandemics, and potential DNA upgrades. Choosing the right side is crucial for survival.

      The Bible and unexplained phenomena, such as Bigfoot sightings, are connected in end times prophecy. The days of Noah are a key reference, and the fig tree generation signifies the last generation before the end times. The Southern kingdom of Judah controlling Jerusalem is a central theme, and we are currently in the birth pangs of this generation marked by earthquakes, rumors of war, pestilence, and pandemics. The Bible warns that as we close in on the end time, we will see more of these signs. Additionally, there is a concept of DNA wars and upgrades, where choosing to take a DNA upgrade could be seen as a violation of God's laws and a worship of the other side. The fate of creatures like Nephilim is unclear, but choosing the wrong side could lead to permanent doom.

    • DNA manipulation and biblical propheciesDNA technology could lead to creation of advanced weapons and beings, potentially referenced in biblical prophecies, and some may house demon spirits.

      DNA manipulation and technology are becoming increasingly involved in the healthcare system and may be used to create advanced weapons and beings for potential future wars. The speaker also believes that biblical prophecies refer to the existence of chimera-like creatures, which may be developed through this technology. These beings could potentially house demon spirits and join the battle against a perceived enemy, as described in religious texts. The speaker also notes that not all creatures created by God are pure or loving, and only certain representatives were taken onto Noah's Ark for repopulation after the flood.

    • The Unicorn's Origin as a Warhorse for the NephilimThe unicorn, a mythical creature with a single horn, may have originated as a powerful warhorse for ancient beings called the Nephilim. Its image has been used in various coat of arms and is linked to the end times in the Bible.

      The myth of the unicorn, as depicted in various cultures and texts, may have originated as a warhorse for the Nephilim, powerful beings from ancient mythology. This creature, with a single horn and the ability to kill elephants, was designed for battle. The unicorn's image has been found in various coat of arms, such as those of the Hanover and Stuart dynasties. The word "unicorn" was inserted into the Bible as a counterfeit for the Hebrew word "rem," meaning wild bull or ox. This was done during the time of King James, who called himself "the mighty King James" and wrote "demonology." The unicorn is believed to be a precursor to the antichrist figure in the end times, as mentioned in the Bible's books of Daniel and Revelation. It's important to be aware of these potential meanings behind seemingly innocent symbols and stories, as they may hold deeper, more complex significance. To protect oneself from potential dangers associated with these beings, it's crucial to be spiritually prepared and cautious, understanding that there are both good and evil forces at play.

    • Approaching spiritual encounters with cautionHistorical and literary allegories warn of unwanted spiritual intrusions; institutions may hold valuable info but can be compromised; approach spiritual encounters with discernment and protection

      Engaging with spiritual or supernatural beings requires caution. While some relationships may be symbiotic and beneficial, others, such as demon possession, can be harmful and suppressive. Historical and literary allegories suggest that letting down one's guard can lead to unwanted spiritual intrusions. Institutions like the Catholic Church and secret societies may hold valuable historical information but can also be compromised, particularly at the leadership level. The end times religion, as described in the Bible, is a powerful and universal organization that will bring about the Tanking Empire and will be destroyed by the antichrist at the midpoint. This city, which is likely the Vatican, sits on seven hills and is part of a larger plan for spiritual control. It's essential to approach spiritual encounters with discernment and protection.

    • Manipulating Religions for a Universal FaithSecret societies have long tried to control major religions and promote a new universal faith through false prophets, catastrophic predictions, and even extraterrestrial beings. The ultimate goal seems to be creating a world order with a separate realm for these beings.

      Throughout history, secret societies have sought to gain control of major religious institutions, such as the Catholic Church, and manipulate their doctrines to promote a universal religion. They have used false prophets and predictions of catastrophe to convert people to this new faith. The discussion also hinted at the possibility of extraterrestrial beings being introduced as part of this new religion, with references to various mythologies and pop culture allegories. The ultimate goal seems to be creating a world order where these beings have their own realm, separate from God. The conversation also touched upon the idea that technology is being fast-tracked to help humans fight against these beings. Overall, it appears that we are being prepared for a future where various elements of science fiction and fantasy intertwine with real-life religious and political structures.

    • Exploring the connections between ancient texts and biblical figuresApproaching ancient texts like the Bible and the Epic of Gilgamesh with an interpretive and polytheistic lens can reveal fascinating stories and connections to biblical figures and themes.

      The Bible and other ancient texts, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, should be approached with an interpretive and polytheistic lens to fully understand their meanings. These texts contain fascinating stories of mythical creatures and beings, some of which can be linked to biblical figures and themes. For instance, the Epic of Gilgamesh tells the story of Gilgamesh, a man who is two-thirds god and one-third human, and his friend Enkidu, also a two-thirds god, one-third human creature, created after the flood. Together, they go on a quest to kill a terrible king, Humbaba, on Mount Hermon, who is also known as a Rephaim and is linked to biblical figures in Ezekiel and Isaiah. The story of Gilgamesh also includes the survival story of giants and their recreation. While some may view these texts as legends or mythology, they offer valuable insights into ancient beliefs and history. To learn more about these connections and other fascinating discoveries, check out [www.genesis6conspiracy.com](http://www.genesis6conspiracy.com). The author, Genesis6conspiracy, has a signed copy of his book available for purchase on his website, as well as on Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Kindle. He also offers a generous excerpt of all 98 chapters on his website for readers to explore.

    • Explore the mysteries of the past with Gary WayneJoin Gary Wayne's intellectual adventure to learn about ancient creatures and keep an open mind, accessible through various channels and social media platforms.

      Gary Wayne, an expert on ancient texts and conspiracy theories, encourages listeners to explore the mysteries of the past and keep an open mind. His research and findings are accessible through various channels, including online websites, local bookstores, and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Wayne encourages listeners to engage with him directly for answers to their questions and to join his Facebook group, Gary Wayne and the Genesis 6 conspiracy, for further discussion. He emphasizes that everyone, regardless of age or technical proficiency, can access and learn from this information. Wayne's enthusiasm for uncovering the truth about the creatures of the old days is contagious, and he invites listeners to join him on this intellectual adventure.

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    Source: Week In Weird: https://weekinweird.com/2016/01/28/witness-report-i-let-the-black-eyed-children-into-my-home-and-now-im-slowly-dying/
    Author of Article: Greg Newkirk
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    Original Story by: Anonymous

    Article: Mysterious Deaths and the Black Eyed Kids
    Source: Mysterious Universe https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2017/05/mysterious-deaths-and-the-black-eyed-kids/
    Author of Article: Brent Swancer
    Original Stories by: Jon Northwood and Esme

    Article: Black-Eyed Kids in North Dakota
    Source: Mysterious Universe https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2011/10/black-eyed-kids-in-north-dakota/
    Author of Article: Jason Offutt
    Original Story by: Paul

    Article: Encounter With Black Eyed Kids Terrifies Airman on Texas Military Base
    Source: Week In Weird https://weekinweird.com/2014/01/01/encounter-with-black-eyed-kids-terrifies-airman-at-texas-military-base/
    Author of Article: Greg Newkirk
    Original Story by: Anonymous

    Article: Real Accounts of BEK Encounters: Have You Invited Any Black Eyed Children Into Your Home?
    Source: Week In Weird https://weekinweird.com/2012/07/03/invited-black-eyed-children-home/
    Author of Article: Donna Anderson
    Original Story by: Carris Holdsworth

    Article: My Encounter With A “Black Eyed Kid”
    Source: Thought Catalogue https://thoughtcatalog.com/christine-stockton/2013/11/16-peoples-terrifying-encounters-with-the-black-eyed-kids/
    Author of Article: Chrissy Stockton
    Original Story by: Anonymous

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    © 2022 Paranormal Mysteries Podcast. All Rights Reserved.

    289: Alien Mothership, Touching A Dogman & A Traveling Spirit Board

    289: Alien Mothership, Touching A Dogman & A Traveling Spirit Board
    In tonight’s episode of Paranormal Mysteries, I’ll be talking about an alien mothership over a Kroger grocery, an experience where someone actually touches a Dogman, and a traveling Ouija Board, just to name a few. These stories and more, all coming up on this edition of Paranormal Mysteries.

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    October RWD} Angels, Dark Entities & The Black Wolf (ep34)