
    EP: 72 Lovelock Cave Giants with Derek Olsen

    enNovember 30, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Personal experiences and family tales fuel curiosity about Earth's mysteriesGrowing up with stories of Bigfoot and discoveries of large skeletons challenge our understanding of Earth's history, potentially broadening our perspective on the supernatural.

      The history of Earth and its mysteries, such as the existence of giants or Bigfoot, offers intriguing stories and possibilities that challenge our current understanding. Derek Olson from Megalithic Marbles shared personal experiences of growing up with tales of Bigfoot encounters in his family, sparking his curiosity and leading to a potential new theory. The Smithsonian's discovery of large skeletons could potentially shift paradigms and broaden our perspective on the supernatural. The support from listeners keeps the exploration of these stories alive.

    • Could Bigfoot be a descendant of ancient beings?The speaker proposes that Bigfoot could be a descendant of the Nephilim, the offspring of ancient beings called the Watchers and human women or other creatures, explaining their size, elusiveness, and seemingly supernatural abilities.

      The speaker in this discussion suggests the possibility that Bigfoot could be the offspring of ancient beings known as the Watchers and primates. According to the speaker, the Watchers are mentioned in various religious texts, including the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jasher, as having breed with human women and other creatures, leading to the creation of the Nephilim. The speaker proposes that Bigfoot could be a descendant of these Nephilim, explaining their size, elusiveness, and seemingly supernatural abilities. The speaker also acknowledges the challenge of explaining how these creatures could have survived cataclysms, suggesting that they may have been taken aboard UFOs and returned to Earth. The speaker further speculates that there may have been multiple incursions of these beings, and that other experiments involving hybridization may still be ongoing. Overall, the speaker's theory offers a unique perspective on the origins of Bigfoot and other mysterious creatures.

    • Upcoming Egypt Tour with Megalithic MarblesJoin Derek and Nate on an immersive Egypt tour exploring megalithic prehistory with renowned Egyptologist Mohammed Ibrahim. Sign up at megalithicmarvels.com/tours.

      The hosts of the podcast, Derek and Nate, have an upcoming tour with Megalithic Marbles to Egypt in February 2023, which will explore the megalithic prehistory of Egypt and its connection to the building of superstructures before the dynastic Egyptians. Derek shared his excitement about the tour, which will be led by renowned Egyptologist Mohammed Ibrahim, who can read hieroglyphs and has a deep understanding of megalithic prehistory. The tour promises to be an immersive experience for anyone interested in prehistory, and listeners can join by visiting megalithicmarvels.com/tours. The hosts also discussed their upcoming episode featuring Derek talking about the cyclops builders of the golden age and their role in history. However, the main topic of the current episode is the red hair giants of Lovelock Caves, and Derek shared his personal fascination with ancient history and megaliths, including his visit to Lovelock Cave.

    • Discovering a new perspective on ancient history and giantsIn 2012, the speaker was intrigued by the story of Lovelock Cave and ancient megaliths, leading him to question historical narratives and explore alternative perspectives on ancient civilizations and the existence of giants.

      The speaker discovered a new perspective on ancient history around 2012, which led him to question why he hadn't learned about certain megalithic structures and legends of giants in his education. He became particularly intrigued by the story of Lovelock Cave in Nevada, which involved eyewitness accounts and archaeological evidence. The speaker's research led him to books like "Genesis 6 Giants" and "On the Trail of the Nephilim," which helped him connect the dots between ancient civilizations, megaliths, and the existence of giants. He also mentioned that famous Americans like Abraham Lincoln and Wild Bill Cody had spoken about giants and the Mound Builders in their writings. The speaker emphasized the importance of questioning historical narratives and exploring alternative perspectives.

    • Beliefs in Giants and Pre-Columbian Caucasian Cultures during Lincoln's TimeDuring Lincoln's era, beliefs in giants and pre-Columbian Caucasian cultures were common. However, with the rise of Darwinism and consolidation of scientific thought, conflicting evidence was suppressed, and discoveries have since vanished without proper documentation or study due to the Native American Graves Repatriation Act.

      During Abraham Lincoln's time, there were widespread beliefs and discoveries about the existence of giants and pre-Columbian Caucasian cultures in America. Lincoln, in his writings, referenced these giants and their connection to Niagara Falls. This was not an uncommon belief at the time, as it was assumed that everyone was aware of these stories. However, with the rise of Darwinism and the consolidation of scientific thought, any evidence conflicting with the prevailing narrative was suppressed. The Native American Graves Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) further contributed to the erasure of these discoveries by classifying anything ancient in America as Native American and allowing for its repatriation or burial. As a result, many discoveries have vanished without proper documentation or study.

    • Native American history and the Lovelock PhenomenonThe Lovelock Phenomenon, an ancient oral tradition among the Northern Paiutes, suggests encounters between different prehistoric races in North America and challenges conventional understanding of Native American history through the description of red-haired giants and their tool use.

      The Native American history in North America may be more complex than what is commonly known due to the intermingling of various cultures and the classification of artifacts. The discussion revolved around the Lovelock Phenomenon, an ancient oral tradition among the Northern Paiutes of Nevada, which describes battles against giants, the Sitika, whose remains were allegedly discovered in Lovelock Cave. The Sitika were described as red-haired cannibalistic giants who were exterminated using a combination of burning the cave entrance and shooting them with arrows. This legend suggests that there may have been encounters between different prehistoric races in North America. Additionally, the term "Sitika" translates to "tool eaters" in the Northern Paiute language, and according to oral tradition, the giants used tools made from a water plant called "tool" which thrived in the prehistoric Lake Lahontan. This legend, along with others, challenges the conventional understanding of Native American history and highlights the importance of oral traditions in understanding the past.

    • Discoveries in Lovelock Cave reveal ancient historyAncient artifacts, including a donut-shaped stone calendar and elaborate duck decoys, were found in Lovelock Cave, providing insights into the cultures that once inhabited the region.

      The Lovelock Cave, located in Nevada, holds significant historical value with artifacts dating back to 4000 BC. The cave was once inhabited by people who left behind numerous prehistoric items, including a donut-shaped stone calendar with 365 notches, elaborate duck decoys, and burnt arrow shafts. The area around Lovelock Cave is rich in ancient history, with another nearby cave, Spirit Cave, holding two mummies dated at 10,000 BC. The legends of the area speak of red-haired giants, with both oral traditions and written accounts describing these beings as formidable enemies. While the existence of these giants remains uncertain, the discoveries in Lovelock Cave provide valuable insights into the ancient cultures that once inhabited the region. The artifacts found in the cave serve as a reminder of the rich history and intrigue that lies hidden beneath the earth's surface.

    • Evidence of giants' defensive positions in Lovelock Cave and SardiniaDiscoveries of burnt arrow shafts, charred cave walls, defensive structures, and giant skeletons suggest that giants sought refuge in strategic locations due to fear or defensiveness, as seen in Lovelock Cave and Sardinia.

      The discovery of burnt arrow shafts and charred cave walls in Lovelock Cave supports the Northern Paiute legend of an assault on the cave. This cave, located in a desolate, arid region, is believed to have served as a strategic defensive position for giants due to its visibility from the outside and defensive features. The giants may have used this cave as a retreat and a place to come and go for an extended period. The obsession with going underground could be due to fear or defensiveness, as they may have been hunted or perceived as a threat to resources and the human population. The discovery of similar defensive structures and giant skeletons in Sardinia supports the theory that giants once inhabited various parts of the world and sought refuge in strategic locations. The theory of a second incursion in the land of Canaan is plausible, as giants could have fled there and built boats to travel to other parts of the world, including North America.

    • Ancient legends of Watchers and extraterrestrial beingsAncient cultures' legends of godlike, white-skinned beings with serpents or plumed creatures may reflect real encounters with extraterrestrial beings or their descendants, who taught advanced knowledge to early civilizations.

      There are intriguing connections between various ancient cultures' legends and the biblical account of the Watchers. Some believe that these legends may reflect actual encounters with extraterrestrial beings or their descendants, who taught advanced knowledge and practices to early human civilizations. These beings are often described as godlike, white-skinned, and associated with serpents or plumed creatures. Native American tribes in North and South America, as well as those in South America like the Varicocha, have such legends. Additionally, there are reports of giant humanoid figures and possible stargates in petroglyphs. Some theories suggest that these beings traveled the world, spreading their teachings and possibly interbreeding with humans, leading to the existence of giants and other mythical beings. The Anasazi tribe's disappearance and petroglyphs of giant humanoid figures with horns, 6-toed footprints, and stargates further support this theory. Overall, these legends and archaeological findings suggest a fascinating possibility that requires further investigation.

    • Ancient Civilizations: More Advanced Than Previously BelievedDiscoveries of large artifacts and a humanoid in ancient sites suggest advanced cultures with unique practices.

      The ancient cultures and civilizations, such as the one discovered near Lovelock Cave in Nevada, may have been more advanced and complex than previously believed. The discovery of large artifacts, like burnt arrow shafts, giant weapons fragments, and a massive pestle, suggests an advanced culture that may have used these items for various purposes, possibly including rituals or sacrifices. Additionally, the discovery of a humanoid, which appears to have unusual features, adds to the intrigue and raises questions about the true nature of these ancient peoples. The fact that some of these discoveries were made in areas that were once covered in water further supports the theory that these cultures may have thrived in isolated environments. Overall, these findings challenge our modern perceptions and invite us to reconsider the capabilities and complexities of ancient civilizations.

    • Discoveries of Giants and Red-Haired Skeletons in Lovelock Cave, NevadaReports of large, red-haired skeletons and giants discovered in Lovelock Cave and surrounding area since early 20th century. Some theories suggest ancient origins or supernatural connections.

      There are numerous reports of discoveries of large, red-haired skeletons and giants in Lovelock Cave and the surrounding area in Nevada, dating back to the early 20th century. These findings were made by miners, engineers, and archaeologists, and were often described in detail in newspaper articles and scientific publications. Some of these skeletons were reportedly taken away and used for initiation purposes by local fraternal lodges or put on display in curiosity shops. The cave itself is said to have an otherworldly or ancient feel, adding to the intrigue surrounding these discoveries. Some theories suggest that these giants could be connected to ancient oral traditions of red-haired giants among the Northern Paiutes or even the offspring of fallen angels in Luciferian doctrine. Despite some controversy and skepticism, these reports continue to intrigue researchers and the public alike.

    • Investigating a supposed giant skeletonDespite finding a large Native American skull instead, the speaker's investigation sparked a lifelong passion for uncovering historical mysteries, with reports of giant skulls adding intrigue to the debate.

      The speaker had an extraordinary experience when they helped investigator LA Marzulli investigate a supposed giant skeleton in a Nevada museum. Despite their initial excitement, they discovered that it was actually a large Native American skull. However, the experience inspired the speaker to continue their research and pursue their passion for uncovering historical mysteries. Additionally, there are reported witnesses who have seen giant skulls in a museum in Nevada, adding intrigue to the ongoing debate about the existence of giants in history.

    • Red-haired giants' skulls discovered in Lovelock Cave, NevadaDespite reputable evidence, large, red-haired humanoid skulls discovered in Lovelock Cave, Nevada, are not publicly displayed due to Nevada's stance and scientific community's handling, raising questions about suppression of evidence challenging dominant narratives.

      There are reports and photographs of large, red-haired humanoid skulls discovered in Lovelock Cave, Nevada, some of which may date back to the late 1970s. These skulls, some of which appear to have double rows of teeth and large eye sockets, are believed by some to be the remains of ancient giants. The existence of these skulls and related artifacts has been confirmed by reputable sources, but they are not on public display due to the state of Nevada's refusal to recognize their legitimacy. The scientific community's handling of these findings raises questions about the suppression of evidence that challenges dominant narratives about pre-Native American history. This phenomenon aligns with NAGPRA policies and a broader trend towards political correctness, rather than objective science. The significance of these findings and the ongoing debate around their interpretation highlights the importance of critical examination of historical records and ongoing research.

    • The Legend of Red Haired Giants: A Fascinating InvestigationThe legend of Red Haired Giants continues to inspire exploration, with evidence from ancient narratives to physical artifacts suggesting a compelling story passed down through generations.

      The legend of giants, specifically the Red Haired Giants of Lovelock Cave, continues to intrigue and inspire exploration. The evidence, from ancient narratives to physical artifacts, suggests a compelling story that has been passed down through generations. Derek's experience with LA Marzulli and the discovery of Megalithic Marvels further fueled the investigation into this intriguing topic. The existence of giants is not just a matter of folklore, but also supported by historical accounts, such as those of the 1st century Roman Jewish scholar Josephus. The ongoing search for these giants and their artifacts continues, with communities and enthusiasts sharing their findings through various platforms like Instagram and blogs. The fascination with giants and megaliths is a testament to the enduring allure of the unknown and the human desire to uncover the mysteries of our past.

    • Exploring Megalithic Sites and Challenging Historical NarrativesDerek's YouTube channel, The Megalith Marvels, provides valuable insights into ancient history through expert interviews and on-site explorations. The conversation also explored the possibility of undiscovered giants and their potential connection to ancient civilizations.

      The Megalith Marvels, as discussed by Derek, offers intriguing historical information and challenges current narratives. This YouTube channel is a must-follow for anyone interested in ancient history, as Derek's videos feature interviews with experts and on-site explorations of megalithic sites. The conversation also touched upon the possibility of undiscovered giants and their potential connection to ancient civilizations. The hosts expressed their gratitude to Derek for his insights and invited him back to discuss the topic further. They encouraged listeners and viewers to share any stories or information they might have about giants or megalithic sites. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of questioning historical narratives and the excitement of discovering new information about our past.

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    Red Haired Giants with Floyd Wills EPs. 378

    Red Haired Giants with Floyd Wills EPs. 378

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    Guest: Floyd Wills, with a passion for the truth, Floyd has gratiously joined Jen and Joe on the 222 Paranormal Podcast to bring us the true tales of the legend ancient red-headed giants. His knowledge and insight on this topic leaves us with more questions than answers.

    Nevada's Paiutes spoke of a race of statuesque red-headed cannibals who attacked and ate members of the surrounding tribes. Eventually, the Paiutes destroyed them in Lovelock Cave. In 1911, miners discovered the remains of giant red-headed mummies and thousands of artifacts. The artifacts were excavated and disbursed to several museums, but the mummies disappeared from public view. What happened to the giant mummies, and why were they hidden from the public? Floyd Wills's investigation into Lovelock Cave's mystery reveals compelling evidence that the red-haired giants' Paiute tales were true. Mr. Wills supports his belief with newspaper articles, Native American accounts of giants, eyewitness testimony, photographs of skeletal remains, and artifacts found in and around Lovelock Cave. Other strange historical topics covered include: the Nazca Mummies, the Flores Hobbits of Indonesia, the Biblical Giants or The Nephilim, the Elongated Skull People of Paracas Peru, the Ica Stones, and the Acambaro Dinosaur Figurines.

    As always we thank you for listening. Please consider subscribing where ever you listen to us and give us that thumbs up.