
    EP: 200 Sasquatch is Human? with Duke Sullivan

    enOctober 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Challenging Our Understanding of the SupernaturalAn encounter with Bigfoot speaking passable English challenges our beliefs about the boundaries between the human and supernatural worlds, emphasizing the importance of open-mindedness and curiosity.

      The boundaries between the human world and the supernatural world may not be as clear-cut as we believe. The encounter between a friend and two Bigfoot in their yard, who spoke passable English, challenges our understanding of what lies beyond our realm. The idea that these creatures can learn human language and adapt to human society challenges the modern-day church's truncated view of the supernatural. This encounter, which took place over multiple generations, also highlights the importance of open-mindedness and curiosity. Furthermore, the discussion also reflects on the journey of the Blurry Creatures podcast, which started as a wild idea between two friends and has grown into a nostalgic and iconic show with a large following. The podcast has explored various blurry creatures and legends through a biblical lens, opening doors to new discoveries and perspectives. The success of the podcast and the support of its audience are testaments to the power of curiosity and the desire to explore the unknown.

    • A global community formed around paranormal discussionsThe Blurry Creatures podcast, started as a creative project, has grown into a global community where people connect and share experiences, with the hosts' dedication and open-mindedness keeping the audience engaged.

      The Blurry Creatures podcast, which started as a creative project, has grown into a meaningful community where people connect and share their experiences and discussions about various paranormal topics. The hosts' passion and dedication to the subject matter have resonated with listeners around the world, leading to a global audience and personal connections formed through the podcast. Despite the time and effort invested, the hosts remain grateful and humbled by the experience and the impact it has had on both their lives and the lives of their audience. The podcast covers a wide range of topics, from mothman and dogman to gray aliens and megalithic builders, and even delves into deeper, more complex subjects. The hosts' open-mindedness and willingness to explore new ideas have kept the episodes coming and the audience engaged.

    • Exploring Myths and Legends with a Biblical WorldviewThe Blurry Creatures podcast, now in its 200th episode, offers inspiration, community, and spiritual growth through discussions rooted in a biblical worldview, sharing personal stories and exclusive content for its growing community.

      The Blurry Creatures podcast, now in its 200th episode, has been a source of inspiration, community, and spiritual growth for its hosts and listeners. Starting as a conversation about the mythology and folklore surrounding creatures like Bigfoot, the show has evolved into a platform for deeper discussions rooted in a biblical worldview. The hosts, Nate and McGit, have shared personal stories of how the podcast has helped them through challenging times and provided a sense of purpose. The community surrounding the show has grown, offering opportunities for further discussions and exclusive content through membership. With no plans of slowing down, Blurry Creatures continues to explore the world of myths and legends, bringing all glory to God.

    • Duke Sullivan's Pioneering Role in Bigfoot CommunityDuke Sullivan, a Bigfoot community pioneer, focuses on evidence-based discussions and uncovered unique findings like an arrowhead given by a Bigfoot.

      Duke Sullivan, an early guest on the Blurry Creatures podcast, has been a pioneer in the Bigfoot community with his own show, World Bigfoot Radio. Over the years, he's shared intriguing stories, including his own experiences and historical records. Duke's dedication to presenting evidence, rather than just interviews, sets him apart. The Bigfoot community and related topics have expanded significantly, and Blurry Creatures has evolved to focus more on interviews with experts. Duke has continued his own research, uncovering unique finds like an arrowhead given to him by a Bigfoot. The importance of evidence and firsthand experiences remains a crucial aspect of the investigation into these elusive creatures.

    • Building a relationship with cryptids through giftsOffer preferred foods or items to cryptids like Bigfoot to establish a connection and build trust, but be cautious and adaptable to regional differences and behaviors.

      Establishing a connection with cryptids like Bigfoot involves understanding their preferences and building trust. This can be achieved by identifying their favorite foods or items and regularly leaving them as gifts. Bigfoot, for instance, have been known to enjoy Reese's Pieces. However, it's essential to be cautious about what you offer, as some things might be indecipherable or even harmful to them. Additionally, be prepared for their curiosity and potential attempts to interact with your equipment, such as trail cameras. Cultivating a relationship with these creatures requires patience, dedication, and a willingness to return to the same location repeatedly. It's important to remember that each region may have its unique characteristics and behaviors, so being open-minded and adaptable is crucial.

    • Gaining trust from SasquatchConsistent good intentions, patience, understanding, and a witness are key to gaining trust from Sasquatch. Their unique perspectives and communication challenges make the process slow and ongoing.

      Building trust with Sasquatch or other unknown entities requires consistent good intentions, patience, and understanding of their unique perspectives. The speaker shared his experience of gaining acceptance from two different Sasquatch groups after years of regular visits, despite the language barrier and initial mistrust. He also mentioned the importance of having a witness when sharing evidence to prove authenticity. The Sasquatch's perception of humans as erratic and untrustworthy makes gaining their trust a slow and ongoing process. Additionally, they have unique thought processes, such as not fully understanding the concept of ownership or distances, which can make interactions challenging. Lastly, rogue behavior from Sasquatch may be a result of them being ostracized from their social groups.

    • Bigfoot communities have strict social rules and an alpha male leaderBigfoot theories suggest a hybrid creature with North American and Middle Eastern human DNA, and recent evidence supports this idea

      Bigfoot communities, or troops, have strict social rules with an alpha male leading the group. Disobedience or challenges to the alpha male's supremacy can result in being expelled from the group, leaving the individual completely on their own with the harsh consequences of having to find food, shelter, and avoid human contact. Recent theories suggest that Bigfoot is a hybrid creature with human DNA, primarily from North America and the Middle East, and the DNA evidence supports this idea. The ongoing research continues to uncover new information, but the hybrid theory has gained significant traction in the Sasquatch community.

    • The concept of inbreeding explains variations in mythical creatures' appearancesThe concept of inbreeding within localized groups results in distinct, characteristic looks for communities over time, but also leads to genetic diversity and offspring that don't resemble their parents, causing variations in appearance among reported sightings of mythical creatures and giants.

      The variation in appearance among reported sightings of mythical creatures like Bigfoot or ancient giants can be explained by the concept of inbreeding within localized groups. This phenomenon, observed in native tribes as well, results in a distinct, characteristic look for the community over time. However, even within these local groups, there is significant genetic diversity, leading to offspring that don't resemble their parents. This genetic mix continues to express itself differently with each generation. This concept is also relevant to myths and legends about giants, who were believed to have had various genetic anomalies, such as elongated skulls, double rows of teeth, and 6 digits. These anomalies are still debated among those who believe in the existence of such beings. Additionally, the idea of inbreeding and the existence of giant beings can be linked to various mythologies, such as Norse mythology and the Anunnaki, who were believed to have created hybrids with humans. The Anunnaki were also described as being gigantic themselves, and the concept of humans being larger in size before the Great Flood is a common theme in many mythologies. In summary, the concept of inbreeding within localized groups provides an explanation for the observed variation in appearance among mythical creatures and giants throughout history.

    • Origins of Bigfoot: Ancient experiments, naturally occurring beings, or creators of megaliths?Despite various theories, lack of concrete evidence keeps the origins of Bigfoot a mystery, with possible explanations ranging from ancient experiments to naturally occurring beings or creators of megalithic structures.

      The existence and origins of Bigfoot or Sasquatch remain a mystery, with various theories suggesting they could be ancient experiments, naturally occurring beings, or even the creators of megalithic structures. Some believe they originated from a single pure-blooded male, possibly hybridized with humans or other animals, and spread out across the world during the ice ages. The physical appearance of Bigfoot may vary regionally, and some believe this could be due to tribalism or hybridization in specific areas. However, the lack of concrete evidence, such as DNA samples from pure-blooded Bigfoot, leaves many questions unanswered. The discussion also touched upon the existence of other large, unknown creatures throughout history and mythology, and the possibility that they could be related to Bigfoot.

    • Bigfoot's mating habits and potential interactions with UFOsBigfoot theories suggest mating with humans, protective of females, strong sense of smell, potential UFO encounters, and unverified hybrid offspring

      The existence of Bigfoot and potential hybrid offspring with humans raises intriguing questions about their mating habits and possible interactions with other species, including UFOs. Some theories suggest that Bigfoot may have mated with local human women, resulting in hybrids with distinct human DNA from various regions. However, without DNA studies, these theories remain unverified. Bigfoot is also believed to have a strong sense of smell and pheromones, potentially leading to encounters with humans during their reproductive cycles. The creatures are reportedly protective of their females and may resort to mating with humans if no other options are available. Additionally, there are claims of UFO connections to Bigfoot, with theories suggesting that they interfere with each other and that Bigfoot may even attack UFOs. Overall, the mythology and potential realities surrounding Bigfoot continue to intrigue and confound researchers and the public alike.

    • Sasquatch's Cloaking AbilitySasquatch can cloak themselves, making them hard to capture. They may raise their vibration and bend light. Not all have portal-opening abilities.

      Sasquatch or Bigfoot creatures have the ability to cloak themselves and disappear, making them difficult to capture or contain. This was demonstrated in an incident where they had one trapped inside a building for two weeks, and the only solution was to open the exterior doors and let it leave on its own. The exact method of how they achieve cloaking is unclear, but it may involve raising their vibration level and bending light around them. It's important to note that not all Sasquatch have the ability to open portals and travel between dimensions. They are generally considered peaceful creatures that just want to be left alone and are often misunderstood by humans. Despite this, they face numerous threats from UFOs, governments, and cryptid hunters. Overall, the Sasquatch are seen as mostly good beings who want to convey the message that they are intelligent beings and not monsters. Contrary to popular belief, they are not demonic or Nephilim.

    • Ancient Indian mythology links Sasquatch to Vanara, forest peopleAncient Indian mythology suggests Sasquatch, or Bigfoot, could be allies instead of threats based on stories of Vanara, forest people who helped build a bridge to Sri Lanka and joined Lord Rama's army. Modern research confirms the bridge's man-made origin, adding complexity to Sasquatch studies.

      The entities known as Sasquatch or Bigfoot are believed to have allies in the form of Vanara, forest people from ancient Indian mythology. These beings, described as covered in hair and some being the size of elephants, were said to have helped Lord Rama build a bridge to Sri Lanka and join his army in a battle against giants. Modern-day researchers, like the speaker in this discussion, have discovered evidence of this bridge and confirmed its man-made origin, dating back thousands of years. These forest people, or Bigfoot, are not on the side of potential threats or intruders, but rather, they could potentially be valuable allies. This discovery challenges the black-and-white perception of these entities and adds another layer of complexity to the ongoing research in this field. The researcher in this discussion shared that his work is largely limited by his resources, such as a working vehicle and funding, and he spends as much time as possible in the field during the summer months.

    • Encountering massive Sasquatch tracks in the Garnett rangeResearchers found large Sasquatch tracks, including a single creature's 3 sets of 21-inch tracks and another's 2 track lines of 19-inch tracks. Passionate campers and woods enthusiasts often have unique Sasquatch encounters.

      The speaker and his team had an extraordinary encounter with Sasquatch in the Garnett range this summer. They discovered large, unusual tracks that were much bigger than any they had found before. The largest set of tracks belonged to a single Sasquatch, which left 3 sets of 21-inch tracks. Another Sasquatch created a significant impact, leaving 2 track lines of 19-inch tracks on a steep ridge. The team was thrilled to find these massive tracks, especially since they had encountered Sasquatch on the same day. However, they respected the creatures' privacy and did not film them, only their tracks and structures. Despite the challenges and risks involved, the speaker's passion for camping and Sasquatch research kept him going back for over 46 years. He shared a commonality with other close Sasquatch interactors, as identified by a genius researcher, including a strong affinity for camping and the woods. The team's experience was not without fear, as they had to move to a different campsite due to unexpected competition and endured freezing temperatures. Overall, the team's adventure highlighted the excitement and challenges of Sasquatch research.

    • Encounter with a Giant Creature in the WoodsA witness described an encounter with a massive creature, larger than a bear or moose, that shook the ground and left him convinced it was real, sharing instances of peaceful coexistence with other cryptids and belief in a close human-Sasquatch relationship.

      The witness encountered an unusually large creature in the woods, estimated to be larger than a bear or a moose. The creature was so heavy that it shook the ground and even the car nearby. The witness, who had previously encountered various cryptids, believed it could not have been a hoax. He also shared instances of Bigfoot interacting peacefully with other cryptids, including dogmen. The witness's long-term goal in his research is to debunk hoaxes and expose those who fabricate evidence. He believes that Sasquatch and humans share a close relationship, with Sasquatch being the closest relative to humans on the planet.

    • Studying the regional characteristics of little peopleResearchers have found that little people, or folkloric beings, have distinct regional characteristics and may be encountered in the wilderness, but it's important to approach claims with caution and skepticism.

      The existence and behavior of little people, also known as fairies or other folkloric beings, can vary greatly depending on the region. Some are described as mischievous or even dangerous, while others are reported to be friendly and cool. Researchers, such as Nate Henry and Robin Moonshadow, have spent years studying these beings, and their findings suggest that they may be regional and have distinct characteristics. For instance, the Nourami and Deveregard are believed to inhabit the areas around Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Utah. These beings are said to have old-fashioned clothing and may be encountered by hikers or travelers in the wilderness. However, it's important to note that some reports of little people can be misleading or even hoaxes. Therefore, it's crucial for researchers to approach these claims with caution and skepticism. Ultimately, the study of little people adds to the richness and complexity of folklore and the natural world.

    • Reports of small humanoid beings from different parts of the worldEvidence suggests the existence of small humanoid beings, such as Homo floresiensis and Homo luzonensis, with consistent local reports and archeological evidence. Approach claims with an open mind but be cautious of potential hoaxes.

      There are numerous reports and evidence suggesting the existence of small humanoid beings, often referred to as little people or hobbits, from various parts of the world. These beings, such as Homo floresiensis and Homo luzonensis, have been scientifically categorized and classified. Locals in different regions continue to report encounters with these beings, often sharing similar stories. Some skeptics argue that these reports could be hoaxes, but the consistency and persistence of these stories, along with the existence of archeological evidence, suggest that these beings may be real. It's important to approach these claims with an open mind and consider the evidence, while also being cautious of potential hoaxes. The debate around the existence and nature of these beings continues to be a topic of fascination and intrigue.

    • A Friend's Encounter with a Sasquatch in Tennessee and the Mystery of OrbsDiscussions surrounding Sasquatch encounters included tales of a Tennessee sighting, unexplained orbs, language abilities, and the significance of thorough investigation.

      The discussion revolved around various encounters with alleged Sasquatch sightings and related phenomena. One particular story involved a friend of a friend who claimed to have encountered a Sasquatch in Tennessee, which sparked a conversation about the size and behavior of these creatures. The speakers also touched upon the topic of orbs, unexplained glowing orbs associated with Sasquatch sightings. Some speakers shared their personal experiences with these orbs, while others were skeptical. Additionally, the conversation delved into the language abilities of Sasquatch and the challenges of communicating with them. The speakers also shared stories of their own encounters with Sasquatch and emphasized the importance of thorough investigation to separate fact from fiction. One memorable encounter mentioned was the Patterson-Gimlin film, a widely debated piece of evidence for the existence of Sasquatch.

    • Encountering a Sasquatch and Its FamilyDuring outdoor exploration, the speaker filmed a supposed stump but later discovered it was a living creature, possibly a sasquatch. He felt a presence and sensed someone was following him, leaving him with a mix of excitement and unease.

      The speaker encountered what he believed to be a sasquatch and its family during his outdoor exploration. He filmed a video of a supposed stump, but upon closer inspection, he realized it was a living creature. Later, he shared the video with an expert who confirmed it was not a stump. The speaker also discovered a large structure on the other side of a river and felt a presence behind him while filming the area. He sensed someone was following him and took precautions to avoid confrontation. These experiences left the speaker feeling both exhilarated and uneasy. The expert's analysis of the video added to the speaker's belief that he had encountered something unusual in the wild.

    • Encountering a Giant Sasquatch and Discovering Large FootprintsA group discovered a Sasquatch estimated to be 12 feet tall with a giant nose and large footprints over 20 inches long. They also found evidence of even larger Sasquatch, potentially reaching 18 feet in height. The speaker speculated about UFOs and aliens, hinting at an impending disclosure.

      The speaker and his friends encountered a large Sasquatch creature, estimated to be at least 12 feet tall with a nose the size of a human head, and possibly even larger. They discovered large footprints, measuring over 20 inches long, which further supported the existence of this massive creature. The speaker also mentioned encountering videos and evidence of even larger Sasquatch, potentially reaching heights of up to 18 feet. The speaker expressed awe and excitement about the potential discovery of these creatures, and wondered about their true size and capabilities. Additionally, the speaker touched on the topic of UFOs and aliens, suggesting that there may be an impending disclosure regarding their existence.

    • Approach Bigfoot with respect and consistencyTo increase chances of a successful Bigfoot encounter, approach them with respect, patience, and consistency, and avoid overcrowding their habitats.

      Having a respectful and consistent approach is crucial when it comes to encountering Bigfoot. Duke Sullivan, a renowned Bigfoot expert, emphasizes that Bigfoot are people and should not be treated as show ponies. Overcrowding their habitats and bringing new people every time can be intrusive and unsettling for them. It's essential to establish a rapport and gain their trust before attempting an encounter. Additionally, having the right companions can significantly impact the outcome of a Bigfoot expedition. It's not just about the individual's personality but also their compatibility with the elusive creatures. So, patience, respect, and consistency are the keys to increasing the chances of a successful Bigfoot encounter.

    • Respecting Uncontacted Communities and Building RapportWhen interacting with uncontacted or unfamiliar communities, use respectful methods like musical instruments to build rapport, ensuring authenticity to maintain their interest.

      When interacting with uncontacted or unfamiliar communities, it's essential to consider their wellbeing and cultural preferences. Providing them with unhealthy food or deceitful items may negatively impact their trust towards outsiders. Musical instruments, such as flutes or singing bowls, can be effective tools for building rapport. However, it's crucial to ensure authenticity to maintain their interest. The existence of various types of large, bipedal creatures, like Yetis, Yowies, and Bigfoots, suggests the intriguing possibility of multiple hominid species. The discovery of their tracks or remains can lead to controversy and skepticism, with various theories ranging from natural phenomena to extraterrestrial origins. It's important to approach such findings with an open mind and thorough investigation.

    • Unsolved Disappearances and Encounters: Sasquatch or Something Else?The unexplained disappearances and encounters in certain areas might be caused by various factors including Sasquatch, extraterrestrial activity, or human trafficking.

      The unexplained disappearances and encounters in certain areas, such as those mentioned in the discussion, may not be solely attributed to Sasquatch or other cryptids. There might be other forces at play, including potential extraterrestrial activity or human trafficking. The speakers also shared intriguing stories about encounters with dog-like creatures and the possibility of scientists creating their own versions of these beings. The conversation highlighted the complexity and intrigue of the paranormal world, where the unknown often defies easy explanation.

    • Sasquatch's Enforcer: DogmanSasquatch have a 12-foot tall, dog-like protector named Dogman, who serves as their SWAT team and is feared and respected in their community. They also enjoy singing 'Bigfoot's Coming, Gonna Get You'.

      Sasquatch, or Bigfoot, have their own enforcer in the woods named Dogman. Unlike humans, who might find the presence of law enforcement intimidating, Sasquatch call upon Dogman when they encounter problems they can't handle. Dogman is described as a 12-foot tall, dog-like creature that enjoys tearing things apart and killing them. This creature is feared and respected by the Sasquatch community, serving as their SWAT team. Another interesting revelation is that Sasquatch are fond of movie quotes, particularly the song "Bigfoot's Coming, Gonna Get You, Gonna Get You." When played for them, they learn the lyrics and sing along, causing hysteria among humans. These anecdotes were shared on a radio show, "Inevitably Finding Bigfoot," where the hosts embarked on a mission to find Bigfoot themselves in Nebraska.

    • Documentary about Bigfoot encounters in NebraskaTeam behind 'Inevitably Finding Bigfoot' shares satirical doc filled with Bigfoot sightings, spaghetti western music, and plans to release on multiple platforms

      The team behind the documentary "Inevitably Finding Bigfoot" in Nebraska has had numerous encounters with Bigfoot and has amassed a significant amount of footage. They've created a satirical and entertaining documentary filled with clips of their team members and their Bigfoot sightings. The documentary also features music from spaghetti westerns, making it a unique and exciting watch. The team plans to release the documentary soon and encourages viewers to check it out on various platforms like YouTube, Rumble, Odyssey, and Bitshoot. They also have a support group and Facebook page for updates on the show. The team, led by Duke, is passionate about Bigfoot and plans to continue making documentaries on the subject. They also mentioned the existence of a monster in Flathead Lake, Montana. Tune in to World Bigfoot Radio every Sunday at 8 CST to catch Duke's show and stay updated on their latest findings.

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    SC EP:180 Scary night in the Adirondacks

    SC EP:180 Scary night in the Adirondacks

    Join me tonight as I speak to Joe. Joe is a skilled hunter and trapper and shares his encounter with us when he was deep in the Adirondack’s Joe writes ” I have been a hunter and trapper my whole life. I have ran into every wildlife known to man in that area but what I ran into that night changed my life. I was in a very remote location, so remote that I spent all day kayaking to get into my spot. I thought the first night was bad hearing something bang on tree’s most of the night but the following night was much worse. This “thing” was around my camp most of the night and when it roared at me I was terrified. Wes I have never heard anything like this before, it roared at me like a lion and was shaking the bushes like an ape would do. I prayed for daylight. The next morning I found human like tracks that were 15 inches long next to my tent. I had to leave. There is so much more to the story but it was scary…"

    SC EP:441 My Grandfather's Property

    SC EP:441 My Grandfather's Property

    Matt writes "I am a retired combat veteran of the Marine Corps. I saw combat in both the First Gulf War and Bosnia-Herzegovina/Kosovo.As a kid, I grew up in Kentucky. I had several encounters there. Then later I had one in Tennessee and another in East Texas.

    In Kentucky I lived with my grandfather. He was a Baptist minister and a man of good Scottish stock. We lived in central Kentucky in the Green River bottoms. I was used to seeing bobcats and panthers. From an early age I knew their screams and had a healthy respect for their space, especially at night. In about 1972 I was 7 years old. One summer evening my grandfather and I were walking just a few yards from our house at the edge of a 7 acre field. It sloped a bit up and ended in a tree line which had an old barn at its center. A small trail circumvented the entire field.

    As we looked east and up at the field’s edge, we saw something standing upright and much taller than the corn which was about 7 feet tall as it was late June. It was brown in color and looked directly at us. My grandfather turned me around and towards the house and said “You’ll not be going outside tonight.” I sensed a bit of fear but knew better than to ask why. That night was warm. Our house was built up about six feet to avoid the backwaters of spring. My grandfather and I slept in the same bedroom in two beds separated by a window which was open that night. It faced the field where we had seen the creature. As I drifted off to sleep I smelled a horrible smell.

    I awoke and looked out the window. Standing squarely in the majority of the window was a dark figure looking in and looking side to side. I could feel the warmth of its breath and see the eyes which were somewhat yellow and red. I looked across at my grandfather who had moved to lying prone with a pistol in his right hand. The only light was provided by the moon. After a few moments I heard the creature walk away towards the front of our house and step up on the wooden porch. At this point my grandfather bolted from the bed and grabbed a double barreled shotgun and yelled to me to stay put. I heard one shot which he had to have fired through the screen door then a growl/scream that shook the house. My grandfather yelled for it to “Fek off” and fired a second shot. By then I was next to him with my own 12 gauge.

    He reloaded as it jumped off the porch and ran back towards where we had seen it earlier. It yelled the rest of the night and we heard it for several days. I don’t remember if it ever yelled much after that week.”

    SC EP:487 I can still see it looking at me

    SC EP:487 I can still see it looking at me

    A listener writes “Hi Wes, I’ll admit I feel awkward sending this e-mail as the people I’ve told have mocked me.

    Anyway here goes. I grew up on a farm in southern Maryland and we had over a hundred of acres of mostly wooded land. Our property was adjacent to other large swaths of heavily wooded acreage.
    To cut to the chase, I was an avid hunter growing up. So much that during my teens I’d go squirrel hunting daily after getting home from school.

    One afternoon in October I went out alone. I was 16. However this time I decided to go further into the woods. As I hiked along my mind was somewhere else until I noticed I was in a part of the woods I’d never been to. I was surrounded by old growth trees and the terrain was rolling hills. I looked down into the bottom of this hollow and saw large grove of laurel. I slowly made my way down and suddenly was overcome with a heavy feeling of dread and that I was being watched. So much that I froze and began to look around expecting to see another person but didn’t.

    This fear kept growing to the point that I felt terror for lack of a better word. Without notice I saw movement in the laurel. Footfalls and branch snapping.

    I called out that I wasn’t alone hoping that whoever was in there would stop trying to scare me.
    The footfalls stopped but my fear was still high. I was armed with a Ruger 77/22 bolt action rifle. I leveled the rifle at the laurel and again called out for whoever was in there to know I wasn’t alone.
    Then a chattering almost laughter came from the laurel bushes. It was so weird, it sounded like a cackle. Filled with fear I fired my rifle above the laurel.

    Then all hell broke lose. The laughter became a growl. And the laurel was crashing. I could see that from the top of the bushes that it was coming towards me.

    I again called out and again fired. It didn’t stop.

    I turned and ran up the slope. Now I should mention that it was dusk, the light was going fast and by how far I’d gone I wouldn’t get back to my house until after dark.

    When I crested the top of the hill I looked back and saw something hairy step out of the laurel and look up at me. Now as I write this I’m getting a chill up my spine.

    I can still see it looking at me.

    I cycled the bolt on the rifle and fired at it. I missed as it didn’t respond, it stepped fully out and stood up. Whatever it was wasn’t huge it was about five to six feet tall. I know, it doesn’t sound like a Bigfoot but it had wide shoulders, long arms and covered in hair.

    I took off as fast as I could, I was in a panic, I kept falling down and tripping. I was getting shredded by branches hitting my face but I didn’t care. I could hear whatever it was chasing me. It was barreling through the woods but not directing behind me. What’s odd is it seemed to be running parallel to me.
    After 15 minutes I could see the lights of my house through the trees and this thing was still running near me. The issue I had was that if I turned right to head to the trail to go to my house I’d encounter this thing, so I passed the trail and headed around the trail and out into the field.
    When I was in the field, I was screaming for my family, I turned and cycled the bolt and fired into the woods again. It was dark now completely.

    I listened but heard nothing but I could sense it was still there. I ran to the house and went inside.
    When I encountered my mom I was crying and covered in blood from all the cuts and slashes in my face.
    My older brother grabbed a shotgun and went out, I followed him with a fully loaded rifle. And it should be said this was against my mother’s wishes.

    We both fired into the woods, and yelled at whatever it was.

    I never encountered it again and I didn’t go hunting by myself ever again.

    My mother didn’t believe me, she thought it was probably a black bear and my other siblings made fun of me. However my grandmother who lived in a house on the farm for 55 years told me she’d seen stuff years before and even had seen lights above the forest years back.

    Even if I never talk to you, it feels good to get this off my chest.”

    SC EP:345 A Hunter’s Encounter

    SC EP:345 A Hunter’s Encounter

    I will be welcoming two guests to the show. Blake writes “I grew up in Mcnabb County in south Arkansas. I had an encounter there while hunting and have had two more encounters since then.”

    I spoke to Blake today and he talked about his first encounter he said “I heard what I thought was another hunter. This thing was walking up an incline coming right to me. As it got to the top of the hill I was expecting to see some hunters’ orange but this thing was all black and very large.

    It face and whole head was covered in hair and the only thing I saw was a human like nose sticking out. I must have stepped on a twig because this thing turned and huffed at me. As soon as it was looking at me I took off running. Everything is kind of a blur but when I stopped to catch my breath it became apparent that this thing was following me out from the side of the trail…”

    I will also be speaking to Eric, who writes “My name is Eric I would like to share my encounter story. I will give you a brief outline. We can discuss more if you’re interested. It happened in BC about 10 years ago in remote area east of the fraser river, north of Hope. A friend of mines family owns a logging company. My friend and I would go get equipment left behind.”

    I spoke to the witness and he said that him and his friend were camping one night and they heard strange vocalizations and had rocks thrown at them. They assumed it was people messing with them. Eric’s friend would get up with his gun and yell into the wood line telling whoever it was to stop or they were going to get shot.

    When the rocks continued to be thrown Eric’s friend got up and fired off a shot in the air and that is when this thing sounded like King Kong and was knocking tree’s over. The men decided to sleep in the truck. As soon as daylight came the men decided to leave and on the way out there was a tree that had been ripped out of the ground and placed across the road.

    The men got out of the truck and one kept the rifle while the other one cut the tree up. The men noticed two large figures up in the wood line watching them.

    Later they told the father who owns the logging company and he shrugged his shoulders and said “yeah those things happen…..”