
    Ep 215 - The DUMBEST Thing Your Partner Has Said?! | SHXTSNGIGS PODCAST

    enSeptember 05, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • People value comfort and empathyRecognizing patterns of prioritizing others' feelings over our own can lead to healthier relationships and self-growth.

      People value comfort and empathy, as evidenced by the popularity of Bombas' soft clothing and their mission to donate items to those in need. Meanwhile, in personal relationships, some individuals prioritize avoiding conflict and putting others' feelings above their own, potentially at their own expense. This behavior may stem from past experiences or deeper rooted insecurities, but it can lead to a pattern of holding back and ultimately feeling like a victim rather than an assertive participant. It's essential to recognize these patterns and explore their origins to foster healthier relationships and self-growth.

    • Misunderstandings in relationships can lead to hurt feelingsClear and open communication is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and build a healthy relationship

      Communication is key in relationships. The speaker shares a past experience where he felt a strong connection with a woman, but things went wrong due to a misunderstanding. He was fixated on his own feelings and didn't realize that she had already moved on. The woman, being intuitive, picked up on his ambiguous message and pulled back, leading to a decline in the relationship. If the speaker had been more clear and open about his intentions, the outcome could have been different. Women often know before men do if a relationship is serious, and misreading signals can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Effective communication is essential to build and maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • The importance of authentic communication in relationshipsMen prioritize peace of mind, but authentic communication is essential for healthy relationships. Past experiences can make it difficult for some men to express their feelings honestly.

      The speaker learned the importance of expressing himself honestly and authentically in relationships, but had difficulty doing so due to past experiences. He discovered that he found comfort and authenticity with a particular woman, but was too young and naive to fully understand or act on his feelings at the time. As a result, he held back in future relationships, fearing the potential consequences of speaking his mind. The speaker emphasizes that men prioritize peace of mind in relationships, and may suppress their feelings to maintain it. However, he acknowledges the importance of finding a balance between expressing himself and considering the feelings of his partner. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences shaped his understanding of the value of authentic communication in relationships.

    • The importance of clear communication in relationshipsBe truthful and factual, even if uncomfortable, to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Recognize the challenges of conveying feelings through language and be authentic and clear in communication to build strong relationships.

      Communication and intent are crucial in relationships. The speaker shares their past struggles with expressing their feelings and intentions, leading to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. They recognize the importance of being truthful and factual, even if it may be difficult or uncomfortable. They also acknowledge the challenge of conveying feelings through language and the potential for miscommunication. Furthermore, they discuss their past patterns of sabotaging relationships to avoid hurting others' feelings, only to later try and win them back. The speaker's reflections highlight the complexities of relationships and the importance of being authentic and clear in communication.

    • Fear of rejection leads to toxic relationship patternsThe fear of rejection and dislike can lead to toxic relationship patterns, including dishonesty and sabotage. Honesty, though uncomfortable, could lead to healthier outcomes.

      The speaker has a pattern of sabotaging relationships instead of being honest about their feelings. They fear rejection and dislike, but end up getting back together with their partners only to repeat the cycle. This toxic behavior often leads to the end of the relationship and leaves their ex-girlfriends hating him. The speaker acknowledges that honesty could potentially lead to a better outcome, but fears the awkward conversation and the potential fallout. He also mentions his people-pleasing tendencies as a childhood trauma that contributes to this pattern. The speaker is currently emotionally tapped out and seeking something new, but regrets the way he has handled past relationships.

    • Man from Chadeza fights off leopard with dogsA man in Chadeza successfully defended himself from a leopard attack with the help of his two dogs, highlighting the protective role of dogs and the potential danger of wildlife.

      In the discussed story, a man from Chadeza, Zambia, successfully defended himself from a leopard attack with the help of his two dogs. The incident highlights the protective role of dogs and the potential danger of wildlife in certain areas. Viewers and listeners are encouraged to engage with the content by subscribing, leaving reviews, and sharing fun facts. The fun fact shared was about a man in Chadeza who fought off a leopard with the help of his dogs. Despite the terrifying encounter, the man was able to kill the leopard, demonstrating the power of teamwork and the importance of being prepared. The discussion also touched upon the possibility of the leopard coming from neighboring Mozambique, where it may not be protected. Overall, the story serves as a reminder of the potential dangers that exist in the world and the importance of being prepared and having the right tools and companions to face them.

    • Human reactions to fear can be unpredictableWomen's fight or flight response can be particularly effective, but reactions to fear can vary greatly and be unpredictable

      People's reactions to fear can vary greatly, and women's fight or flight response can be particularly effective, as seen in the prank show "Prank Encounters." The show's premise involves pranking strangers in secluded areas, and often, the women react more strongly than the men. For instance, one woman froze in terror when an actor pretended to be a dead person. The speaker acknowledges that he might not freeze in the face of danger, but he also emphasizes the unpredictability of fear and the potential for unexpected reactions. The speaker also shares a personal fear of being attacked by a leopard and how he would try to defend himself, but ultimately, he acknowledges the uncertainty of the situation. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexity and variability of human reactions to fear.

    • Exploring the complexities of 'Sandman' and 'The Servant'While 'Sandman' offers a unique concept and intriguing storyline, some episodes can feel disconnected. 'The Servant' is a highly recommended show with a compelling concept and high-quality production.

      "Sandman" is a complex and intriguing series with a unique concept, following the Dream King (Lord Morpheus) and his control over the dreaming realm, but it can feel uneven with some episodes serving as fan service to the source material and others appearing as filler. The series, which is based on DC Comics, has 10 episodes, each around an hour long. While the first few episodes are engaging and captivating, some episodes can feel disconnected from the main storyline. On the other hand, "The Servant" on Apple TV is a highly recommended show with a compelling concept about a middle-class family and their supernatural experiences. The viewer is only a few episodes into the first season but is already hooked by the intriguing storyline. Apple TV shows are known for their high-quality production, and "The Servant" is no exception.

    • A grieving couple's delusion over a reborn doll leads to a dangerous secretThe loss of a child pushes a couple to hire a nanny for a reborn doll, but as the wife's delusion grows, the husband uncovers a voodoo curse and a real baby in the cot, leading to a dangerous situation.

      The grief-stricken couple hires a nanny to care for a reborn doll after their real baby dies, but as the wife becomes increasingly delusional and believes the doll is her child, the husband grows suspicious and uncovers a dangerous secret. The nanny, who is a devout follower of voodoo, has inadvertently cursed the husband when he removed a voodoo talisman from above the cot. The discovery of a real baby in the cot, which the wife also believes is their doll, further complicates the situation. The husband enlists the help of his brother-in-law and a private investigator to unravel the mystery and break the curse. The show explores themes of grief, denial, and the blurred lines between reality and illusion.

    • Discovering a new TV show's history leaves one person uneasyBelief in victim's story, empathy for accused, and accountability for actions are important in addressing sexual assault allegations

      The excitement of discovering a new TV show was tainted for one person when they found out it was already several seasons deep. However, they were reassured by the news that R. Kelly's former goddaughter had come forward as another victim of his sexual assault allegations, even if they found the timing of the revelation strange. The person expressed belief in the woman's story and empathy for R. Kelly, acknowledging the gravity of the situation and the potential impact on his life. Despite the mixed feelings, they emphasized the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions, especially when it comes to crimes against minors.

    • The Complexity of Separating Art from the ArtistThe controversy surrounding R. Kelly's alleged crimes raises questions about whether it's possible to separate the artist from the art. Some people believe in doing so, while others cannot continue to support him, impacting his music's popularity.

      The discussion revolves around the controversy surrounding R. Kelly and his alleged crimes, and how it impacts people's decision to continue listening to his music. Some believe in separating the artist from the art, while others cannot continue to support him. The conversation also touches upon R. Kelly's past influence on artists like Aaliyah and the allegations of his involvement in her career. Despite the dark revelations in a documentary, some still find it difficult to resist the appeal of his music, particularly his hits like "Ignition" and "Bump and Grind." Ultimately, the discussion highlights the complexity of separating art from the artist and the influence of social media on shaping public opinion.

    • Music's Power to Overshadow ControversyDespite controversies or negative associations, music's power to entertain and connect can overshadow any issues, even for artists with questionable behavior.

      The speaker's connection to music and enjoyment of it can be so strong that it overshadows any controversy or negative associations, even when it comes to artists with questionable behavior. The speaker's anecdote about being asked about supporting R. Kelly while dancing illustrates this disconnect. The speaker also expresses concern about the potential fallout if a popular artist like Drake were to face similar allegations, suggesting that the entertainment industry and fans might turn a blind eye due to the artist's influence and popularity. The conversation then shifts to dark humor, but the underlying theme remains the same: the power of music and entertainment to distract and captivate us, even in the face of difficult or uncomfortable realities.

    • Communication and mutual respect in relationshipsOpen communication and understanding are crucial for fulfilling sexual relationships. Desires and needs change over time, and it's essential to discuss them honestly to keep the spark alive.

      Communication and understanding are key in maintaining a satisfying and fulfilling relationship. The woman in the conversation shared her past experiences and desires, which her husband initially seemed to be on board with. However, as time passed, their sexual relationship became less frequent and less adventurous than she had hoped. Feeling bamboozled, she now seeks advice on how to reignite the "freaky" aspect of their relationship. It's important to note that everyone's sexual desires and needs evolve over time, and open and honest communication is essential for both parties to meet each other's expectations. The woman's race and her husband's background were mentioned in the conversation but deemed irrelevant to the situation at hand. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of ongoing communication and mutual respect in maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

    • Communication is key in a satisfying sexual relationshipEffective communication and understanding your partner's needs can help maintain a fulfilling sexual relationship, even when preferences and desires differ.

      Communication is key in maintaining a satisfying sexual relationship. A woman in her 30s shares her experience of meeting a man who fulfilled her deepest desires for 72 hours straight. However, after marriage, their sex life declined. She contemplated spicing things up, but realized she wanted her husband to take charge and dominate. The couple had intense sex in the beginning, but the husband may not have been used to being so dominant. The speaker suggests the woman communicate her needs and initiate sex in a seductive way to spur her husband's dominant side. The speaker also emphasizes that sexual relationships have peaks and troughs and require open conversations. Additionally, people have different sexual preferences and desires, and it's essential to respect and accommodate those differences. The key takeaway is that communication and understanding are crucial in maintaining a fulfilling sexual relationship.

    • Effective communication in sex relationshipsOpen and honest communication is essential for understanding each other's needs, addressing misunderstandings, and maintaining a satisfying sexual relationship.

      Effective communication is key in maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. According to the discussion, men and women have different desires and expectations when it comes to sex. Women often seek excitement and passion, while men value peace and quiet. The frequency and intensity of sexual encounters may change over time, and it's essential to have open and honest conversations about these changes. Misunderstandings and unmet expectations can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction. It's important to remember that everyone's needs and preferences are unique, and finding a middle ground is crucial. Communication also helps to address any false assumptions or misconceptions that may arise in a relationship. Overall, open and honest communication is the foundation for a fulfilling and long-lasting sexual relationship.

    • Misunderstandings from careless wordsBe mindful of what we say and how it might be perceived to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings in relationships.

      People sometimes say things without fully considering the implications or meaning behind their words. This can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and even infidelity. For instance, a man in a conversation with his friend joked about inviting another woman for sex, unaware that his wife was listening. He later realized the gravity of his words and apologized. Another man revealed his ignorance by mistaking the equator on a map for the country Ecuador. These examples illustrate the importance of being mindful of what we say and how it might be perceived by others. Communication is key in any relationship, and it's essential to be clear, honest, and considerate with our words.

    • The Importance of Respect, Honesty, and Self-Care in RelationshipsBe true to oneself, prioritize respect and honesty, have options, and practice self-care to build healthy relationships.

      Communication and honesty are crucial in relationships. The speaker shared various experiences with men who made disrespectful comments or behaved inappropriately. She emphasized the importance of being true to oneself and not settling for less than respect and honesty. Additionally, she acknowledged the importance of having options and not putting all eggs in one basket to avoid regret. The speaker also highlighted the importance of self-care and nourishing oneself to radiate confidence. Overall, the discussion underscores the significance of respect, honesty, and self-care in relationships.

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    References used for this podcast are as follows:  

    "The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities" is a book written by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy and published by Celestial Arts in 2009.

    Another book on ethical non-monogamy is "More Than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory" by Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert, which was published by Thorntree Press in 2014.

    In an article published on Psychology Today on December 9, 2020, titled "How to Create a Relationship Agreement That Works for You," Eva Taylor Grant offers tips for negotiating relationship agreements that are customized to each individual's needs.

    The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom provides a resource on their website called "Polyamory Basics," which can be found at ncsfreedom.org.

    A blog post on Psychology Today by Frankie Bashan titled "Polyamory: A Practical Guide" provides advice on communication, boundary-setting, and other aspects of polyamorous relationships.

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    30. One Way Street

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    This week Katie and Helen look at the relationship between a Mother and Daughter in Law, and how the Daughter in Law is being scapegoated by her MIL for 'stealing' the son. 

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    This episode is edited by Sam Atkinson you can contact him here.

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    👋💬 PS: When you’re done I’d love to know what you think, so let me know in the comments or find me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 😃


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    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that teaches you how to look after your mental health, with simple ideas that draw on both quality research and the experience of writer and host Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide!

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