
    About this Episode

    Is it necessarily bad to feel envious or jealous?  Should we really be ashamed of these emotions? Or do they give us a clue of what we truly desire to take action on them?

    International Women's Day is happening this month and today, I really wanted to do an episode around working collaboratively, supporting each other, and empowering other women, which is a huge value of mine. But as I started to write this episode I wanted to talk about more about the days when you don’t feel like that. In this episode, I talked about the best reframe for envy of comparisonitis that would make room for effectively collaborating and supporting others.


    Key takeaways from this episode:

    Collaborating rather than competing means you really believe there's enough out there for everyone. 

    People can support each other without any agenda.

    It's normal to feel envious or compare yourself but you can always strive to be the best version of yourself.

    When you envy someone, you don't necessarily want to take something away from them or wish something bad for them, you envy what they have or how they got it.

    Jealousy is something you can be curious about or something you can explore.

    Our emotions make us aware of what we truly desire and we can take action on those desires.

    When you truly allow yourself to explore your feelings, be human, and be curious about what emotion or belief is telling you then you can make more room for abundance, collaboration, generosity, and supporting others.


    Episode Timeline:

    0:04 Intro

    1:20 Episode Intro

    1:50 Collaborating rather than competing

    2:28 The joy of supporting and collaborating with others

    4:21 Days we don't feel at our best

    7:13 The feeling of envy isn't necessarily bad

    9:20 The best reframe for comparisonitis

    10:12 Why we feel ashamed of being jealous or envious.

    11:07 How we can make more room for abundance, collaboration, generosity, and supporting others.

    11:59 Outro

    More about Ruth:

    Hi, Im Ruth, a business coach specializing in helping freelancers and business owners adjust their mindset and their marketing so they can get fully booked with clients they LOVE to work with. Ive helped hundreds of self-employed women achieve the time and money freedom they craved.

    Ive started this podcast because when I first went all in and left the corporate world to be a freelancer, I was grateful for any work that came my way. After over 20 years of freelancing and working for other people, I started to realize Id created a glass ceiling for myself.

    In 2017, I finally started listening to that voice that had been telling me for a long time that I wasnt doing what I loved and fulfilling my true potential.  It took a critical illness to give me that wake-up call.  I dont want the same to happen to you.

    You can expect practical advice, inspiring stories, and a lot of aha moments as we uncover and kick to the curb all the obstacles you have been putting in your way.

    Im on a mission to inspire women to start and play bigger in business.

    Connect and know more about Ruth Gilbey here:

    Coaching: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/coaching

    Free stuff: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/next-client

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruthgilbeymarketingandcoaching/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruth_gilbey/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthgilbey/

    Recent Episodes from Inspiring Women in Business

    Ep 45: How you can have a successful business and still be comfortable - Interview with Laura Robinson

    Ep 45: How you can have a successful business and still be comfortable - Interview with Laura Robinson

    There are so many messages out there about pushing through your comfort zone you can end up thinking if it doesn’t hurt I must be doing it wrong.  But what if you need your business to be comfortable and safe because you’re already dealing with life stuff? For example looking after elderly parents, being a career, or dealing with a chronic illness? 

    In this interview, Laura shares how she’s adapted her own business to suit her, her goals, and her family. And how she’s expanding her comfort zone rather than pushing through it. Laura shares valuable lessons she learned that changed and simplified the way she runs her business.


    Key takeaways from this episode

    • Voxer works like leaving a voicemail message on Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger, but there isn’t a time limit to how long the message can be.
    • The person can listen in real-time while you’re leaving a message in Voxer.
    • We need someone accountable to keep our work on track and motivated.
    • We can learn how to have a successful business without burning ourselves out.
    • Working on something without burning out is a choice you have to own.
    • Choosing not to burn yourself out gives you space to be more creative and earn more.
    • It’s better to expand your comfort zone than go out of it.
    • Your business will have its hard parts, but you don’t have to make it harder for yourself.
    • Always ask yourself how you can make things easier and simpler.
    • Dig deep and figure out what is making things hard to be able to work on it more effectively.
    • There are many ways to do things; You can always pick the strategy that will work for you.


    Episode Timeline:

    00:04 Intro

    01:08 Episode Intro

    02:18 How Laura Robinson changed the way she does her business

    03:41 How Voxer works

    06:59 Who Laura is and what her business looks like now

    08:14 How Laura progressed into mentoring

    09:49 The benefits of having someone to keep your business on track

    11:31 Laura’s thoughts on having comfy businesses

    13:53 Laura’s advice on creating a successful business without burning out

    18:48 Laura’s focus this year

    20:29 Laura’s comfy business newsletter

    24:29 Expanding our comfort zones

    27:09 Finding ways to make hard things simpler

    29:25 Laura’s advice on making hard things more comfortable

    31:39 Picking the right strategy that works for you

    33:40 How to connect with Laura

    34:39 Outro


    How to connect with Laura Robinson:

    Website: worditude.co.uk/newsletter


    Connect and know more about Ruth Gilbey here:

    Coaching: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/coaching

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruthgilbeymarketingandcoaching/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruth_gilbey/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthgilbey/


    Inspiring Women in Business
    enSeptember 11, 2023

    Ep 44: How Covid forced yoga teacher Amy Jones to take her successful in-person business online.

    Ep 44: How Covid forced yoga teacher Amy Jones to take her successful in-person business online.

    During Covid, Amy Jones had a moment where she thought it was game over for her in-person yoga business. Still, after a conversation with her Mum, who offered her money to get her through the next 6 months, Amy decided no Covid wasn’t going to take away her business.

    She then learned everything she could about taking her business online, and that’s how our paths crossed in 2021 during a live round of my free Business Breakthrough Training. We’ve been working together inside my business coaching membership online business collective for over a year and nearly as long working 1-2-1 together.

    Amy now mentors other yoga teachers on how to have profitable yoga businesses they’re proud of and has a successful online yoga business and an enviable easy way of doing her marketing and making sales. 

    She’s a true inspiration, have a listen. 

    Key takeaways from this episode

    • Take advantage of the many things you can access and learn through the different online platforms.
    • There should always be a fair value exchange for what you’re doing. 
    • Lead the way in asking the right price and refrain from copying others’ service rates.
    • If you’re not charging enough, you’re also not insuring commitment.
    • Learn the seasonal rhythm of your business and plan for it well.
    • Turn the spotlight away from you and turn it to the people who seek your service.
    • We often beat ourselves up for being human but remember we’re doing our best to help and serve.
    • Investing in yourself changes your attitude; It makes you feel more accountable.
    • Aside from the support you are getting from your family, get yourself in a community of people who do the same business and experts in your field too.
    • You are the one who makes the rules in your business.
    • There are a lot of tactics to sell, and you have to be human behind these tactics.
    • Make offers, make money. Always make an offer after telling people how you can help them.


    Episode Timeline:

    00:04 Intro

    01:05 Episode Guest: Amy Jones

    02:03 How Amy ended up with her business

    03:23 How Amy’s business is operating today

    05:03 How she overcomes her tech fears

    06:38 On being a generator and taking actions

    09:34 Why Amy is passionate about teaching yoga teachers

    12:29 The challenging part of the business and the right mindset to overcome it

    17:08 Asking the right price to keep the business going

    20:00 Amy’s best bit of advice on money mindset

    24:57 Joining the Business Collective and the importance of getting into a community of people in the same business

    35:51 The right thinking around launching and using online platforms for the launch

    38:32 Making the Rules in your business

    40:50 How to be human behind the selling tactics you do

    42:33 How to connect with Amy

    43:58 Amy’s advice on selling more and making time for revenue-generating activities

    46:32 Outro

    How to connect with Amy Jones:

    Website: www.amy-yoga.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amyyoga.teacher.trainer/


    Podcast: Prosperous Yogini

    Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/prosperous-yogini/id1627989066

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/244DbI7trXPlLePjJDBMoI 


    Connect with Nina Gordon: https://ninajgordon.com/


    More about Ruth:

    Hi, I’m Ruth, a business coach specializing in helping freelancers and business owners adjust their mindset and their marketing so they can get fully booked with clients they LOVE to work with. I’ve helped hundreds of self-employed women achieve the time and money freedom they craved.

    I’ve started this podcast because when I first went all in and left the corporate world to be a freelancer, I was grateful for any work that came my way. After over 20 years of freelancing and working for other people, I started to realize I’d created a glass ceiling for myself.

    In 2017, I finally started listening to that voice that had been telling me for a long time that I wasn’t doing what I loved and fulfilling my true potential.  It took a critical illness to give me that wake-up call.  I don’t want the same to happen to you.

    You can expect practical advice, inspiring stories, and a lot of aha moments as we uncover and kick to the curb all the obstacles you have been putting in your way.

    I’m on a mission to inspire women to start and play bigger in business.


    Connect and know more about Ruth Gilbey here:

    Coaching: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/coaching

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruthgilbeymarketingandcoaching/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruth_gilbey/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthgilbey/


    Ep 43: Stop giving your time away for free, and do this instead

    Ep 43: Stop giving your time away for free, and do this instead

    Unclear boundaries attract the wrong clients. When you start to work better around your value, your ideal clients will be ready to work with you. This will save a lot of your time and resources in the long run.

    In this episode, Ruth talks about how much you should give away for free and how you should decide on what is worth it. She shares her experience with setting up clear boundaries and finding the right clients for her business. 

    Listen and Enjoy!


    Key takeaways from this episode

    • Work around your value, have clear boundaries, and be open to updating and revising them as your business evolves.
    • Networking and talking to people give insights into who your ideal clients are, what they need, and what they are looking for.
    • You have to try and experience things for yourself to decide what is right for you.
    • Sometimes saying no means you set boundaries so people know they can't pick your brain for free, waste your time, and have lots of coffee chats with you.
    • Saying yes to doing something for free can also get you in front of someone else’s audience.
    • Many people find giving things for free rewarding.  
    • No one strategy works for everyone. It is up to you to decide if something is worth it. 
    • To best decide on which strategy will work for you, you have to look at what stage you are in your business and what you’re trying to achieve.



    Episode Timeline:

    00:00 Intro

    00:17 Podcast Intro

    01:20 Today’s Episode

    02:26 How Ruth started setting boundaries in her business

    04:56 Finding the right people to work with

    06:28 Getting insights and research for valuable content while talking to people

    08:36 Should you do paid webinars and challenges to launch your next course?

    10:20 When does doing things for free work?

    11:31 Ruth’s audiences’ thoughts on working for free

    13:28 Deciding on a fair value exchange

    14:28 Never undercharge again

    15:12 Outro




    More about Ruth:

    Hi, I’m Ruth, a business coach specializing in helping freelancers and business owners adjust their mindset and their marketing so they can get fully booked with clients they LOVE to work with. I’ve helped hundreds of self-employed women achieve the time and money freedom they craved.

    I’ve started this podcast because when I first went all in and left the corporate world to be a freelancer, I was grateful for any work that came my way. After over 20 years of freelancing and working for other people, I started to realize I’d created a glass ceiling for myself.

    In 2017, I finally started listening to that voice that had been telling me for a long time that I wasn’t doing what I loved and fulfilling my true potential.  It took a critical illness to give me that wake-up call.  I don’t want the same to happen to you.

    You can expect practical advice, inspiring stories, and a lot of aha moments as we uncover and kick to the curb all the obstacles you have been putting in your way.

    I’m on a mission to inspire women to start and play bigger in business.


    Connect and know more about Ruth Gilbey here:

    Coaching: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/coaching

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruthgilbeymarketingandcoaching/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruth_gilbey/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthgilbey/

    Ep 42: How to Run Your Business in Maintence Mode

    Ep 42: How to Run Your Business in Maintence Mode

    Two reasons you should set up your business in maintenance mode: The fact that life throws unexpected things, and the need for creativity and freedom to do other things to scale your business.

    In this episode, Ruth Gilbey talks about running your business in maintenance mode. She shares a useful guide on how to set up your business and some of the useful tools you need for it. 

    Listen and Enjoy!


    Key takeaways from this episode:

    • It’s important as business owners to have white space in your calendar for creativity and a business that doesn’t rely on you so you can have the freedom to do other things 
    • A lot happens to us and we have to keep showing up in our business even when we don't feel like it. So having this robust kind of infrastructure in your business gives you some peace of mind.
    • Don’t make any drastic decisions and remember that most emotions are temporary.


    Some Automation Tools You Need for Your Business:

    1. Social Media Scheduling Tool - allows one to plan, manage, and recycle content. It’s somewhere to also store all your content and can be easily used in a team for collaboration. (e.g. MeetEdgar, Buffer, HootSuite, Planoly, Social Bee, ContentCal, and Metrical) 

    2. E-mail Marketing Tool - sends a regular e-mail newsletter and podcast updates. This can also set up automation for new subscribers, sales funnels, new customers or clients, cancellations, follow-ups, and more. (e.g. MailChimp, Active Campaign, and Kajabi)

    3. Google Doc of templates that are used if you need a personal touch on your e-mails.

    4. Click Up and Slack - used for collaborating with team members.

    5. Zapier - helps different tools talk to each other.

    6. Payment Plan Subscriptions - used to set up payments so you’re not chasing up payments. (e.g. PayPal, Stripe, and Kajabi Checkout.)

    7. Brand Guidelines and Assets Documents

    8. CRM for Managing Clients

    9. Tools for Personal Stuff

    10. E-mail Organisation Automation - helps organise the e-mails that come to your inbox into different folders.


    Guidelines on Running Your Business in Maintenance Mode:

    1. Make a priority list of what you need to do and be brutal if you’ve got a short amount of time.

    2. Communicate. Notify contractors and clients if things are changing.

    3. Recycle your marketing content and do not just create more and more.

    4. Look at automation and scheduling tools.

    5. Look at your expenses and financial commitments.

    6. Give yourself what you need.

    7. Batch things such as recording podcasts, writing e-mails, and creating content.

    8. Set boundaries.


    Episode Timeline:

    00:04 Podcast Intro

    01:08 Episode Intro

    01:30 How automation and systems transform businesses

    04:35 Some tools you can use for setting up your business in maintenance mode

    11:45 Having some peace of mind in your business when a lot of unexpected things happen

    12:42 What made Ruth change the way she runs her business

    13:24 The processes that Ruth went through

    14:00 Having an extended period of time before making a big decision

    15:52 What you need to do to run your business in maintenance mode.

    20:52 Recap

    21:39 Ruth’s advice to you

    22:19 Outro

    More about Ruth:

    Hi, I’m Ruth, a business coach specializing in helping freelancers and business owners adjust their mindset and their marketing so they can get fully booked with clients they LOVE to work with. I’ve helped hundreds of self-employed women achieve the time and money freedom they craved.

    I’ve started this podcast because when I first went all in and left the corporate world to be a freelancer, I was grateful for any work that came my way. After over 20 years of freelancing and working for other people, I started to realize I’d created a glass ceiling for myself.

    In 2017, I finally started listening to that voice that had been telling me for a long time that I wasn’t doing what I loved and fulfilling my true potential.  It took a critical illness to give me that wake-up call.  I don’t want the same to happen to you.

    You can expect practical advice, inspiring stories, and a lot of aha moments as we uncover and kick to the curb all the obstacles you have been putting in your way.

    I’m on a mission to inspire women to start and play bigger in business.


    Connect and know more about Ruth Gilbey here:

    Coaching: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/coaching

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruthgilbeymarketingandcoaching/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruth_gilbey/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthgilbey/


    Ep 41: How to get 1000s of subscribers without using Facebook Ads. Plus Five things I learnt from contributing to Lizzy Goddard's Xmas party goody bag bundle

    Ep 41:  How to get 1000s of subscribers without using Facebook Ads.  Plus Five things I learnt from contributing to Lizzy Goddard's Xmas party goody bag bundle

    Signing up for and contributing to a business bundle can be an amazing opportunity to try something new, learn from other people, and even make money. If done right, it’s overall a rewarding experience.

    In this episode, Ruth Gilbey reviews and reflects on the 5 things that she learned from contributing to Elizabeth Goddard’s Christmas Party Goodie Bag Bundle. She also shares 3 things to remember when signing up for these business bundles.

    Listen and Enjoy!


    Key takeaways from this episode:

    A business course bundle is a collection of digital products from different contributors. You either sign up for free for a bundle of things in exchange for your email address or you could pay a low-cost paid option for one.


    5 Things I Learned from Contributing to Elizabeth Goddard’s Christmas Party Goodie Bundle: 

    1. It is a great way of building your list without using ads.

    2. You can make money from contributing something even though you’re giving away something free. 

    3. You get an amazing behind-the-scenes experience.

    4. It’s good to try things out and experiment. It’s an interesting and rewarding experience.

    5. It’s an incredible opportunity to learn how other people do things and to get inspiration from them.


    Some Things to Remember When Signing Up for Business Bundles:

    1. Be open to different ways of growing your list.

    2. Avoid sign-up overwhelm.

    3. Remember there’s a value exchange when you get something for free.

    Episode Timeline:

    00:04 Podcast Intro

    01:08 Episode Intro

    01:58 What a business course bundle is

    03:27 What Ruth contributed to the collection

    04:06 A great way of building a list without using ads

    04:41 Earning while contributing something for free

    05:47 An amazing behind-the-scene experience

    06:43 Trying things out and experimenting

    07:26 Getting inspiration from other people

    08:00 Ruth’s advice

    10:35 Outro


    To learn about being a Bundle Contributor or hosting your business bundle, look at Lizzy’s Summits and Bundles Success course.

    More about Ruth:

    Hi, I’m Ruth, a business coach specializing in helping freelancers and business owners adjust their mindset and their marketing so they can get fully booked with clients they LOVE to work with. I’ve helped hundreds of self-employed women achieve the time and money freedom they craved.

    I’ve started this podcast because when I first went all in and left the corporate world to be a freelancer, I was grateful for any work that came my way. After over 20 years of freelancing and working for other people, I started to realize I’d created a glass ceiling for myself.

    In 2017, I finally started listening to that voice that had been telling me for a long time that I wasn’t doing what I loved and fulfilling my true potential.  It took a critical illness to give me that wake-up call.  I don’t want the same to happen to you.

    You can expect practical advice, inspiring stories, and a lot of aha moments as we uncover and kick to the curb all the obstacles you have been putting in your way.

    I’m on a mission to inspire women to start and play bigger in business.


    Connect and know more about Ruth Gilbey here:

    Coaching: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/coaching

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruthgilbeymarketingandcoaching/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruth_gilbey/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthgilbey/


    Ep 40: How to get your motivation back if you’ve fallen out of love with your business?

    Ep 40: How to get your motivation back if you’ve fallen out of love with your business?

    Feeling sad and unmotivated about your business is a real thing. The many toxic positivities out there do not help business owners normalise the ups and downs of having a business. What we need to do is to accept these feelings, face them, and plan our next step.

    In this episode, Ruth Gilbey shares 5 practical steps to help you reflect and get your motivation back if you’ve fallen out of love with your business.

    Listen and Enjoy!


    Key takeaways from this episode:

    5 Practical Steps to Do if Youre Feeling Unmotivated:

    1. Dont make rash decisions based on temporary emotions but equally, dont stay stuck. Make sure there's nothing else going on, like literally being tired!  Overwhelming and burnout is s the real thing.  
    2. Take a break or get a change of scenery and have a good nights sleep. Take some time out and revisit the problem. This works for all issues, not just falling out of love with your business!
    3. Get curious. Dig deeper into why you might have fallen out of love with what you’re doing.
    4. Give yourself permission to change your mind or evolve your business. Know that it's ok to change what you're doing but do it on your terms and your time frame.
    5. Find the right person to talk things through. This isn't always a family member but someone who will understand you and what you’re doing.



    Episode Timeline:

    00:00 Podcast Intro

    01:08 Episode Intro

    01:50 Toxic positivity in the world of business

    02:17 Not loving every single thing about your business

    03:36 Temporary emotions

    04:57 Flexing your time to make it work for you and your energy

    04:57 Taking a break

    05:35 Getting curious

    06:06 Giving yourself permission to change your mind

    06:53 Finding the right person to talk to

    08:22 Episode recap

    09:50 Outro


    More about Ruth:

    Hi, I’m Ruth, a business coach specializing in helping freelancers and business owners adjust their mindset and their marketing so they can get fully booked with clients they LOVE to work with. I’ve helped hundreds of self-employed women achieve the time and money freedom they craved.

    I’ve started this podcast because when I first went all in and left the corporate world to be a freelancer, I was grateful for any work that came my way. After over 20 years of freelancing and working for other people, I started to realize I’d created a glass ceiling for myself.

    In 2017, I finally started listening to that voice that had been telling me for a long time that I wasn’t doing what I loved and fulfilling my true potential.  It took a critical illness to give me that wake-up call.  I don’t want the same to happen to you.

    You can expect practical advice, inspiring stories, and a lot of aha moments as we uncover and kick to the curb all the obstacles you have been putting in your way.

    I’m on a mission to inspire women to start and play bigger in business.


    Connect and know more about Ruth Gilbey here:

    Coaching: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/coaching

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruthgilbeymarketingandcoaching/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruth_gilbey/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthgilbey/

    Ep 39: Should you use your own name for your business?

    Ep 39: Should you use your own name for your business?

    Should you use your own name for your business? You don’t want to be stuck in thinking and procrastinating over the perfect name for your business. Thus, naming your business after your name might be helpful to get going. However, there are opposing views on this matter. 

    In this episode, Ruth Gilbey tackles one of the most frequently asked questions in her social media accounts: Should you use your own name for your business? She shares the pros and cons of using your name as a brand to help you decide on what you should name your business. 

    Listen and Enjoy!


    Key takeaways from this episode:

    Using your own name means you are developing a personal brand. Whereas if you create a business name, you’re building a brand and a company that’s bigger than just you.

    Pros and Cons of Using your Name as your Brand:


    1. Quicker to get going
    2. Quicker decision-making
    3. Quicker to get traction
    4. Quicker to get engagements
    5. Quicker to get clients
    6. Quicker to create that know, like, and trust with people


    1. Quite difficult to sell a personal brand to another company
    2. Harder to raise finance to expand
    3. Harder to exit for someone else to run the business
    4. Harder to outsource certain parts of your business (social media or marketing) because you are the face of your business

    Episode Timeline:

    00:00 Episode Intro

    00:23 Podcast Intro

    01:28 One of the most frequently asked questions 

    02:28 Ruth’s usual advice when naming a business

    03:03 Why Ruth came up with her business name

    04:27 How Ruth’s business evolved since 2009

    05:51 Pros and cons of creating your personal brand

    07:28 The conclusion

    07:52 Outro

    More about Ruth:

    Hi, Im Ruth, a business coach specializing in helping freelancers and business owners adjust their mindset and their marketing so they can get fully booked with clients they LOVE to work with. Ive helped hundreds of self-employed women achieve the time and money freedom they craved.

    Ive started this podcast because when I first went all in and left the corporate world to be a freelancer, I was grateful for any work that came my way. After over 20 years of freelancing and working for other people, I started to realize Id created a glass ceiling for myself.

    In 2017, I finally started listening to that voice that had been telling me for a long time that I wasnt doing what I loved and fulfilling my true potential.  It took a critical illness to give me that wake-up call.  I dont want the same to happen to you.

    You can expect practical advice, inspiring stories, and a lot of aha moments as we uncover and kick to the curb all the obstacles you have been putting in your way.

    Im on a mission to inspire women to start and play bigger in business.


    Connect and know more about Ruth Gilbey here:

    Coaching: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/coaching

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruthgilbeymarketingandcoaching/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruth_gilbey/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthgilbey/

    Inspiring Women in Business
    enFebruary 14, 2023

    Ep 38 - Behind the scenes running a successful of a ethical luxury brand business - Interview Diane Houston founder of Gilda and Pearl luxury lingerie and Loungewear

    Ep 38 - Behind the scenes running a successful of a ethical luxury brand business - Interview Diane Houston founder of Gilda and Pearl luxury lingerie and Loungewear

    In this episode, Ruth interviews Diane Houston. She shares how she started her business journey, the biggest challenges, and the hardest decisions she had to make in this journey. She also shares some practical advice for people who wants to start their business.

    If you are thinking of starting something and an opportunity comes, the first decision that you have to make is to step out and go for it. It will always be better to make a mistake, learn from it, make a pivot, and continue to grow than to never take the first step at all.


    Key takeaways from this episode:

    • Make sure that all the decisions you make are your decisions.
    • You will learn from things you do well and things you do not do well.
    • First impressions usually tend to be right.
    • If you are a solopreneur or just starting your business, one of the first hires should always be your right hand.
    • Build habits and do positive things no matter what happens in the world.
    • Read everything you can get your hands on.
    • Make sure that you are everywhere, whether it's online and store, marketplaces, or direct selling mixture.
    • Look after yourself first.
    • Have something you can rely on, a favorite podcast, a good friend, or a book that you keep going back to.
    • You have to keep being level-headed and you have to be open to all the opportunities that are coming to you.
    • Be mindful of what you are consuming
    • Communicating your brand story is the most important thing you can do in times like this


    Episode Timeline:

    00:04 Podcast Intro

    01:09 Episode Intro

    01:45 Who Diane Houston is and what she does

    02:52 What lead Diane to the business she has today

    06:29 Diane’s advice for people who want to start a new business journey 

    07:42 The biggest challenges with Diane’s business journey

    11:12 What it’s like to work with friends and family

    12:22 Diane’s advice for people with what’s currently going on in the economy

    15:23 Marketing channels that work for Diane’s business

    16:45 How to connect with Diane

    17:25 Outro


    Connect with Diane Houston here:

    Website: https://www.gildapearl.co.uk 

    More about Ruth:

    Hi, I’m Ruth, a business coach specializing in helping freelancers and business owners adjust their mindset and their marketing so they can get fully booked with clients they LOVE to work with. I’ve helped hundreds of self-employed women achieve the time and money freedom they craved.

    I’ve started this podcast because when I first went all in and left the corporate world to be a freelancer, I was grateful for any work that came my way. After over 20 years of freelancing and working for other people, I started to realize I’d created a glass ceiling for myself.

    In 2017, I finally started listening to that voice that had been telling me for a long time that I wasn’t doing what I loved and fulfilling my true potential.  It took a critical illness to give me that wake-up call.  I don’t want the same to happen to you.

    You can expect practical advice, inspiring stories, and a lot of aha moments as we uncover and kick to the curb all the obstacles you have been putting in your way.

    I’m on a mission to inspire women to start and play bigger in business.


    Connect and know more about Ruth Gilbey here:

    Coaching: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/coaching

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruthgilbeymarketingandcoaching/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruth_gilbey/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthgilbey/


    Inspiring Women in Business
    enDecember 20, 2022

    Ep 37 - How to prepare yourself practically and emotionally to becoming VAT registered

    Ep 37 - How to prepare yourself practically and emotionally to becoming VAT registered

    VAT registration can be a bit overwhelming but knowing its practicalities and planning out things well can give you the peace of mind and relief to take the next steps necessary for your business growth and success.

    In this episode, Ruth Gilbey talks about the top tips on planning to become VAT registered, the logistics around being VAT registered, how you plan for being VAT registered, the mindset shifts, and the realities around what it means to be VAT registered as a business owner.


    Key takeaways from this episode:

    • You need to register for VAT if your turnover is 85k or more in any rolling 12 months.
    • You don't have to wait until you are at the 85k turnover mark to register to be VAT registered, you can do a bit more planning and take more control of the situation. You can register at any time, you don't have to have hit that mark.
    • Set yourself up as a limited company, get yourself an accountant, and get VAT registered. 
    • It's a little bit more complex than being a sole trader or self-employed.
    • When you move from being a sole trader, freelancer, or self-employed to being a limited company, the VAT allowance resets itself.
    • You can claim back VAT and offset it against your VAT bill if anyone you've invoiced is VAT registered.
    • List all your suppliers and all your outgoings and identify which ones were VAT registered. 
    • This is also a good chance to audit your business expenses.
    • Update your website to have your VAT registration details on all your checkout pages, invoices, and account system.
    • Remind yourself that paying taxes is a good thing. 
    • Being VAT registered will give you relief to take action in your business.
    • Give your clients notice if you’re planning for a price increase.
    • There needs to be more transparency with business coaches and business owners about the running costs of your business.
    • Be careful aspiring to revenue promises that don't give you the real data behind them.
    • A 20% profit margin in your business is seen as a good profit.


    Episode Timeline:

    00:04 Episode Intro

    00:28 Podcast Intro

    05:16 When should you register for VAT?

    06:44 Setting yourself up as a limited company 

    07:50 Getting help from an accountant

    09:17 VAT allowance reset when transitioning into a limited company

    10:55 Claiming your VAT if you invoiced anyone who is VAT registered

    11:43 How Ruth planned for becoming VAT registered

    13:04 Identifying who your VAT-registered clients, suppliers, and outgoings are

    15:03 How being VAT registered shifted Ruth’s mindset

    16:06 What to remind ourselves about paying taxes

    16:52 Not holding yourself up and taking more actions in your business

    17:27 Planning for a price increase and giving notice to clients

    18:44 Transparency with business coaches and owners about your running costs

    24:00 Outro


    Workbook Link:

    Set Your Secret Base Rate - https://www.ruthgilbey.com/base-rate-workbook


    More about Ruth:

    Hi, I’m Ruth, a business coach specializing in helping freelancers and business owners adjust their mindset and their marketing so they can get fully booked with clients they LOVE to work with. I’ve helped hundreds of self-employed women achieve the time and money freedom they craved.

    I’ve started this podcast because when I first went all in and left the corporate world to be a freelancer, I was grateful for any work that came my way. After over 20 years of freelancing and working for other people, I started to realize I’d created a glass ceiling for myself.

    In 2017, I finally started listening to that voice that had been telling me for a long time that I wasn’t doing what I loved and fulfilling my true potential.  It took a critical illness to give me that wake-up call.  I don’t want the same to happen to you.

    You can expect practical advice, inspiring stories, and a lot of aha moments as we uncover and kick to the curb all the obstacles you have been putting in your way.

    I’m on a mission to inspire women to start and play bigger in business.


    Connect and know more about Ruth Gilbey here:

    Coaching: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/coaching

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruthgilbeymarketingandcoaching/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruth_gilbey/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthgilbey/

    Ep 36 - How to simplify getting clients using Facebook Groups - Interview with Michelle Vroom

    Ep 36 - How to simplify getting clients using Facebook Groups - Interview with Michelle Vroom

    What makes business harder is our mindset that it should be hard. We overcomplicate things so much that it delays our actions to get the things that we want for our business. However, if we decide to make things simple, it is going to be simple.

    In this episode, Michelle Vroom talks about why we are making things in our business difficult and how we can simplify them. She also shares the power of one strategy and one offer and some tips on how you can make success and find clients through your Facebook group.

    Listen and Enjoy!


    Key takeaways from this episode:

    • Women resist doing business because they've been programmed to believe that it needs to be hard.
    • We are very much wired o expect instant gratification and results in a world where it is praised which results in overcomplicating things.
    • Be aware of the reason why you want things to be hard in your business and redirect it.
    • It is more efficient and productive to have just one offer, one ideal client, one message, one strategy, and one platform.
    • Many people are complicating things by creating more and more offers and strategies and it's taking up so much of their time and energy.
    • The secret code and formula are within you. You are the code and the formula.
    • The 3 objectives of destination events in a Facebook Group: To grow, to pre-sell, and to sell.
    • There will always be a need for Facebook and a need for people to be in a community with one another.
    • One strategy can work if you decide that it is going to work.
    • Simplicity starts with a decision to let something be simple even though that's going to be the most challenging part about it.
    • There are different phases and seasons to business and you don't need everything for your business in one season.
    • Relationships are what's going to lead to clients.


    Episode Timeline:

    00:00 Episode Intro

    00:45 Podcast Intro

    02:06 Who Michelle Vroom is and who she helps

    03:08 How Michelle ended up with the business that she has today

    05:13 Why do some women overcomplicate doing business

    06:22 Our expectations of instant gratification and results

    07:31 Undoing the pattern of overcomplicating things and delaying actions

    08:53 Michelle's passion to help women feel more empowered

    10:32 The first steps to simplify getting clients

    13:35 The power of one strategy and the objectives of  destination events

    17:32 The importance of your ability to build relationships with people

    19:28 What makes a strategy work

    22:04 The advice Michelle wishes she'd been given when she started her business

    24:18 How to find more about Michelle Vroom

    25:07 Outro


    Connect with Michelle Vroom here:

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/marketlikeabossgroup 

    More about Ruth:

    Hi, I’m Ruth, a business coach specializing in helping freelancers and business owners adjust their mindset and their marketing so they can get fully booked with clients they LOVE to work with. I’ve helped hundreds of self-employed women achieve the time and money freedom they craved.

    I’ve started this podcast because when I first went all in and left the corporate world to be a freelancer, I was grateful for any work that came my way. After over 20 years of freelancing and working for other people, I started to realize I’d created a glass ceiling for myself.

    In 2017, I finally started listening to that voice that had been telling me for a long time that I wasn’t doing what I loved and fulfilling my true potential.  It took a critical illness to give me that wake-up call.  I don’t want the same to happen to you.

    You can expect practical advice, inspiring stories, and a lot of aha moments as we uncover and kick to the curb all the obstacles you have been putting in your way.

    I’m on a mission to inspire women to start and play bigger in business.


    Connect and know more about Ruth Gilbey here:

    Coaching: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/coaching

    Free Masterclass: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/the-sold-out-solution-2022

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruthgilbeymarketingandcoaching/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruth_gilbey/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthgilbey/

    Inspiring Women in Business
    enNovember 15, 2022