
    EP: 236 The Ghost Children with Zach Bell

    enMay 08, 2024
    What is Squatchella and what does it feature?
    Who is Zach Bell and what does he advocate for?
    What challenges are discussed regarding verifying stories?
    What historical events are linked to Okinawa's haunting experiences?
    Why is supporting veterans particularly important in Okinawa?

    Podcast Summary

    • Squatchella: A Festival-like Experience with Live Podcast RecordingsSquatchella offers a unique festival experience with live podcast recordings featuring Zach Bell from Veteran with a Sign, engaging with hosts and special guests.

      The Blurryverse, the world of the Blurry Creatures podcast, is buzzing with activity. With a conference sold out and tickets for a new event, Squatchella, going on sale for members soon, there's a lot to look forward to for fans. Squatchella will feature live podcast recordings, including an appearance from Zach Bell, host of the Veteran with a Sign podcast and advocate for veteran mental health. This unique event promises to deliver a festival-like experience, with the excitement of live podcast recordings and the opportunity to engage with hosts and special guests. So, stay tuned for more updates and get ready for an unforgettable experience at Squatchella.

    • Embrace the Unexpected at SquachellaListen to the podcast for unique military experiences and unearthed historical stories, and join the Squachella event to share your own blurry experiences and embrace the unknown

      The upcoming Squachella event, taking place on squachella.com this Friday, promises to be filled with unexpected discoveries and stories, much like the unearthed historical skeletons or military experiences discussed in the podcast. Zach Bell, a veteran and friend of the show, shares his own blurry military experiences and encourages listeners to share their own. The importance of these stories lies in their credibility and the unique perspectives they offer on unexplained phenomena. The podcast also touches on the truncated view of the supernatural in modern-day churches and the significance of military bases as potential hotspots for the unexplained. Overall, the podcast invites listeners to embrace the unknown and appreciate the richness and complexity of the blurry verse.

    • Encountering the unchanged AfghanistanThe speaker's experiences in Afghanistan revealed the region's violent history and unpredictable nature, contrasting modern military operations with ancient traditions and ways of life.

      The speaker's experiences in Afghanistan revealed the wild and unchanged nature of the place, filled with local folklore and unexpected encounters. During their first tour in 2008, they encountered a man with missing fingers who had fought Russians, demonstrating the region's violent history. The soldiers were holding a base called the Alamo, where they faced a chaotic firefight. These experiences showed the speaker that Afghanistan was a dangerous and unpredictable place, where the superstitions of the locals seemed like common knowledge, and where the soldiers' presence was met with both fear and resistance. The speaker was struck by the stark contrast between their modern military operations and the ancient traditions and ways of life that persisted in the region.

    • Staying alert during prolonged battlesMaintaining focus and staying alert is crucial for survival in prolonged battles. Use tactics like observing enemy movements and taking turns to rest to stay sharp.

      During a prolonged battle, maintaining focus and staying alert is crucial for survival. The speaker shares an experience from the Alamo, where they faced an enemy with superior firepower. The projectiles had an arc, making accurate shooting essential. The soldiers held their position for extended periods, taking turns to rest and stay sharp. They used various tactics, such as observing enemy movements and using goats to clear routes for IEDs. The night brought a respite as the enemy was less active, but the soldiers remained vigilant due to the risk of surprise attacks. The situation required constant attention, and any lapse could lead to catastrophic consequences. The soldiers' ability to stay alert and focused for extended periods ultimately helped them hold the position for a significant amount of time.

    • An encounter with the unknown in the darkAn unexpected presence in the dark can be disconcerting and may leave one feeling uneasy and uncertain of what they've encountered

      An encounter with the unknown can be a jarring and surreal experience. The speaker describes an event where they and their team were on patrol when they sensed something was approaching them in the dark. They couldn't see anything, but it looked like people were walking towards them in rows. They tried to figure out what it was, and when they shot flares into the air, the mysterious presence stopped. The speaker suggests that it may have been the spirits of children who had been executed in a nearby school, as the area was known for such atrocities. The experience left the team feeling uneasy and confused, underscoring the eerie and unsettling nature of the unknown.

    • Unexplained experiences may increase in areas with less human interferenceEncounters with strange entities or phenomena can occur more frequently in areas with less human interference, contributing to a raw, untouched environment that may foster unexplained experiences.

      Certain unexplained experiences, such as encounters with strange entities or phenomena, can occur more frequently in areas with less human interference and a stronger connection to the earth. These experiences, which can include hallucinations, infrasound, and unexplained noises or lights, have been reported in regions with high levels of trauma or historical significance. The lack of infrastructure and light pollution in these areas may contribute to the occurrence of these experiences. For example, the region mentioned in the discussion, which has a high production of heroin and a history of military conflict, has reported incidents of muzzle flashes, whispers in foreign languages, and massacres. The group of individuals discussed in the conversation had a shared experience of seeing strange lights while on patrol, which they couldn't explain. The experience was described as unsettling and otherworldly, and the group members discussed the possibility of a group hallucination or a shared dream-like state. The lack of infrastructure and the raw, untouched nature of the area may have contributed to the occurrence of this experience.

    • The unknown can evoke profound fear and aweUnexplained phenomena in the military and beyond can leave soldiers fearful and uncertain, adding to the anxiety of war. Some experiences defy logical explanation, suggesting the existence of entities or phenomena in different dimensions.

      The unknown can be as terrifying as actually encountering something supernatural or threatening. This was exemplified through personal experiences in the military, where soldiers were fearful of certain places due to the unexplained phenomena that occurred there. The fear was heightened due to the soldiers already being in a state of heightened anxiety and fear due to the realities of war. The speaker also shared stories of unexplained encounters that defied logical explanation, adding to the sense of unease and mystery. The idea that these entities or phenomena exist in different dimensions was suggested as a possible explanation, but the practical side of the argument was that if these beings had the ability to move between dimensions, they would have designated areas for different functions, such as relieving themselves. Overall, the discussion underscored the idea that there are things in the world that defy easy explanation and can evoke profound fear and awe.

    • Haunted military bases and unexplained phenomenaTrauma and historical events can leave behind lingering energies or spirits, often associated with military bases. The truth behind these occurrences may be hidden by powerful institutions, making it difficult to fully understand the connection between trauma and the existence of these entities.

      The world we live in is filled with unexplained phenomena and traumatic events that leave behind lingering energies or spirits. These entities, often associated with places of significant historical trauma, cannot be contained or fully understood. The official narratives we are told may not always be the truth, and there are many secrets kept by powerful institutions like the military. The discussion touched upon the potential connection between trauma and the existence of spirits or energy loops, as well as the difficulty in obtaining the complete story behind these occurrences. The speakers also shared their experiences with haunted military bases and the secrets they hold.

    • Marines Guard Nuclear Sites in the USMarines protect sensitive US nuclear sites, maintaining secrecy and high security measures to prevent unauthorized access.

      The Marines have played a significant role in guarding nuclear sites in the United States. These sites, often located within army bases, were kept hidden from the public, even from the army itself. The Marines, tasked with securing the perimeters from ground to air, were responsible for protecting these sites, including places like Bangor and facilities in Georgia and Washington. Some of these sites were so sensitive that even falling into the water near them could result in being pinned down by aquatic animals until help arrived. During a tour of one such site, the speaker was amazed by the military's precautions and the level of secrecy surrounding these nuclear facilities.

    • Unusual incidents at nuclear facilitiesStrict security measures at nuclear sites can lead to seemingly excessive reactions and unexplained phenomena, emphasizing the importance of maintaining security and public awareness.

      There have been several unusual incidents surrounding nuclear facilities, including the one at Fort Campbell. One story involves a soldier who was tasked with transporting waste and inadvertently caused a spill. A dog then consumed some of the waste, leading to a manhunt. This incident highlights the strict security measures in place at nuclear sites, which can result in seemingly excessive reactions to perceived threats. Another instance involves college students hiking near a power plant in San Luis Obispo who were confronted by armed guards. These incidents suggest that there may be more going on at these sites than the public is aware of, possibly involving unexplained phenomena like UFOs or UAPs that interfere with nuclear weapons. Overall, these stories underscore the importance of maintaining strict security around nuclear facilities and the potential for unexpected events that could have significant consequences.

    • Military Secrets and Hidden PlacesDiscussion explores potential military secrets like abandoned nuclear sites and advanced technologies, compartmentalization of info makes full understanding challenging, possible link to UAPs, recent whistleblower disclosures add to intrigue, emphasizes transparency and potential consequences of secrecy

      There are likely secrets and hidden places within the military that the general public is unaware of. These secrets may include abandoned nuclear sites and advanced technologies. The military's compartmentalization of information can make it difficult for individuals to fully understand the scope of these secrets. The discussion also touched on the possible correlation between the use of advanced weapons and the appearance of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs). The recent disclosures from whistleblowers add to the intrigue, raising questions about what else could be hidden from the public. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of transparency and the potential consequences of keeping information too closely guarded.

    • The importance of trust and thorough investigation in uncovering the truthDavid Grush's career sacrifice underscores the challenges of verifying stories, especially those with no apparent gain or recognition. Historical context and potential dangers of outdated nuclear technology add complexity. Trust and thorough investigation are crucial.

      The reliability and accuracy of information can be hindered when it's fragmented and dependent on the connection between various individuals. This was discussed in relation to David Grush, a military officer who forfeited his career to tell the truth, and the challenge of verifying stories from individuals with no apparent gain or recognition. The conversation also touched upon the historical context of unexplained phenomena, particularly those related to nuclear events, and the potential dangers of outdated technology maintaining our nuclear arsenal. Ultimately, the importance of trust and thorough investigation in uncovering the truth was emphasized. The ongoing struggle to bring forth credible stories from the past, while navigating the potential for hoaxes and misinformation, was highlighted as a significant challenge in creating their show.

    • UFOs: Government Involvement and Unexplained PhenomenaDespite some UFOs being explained as reverse-engineered technology, many unexplained sightings suggest extraterrestrial origin. Governments cannot produce all UFOs, and incidents like Roswell provide evidence of recovered craft.

      The UFO phenomenon is a complex issue with both government and non-government involvement. While some UAPs can be explained as reverse-engineered government technology, others remain unexplained and appear to be of extraterrestrial origin. The sheer number of sightings and the advancement of technology make it impossible for governments to produce all these UFOs. The Roswell incident and other recovered craft are clear evidence that not all UFOs are man-made. However, the extent of reverse engineering and the true nature of UFOs remain unknown. The Internet and the widespread availability of cameras have made it difficult for governments to control the flow of information, leading to increased disclosure of UFO phenomena.

    • Questioning the unknown: UAP and new technologiesGovernments and entities may be acquiring new UAP technology, challenging our understanding of the world. Critical thinking and questioning new information is crucial.

      As our world becomes increasingly complex and filled with information, it's no longer sufficient to simply accept information at face value. Instead, we must question, analyze, and be open to new perspectives. This is particularly relevant when it comes to controversial topics like Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). The speaker suggests that governments and other entities have long acquired new technologies and knowledge in the aftermath of wars and conflicts. They argue that the same thing may be happening now with UAP technology. The speaker also shares anecdotes about how slowing down video footage can reveal previously unseen objects in the sky. These observations challenge our current understanding of the world and highlight the importance of questioning what we see and think critically about new information.

    • Exploring the Mysteries of Telepathic Communication and Advanced TechnologyDespite evidence of telepathic communication and advanced technology, their origins remain unclear. The US military's involvement adds to the mystery, but concerns about reliability and potential government involvement persist.

      While there is evidence suggesting the existence of telepathic communication and advanced technology, including potential portal technology, it remains unclear whether these phenomena are of extraterrestrial or human origin. The US military's involvement in investigating and potentially possessing such technology adds to the mystery. The recent proliferation of discussions about these topics raises concerns about the reliability of information and potential government involvement. For instance, the haunting stories from places like Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan, add another layer to the complexities of unexplained phenomena. Overall, the exploration of these topics highlights the need for further investigation and critical thinking.

    • Haunting experiences in Okinawa's military communityStories of ghosts and haunted places persist in Okinawa's military community due to historical battles and long-term presence, emphasizing the importance of supporting veterans and acknowledging their experiences.

      Okinawa, Japan, is known for its haunting experiences within the military community. Stories include the ghost of a World War 2 Japanese soldier and a marine guard at Camp Hansen, samurai warriors roaming the base, and a haunted house at Kadena Air Base. These phenomena are believed to be a result of the intense historical battles that took place in Okinawa, with units stationed there for peacekeeping missions and long durations of time. Despite the technological advancements, these stories remain and are passed down due to the prolonged presence of military personnel in the area. It's important to remember that the military community in Okinawa faces unique challenges, including the potential for haunting experiences, and it's crucial to provide support for veterans and remind them of their value as human beings, especially in the face of ongoing crises like veteran suicide.

    • Exploring life's unpredictable journey through new projects and meaningful conversationsStarting a podcast to share stories and learn from diverse experiences, evaluating past events for valuable insights, and finding joy in the process of connecting with people

      Life's unpredictable journey can lead us to new and meaningful experiences. Zach, a guest on the show, shared about starting a new project - the After Action Podcast. He wanted to tell stories in a different way and was moved by conversations with friends. His first guests included a cop from the Nashville School incident and a survivor of a suicide bombing in Afghanistan. Through these interviews, Zach aims to explore experiences beyond the military and learn more about the world. The podcast is available on various platforms, and Zach expressed gratitude for the support of his friends and the show. The name "After Action" comes from the military term for evaluating past events, and Zach hopes it will provide valuable insights for listeners. Despite the challenges, Zach finds joy in the process and the opportunity to connect with people.

    • Exploring military movies from the 80s and 90sThe Blurryverse podcast delves into the world of military films from the 80s and 90s, discussing their accuracy and impact, with a focus on Full Metal Jacket and its authentic military portrayal.

      The podcast "Blurryverse" explores various intriguing topics, from the world of cryptids to personal experiences and pop culture. One recurring theme is the fascination with military movies from the 1980s and 1990s. The hosts, Zach and Luke, share their favorite military films, with Full Metal Jacket and Predator being notable mentions from the 80s, and Under Siege from the 90s. They discuss the accuracy and impact of these movies, with Full Metal Jacket being particularly noteworthy due to its authentic military portrayal and Arlie Ermey's involvement. Overall, the podcast offers a unique blend of storytelling, humor, and in-depth analysis, making it an engaging listen for fans of the supernatural, military films, and casual conversation.

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    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

    Are you a military veteran struggling with thoughts of suicide?
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    154: Abductions Stopped By Jesus

    154: Abductions Stopped By Jesus
    On Episode 154: Abductions Stopped by Jesus, we sit down with MUFON Investigator Joe Jordan. Joe started out as a typical investigator, looking into people's reports of unidentified flying objects. But then, Joe began to come across cases of people being abducted by an unknown force. What is even more unusual is that he has collected well over 100 cases of these abductions that were stopped abruptly when the abductee claimed the name of Jesus Christ in the process of being abducted.

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    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

    Show Intro INSTRUMENTAL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyub39AXxUw

    Show Intro FREE DOWNLOAD: https://bit.ly/2HxNcw3

    Show Art: Alika Spahn Naihe (www.hauoliart.com)

    Outro Song: Tainted Love by Helene Michele

    401: Plasma Blue Alien Of The Woods

    401: Plasma Blue Alien Of The Woods
    On Episode 401: Plasma Blue Alien of the Woods, Nathan joins The Confessionals to tell us about a few of his unexplained paranormal experiences – particularly a very strange sight he encountered in the woods. While enjoying a cabin retreat in Idaho, Nathan was sitting outside at the fire one night when he saw a bright flash of light that lit up part of the sky. Following the flash, points of lights started moving out in the woods. Rather than stay put or return back inside, Nathan took off running into the trees to find out where the lights were coming from - and ran straight into an encounter with glowing blue alien-like beings. In an Overtime segment following Episode 401, Nathan continues to share his life stories, including an upsetting time when he came home to find his family gone.

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

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