
    Podcast Summary

    • Challenging Long-Held BeliefsExploring new ideas and diverse perspectives can challenge our understanding of the world, but it's important to encourage critical thinking and seek out information to broaden our horizons.

      Our perspective of the world, whether it's about the natural world or the supernatural, can be drastically different from what we imagine. The Smithsonian's discovery of a large skeleton could challenge long-held beliefs, much like how the hosts of Blurry Creatures challenge their listeners with thought-provoking content. However, not everyone is open to new ideas, and some people may feel entitled to dictate the direction of creative projects. The rise of the internet and access to information has given everyone a platform, but it also means dealing with criticism and Monday morning quarterbacks. It's important to encourage critical thinking and seek out diverse perspectives, as there is more data and connectivity than ever before. The world we live in can be frustrating, but all we can do is ask questions and keep exploring.

    • The Use and Misuse of 'Conspiracy Theories'Question ideas, read sources, and keep an open mind to uncover the truth, instead of dismissing alternative histories and beliefs based on headlines and popular opinion.

      The term "conspiracy theory" was strategically used to dismiss alternative ideas and histories, often making people uncomfortable and closing their minds to new information. The history of humankind involves questioning and revising beliefs, as seen in the example of the Book of Enoch and its relationship to the Bible. However, in today's society, many people have short attention spans and rely on headlines instead of delving deeper into the information. This leads to a lack of understanding and a dismissal of ideas that challenge the preferred narrative. It is essential to question, read the sources, and keep an open mind to uncover the truth.

    • The line between fact and opinion can be blurry, especially with controversial topicsRecognize the potential for both truth and deception when discussing controversial topics, and approach them with a thoughtful and nuanced perspective.

      The line between fact and opinion, or accepted knowledge and controversial ideas, can be blurry, especially when it comes to topics like theology, science, and conspiracy theories. The pressure to conform to established institutions and beliefs can make it difficult for individuals to openly challenge prevailing narratives, even if they have compelling evidence or alternative perspectives. The fear of being labeled as a conspiracy theorist can silence important discussions and debates. However, it's essential to recognize that historical and current examples show that accepted knowledge can change, and it's crucial to remain open-minded and willing to reevaluate our beliefs in light of new evidence or perspectives. As Doug Van Dorn, a returning guest on the podcast, emphasizes in his book "Conspiracy Theory: A Christian Evaluation of a Taboo Subject," it's essential to approach controversial topics with a thoughtful and nuanced perspective, recognizing the potential for both truth and deception.

    • Censorship on social media: Complexities and consequencesCensorship on social media is a complex issue, with certain topics like hydroxychloroquine, vaccines, election fraud, and January 6th leading to mass deplatforming. Nuanced discussions and personal experiences are important to navigate these complexities.

      The censorship on social media platforms during 2020 and 2021 was not just a conservative versus liberal issue, but a complex issue where certain topics, such as discussions about hydroxychloroquine, vaccines, election fraud, and January 6th, were being heavily censored and resulted in mass deplatforming. An example given was when a meme about explosions, which was not factually incorrect but had some inaccuracies, was taken down due to misinformation, leading to a larger conversation about the complexities of censorship and the importance of nuanced discussions. The conversation also touched upon personal experiences of deplatforming and the move to alternative platforms. Additionally, the discussion included a reference to the $6,000,000 Man TV show and the author's book about giants, which added an interesting and unrelated yet relevant twist to the conversation.

    • From skepticism to exploration of conspiracy theoriesExploring conspiracy theories requires an open mind and fair consideration of all sides, not just one-sided criticism.

      Our fascination with conspiracy theories often stems from personal experiences and a desire to question the narrative presented by mainstream media. The speaker, who wrote a book on the topic from a Christian perspective, shares how his initial skepticism of the official 9/11 story evolved into an interest in exploring conspiracy theories more deeply. He believes that it's essential to approach the topic fairly and consider both sides, as opposed to the one-sided criticism often found on evangelical websites. The speaker's personal journey illustrates how a seemingly implausible theory can plant a seed of curiosity that eventually leads to a more comprehensive understanding of the world.

    • Exploring Conspiracy Theories During the PandemicDuring the pandemic, some individuals were inspired to write about conspiracy theories and evaluate them using logical tests like coherence, correspondence with reality, falsifiability, and circularity.

      The COVID-19 pandemic served as a catalyst for some individuals to explore and write about conspiracy theories that had long been on their minds. The speaker, Doug, shares his personal experience of being inspired to write a book about conspiracy theories during a Zoom church meeting with Jeb Bush, who warned the group about the impending pandemic. Doug discusses the importance of evaluating conspiracy theories using logical tests, such as coherence, correspondence with reality, falsifiability, and circularity. He expresses concern about the lack of coherence in the official narrative surrounding the pandemic and believes that some conspiracy theories offer more explanatory power than the mainstream narrative. He mentions specific theories, such as the origin of the virus in Wuhan and potential involvement of the Wuhan lab and Fauci, that are being suppressed and explores the possibility of a larger plot behind the virus.

    • Manipulation of the term 'conspiracy theory'The term 'conspiracy theory' was once neutral, but has been manipulated to discredit ideas challenging dominant narratives, tracing back to the CIA and Warren Commission's use after JFK's assassination.

      The term "conspiracy theory" has been manipulated from its original neutral meaning to a negative one, used to discredit ideas that challenge the dominant narrative. This shift can be traced back to the CIA and the Warren Commission's use of the term in the aftermath of JFK's assassination. However, the history of conspiracy theories goes back much further, as seen in the Bible and even in the Garden of Eden story. The Ecclesiastes verse often cited to dismiss conspiracy theories ironically supports this, as it was used in a context of religious disinformation. It's important to remember that the ability to question and entertain different ideas is a critical aspect of being a thinking person.

    • Pushback against exploring supernatural elements in biblical narrativesHistorical evidence supports supernatural beliefs in biblical narratives, but these interpretations are often dismissed as conspiracy theories within religious communities. This shift in perspective was influenced by influential figures in the church.

      There is a significant pushback against exploring certain biblical narratives, particularly those that involve supernatural elements, being labeled as conspiracy theories within religious communities. This was discussed in relation to the Genesis 6 narrative and the sons of God being angels, a belief that was once widely held but has since been dismissed by many. The speakers noted that this dismissal often comes with a label of being a conspiracy theorist, despite historical evidence supporting the supernatural view. They also mentioned how this shift in interpretation occurred historically and how influential figures in the church played a role in cementing the new perspective. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of questioning accepted dogma and being open to exploring alternative interpretations of biblical texts.

    • Understanding Biblical Interpretation's Cultural ShiftsHistorical contexts and cultural influences can alter our perception of biblical texts, as seen in the shift of Genesis 6's 'sons of God' interpretation before the 2nd century, leading to the desupernaturalization of the Bible, and impacting how we view Jesus as the 'son of God'.

      Our understanding of biblical texts can be influenced by cultural shifts and historical contexts, even if we don't realize it. The discussion highlighted the example of the interpretation of Genesis 6 regarding the "sons of God," which was understood differently before the 2nd century due to the influence of rabbinic thought. This shift led to the desupernaturalization of the Bible, and many people were unaware of this historical context. The title "son of God," which is a supernatural concept, plays a significant role in connecting this idea to Genesis 6. Jesus, who is referred to as the "son of God," was a divine being in the Jewish context, and his use of this title caused controversy among the religious leaders. Understanding the historical context and cultural influences can help us gain new insights into the Bible and appreciate its depth.

    • Old Testament Interpretation and Jesus' Divine NatureThe Old Testament's 'sons of God' passages were controversially interpreted as referring to Jesus as God, leading to translation and reinterpretation efforts by Jewish leaders to maintain their religious identity and prevent further conversions to Christianity.

      The speaker in this discussion is proposing an interpretation of certain Old Testament passages that identifies Jesus as the God of Israel, rather than just one of the heavenly sons of God. This interpretation was controversial in ancient times, leading some to retranslate or reinterpret the text to downplay the supernatural nature of the "sons of God." The speaker also suggests that this controversy was significant because it came at a time when many Jews were converting to Christianity, and the Jewish leadership was seeking to maintain their religious identity and prevent further conversions. The speaker argues that understanding this background is important for interpreting the New Testament's claims about Jesus' divine nature.

    • Ancient Jewish Understanding of God and the Divine CouncilThe interpretation of Jewish texts regarding a divine council depends on historical and cultural context, with debates over multiple divine persons or a Unitarian view, and translations significantly impacting understanding.

      The ancient Jewish understanding of God and the divine council was more complex than modern interpretations suggest. The concept of a divine council, where God was surrounded by a group of heavenly beings, was prevalent in Jewish texts such as Psalm 82. However, there were debates among the rabbis about this concept, with some accepting the idea of multiple divine persons and others adhering to a Unitarian view. The way these texts were translated, like Psalm 82:1, could significantly impact the interpretation. For instance, the ESV's translation acknowledges the divine council, while the New American Standard text naturalizes it, removing the supernatural dimension. This discussion highlights the importance of considering the historical and cultural context when interpreting religious texts.

    • The gods mentioned in Psalm 82 are divine beings, possibly including angelsThe text implies that divine beings, including angels, have a responsibility to protect the weak and needy, and their failure to do so leads to God's judgment.

      The Psalm 82 text suggests that the gods mentioned in the passage are not just human rulers, but also divine beings, possibly including angels. The text implies that these gods have failed in their roles as judges and protectors of the weak and the needy, leading to God's judgment and eventual replacement. The concept of gods as sons of the Most High is paralleled with the term "prince," emphasizing their divine nature. Jesus later claimed to be one of these sons of God, inheriting the nations as his possession, as stated in Psalm 2. This interpretation adds depth to our understanding of the biblical concept of God and the role of divine beings in the world.

    • Similarities between Psalms 28 and 82 and the concept of gods giving inheritance to their peopleThe Psalms 28 and 82 suggest that God allows image bearers, including angels, to have dominion over people and lands. However, Jesus took away their authority during his death, and humans entered into a new age of flourishing.

      According to the discussion, the Psalms 28 and 828 have similarities but the latter takes it a step further with the concept of gods giving their inheritance, or ruling over nations, to their people. This idea is seen in ancient texts like Plato's Atlantis, where gods like Athena and Poseidon were believed to rule over Greece. The interpretation of these texts suggests that God allows image bearers, including angels, to have dominion over people and lands. However, the gods' authority was taken away by Jesus during his death, and humans entered into a new age of flourishing. This perspective contrasts with some views that suggest the gods were completely undone and no longer ruling the nations, but rather, Jesus took away their authority to rule over people when God decides to save them.

    • The Bible and Mythologies Share Common RootsThe Bible and mythologies have similar origins, with gods and figures representing various aspects of God or fallen angels. Naaman's healing emphasizes following God's guidance despite counterintuitive methods. Jesus is currently displacing gods, but the transition period involves doubt and a disconnect from the Old Testament.

      The Bible and various mythologies share common roots, with gods and figures often representing different aspects of God or fallen angels. This idea is exemplified by the story of Naaman, who had to go to the Jordan River to be healed by Elisha, emphasizing the importance of following God's guidance even if it seems counterintuitive. Jesus is currently inheriting the nations, but the gods themselves have not yet been fully displaced, creating a transition period. This age of man is marked by doubt and a growing disconnect from the Old Testament, much like how belief in giants or other mythical beings fades with time. Ultimately, the story of Jesus and the ongoing spiritual battle between God and the fallen sons of God is the central theme, with conspiracy theories and mythologies serving as attempts to undermine this truth.

    • Interpreting the 'Sons of God' in the BibleThe 'sons of God' in the Bible can be interpreted as angels, and the ancient mythological battle between Yahweh and Baal highlights Yahweh's superiority as the true God.

      The Bible contains various references to the concept of "sons of God," which can be interpreted in different ways. One theory suggests that these "sons of God" include angels, and that there may have been a war in ancient mythology between the gods represented by Yahweh (the true God) and Baal (a false god associated with thunder). The idea that Baal was considered the god of seven thunders is significant because Yahweh is revealed in the Bible to be the true God and the creator of all things, including the angels. This interpretation highlights the superiority of Yahweh over other deities and the importance of recognizing the true nature of God. The concept of the trinity, which holds that God is one being in three distinct persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), adds complexity to this understanding. Overall, this discussion underscores the richness and depth of biblical themes and the importance of careful interpretation.

    • Complexities of Divine BeingsThe 'sons of God' in religious texts may represent a limited group, even those in God's presence can rebel, and redemption is possible for celestial beings.

      The concept of "sons of God" in religious texts may not represent an infinite number of beings, but rather a limited group. These beings, despite being in the presence of God, can still rebel or desire equal footing. Using the analogy of the tabernacle in the Bible, those in God's presence need to be humbled and given divine insight to understand their place. The belief in conspiracy theories, according to the speaker, stems from the assumption that people are inherently evil or sinful. The speaker also touched upon the idea of redemption for angels and other celestial beings, suggesting that even loyal beings may require salvation. Overall, the discussion revolved around the complexities of divine beings and their potential for rebellion or redemption.

    • Understanding human sinfulness is crucial for evaluating conspiracy theoriesRecognizing our own and others' sinfulness helps us approach info critically and consider alternative narratives, preventing us from blindly trusting those in power.

      The recognition of human sinfulness is essential for understanding the nature of conspiracy theories and evaluating their truthfulness. If we deny our own sinful nature, we may unwittingly trust those in power to tell the truth, overlooking potential deception. Conversely, acknowledging our own sinfulness and the sinfulness of others allows us to approach information critically and consider alternative narratives. The historical example of the gospel and the Jewish response to Jesus' death illustrates this dynamic. While the Jews controlled the narrative and were seen as the conspirators, it was the disciples who held the truth of Jesus' resurrection. Similarly, we must be aware that those in power may manipulate information to maintain their narrative, and it is our responsibility to critically evaluate the evidence and consider alternative perspectives.

    • Questioning information and sources is crucial, but beware of conspiracy theoriesIt's important to question information and sources, but beware of conspiracy theories as they can lead to negative emotions and consequences. Trust in Christ for peace, patience, and kindness.

      While it's important to question information and sources, entertaining conspiracy theories can lead to negative emotions and consequences. It's crucial to test the spirits and return to the source of peace, patience, and kindness, which is Christ. Trust in individuals like Joe Rogan may seem appealing due to their perceived authenticity, but everyone, including ourselves, is susceptible to corruption. It's essential to question our own beliefs and remain aware of the potential for deception on both sides. The discussion also touched upon the intriguing topics of ancient civilizations and mythology, which could be worth exploring further in future conversations.

    • Exploring myths, legends, and conspiracy theoriesQuestioning established narratives and delving deeper can reveal intriguing insights. Critical thinking and research are essential in a world of deception.

      The exploration of myths, legends, and conspiracy theories can provide intriguing insights into our understanding of the world and human history. Doug VanderPloeg, a guest on the Gloried Creatures podcast, emphasized the importance of questioning established narratives and delving deeper into complex topics. He shared his research on the biblical references to the "sons of God" and the Nephilim, which he believes have connections to conspiracy theories. Doug also encouraged listeners to investigate for themselves, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and research in a world where deception is a constant threat. He invited listeners to explore his books and sermons for further information, available on his website, douglasvandorndot.com. The Gloried Creatures podcast welcomes all perspectives and encourages open-mindedness and questioning, recognizing the complexity and potential controversy of the topics they discuss.

    • Exploring Uncertainties and Learning TogetherThe podcast fosters open-minded discussions, welcomes diverse perspectives, and encourages continuous growth and learning through authenticity and curiosity.

      The hosts of the podcast embrace the uncertainty and learning process, welcoming diverse perspectives and disagreements. They acknowledge their lack of expertise and encourage their audience to join them on their journey of asking questions and exploring various topics, including conspiracy theories. The podcast offers a space for open-minded discussions, and the hosts are committed to providing a platform for guests and continuing to push boundaries. The audience is invited to become members, support the show, and receive merchandise. Through authenticity and a shared curiosity, the podcast creates a community where it's not safe to stay the same, but instead, to keep growing and learning together.

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    How do we know what we know? And how can we be sure? No one wants to be gullible, and most of us pride ourselves for being independently minded. And yet... we’re way more dependent on our social groups than we probably realise, which makes us susceptible to believing falsehoods. Today we’re going to jump into the wild world of misinformation, disinformation and conspiracy theories.

    John Cook is a Senior Research Fellow with the Melbourne Centre for Behaviour Change at the University of Melbourne. He researches how to use critical thinking to counter misinformation. He created the Cranky Uncle game, combining critical thinking, cartoons, and gamification to build resilience against misinformation. He currently works with organizations like Facebook, NASA, the Sabin Vaccine Institute, and UNICEF to develop evidence-based responses to misinformation. He also founded skepticalscience.com has coauthored/contributed to a vast amount of books including The Debunking Handbook and Conspiracy Theory Handbook..

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    Feel free to suggest potential guests or topics as well. No doubt there are heaps of important ideas and stories out there worth hearing!

    Deeper Questions is produced by Production Farm Studios

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    How to Empower People Against Fake News and Mental Contagion

    How to Empower People Against Fake News and Mental Contagion

    Can bad ideas spread like a virus? Are we susceptible to making the wrong decisions? What separates us from the radicalists that terrorize society today?


    As it turns out, not much. 


    Today’s guest, Andy Norman, takes us through a comprehensive introduction on cognitive immunology. This is an emerging science of the mind that looks into how people start sliding down the slippery slope to fake news, misinformation, and disinformation in today’s post-truth society.


    Understanding Today’s “Infection of the Brain”


    According to Andy Norman, the average flat earther is extremely gullible in certain respects but also hypercritical in others.


    Their train of thought begins with this vague idea that the world may truly be flat and that everybody else is just intentionally misinterpreting the truth. Since not everyone is educated to fact-check and test ideas in the right way, they start going down a rabbit hole of YouTube videos and conspiracy websites. 


    They become increasingly intrigued by the feeling that they’re in on this big secret. As a result, they start isolating themselves in echo chambers of their own making. Soon they have an airtight community of fellow believers who believe in the same sentiments they do—and we are the ones looking in.


    These people have hardly done due diligence and they are feeding off of incredibly unreliable information. In this sense, the mind has become “infected” with bad ideas, and these ideas spread like parasites.


    If we want humanity to evolve for the better, we need to strengthen our immune systems so that we are not vulnerable to these parasites. While it will eventually call for systemic change to address how our perspectives are largely shaped by the way we grew up, we can only kickstart this on a personal level.


    Bringing Back the Socratic Method


    To better equip humanity against all the fake news and misinformation, Andy Norman suggests bringing back the Socratic Method. This is a method of learning which focuses on a dialogue between teachers and students, furthered by the teacher continually asking probing questions. The constant questioning is an effort to explore the underlying beliefs that shape the student’s views and opinions.


    In many ways, this is a good technique to engage in dialogue with others who do not have the same mindset as you do. Today, there are so many different world views and perspectives. Amidst this, it may become difficult to reach out to one another because we are afraid of coming across as offensive, insensitive, or dismissive. Conversely, it may also be difficult for people to reach out when we start considering our ideas as a part of who we are.


    Our ideas of how to view the world should be fluid, and held only within the boundaries of reason. It is when we convince ourselves that we need to defend ideas to an absolute value that we turn into radicalists, which exist on both sides of all spectrums: politically, religiously, and socially. 


    Approaching from a Place of Understanding


    It’s important to hold your ideas at a distance. Yes, the feeling of being a part of a community can be all-encompassing. Knowing that you are affirmed by others who hold the same ideas can be empowering. But if this is taken too far, it will only serve to isolate you from others.


    We can only move forward when we move forward together. The alternative is to accept that we are not our ideas. Our ideas will reach limits, and we must part with them then. We should only entertain ideas within certain bounds while holding true to our values. 


    Hold your beliefs loosely. Be ready to part when someone raises a sufficiently good reason, an opportunity to question: is it worth still believing in this idea if it means that holding onto it isolates me from humanity?


    Closing Thoughts: Containing the Mental Contagion


    Here at TARTLE, we are invested in the evolution of humanity. The next step forward will take data-driven measures at reaching the truth in a post-truth era. With that said, we need to look out for each other and hold ourselves accountable for our ideas.


    Ask questions. Help your loved ones reach conclusions. Keep an open mind and be slow to take offense. A line of inquiry is not a personal attack, but an attempt at getting to the bottom of the ideas you hold about yourself, the society, and the world. 


    What’s your data worth? www.tartle.co


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    The Joy of Being Wrong | Adam Grant

    The Joy of Being Wrong | Adam Grant
    My guest today makes a fascinating and potentially life-changing case. He argues that we need to reconsider how we view intelligence. He says that instead of viewing intelligence as the ability to think and learn, we should view it as the ability to rethink and unlearn. My guest, whose name is Adam Grant, says there is evidence that, in a fast-moving world, what he calls the “critical art of rethinking” can “position you for excellence at work and wisdom in life.” Not for nothing, in a world where many of us are stuck in our own information silos, the ability to rethink and open our minds may be one way we can dig ourselves out of our current societal divisions. Some of you may know Adam. He’s been on the show before. He’s an organizational psychologist, a TED speaker, a professor at Wharton, and the author of four New York Times bestselling books, including one that has had a big influence on me, called Give and Take, which is all about how generosity can contribute to professional success. I am happy to report that Adam has done it again: He has written a compelling and timely book. In this conversation, we talk about how to build the skill of rethinking; how the people who speak the most confidently are often the least competent; and what he calls the surprising upsides of imposter syndrome. Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/adam-grant-321 See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.