
    Ep. 46 - The People vs. Glenn Close (ft. Jenna Stoeber)

    enNovember 10, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Dungeons and Daddies podcast tour and weight loss solutionsThe Dungeons and Daddies podcast tours the Midwest and East Coast, PlushCare offers telehealth services for weight loss, and Z Biotics' pre-alcohol drink reduces alcohol's negative effects. Chime provides fee-free overdraft and no monthly fees.

      There are several exciting events coming up this summer. Dungeons and Daddies, a podcast, is embarking on a live tour across the Midwest and East Coast from May 31st to June 14th. Meanwhile, those struggling with weight loss can explore telehealth services from PlushCare, which offers FDA-approved medications and accepts most insurance plans. Additionally, Z Biotics' pre-alcohol probiotic drink can help mitigate the negative effects of alcohol consumption. Lastly, Chime, a financial institution, offers fee-free overdraft up to $200 and no monthly fees or maintenance fees, making it an attractive option for managing finances.

    • Four Dads with Unique Characteristics Embark on a Quest in 'Dungeons and Daddies'Four dads, each with distinct personalities, come together to rescue their lost sons in the forgotten realms, drawing inspiration from movies and personal quirks.

      In the podcast "Dungeons and Daddies," four dads, each with unique characteristics, embark on a quest to rescue their lost sons in the forgotten realms. Freddie Wong's character, Glenn Close, is a charismatic bard who finds himself in a courtroom, drawing inspiration from movies like "A Few Good Men." Matthew Arnold's character, Daryl Wilson, transforms into a barbarian in the forgotten realms and has a peculiar taste preference for his sister's beer. Will Campos' character, Henry Oak, is a hippie druid dad with a history of legal disputes, including an incident involving a graphic mural. Beth May's character, Ron Stampler, is an emotionally detached stepfather who has a misinterpretation of parking tickets. Despite their differences, they all share the common goal of being dads and embarking on this fantastical journey.

    • Jenna Stebber joins the podcast, and the trio receives a mysterious item called the 'wind whisker'. They uncover a past scam involving 'civil forfeiture'.Anthony and Jenna discuss a failed therapy session and receive a magical item, while uncovering a past scam involving civil forfeiture in their latest case.

      The podcast episode features Anthony introducing his guest, Jenna Stebber, and sharing an unsuccessful experience with a therapist who suggested he pursue a law degree instead of continuing his podcasting career. Meanwhile, they also received a mysterious item called the "wind whisker" from their Patreon supporters, which has unique magical abilities. In the previous episode, they had chased down Glenn's soul and returned it to his body, only to find out that the next case in court was against Glenn by the people of Faerun. However, it was revealed that the judge, Bill Close, was not a real judge but a part of a scam run by Glenn and Anthony in the past. The scam involved using the legal terms "civil forfeiture" to take people's possessions when they were deemed guilty by the law. The trio was surprised by this revelation and tried to figure out how to proceed with the trial.

    • A chaotic trial unfolds with Glenn on trial for being a bad father and personDuring a fictional trial, Glenn invokes his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent when faced with potential self-incrimination.

      This conversation appears to be taking place during a trial, with Bill acting as the judge and Ron as the defense attorney for Glenn. The charges against Glenn include being a bad father and a bad person. Glenn initially seems unconcerned, believing he has a solid legal defense. However, when it becomes clear that he may need to actively participate in his trial, he invokes his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent. The trial continues with each side presenting arguments and counter-arguments, and it seems that the outcome will be decided by a jury selected from Bill's Patreon Discord community. The trial is chaotic and confusing, with roles and rules not always clear. It's important to note that the events described may not be real, as this exchange appears to be part of a fictional show or podcast.

    • Innovative approach to jury deliberations using role-playing game mechanismSpeakers propose using a dice-based scoring system and anonymized jurors for jury deliberations to determine verdicts, expressing excitement and skepticism about the process.

      The speakers are discussing a unique approach to jury deliberations using a role-playing game mechanism. They plan to anonymize jurors, have them decide the merit of arguments through a scoring system based on dice rolls, and compare the scores for the prosecution and defense to determine the verdict. The speakers acknowledge the potential excitement this may bring to law students, but also express doubts about their own abilities to execute this unconventional method effectively. One juror, Daryl, expresses skepticism about the entire process and suggests that they might need to subvert the legal system if they cannot win within its rules. The conversation also includes some light-hearted moments, such as one lawyer describing himself as a small mouse-headed being with wings and human hands. Despite the uncertainty and humor, the speakers remain committed to trying this innovative approach to jury deliberations.

    • Prosecution and Defense Opening Statements in Glenn Close TrialProsecution focused on second-degree murder charge, while defense questioned trial's validity due to Glenn's non-consent to laws. Both sides presented contrasting opening statements, promising an intriguing trial.

      The trial between the prosecution and defense in this case involved opening statements, with the prosecution focusing on the more serious charge of second-degree murder against Glenn Close, while the defense argued that the trial itself was invalid due to Glenn's non-consent to the laws. Radicus Finch, the prosecutor, emphasized the importance of focusing on the main crime and saving the discussion of Glenn's bad father behavior for later. The defense, in turn, presented a lighthearted opening statement and assured the court that they would be asking questions to clarify the situation. The trial promises to be an intriguing one, with both sides presenting their cases and potentially revealing unexpected twists.

    • Chime: A Fee-Free Alternative to Traditional Banks with Overdraft Benefits and CommunityChime is a fee-free bank with overdraft up to $200, no monthly fees, and a sense of community. Eligible members can use Spot Me to overdraft without fees and access 60,000 fee-free ATMs.

      Chime, a financial institution, offers various benefits such as fee-free overdraft up to $200, early direct deposit, and a sense of community, making it an attractive alternative to traditional banks. Chime's services come with no monthly or maintenance fees, and eligible members can use Spot Me, a feature that allows them to overdraft up to their limit without fees. Additionally, Chime's community aspect sets it apart from other financial institutions, providing a sense of connection. Chime also partners with 60,000 fee-free ATMs. Pretty Litter, on the other hand, is a convenient and odor-trapping kitty litter that offers a visual experience with its color-changing technology, providing potential health information for cat owners. Writing a letter to a loved one before one's demise, as suggested by Glenn, is a topic that was discussed but not directly related to the main takeaway.

    • Lawyers clash over moral obligation during trialDuring trials, objections can impact the outcome and reveal insights into relationships and character.

      During a trial, lawyers can object to each other's questions or statements, and the one with the most valid objections at the end of the trial receives a bonus. In this particular trial, two lawyers, Bill and Radicus, clashed over the testimony of a witness, Erin O'Neil, regarding an incident involving Glenn. Erin testified that Glenn had the opportunity to heal her during a battle but instead chose to give her a cool one-liner as she died. Radicus objected, stating that Glenn had broken a moral obligation to help a friend in need. However, Bill sustained the objection, agreeing with the principle but not necessarily the fact. The exchange highlighted the importance of objections in trials and the potential implications of a lawyer's decisions during critical moments. Additionally, the conversation revealed the dynamic between Erin and Glenn, showcasing their friendship and the stress Erin experienced from helping them.

    • Moral complexities of decision-making in D&DDebating whether to heal or let die in D&D highlights the moral dilemmas of real life, emphasizing the importance of considering the greater good and potential consequences.

      The moral complexities of decision-making, especially in life-or-death situations, were explored in the discussion. Radik and Erin debated whether Glenn, a character from a D&D campaign, should have healed a dying character instead of letting him die. The conversation touched upon speculation, morality, and the implications of inaction. Radik argued that a reasonable person would have healed the character, while Erin maintained that it was a speculative question. The conversation also revealed that the legal rules in the game's world function similarly to those in our world. Ultimately, the group acknowledged that the situation was not as clear-cut as it seemed, and that the decision to heal or not could have far-reaching consequences. The discussion underscored the importance of considering the greater good and the potential consequences of our actions.

    • The Relevance of Moral Judgments in the CourtroomIn a courtroom, the focus is on determining if an individual is guilty or not, not on their moral goodness or badness.

      During a courtroom scene, the characters discuss the idea of judging people's goodness or badness, and whether it's relevant to the legal proceedings. Erin, a lawyer, is questioning Glenn about her living conditions and the roots of her trees. The defense objects, stating that the questioning is irrelevant to Glenn's character. Henry, another lawyer, steps in to argue that Glenn's selfless act of coming to another realm to save his child makes him a good person. Erin agrees, and the discussion shifts to the relevance of moral judgments in the courtroom. The judge eventually rules that the discussion of moral goodness or badness is irrelevant to the trial, as the central question is whether Glenn is a bad person or not. The conversation highlights the complexity of legal proceedings and the role of moral judgments in our perception of people.

    • A humorous debate on the nature of good and bad people in a hypothetical caseParticipants debated the charges against Glenn, with the prosecution and defense engaging in friendly banter and joking around, as Daryl Wilson added humor by playing dead during the proceedings.

      The discussion revolved around the nature of good and bad people in relation to a hypothetical case, with participants debating the charges against Glenn and Aaron. Daryl Wilson, a non-lawyer, added humor by playing dead during the proceedings. The prosecution argued that Glenn committed second-degree murder, assigning it a high dice value, while the defense tried to dismantle the prosecution's argument without directly supporting Glenn's goodness. The trial continued with the call of the next witness, Daryl Wilson, who was mysteriously summoned and transported to the witness box by a purple wave. The overall tone of the conversation was light-hearted, with participants engaging in friendly banter and joking around.

    • Daryl's Surreal Wait Before TestifyingUnderstanding and accepting others' choices, even those that differ from our own, is essential for personal growth and relationships.

      Daryl, a witness in a trial, undergoes a surreal experience before testifying. He travels through a parallel plane, meets other witnesses, and signs paperwork. During his week-long wait, he engages in small talk with fellow witnesses and prepares himself for the stand. When called, he takes the oath and answers questions truthfully about his relationship with Glenn and an event from their past. Though he can't recall the details clearly, he defends Glenn's actions during their drug-fueled mission. Daryl emphasizes the importance of understanding and accepting others' choices, even if they differ from our own. Despite his dislike for drugs, he acknowledges Glenn's actions as those of a good man, as he believed the drug dealer was under the influence and not a threat.

    • Glenn's Actions and the TrialDespite uncertainty about Glenn's intentions during a dangerous situation, he allowed his son to commit a crime and may have lied during the trial, potentially involving perjury and dishonesty.

      The discussion revolved around Glenn's actions during a dangerous situation and the legality of certain events. At the moment, it's unclear whether Glenn was trying to protect his son or harm Daryl, as he may have been under the influence of a spell or charmed. Nick, Glenn's son, was involved in stealing Daryl's minivan, which was a crime. Glenn let Nick hotwire the van, and although he didn't commit the crime himself, he allowed it to happen. The group found them later, and Daryl may have lied during the trial about the circumstances of the event. Additionally, there were instances of potential perjury and discussions about the consumption of alcohol and drugs. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics, including the complexities of Glenn's actions, the legality of certain events, and potential dishonesty during the trial.

    • Glenn's Selfless DecisionParents often make sacrifices for their children, even in difficult situations, and Glenn's decision to save his son instead of jewels is a powerful reminder of this.

      The discussion revolved around the character Glenn from a fictional story, where he made a selfless decision to save his son instead of keeping valuable jewels. The panelists shared their admiration for Glenn's choice and compared it to their own hypothetical decisions. A misunderstanding arose regarding Glenn's supposed dislike for Disneyland, but it was clarified that he is actually a big fan. The conversation also touched upon the idea that parents make sacrifices for their children and that everyone, even in challenging circumstances, can relate to that experience.

    • Daryl's conflicting emotions towards Peyton's knife obsession and Glenn's pastDespite concerns about a young man's safety, a father figure shows forgiveness and understanding towards him, but is evasive about past allegations involving child fights and potential betting, leading to complex courtroom dynamics.

      Daryl, a father figure to a young man named Peyton, has given him knives despite concerns about his safety due to Peyton's zealousness with the weapon. Glenn, another character, has shown forgiveness and understanding towards Peyton after being stabbed by him. However, the conversation in the courtroom took a turn when the topic of Glenn's involvement in child fights and potential betting on them came up. Daryl was evasive about his knowledge of these allegations, leading to objections from the prosecution. The conversation also touched on the concept of serial killers and Glenn's alleged actions towards a squirrel. The defense objected to the line of questioning, leading to some light-hearted exchanges between the characters. In the end, Daryl was turned over to the next witness, and the conversation shifted to promoting Aura Frames as a Mother's Day gift. The exchange highlighted the complexities of the relationships between the characters and the challenges of being a parent or a caregiver.

    • Celebrate Mother's Day and Summer with Special Offers and AdventuresSurprise mom with a personalized gift from Aura or Moonpig for Mother's Day, and make this summer an unforgettable learning adventure with KiwiCo's summer series.

      There are numerous ways to bring joy and learning to moms and kids during special occasions like Mother's Day and summertime. Aura Frames offers a great deal for Mother's Day with a discount and free shipping on their best-selling frames. KiwiCo invites kids and adults to enjoy summer adventure series with hands-on science and art projects, encouraging exploration and learning outside. Moonpig provides a personalized touch with customizable cards and same-day delivery. Our friends, including Daryl and Glenn, have shared their experiences of finding joy and connection through various activities and shared moments. So, this Mother's Day, consider surprising your mom with a special and personalized gift from Aura or Moonpig, and make this summer an unforgettable learning adventure with KiwiCo.

    • Discussing Glenn's role as a father and musicianFathers should enjoy time with their kids and secure their future. Glenn, as a musician, did both by having fun with his son and protecting his livelihood.

      Being a good father involves having fun with your children and providing for their future. In the discussion, it was suggested that Glenn, as a musician, was trying to have fun with his son and ensure his future by protecting his livelihood. The idea that rock musicians make more money than DJs was debated, and while there were differing opinions, the court ultimately ruled that Daryl, being from the same world as the case, was an authority on financial plausibilities. The case was compared to the movie "Air Force 1," where Harrison Ford's character refused to negotiate with terrorists, and it was agreed that Glenn, like Ford's character, was not going to negotiate with Scam Likely. Evan De Essence, a paralegal, questioned the demand of the antagonist in "Air Force 1" and the refusal of Harrison Ford's character to negotiate, and it was acknowledged that the third act of the film, where Harrison Ford's family was kidnapped, could potentially impact the outcome of the negotiation. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of a father's role in having fun with his children and providing for their future.

    • Using a movie scene as a real-life defense exampleDefending a case by referencing relatable scenarios can be effective, even if it involves bending the rules, as long as it ultimately benefits the client and resonates with the jury.

      During a trial, Harrison Ford's character in the movie "Air Force One" made an ethical dilemma decision to release prisoners to save his family, which was seen as going against his morals but ultimately the right thing to do by the witnesses present. This event was used as an example to argue that the defendant, Glenn, was a good father who put his family first, even if it meant bending the rules. Despite objections and being in contempt, the defense team successfully entered evidence of Glenn's Christmas wish lists, which included a drone, to support their argument. The jury was then sent on recess, and the defendant was taken to a meth based supermax jail as a precaution.

    • Unexpected movie experience in jail leads to creativity and excitementDespite a frustrating start, an unexpected movie experience in jail led to creativity, excitement, and a new project for the podcast team.

      Despite enjoying the movie experience, being part of it unexpectedly can be frustrating. The group in the podcast found themselves in a cell with limited entertainment, as they were given a Blu-ray player instead of a DVD player for a specific movie. The anticipation of watching the movie was ruined when they were not able to obtain the DVD. The unexpected arrival of a mysterious figure who promised to bust them out of jail added an element of excitement and uncertainty to their situation. The podcast featured special guests and supporters, and they released bonus content for patrons. The group's dynamic and creativity were showcased through their interactions and improvisation. The podcast's next project was a Star Wars miniseries about a jizz band, and they encouraged listeners to follow them on various social media platforms. Overall, the podcast episode highlighted the importance of adaptation and the excitement of the unexpected.

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    This episode contains Profanity, Violence, and Sexual Content.

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    DM is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Kelsey Grammar is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Francis Farnsworth is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Trudy Trout is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Tony Collette is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our Transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Dungeons and Daddies
    enJuly 02, 2024

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    S3 Ep. 4 – Peachyville Confidential

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    This episode contains Profanity, Violence, and Sexual Content.

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    DM is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Kelsey Grammar is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Francis Farnsworth is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Trudy Trout is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Tony Collette is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our Transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Dungeons and Daddies
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    This episode contains Violence, Profanity, and Sexual Content

    Support the show on Patreon!

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    DM is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Kelsey Grammar is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Francis Farnsworth is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Trudy Trout is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Tony Collette is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our Transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Dungeons and Daddies
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    S3 Ep. 2 – Some Like It Hot

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    This episode contains Violence, Profanity, Sexual Content, and Suicide

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    DM is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Kelsey Grammar is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Francis Farnsworth is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Trudy Trout is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Tony Collette is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our Transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Dungeons and Daddies
    enMay 21, 2024

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    This episode contains violence, profanity, sexual content, drug / alcohol use, violence towards children

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    DM is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Kelsey Grammar is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Francis Farnsworth is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Trudy Trout is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Tony Collette is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    BONUS: Kingdom Dad Monster - Ep. 1 - Founding Fathers

    BONUS: Kingdom Dad Monster - Ep. 1 - Founding Fathers

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    CW: Violence, Profanity, Sexual Content

    Listen to all three Kingdom Dad Monster episodes on Patreon now by becoming a supporter!

    Check out our tour dates! The Areas Tour (ft. Taylor Swift) is coming to Saint Paul, MN, Milwaukee, WI, Chicago, IL, Indianapolis, IN , Detroit, MI, The Caverns in Pelham, TN, Atlanta, GA, New York, NY, Philadelphia, PA, and Boston, MA!

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    All characters played by Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold), Will Campos (@willbcampos), Freddie Wong (@fwong), and Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our transcriber


    Get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact


    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Dungeons & Daddies: The Areas Tour

    Teen Talk (Season 2 After Show)

    Teen Talk (Season 2 After Show)

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    Plus composer Maxton Waller stops by to talk about the marching band version of the season two theme song and they answer some questions about the most memorable records and everyone's favorite intros from the second season.

    Thanks so much for listening and supporting us this season! Stay tuned for some very exciting new developments, including Will taking the DM reigns for a while!

    This episode contains Profanity.

    Support the show on Patreon! (You get access to this kind of after show every other week!)

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    DM is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Lincoln Li-Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Normal Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Scary Marlowe is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Taylor Swift is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is "On My Way" by Maxton Waller (maxtonwaller.bandcamp.com)

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    S2 Ep. 53 - Urination (Friends Forever)

    S2 Ep. 53 - Urination (Friends Forever)

    The finale.

    This episode contains Violence, Profanity, and Sexual Content.

    Support the show on Patreon!

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    DM is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Lincoln Li-Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Normal Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Scary Marlowe is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Taylor Swift is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is "On My Way" by Maxton Waller (maxtonwaller.bandcamp.com)

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merch Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    S2 Ep. 52 - Dood Riddance (Time of Your Life)

    S2 Ep. 52 - Dood Riddance (Time of Your Life)

    The teens say a goodbye to a friend, summon a powerful new ally, and cook up one last stupid scheme to stop Willie Stampler once and for all.

    This episode contains Profanity, Violence and Sexual Content.

    Support the show on Patreon!

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    Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!

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    DM is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Lincoln Li-Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Normal Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Scary Marlowe is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Taylor Swift is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is "On My Way" by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Cindy Denton is our Merchandise Manager

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it!

    You know how we always said we don't have guests on the podcast... well things have taken a turn...Welcome to Luanna with Friends!

    On the first ever 'with Friends' episode, we're joined by comedian, writer, dad, and friend, Russell Kane!
    We chat with Russell through lockdown strife, parenting highs and lows, about how he engineered his little girl and his cat Terry.
    PLUS we take Russell through the LuAnna staples: his meet the parents story, we put him up against a listener in Is it Weird, he takes the ranting reins, gives us a brilliant confession and Russell takes the LuAnna Quickfire Round Off.

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    "Is everything going to be okay?"

    "Is everything going to be okay?"

    Children can be incredibly resilient during difficult times. However, during the course of the pandemic, their social and emotional well-being and development have undergone exceptional challenges. Kids and parents alike have dealt with loss of structure, feelings of isolation, and worries about the unknown; and parents have had the added tasks of monitoring their children's cognitive and behavioral responses while also trying to accommodate their own. This Raising Curious Learners episode, therapist and Britannica for Parents expert Ellen Bee converses with Ann and Elizabeth about her telehealth experiences and offers hopeful guidance on mindfulness and coping strategies based on her specialized knowledge of anxiety and mood disorders.  

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Bonus Episode - Kids & Money

    Bonus Episode - Kids & Money
    Want to buy your dream home?... Your finances are going to need to be in order, my friend!

    Pocket Money/Property Values/Saving Money/Kid’s First Jobs/Young Entrepreneurship/Pay Parity
    Welcome to our super special Bonus Episode for Global Money Week!
    Two of our favourite money experts Sam Keats of Keats Accounting & Carl Violeta of Violeta Finance: Mortgage & Finance Specialist have *bravely* volunteered to head into the studio to answer LIVE money questions from kids.
    Yup, you read that right, kids firing questions at our experts L.I.V.E. live.
    Teaching kids about money and finances provides them with the skills they need to make smart money decisions as adults and build a solid financial foundation.
    And... dream homes are built on solid financial foundations!
    Global Money Week (GMW) is an annual money awareness celebration which is celebrated all over the world!
    The aim of GMW is to help build financial literacy in kids.

    About our money experts:

    Sam Keats is a charted Accountant and the Director of the innovative accounting practice Keats Accounting.
    The Keats Accounting team bring large firm expertise with small firm dedication and service.

    Carl Violeta is the Founder and Finance Broker at the award-winning brokerage Violeta Finance.
    Carl helps families and small business owners achieve their home-ownership and finance dreams.

    Market Watch – Tara shares her formula to figure out the value of a house

    **This episode of the Dream Home Movement was recorded live in the RPPFM studios on March 15 2018 which was during Global Money Week**

    Follow the Dream Home Movement

    Follow Tara Vandeligt

    Follow Jo Violeta
    Chat about the super sexy topic of…finance in the Mumma’s Corner – Everything Money Group on Facebook

    Follow Sam Keats

    Follow Carl Violeta

    Thanks to our fabulous Junior Reporters:

    And a big thank-you to their mums who brought them into the studio for a relatively late evening on a school night!

    097 | Smart Investing at an Early Age with Mike Van Kempen of UNest

    097 | Smart Investing at an Early Age with Mike Van Kempen of UNest

    Mike Van Kempen is the COO of UNest, a California-based fintech startup that provides tax-advantaged investment accounts and savings apps for kids. Mike has played a crucial role in multiple rounds of fundraising at various startups with top VCs (a16z, NEA, DAG, TPG, Greycroft & e.ventures). Before joining the UNest team, Mike was the Director of Growth at investment startup Acorns. Mike sits down with Chris Snyder to discuss how UNest is helping parents create smart investments for their kids.