
    Luanna with Friends: Russell Kane!

    enJune 19, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Luana with Friends: A New Series with GuestsLuana and Lou expand their podcast with a new series featuring guests while maintaining their raw and upfront content

      Luana and Lou, the hosts of the Luana podcast, have decided to bring on guests for a spin-off series called "Luana with Friends." This departure from their usual format of keeping the podcast an intimate space for just the two of them was sparked by their desire to try something new and potentially expand their audience. However, they made it clear that this addition of guests doesn't mean they'll be opening up their podcast completely; they still intend to keep their raw, upfront, and sometimes explicit content. They welcomed their first guest, comedian Russell Kane, with some playful banter and shared an anecdote about a past podcast episode where Lou accidentally got a shower head stuck in an unfortunate place and had to use the shower head to extract it, leading to an unexpected orgasm. Despite the unusual circumstances of recording the podcast via video conference due to the pandemic, Russell was welcomed as their first friend on the show.

    • Unemployed speaker finds comfort in comedian's COVID videosUnemployed person enjoys comedian's pandemic videos for humor and distraction, dislikes cats but loves new kitten, finds parenting challenging yet necessary

      The speaker, who is currently unemployed, finds comfort and entertainment in comedian Russell Kane's COVID-related videos. The speaker mentions that they look forward to these videos, which often involve the comedian poking fun at politicians who have broken their own rules or made mistakes during the pandemic. The speaker also mentions that they appreciate Russell's ability to find humor in the situation, even if it means making light of serious topics. The speaker expresses that these videos help them get through difficult times and provide a source of laughter and distraction. The speaker also mentions their dislike for cats, but their affection for a kitten they recently acquired. They also mention that they are a parent to a young child and find parenting to be challenging, but necessary. Overall, the speaker's takeaway is that they find Russell Kane's videos to be a source of entertainment and relief during uncertain times.

    • The Costly and Rewarding Journey of ParenthoodRaising a child involves significant financial investment, personal sacrifices, and immense love, creating a unique human being.

      Parenting comes with its fair share of challenges and financial burdens, but the end result is the creation of a unique and amazing human being. The speaker, Russell Kane, humorously expresses his frustration and exhaustion with raising his high-energy and attention-seeking daughter. He jokes about the exorbitant cost of raising a child, estimating it to be around $150,000, and the sacrifices parents make, such as giving up nights out and even a car. Despite the struggles, he admits to loving his daughter deeply but prefers the idea of having raised her to the reality of doing so. Overall, the discussion highlights the rollercoaster ride of parenthood, filled with lows and occasional highs, but ultimately worth the investment.

    • Discussing the pros and cons of having one childThe couple acknowledges the benefits of having only one child, such as the father's involvement and lack of constant parenting, while also recognizing the challenges, like potential jealousy and increased workload. They reflect on their decision and the importance of individual considerations in family planning.

      The couple in question, who have one child, appreciate the benefits of having only one child, including the father's ability to be at home during the child's formative years and the lack of the need for constant parenting. They also acknowledge the challenges of having more than one child, such as the potential for jealousy and the increased workload. The man expresses his desire to remain fertile for future relationships and his wife's urging for him to get a vasectomy. The couple reflects on their decision to have only one child and acknowledges the common sentiment that having a slightly longer gap between children can be beneficial. They also discuss the challenges of having young children and the appeal of having a child who is more independent. The conversation highlights the personal and individual considerations that go into family planning and the importance of making decisions that work best for each family.

    • Children's requests and personal preferences influence family planningCouples consider various factors, including their children's requests and personal preferences, when deciding to have another child. Some may use methods to increase their chances of having a child of a certain gender, but not resort to gender selection clinics.

      A couple's decision to have another child can be influenced by various factors, including their children's requests, personal preferences, and past experiences. The speaker shares an anecdote about her son asking for a baby sister and how they tried to conceive again after a long break. She also mentions her preference for having a girl due to her own personality and experiences with masculine energy in her family. The couple used a method with an 80% success rate to increase their chances of having a girl, but they did not resort to gender selection clinics. The conversation highlights the complexity of family planning and the role of personal preferences in the decision-making process.

    • Impact of timing on gender of a babyUnderstanding sperm and egg lifespan can influence gender, but communication, planning, and medical checks are crucial for conception.

      Timing and understanding of the male and female reproductive systems can influence the gender of a baby. The male sperm cells only live for 24 hours, while female sperm cells live for 3 to 5 days. By having intercourse three days before ovulation, a woman can increase the chances of conceiving a female child due to the presence of fewer surviving male chromosome cells. However, most people continue trying after seeing a positive pregnancy test, which can decrease the effectiveness of this method. It's essential to consider fertility checks and tests to optimize chances of conceiving and understanding the best time to start trying. Communication, planning, and knowledge of each other's bodies and medical history can significantly impact the conception process.

    • Planning a pregnancy based on job requirementsUnderstanding and accommodating individual circumstances is crucial for a successful pregnancy and early parenting experience.

      The reason for Anna's desire to use science to plan the timing of her pregnancy was rooted in her husband's job requirements. He wanted to ensure he could be present for the birth and bonding period with their child, as his job didn't allow for flexibility in scheduling. This led to a specific window for trying to conceive, which resulted in some challenges and adjustments for both of them. Additionally, Anna shared her experience of having a C-section and the unique challenges it presented for bonding with her newborn immediately after the delivery. The societal pressure on women to bond and feel a certain way about their baby right away, combined with the physical limitations of recovery from a C-section, can add to the stress and emotional burden for new mothers. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of understanding and accommodating individual circumstances and needs when it comes to planning and navigating the pregnancy and early parenting experience.

    • Unexpected encounters with parents during romantic moments can lead to embarrassing situationsSometimes the most embarrassing moments can lead to unexpected and beautiful romantic outcomes

      Sometimes unexpected encounters with parents during romantic moments can lead to embarrassing situations. Russell shared his story of meeting Lindsay's parents for the first time at one of his comedy shows. Lindsay had bought tickets as a surprise for her dad for Christmas. However, when they arrived, they were seated in the worst seats in the house. Lindsay demanded to be upgraded, and the only available seats were the front row. Russell, being a stand-up comedian, saw Lindsay in the front row and made fun of her in front of her parents. He joked about her posh accent and her fur jacket, not realizing it was a prized possession. After the show, Russell sent a tweet with the word "Minky" on it, which led Lindsay to reach out to him. The inside of Russell's wedding ring now reads "You had me at Minky," a reminder of the embarrassing yet ultimately romantic encounter. So, if you find yourself in a similar situation, remember that sometimes the most embarrassing moments can lead to unexpected and beautiful outcomes.

    • Stories of embarrassing first impressions and unusual behaviorsBeing mindful of our actions and words in different social contexts is crucial for avoiding damaging first impressions and maintaining positive relationships.

      First impressions can be unintentionally damaging, and people may behave differently in certain social situations. The speaker shared an embarrassing story about miming a rude gesture during a family meeting, which left him feeling humiliated and questioning the opinion of his in-laws. He also mentioned how British people can get away with offensive jokes during comedy shows but not in other settings. The podcast they're part of, called "Corkers," invites listeners to confess their weird habits or thoughts, which led to a discussion about a listener's unusual way of cleaning courgettes. The speaker then revealed his unexpected hobby as an active Dungeons and Dragons enthusiast, emphasizing the importance of imagination and social interaction in the game. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity of human behavior and the importance of being mindful of our actions and words in different social contexts.

    • Exploring Fantasy Worlds with Dungeons and DragonsPlayers assume fantasy roles, create stories, solve puzzles, and socialize using imagination and strategy in Dungeons and Dragons, a unique role-playing game.

      Dungeons and Dragons is a unique and engaging role-playing game where players assume various fantasy characters and embark on adventures led by a dungeon master. The game involves rolling dice to determine actions and outcomes, and there's a wide range of character classes, including priests, wizards, warriors, and thieves. Players can create their own stories and solve puzzles together, using imagination and strategy. Despite some misconceptions, there's no sex involved in the game, and different races like elves, dwarves, and humans have distinct characteristics. Overall, Dungeons and Dragons offers a fun and creative way for adults to socialize and escape reality, even during lockdowns.

    • Considering safety and potential risksPrioritize safety and consider the potential risks before engaging in activities to avoid endangering oneself or others.

      Despite the challenges and hardships of the current situation, it's important to prioritize safety and consider the potential risks before engaging in activities that could put oneself or others in danger. The speaker expressed frustration with people justifying their actions, such as sunbathing during a virus outbreak or hoarding essential items, disregarding the potential consequences for themselves and others. The speaker also shared their annoyance with the practice of "drama passing," where people excessively avoid others to maintain social distancing, creating a sense of unease and unnecessary tension. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of being mindful of one's actions and considering the impact they have on others during these uncertain times.

    • Sharing embarrassing experiences and questionable behaviors through humorThe podcast offers a platform for people to share their stories, even if they're not funny, and find common ground through humor and vulnerability.

      The hosts of this podcast have shared various amusing confessions during their sessions, ranging from embarrassing experiences to questionable behaviors. These confessions provide a platform for people to offload and share their stories, even if they are humiliating. However, when it comes to stand-up comedy, comedians like to share stories that are slightly menacing and not funny at all to maintain an edge. One of the hosts shared his experience of using a dating show to fulfill his desires when he couldn't bear the thought of being alone, leading to multiple encounters with women. This behavior, while not ideal, highlights the human tendency to seek companionship and connection, even if it means engaging in less than desirable behaviors. Overall, the podcast provides a space for people to share their experiences and find common ground through humor and vulnerability.

    • Impact of #MeToo on Perceptions of Casual EncountersThe #MeToo movement has led to a cultural shift towards consent and accountability, impacting how people view and experience casual sexual encounters. Past consensual encounters may now be perceived differently due to societal changes.

      The cultural shift towards consent and accountability in relationships, as exemplified by the #MeToo movement, has significantly impacted people's perceptions and experiences of casual sexual encounters. The speaker shares his personal experiences of meeting women seeking him out for consensual encounters in the past, which he now views as inappropriate due to the current societal climate. He acknowledges that these encounters were consensual but expresses regret and unease about how they might be perceived in the present day. The speaker also reflects on his past struggles with female interest and his late entry into sexual experiences. He concludes by acknowledging the importance of consent and the potential consequences of actions in the #MeToo era. The conversation also touches on the speaker's favorite cocktail preference and other lighthearted topics.

    • Appreciating simple joys in new ways during the pandemicWe've discovered that many things can be done virtually, but some experiences still require personal presence and a sense of adventure.

      The coronavirus pandemic has led us to appreciate simple joys in life, such as seeing family and even doing mundane tasks like cooking, in new ways. We've discovered that many things can be done virtually, saving time and resources. However, some things, like pooping in the great outdoors, still require personal experience and a sense of adventure. Another interesting revelation was the debate over the order of adding salt and vinegar to chips, with opinions divided. A surprising fact shared was that some of us had to educate our colleagues on historical figures like Mahatma Gandhi. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of adapting to new circumstances, finding humor in everyday situations, and cherishing the simple things in life.

    • Russell Kane's Comedy Experiences and PlatformsComedian Russell Kane shares his comedy experiences, encourages fans to engage with his content on various platforms, and mentions his love for lifting moods with humor and storytelling.

      Russell Kane, a comedian, shared his experiences of performing stand-up comedy on stage in front of large audiences and the importance of handling unexpected situations with humor. He also mentioned various platforms where his fans can find and engage with his content, including his website, social media, podcasts, and TV appearances. Additionally, he encouraged listeners to check out podcasts he has been a guest on, such as "Boys Don't Cry," and mentioned his love for lifting people's moods with his humor and articulate storytelling. The conversation between Russell and the hosts also touched upon their shared friendship and the idea of having industry friends as guests on their show for their audience's interest. This marks the beginning of a six-part miniseries, "Luana with Friends."

    • Luana Expands Beyond PodcastLuana brand grows beyond podcast to include merchandise, weddings, birth services, and more. Hosts engage with listeners through various channels and value TMI.

      The Luana brand is expanding beyond just a podcast and into various other areas, including merchandise, weddings, and even birth services. The hosts encourage listeners to engage with them through various channels, including email, social media, and voice mail. They also ask for guest suggestions and invite listeners to share their anecdotes and confessions. The Luana podcast team values TMI and encourages memes, reviews, and ratings. They even jokingly offer a vag candle as a thank you for votes in the British Podcast Awards. The brand started with the Luana podcast, which airs every Monday and Thursday, but has since grown to include a website, candles, books, monks, and even merchandise featuring Luana's DNA. The team is open to new ideas and encourages listeners to be a part of the Luana community.

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    LuAnna: The Podcast
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    'He has 1277 pieces of poo!'
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it!

    It's time to get TOTALLY EXTRA. Extra chat, extra rants, extra bants, extra stories, nonsense and it's all about YOU.

    On this week's Totally Extra: Anonymous contributors, a lab maj faux pas, keeping your exes left shoes, and a possible Durley Dumpee. 

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it.

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    Plus: BO, being naked in front of your colleagues and a police story with extra crusty underwear. 

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    Ep 71: Talking about Boys and Sex with Peggy Orenstein

    Ep 71: Talking about Boys and Sex with Peggy Orenstein

    Have you ever had a “pinch me” moment when you can’t believe how things come together?

    With two boys in my home, and one a teen already, I’ve wanted to interview New York Times bestselling author Peggy Orenstein for the Mother's Quest Podcast since the moment I first heard about her new book, Boys & Sex.

    So, when Jill Daniel of Happy Women Dinners asked me if I’d like to co-produce a dinner and conversation with Peggy in the SF Bay Area, I said “yes” practically before she finished her sentence.

    That I would have the opportunity to interview Peggy for the debut episode of the Mother’s Quest Podcast Season Five ahead of our in-person dinner was just the most incredible bonus.

    Because Peggy’s work is truly transformational.

    Peggy is the New York Times bestselling author of Girls & Sex, Cinderella Ate My Daughter, Waiting for Daisy, Flux, and Schoolgirls, an award-winning journalist, and internationally recognized speaker on gender issues, especially those related to teens, sex and relationships. She’s a contributing writer to the New York Times Magazine and has also been published in The Washington Post, Slate, The Atlantic, and The New Yorker. She’s been featured on Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, The Today Show, Morning Joe, NPR’s Fresh Air and The PBS News Hour. Her TED Talk, “What Young Women Believe About Their Own Sexual Pleasure,” has been viewed over 4.6 million times. 

    The need to engage in conversations with our children about sex, even when they make us feel uncomfortable, was one of the biggest take-aways I had from my interview with Peggy. In this episode, we explore the insights she uncovered through her interviews with 100 teen boys and young men about their conceptions of masculinity and sexuality, including the early and pervasive experiences they have with porn, their understanding of consent, and the ways in which they feel unable to fully express themselves as emotional human beings. 


    Where Peggy’s prior research revealed that girls are systematically disconnected from their bodies, boys she found are disconnected from their hearts.

    As you listen, I invite you to think about how you could use something you learn in this episode to connect with your child. Be aware that while we don’t have explicit conversations about sex, we do mention topics such as porn. Please use your discretion in whether you want to play this episode around children. With older boys, you may purposefully choose, as Peggy jokingly suggests, to play this episode in their vicinity as a conversation starter.

    I’m so grateful for the opportunity to share this interview with you. I appreciated Peggy’s openness to sharing about her own E.P.I.C. life, to her bravery in her work, her inclusion of the perspectives of transgender and gay boys and to the impact of race in our conceptions of sexuality, and her challenge to us to have conversations with our children about sex. It’s not just “one talk,” she says, but a series of ongoing ones that our times call for today. And we have to start somewhere.

    Much appreciation,

    P.S. Know someone who would love this conversation? Pay this forward to a friend who may be interested.


    This Episode is Dedicated by: Casey O'Rourty of Joyful Courage to Amy Lang of Birds & Bees & Kids

    Casey O’Roarty, Med, is a facilitator of personal growth and development.  Her work encourages parents to discover the purpose of their journey, while also providing them with tools and a shift of mindset that allows them to deepen their relationships with themselves and their families. 

    As a Positive Discipline Trainer since 2007 and certified coach, Casey has led countless groups through workshops and classes that have left them feeling empowered and excited about parenting. She also offers an engaging podcast, live and online classes, and individual coaching at www.joyfulcourage.com.  Her first book, Joyful Courage: Calming the Drama and Taking Control of YOUR Parenting Journey launched May 20th, 2019. Casey lives in the Pacific Northwest with greatest teachers – her husband, and two teenage kids.

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    About Amy Lang:

    Amy Lang is a sexual health educator for over 20 years, she helps parents of all beliefs talk with kids of any age about the birds and the bees. She’s the author of the award-winning book Birds + Bees + YOUR Kids - A Guide to Sharing Your Beliefs About Sexuality, Love, and Relationships.

    She started Birds & Bees & Kids with the mission to help every kid grow up to become healthy adults by helping their parents learn how they can engage and talk to their kids about their sex and sexuality.

    You can learn more about Amy and her work here 👉 Amy Lang’s Birds & Bees & Kids


    **Special thanks to  Jill Daniel of happy-women-dinners for co-producing and hosting the event with Peggy Orenstein**

    Happy Women Dinners is the brainchild of food writer, gourmet cook, and publicist Jill Daniel.  As a food writer, Jill wrote about food from one coast of the country to the other. She is the owner of Dinner-Licious, she serves up delicious organic dinners to families around the San Francisco Bay Area. 

    With Happy Women Dinners, Jill has brought together fantastic food and speakers with a focus on women.  Happy Women Dinners events are held in intimate settings and limited to small groups of women.


    Jill Daniel - LinkedIn

    Happy Women Dinners

    Instagram @jillconnection

    Happy Women Dinners Facebook Page


    In This Episode We Talk About:

    • How our conversation coincided with the four year anniversary of Peggy’s mother's death, the impact her mother had on her, and how we carry our ancestor with us
    • The high school journalism assignment that set Peggy on her life purpose path of telling stories. 
    • The importance of being in conversation with our kids about sex
    • What Peggy believes sex is really about and her ultimate end-game in all of her work
    • What one transgender boy illuminated for Peggy about the topic of masculinity
    • Ways that sex and gender are mediated by race and ethnicity
    • What has changed today about pornography and the ways that shape our boys' experience of sex 
    • How to know when to talk to our kids about sex and porn
    • The ways in which boys feel disconnected from their emotions
    • Talking to our boys about consent
    • What supports Peggy in staying grounded while doing this work
    • The importance of finding community among other parents as we navigate conversations about sex with our kids


    This Week's Challenge:

    For this episode’s challenge, Peggy encourages us to start having conversations with our children about sex. With your older boys, consider listening to this episode together. You can also visit her website for a list of resources that can support you in having conversations with children at any developmental stage. 


    Learn More About Peggy Orenstein:

    Peggy Orenstein is the author of the New York Times best-sellers Boys & Sex, Girls & SexCinderella Ate My Daughter and Waiting for Daisy as well as Don’t Call Me Princess, Flux, and the classic SchoolGirls:.

    A contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine and AFAR, Peggy has also written for such publications as The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, New York , The Atlantic and The New Yorker, and has contributed commentaries to NPR’s All Things Considered . She has been featured on, among other programs, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, The Today Show, Morning Joe, NPR’s Fresh Air and The PBS News Hour. Her TED Talk, “What Young Women Believe About Their Own Sexual Pleasure,” has been viewed over 4.6 million times.

    The Columbia Journalism Review named Peggy one of its “40 women who changed the media business in the past 40 years.” She has been recognized for her “Outstanding Coverage of Family Diversity,” by the Council on Contemporary Families and received Books For A Better Life Awards for both Girls & Sex and Waiting for Daisy. Her work has also been honored by the Commonwealth Club of California, the National Women’s Political Caucus of California and Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Additionally, she has been awarded fellowships from the United States-Japan Foundation and the Asian Cultural Council and been a grateful resident at Mesa Refuge and the UCross Foundation.

    Peggy's Books:

    Connect with Peggy

    Resources from Peggy:

    Resources Mentioned:




    Spark Your E.P.I.C. Year Workshop

    Join me on one of my favorite things to facilitate, the Spark Your E.P.I.C. Year Workshop, where I will take you via zoom on a “virtual milestone hike” an opportunity for reflection and intention-setting as we officially close one chapter and begin another. At Mother’s Quest, we’ve decided that February is the new January, and truthfully it is always a good time to begin again with intention. Click the link in the show notes to join this experience live tomorrow or to request the replay and come along when the time is right for you. Hope to see you there!

    Join the Spark Your Epic Year Workshop by signing up here.

    Want More Reflection in Your Life?
    Book A Discovery Call

    Some key themes that emerge from all my conversations, is the power of reflection and the power of being seen. These are elements that I bring, not only to every podcast interview, but to my one-one-one coaching and Mother’s Quest Circle facilitation. If you’re seeking more space for pause and reflection in your life, I encourage you to reach out to me for a discovery call to learn how we might work together.  Visit mothersquest.as.me/discoverysession to schedule a time to talk.

    Click here to book a discovery call



    A big THANK YOU to our “patrons” for helping to bring these conversations to myself and other mothers through financial and/or in-kind support:

    Casey O'Rourty of Joyful Courage                                Kathie Moehlig or TransFamily Support Services
    Anne Ferguson of MamaFuel

    On the Move and etsuko Kubo
    Kate Amoo-Gottfried
    Nicole Lee
    Olivia Parr-Rud
    "Vince" of the While Black Podcast
    Sara Brannin-Mooser
    Lindsay Pera
    Julie Castro Abrams
    Alexia Vernon
    Brooke Markevicius
    Democracy Clothing
    Michael Skolnik
    Helgi Maki
    Kari Azuma
    Tamara Sobomehin
    Katie Krimitsos
    Carrie Caulfield Arick
    Rachel Rosen
    Chandra Brooks
    Jen Simon
    Monisha Vasa
    Celia Ward-Wallace
    Vanessa Couto
    Desiree Adaway
    Rachel Steinman
    Katie Hanus
    Denise Barreto 
    Sage B. Hobbs 
    Samantha Nolan-Smith
    Jody Smith
    Emily Cretella
    Collette Flanagan
    Titilayo Tinubu Ali 
    Carly Magnus Hurt
    Lizzy Russinko 
    Suzanne Brown
    Mara Berns Langer
    Mallory Schlabach 
    Katharine Earhart
    Jessica Kupferman
    Jen Jenkins Dohner
    Genese Harris
    Tonya Rineer
    Liane Louie-Badua
    Cristin Downs 
    Erin Kendall 
    Niko Osoteo 
    Erik Newton 
    Claire Fry
    Divya Silbermann
    Rachel Winter
    Caren and Debbie Lieberman
    Cameron Miranda
    Fran and David Lieberman
    Debbie and Alan Goore
    The Sustainable Living Podcast

    Support the Podcast

    If you’d like to make a contribution to Mother’s Quest to support Season Four of the Podcast and/or help provide coaching scholarships for mothers, follow this link to make a contribution.

    If you would like to “dedicate” an upcoming episode to a special mother in your life, email me at julie@mothersquest.com


    Mother's Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. lifeEngaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at https://www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest/

    The Finances of A Housewife

    The Finances of A Housewife

    Steffie becomes Fumi's therapist and tries to figure out why Fumi insists on splitting his bills with his girlfriend 50/50. Also, an all-new Cash Cuties Consulting segment where Steffie takes a shot a powerpoint.










    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

    In a financial bind? Want to rant about money? send us a SHORT email or a 1-min VOICE MEMO at CashCutiesPodcast@gmail.com adn we'll discuss it on the show!



    Briana Kim, PC (Employment Litigation)



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    Ep 27- No Leg To Stand On

    Ep 27- No Leg To Stand On
    On this episode: We look at the parallels between dictators post silent-film era and modern democratically elected occupants that are hawkish on a war in Iran. Guns and Butter come into play as the U.S. always has money for war, but feel the need to repossess a 40 year military vet’s prosthetic legs. We realize that there is no Rooney Rule for the Lee’s Summit superintendent search, (or any other job for that matter). For dessert, we gave a breakdown of “Epic Rap Battles of History’s” episode pitting Thanos and J. Robert Oppenheimer.

    Show Prologue:
    Brothers Breaking Bread, or the “Triple B Pod”, is a collection of African American professionals, friends, and family that attempt to tackle the important issues of the day. We bring our unique brand of humor, sensitivity, and oftentimes anger to the analysis. The show features Rodger (@KcStork); “The Brothers of Doom” James and Joe; Anthony (10 Meters); Ada (Lady Lavender) and extended #3BPod family. We cut our teeth as podcasters creating nearly 100 episodes of the Negroraguan Podcast, we’ve kept much of the format and traditions with a few personal touches that come with a new show. We sincerely hope you enjoy, and subscribe to the show.

    Music Cred:
    Show Intro- We Outchea - Joseph Jefferson
    Outro- It’s Over – Joseph Jefferson

    Photo Editing:
    Jason Jones

    No Leg To Stand On

    Opening : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibVpDhW6kDQ&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1DZcWWyiYkICJyUmNCxiJx050ChboWyjMUZjtaO5ipwbe5x8xoyvg_OzU

    Support the Troops:

    Trouble in the PR:

    Whites only:

    Popeyes Favorite food:

    Great Rap Battles: