
    Ep 487 The Media is Misreading Voters, and the Data

    enJune 22, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Media's focus on Trump helping GOP win electionsThe media's obsession with President Trump may be inadvertently helping Republicans win elections by framing races as a choice between Trump and the media, rather than the candidates.

      The ongoing focus on making political races a referendum on President Trump may be inadvertently helping Republicans win elections. Dan Bongino, the host of The Dan Bongino Show, believes that the media's constant emphasis on Trump is causing voters to view these races as a choice between the media and the President, rather than a decision between the Republican and Democratic candidates. This dynamic has worked in Trump's favor in the past, and it could potentially benefit the GOP in upcoming elections. Another concerning trend discussed on the show is the increasing prevalence of secret negotiations and backroom deals in politics, which Bongino argues is dangerous to the Republic. Despite these issues, Bongino remains optimistic and encourages listeners to check out Brickhouse Nutrition's Dawn to Dusk energy product for a consistent energy boost throughout the day.

    • Media's narrative on individual congressional races may not reflect realityMedia's interpretation of congressional races as a referendum on Trump's popularity might not be accurate, as these races often involve candidates with little connection to Trump, and the media's narrative may not resonate with voters.

      The media's assumption that individual congressional races are a referendum on Trump's popularity might not be accurate. These races often involve candidates who have little to do with Trump, and the media's obsession with interpreting these races as a message to Trump may not resonate with the public. The recent trend of Republican victories in these races, despite slimmer margins than historically, suggests that voters are not playing along with the media's narrative. This was also observed during the speaker's own campaign for Congress, where he noticed that his walk list consisted mainly of Republican voters. The media's bias towards the left and their eagerness to portray Republican losses as a message to Trump may not reflect the reality of these races.

    • Trump sign voters not always reliableSome Trump sign voters might be one-time supporters, not committed party members, affecting polling data and election predictions.

      During a campaign, not all voters with Trump signs in their yards should be assumed to be reliable or consistent voters. These individuals might have registered as Republicans solely to vote for Trump, and not as committed party members. This was observed in an area with numerous canals, making it challenging to walk door-to-door, leading to a decision to prioritize knocking on these doors despite their infrequent voting history. This group of voters may not appear in polling data or focus groups, contributing to potential inaccuracies in election predictions.

    • Relying too much on big data can be dangerousOverreliance on big data can lead to catastrophic errors, ignoring potential biases and incompleteness

      Relying too heavily on big data without considering its potential incompleteness or biases can lead to catastrophic errors. Using the analogy of turkeys on a farm, the speaker explains that if all the turkeys had access to big data and believed they were safe based on the data, they would all come to the farm and be wiped out on the day they were supposed to be slaughtered. Similarly, in the housing market, the availability of big data and the ability to share it among institutions led to a circular spiral of investments, ultimately causing the housing market crash. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the limitations of big data and being cautious in its application.

    • Incomplete data sets can lead to inaccurate predictions in politicsAcknowledging data limitations and focusing on local races and issues is crucial for political success

      The completeness and accuracy of data sets are crucial in making informed predictions and analyses, especially in political polling. The speaker emphasized that during the housing market crisis, the lack of complete data led to inaccurate predictions. Similarly, in the context of the 2018 elections, the speaker warned that relying on incomplete data sets that do not account for all voters, particularly those who have recently joined the political scene, can lead to incorrect assumptions and referendums on specific figures, such as Trump, rather than focusing on local issues and candidates. The speaker urged both Democrats and Republicans to acknowledge the limitations of their data sets and to focus on local races and issues to win congressional seats.

    • Media's focus on Trump as a political issue may fuel his supportThe media's obsession with Trump's unpopularity may inadvertently increase his support by driving voters to the polls as a way to express dissatisfaction with media coverage.

      The media's relentless focus on Trump as a political issue may be inadvertently driving more voters towards him, rather than turning them against him. This phenomenon was evident in the Georgia special election, where the media's portrayal of the race as a referendum on Trump led some voters to feel compelled to cast their ballots as a way to express their dissatisfaction with the media. The media's obsession with Trump's unpopularity has led them to overlook the fact that their own unpopularity may be fueling the very problem they're trying to solve. By focusing solely on the emotions and ignoring the underlying issues, the media is only perpetuating the divide and failing to effectively engage with voters. Instead, they should strive to approach political issues with a problem-solving mindset, rather than an emotional one.

    • Democratic Party's Emotional and Identity-Based Approach Hurts Their ElectionsThe Democratic Party's fixation on emotions, intentions, and identity politics is alienating voters and failing to address their concerns, hindering their ability to win elections.

      The Democratic Party's focus on emotions, intentions, and identity politics is hindering their ability to connect with voters and win elections. Despite their significant power loss at the state, federal, and local levels, they remain fixated on their anger towards Trump and their obsession with labels such as racist, homophobe, and misogynist. This approach is not only alienating half the country but also failing to address the actual issues that matter to voters. For instance, Senator Chris Murphy from Connecticut admitted that voters are not talking about Russia, and Representative Debbie Dingell acknowledged that identity politics is damaging the Democratic Party. Republicans should use this as a warning sign to prepare for the upcoming elections by fielding strong candidates and focusing on local issues.

    • Shifting focus from Trump to local issues and candidatesDemocrats are pivoting towards local elections and candidates, recognizing the importance of addressing community concerns, while some continue to target Trump.

      The political climate, particularly among the Democratic party, remains heated towards former President Trump. However, even some of the most fervent opponents are starting to recognize that focusing solely on Trump may not be effective in the long term. Instead, local issues and candidates running on local platforms are expected to dominate the 2018 elections. Additionally, the old guard Democrats who focused on dealing with issues are contrasted with the current party, which has shifted towards more divisive and polarizing rhetoric. Another important topic discussed was the concern over inflation and volatility in the economy. Precious metals, such as gold and silver, were suggested as a potential solution for protecting against these economic risks. Birch Gold was recommended as a trusted company for investing in precious metals or setting up a precious metals-backed IRA. Overall, the conversation touched on the political landscape, economic concerns, and potential solutions for individuals looking to secure their financial future.

    • Democrats make misleading statements to deflect attention from their issuesFact-check statements from politicians and do your own research before relying on others' opinions

      Democrats often make misleading statements to justify their losses and create a narrative that deflects attention from their issues. An example of this was when Tammy Baldwin, a Democrat senator from Wisconsin, claimed that voter ID laws had suppressed voting in Wisconsin and reduced turnout by 200,000 voters. However, this claim has been debunked numerous times. It's essential to fact-check statements from politicians, especially those that seem too good (or bad) to be true. Another takeaway from the discussion is the importance of doing your own research and not relying solely on what you hear from others. Birch Gold Group, which was mentioned in the conversation, is a highly-rated business with numerous positive customer reviews. It's always a good idea to check out reviews and resources for yourself before making decisions.

    • Left-leaning groups overstate impact of voter ID laws on turnoutDespite claims that strict voter ID laws prevented 200,000 people from voting in 2016, turnout was actually higher than in 2008 when no ID was required. The left's selective use of data and historical context is misleading.

      The claim made by two left-leaning groups that 200,000 people were prevented from voting due to strict voter ID laws in 2016 is debunked by the facts. The turnout in 2016, when voter ID was in place, was higher than it was in 2008 when there was no voter ID. Hans von Spakovsky, a respected authority on voter ID, thoroughly debunked the report in a National Review article. The left's cherry-picking of data sets and ignoring historical context to support their narrative is misleading and inaccurate. Using the example of baseball great George Brett, if one were to ignore his exceptional career and focus only on a poor performance during a single month, it would be a misrepresentation of his true abilities. Similarly, the statistics on voter turnout are not wrong, but the interpretation and context given to them by some groups can be misleading.

    • Politicians continue to spread misinformation about voter ID laws and turnoutPoliticians misinform public about voter ID laws impact on turnout, while media misrepresents health care bill implications

      Despite Wisconsin having one of the highest voter turnouts in the country, even surpassing states without voter ID laws, some politicians continue to spread misinformation about the relationship between voter ID laws and turnout. Meanwhile, the ongoing secretive process of crafting the Obamacare replacement bill in the Senate has raised concerns, with some fearing the media will misrepresent the bill if it's released prematurely. The CBO score of the House GOP bill showed that the majority of those projected to lose insurance under the previous bill were opting out due to high costs, but the media and Democrats chose to focus on the "23 million people will lose insurance" narrative instead. This lack of truthfulness and trust in the media has led to a dangerous precedent in the Senate's secretive bill-making process.

    • Transparency in Political Negotiations is Key to Successful Healthcare ReformPoliticians should put their ideas out in public, face criticism, and work together to create a better healthcare reform solution, rather than keeping key players out and conducting negotiations in secret.

      Transparency is crucial in political negotiations, especially when it comes to healthcare reform. Keeping key players out of the debate and conducting negotiations in secret is not the right approach, even if it means facing media scrutiny. The media may not be impartial, but excluding voices with valuable ideas and perspectives can lead to a subpar final product. It's essential for politicians to have the courage to put their ideas out in public, face criticism, and work together to create a better solution. As history shows, our founding fathers had the guts to face their challenges head-on, and we should follow their example.

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