
    Ep. 57: Thyroid Medication - Pros and Cons

    enAugust 17, 2024
    What role does thyroid hormone play in the body?
    Why might some individuals not need thyroid medication?
    What issues can affect the effectiveness of thyroid medication?
    How does inflammation impact thyroid hormone conversion?
    What holistic approach does the Institute of Natural Health recommend?

    Podcast Summary

    • Thyroid medication criteriaConsult healthcare professionals to determine the root cause of thyroid issues before deciding on medication, as not everyone requires it, and natural options may be effective.

      Thyroid medication can be necessary for individuals whose bodies aren't producing enough thyroid hormone, but it's important to consider the specific criteria before deciding to use it. Thyroid hormone plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism, and its benefits far outweigh potential side effects. However, not everyone with thyroid issues requires medication, as other factors may be causing the symptoms. It's essential to consult healthcare professionals to determine the root cause and appropriate treatment. The Institute of Natural Health advocates for a holistic approach, considering both natural and pharmaceutical options to help individuals achieve optimal health.

    • Thyroid medicationThyroid medication acts as a bridge to help restore thyroid function, but it's essential to work with healthcare professionals to identify underlying causes and prevent over-reliance on medication

      Thyroid medication serves as a bridge to help bring the body back into balance when thyroid function is impaired. This is likened to using training wheels on a bicycle, allowing the body to learn to function properly again before the support can be removed. However, it's crucial to have a healthcare team working with you to identify underlying issues, as over-reliance on medication and misdiagnosis can lead to missed opportunities for addressing root causes. Thyroid hormones impact various bodily functions, including energy production, bone health, cholesterol levels, and detoxification processes. When thyroid hormones are low, these systems can be negatively affected, leading to a host of symptoms. Medication can help address some of these issues in the short term while a holistic approach is taken to restore overall function.

    • Thyroid symptomsThyroid issues can cause a range of symptoms including elevated cholesterol, anemia, infertility, and even the destruction of the thyroid gland. Addressing the root cause can help alleviate symptoms without relying solely on medication.

      Thyroid issues can manifest in various symptoms beyond just weight gain, hair loss, and dry skin. These can include elevated cholesterol, anemia, and infertility. Thyroid dysfunction can also lead to the destruction of the thyroid gland, making it less able to produce hormones. This can result in a vicious cycle of the body demanding more thyroid hormones, leading to further damage. However, there is hope for those suffering from thyroid issues. If the thyroid gland itself is not the problem, addressing the root cause can help alleviate symptoms without the need for medication. Medications can be used as a crutch in certain situations, but they should not be the sole solution. It's important to explore other options, such as addressing adrenal stress or nutrient deficiencies, to help the body produce and utilize thyroid hormones effectively. There are various thyroid medications available beyond just levothyroxine, and it's essential to be informed about all options before making a decision.

    • Thyroid medication and underlying causesWhile thyroid medication may be necessary for some, addressing the underlying cause of hypothyroidism is crucial for effective treatment and comprehensive healing.

      While thyroid medication may be necessary for some individuals, it should not be the end of the road. A balanced approach to healthcare involves understanding both conventional and functional medicine perspectives. Practitioners should be able to explain the physiology of medications and their role in the larger health strategy. Hypothyroidism, which is often autoimmune, decreases the amount of thyroid hormone available to the body. Conventional medicine's approach of replacing hormones with synthetic forms, such as levothyroxine or synthroid, may seem like a common sense solution. However, it's essential to address the underlying cause of the problem. Ignoring the root cause can lead to ineffective treatments and a missed opportunity for comprehensive healing.

    • Addressing root cause vs. symptom reliefFocusing solely on symptom relief through medication is not effective for complex health issues. Identifying and addressing the root cause, such as inflammation, is crucial for healing and repair.

      Focusing solely on symptom relief through medication is not the most effective approach to addressing complex health issues. Instead, it's essential to identify and address the root cause, which may involve changing one's environment or lifestyle. For instance, if you have a plant with brown leaves, you don't paint them green; instead, you water the soil and provide the necessary nutrients. Similarly, in the context of health, addressing inflammation and its impact on the hypothalamus pituitary thyroid axis is crucial for those with thyroid issues or autoimmune conditions. Inflammation suppresses the thyroid axis, making it challenging to turn things around and heal. Medication can help, but it may not be enough if inflammation is not addressed. Ultimately, a more holistic, long-term approach is necessary for effective healing and repair.

    • Thyroid hormone receptors, InflammationThyroid medication may be ineffective if the body lacks or is insensitive to thyroid hormone receptors, and inflammation can hinder the conversion of T4 to T3, making natural forms of thyroid medication containing both T4 and T3 potentially more beneficial.

      Thyroid medication may not be effective if the body doesn't have enough or sensitive enough thyroid hormone receptors. This means that even if you take a large amount of thyroid medication, it won't be able to bind to the cells and be used, making it ineffective. Another reason for this issue is inflammation, which can decrease the conversion of T4 into T3, the active component of thyroid hormone. In such cases, natural forms of thyroid medication that contain both T4 and T3 may be more beneficial. It's important to consider these potential issues if thyroid medication isn't working as expected.

    • Thyroid inflammationAddressing inflammation is crucial for managing thyroid dysfunction and restoring the hypothalamus pituitary thyroid axis, often overlooked in conventional and alternative medical fields

      While thyroid medication can be an important part of managing thyroid dysfunction, especially for those with Hashimoto's and extremely high TSH levels, it is not a cure-all. Inflammation, caused by dysregulation of the immune system, is a key contributor to thyroid issues and must be addressed to restore the hypothalamus pituitary thyroid axis and improve receptor function. Unfortunately, this approach is often overlooked in conventional and even alternative medical fields. It's crucial to find a healthcare provider who understands the importance of addressing the root cause of inflammation and working to decrease it. Thyroid medication is just one piece of the puzzle, and all other aspects of health must be considered and treated accordingly. For more information, visit the Institute of Natural Health's website, follow them on social media, or call 314-293-8123.