
    Ep. 120: Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy – The Basics

    enAugust 10, 2024
    What is the primary difference between BHRT and HRT?
    Why are bioidentical hormones preferred over synthetic ones?
    How do gut issues affect hormone absorption?
    What role does testosterone play in inflammation reduction?
    Why is thyroid health important for hormonal balance?

    Podcast Summary

    • Bioidentical vs Synthetic HormonesBioidentical hormones, similar to naturally produced hormones, have fewer side effects and better absorption for most patients, unlike synthetic hormones which can increase risk factors, particularly for the liver due to the first-pass effect.

      Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) and traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have significant differences. BHRT uses bioidentical sources of hormones, which are nearly identical to the body's naturally produced hormones, while HRT uses synthetic forms. The use of synthetic hormones can result in increased risk factors, particularly for the liver due to the first-pass effect. BHRT, on the other hand, tends to work better and have fewer side effects for most patients. Additionally, for individuals with gut issues or nutritional deficiencies, the absorption and metabolism of hormones can be affected, making natural forms like BHRT a better choice.

    • Hormone imbalance effectsHormone imbalance from hormone therapy can slow down metabolism and affect various body areas, including the thyroid, causing low energy, joint pain, and less obvious symptoms. Bioidentical hormones and transdermal methods can help reduce potential liver issues.

      When someone is taking hormones, their liver has to work harder to process them, which can slow down metabolism and affect multiple areas of the body, including the thyroid. Low energy and motivation, as well as less obvious symptoms like joint pain, can be signs of hormone imbalance. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be an effective solution, but it's important to note that different forms of hormone replacement, such as transdermal methods like patches, creams, or pellets, can have different benefits and risks. These methods allow the hormones to go directly to the source and bypass the liver, reducing potential liver issues. It's crucial to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

    • Hormonal optimizationHormonal optimization can improve energy levels, cognitive function, and reduce chronic disease risk. Synthetic and bioidentical hormones differ, and getting a hormone check is recommended. Hormonal changes can occur at younger ages, optimizing earlier leads to better health outcomes, and environmental factors and sleep impact hormone production.

      Hormone replacement therapy is not just for bodybuilders or those seeking a better sex life. Instead, optimizing hormones can have numerous health benefits, including improving energy levels, cognitive function, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. It's important to note that synthetic and bioidentical forms of hormones have differences, and getting a hormone check is recommended, especially for those who have had children. Hormonal changes can occur at younger ages, and optimizing hormones earlier can lead to better health outcomes. Additionally, environmental factors such as toxic chemicals and lifestyle choices can negatively impact hormone production. Adequate sleep is crucial for hormonal optimization.

    • Hormonal imbalancesFactors like poor diet, lack of sleep, and chronic infections can cause hormonal imbalances, which can affect every other hormone in the body. Identifying the root cause is essential for effective treatment, and addressing overall health can lead to more significant benefits than just hormone replacement therapy.

      Hormones in our body are interconnected like a spider's web. An imbalance in one hormone, such as testosterone or thyroid, can affect every other hormone. Factors like gut dysfunction, poor diet, lack of sleep, toxic chemicals, toxic metals, mold, and chronic infections can cause hormonal imbalances. It's essential to identify the root cause of these imbalances to effectively address them. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help restore hormonal balance, but it's not a complete solution. Taking care of overall health, including addressing underlying causes, can lead to more significant health benefits. For instance, thyroid hormone plays a crucial role in producing other hormones, so thyroid health is essential. Conventional medicine often focuses on individual health issues, but considering the interconnectedness of hormones can lead to a more comprehensive and effective approach to healthcare.

    • Testosterone's Role in Healing and InflammationTestosterone reduces inflammation and aids in healing, contributing to overall health and well-being, and may improve focus, memory, bone density, and heart health.

      Testosterone plays a crucial role in the body's healing and repair processes, as well as reducing inflammation. Chronic inflammation is linked to various diseases, and adequate testosterone levels can help lower inflammation, leading to improved overall health. Testosterone also benefits brain health, increasing focus and memory, and enhances bone health by increasing bone mineral density better than any prescription medication. Moreover, testosterone can improve heart health by increasing blood flow to the heart and helping lower plaque in the arteries. These benefits make testosterone an essential hormone for optimal health and well-being.

    • Hormone healthBioidentical hormones, specifically testosterone, improve brain, bone, cardiovascular, and breast tissue health by balancing estrogen levels and reducing estrogen receptor downregulation, unlike synthetic hormones which increase cancer and cardiovascular disease risks

      Bioidentical hormones, particularly testosterone, offer significant benefits for brain health, bone health, cardiovascular health, and breast tissue health. Testosterone plays a crucial role in balancing estrogen levels and downregulating estrogen receptors, which is particularly important for breast tissue health and reducing the risk of hormone-driven breast cancer. It's essential to understand that not all hormone replacement therapies are created equal, and synthetic hormones like Premarin, derived from pregnant mare urine, have been linked to increased cancer and cardiovascular disease risks in studies. Bioidentical hormones, on the other hand, are chemically identical to the hormones produced naturally in the body and have not been shown to have the same negative side effects. Ultimately, hormone balance is key to reducing cancer risk and optimizing overall health.

    • Functional medicine imbalancesFunctional medicine focuses on eliminating harmful elements and providing the body with necessary elements to bring it back into balance for optimal health.

      In functional medicine, the focus is on bringing the body back into balance by eliminating harmful elements and providing the body with what it needs. This is achieved through testing and identifying deficiencies or excesses. The body has the natural ability to heal and repair, but sometimes needs assistance in the form of vitamins, minerals, or other necessary elements. Without addressing these imbalances, healing and optimal health cannot be achieved. It's important to remember that the body cannot create these necessary elements out of thin air, and taking steps to provide them is essential for overall wellness. For more information, visit INHSTL.com or call 314-293-8123.

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