
    Ep. 85: Introduction to Hormones

    enJuly 27, 2024
    What does Homes.com offer potential homebuyers?
    How can hormonal imbalances affect individuals' health?
    What are common symptoms of hormonal changes?
    Why is understanding hormonal health important as we age?
    What factors influence hormonal balance in individuals?

    Podcast Summary

    • Neighborhood exploration, hormonal healthExploring neighborhoods thoroughly and understanding hormonal health are crucial for making informed decisions when purchasing a new home and maintaining overall well-being.

      When considering purchasing a new home, it's essential to explore the neighborhood as thoroughly as the property itself. Homes.com offers comprehensive neighborhood guides, providing valuable information about local amenities, cultural attractions, transportation, and unique qualities, ensuring potential homebuyers make informed decisions. Meanwhile, in health-related news, hormonal imbalances can significantly impact individuals, regardless of age. Symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, and decreased exercise tolerance can be indicators of hormonal changes. Both men and women experience hormonal shifts, with women's testosterone levels declining earlier than men's. Balancing hormones is crucial for overall health, and optimizing hormone levels for each individual is essential. Factors such as lifestyle, diet, and environmental toxins can influence hormonal balance. Understanding the significance of hormonal health and recognizing symptoms can lead to improved well-being.

    • Hormonal ImbalancesHormonal imbalances can affect people of all ages due to stress and environmental factors, leading to symptoms and health issues. Addressing underlying causes and optimizing hormones can improve energy levels, mood, and overall well-being.

      As we age, we may experience hormonal fluctuations and energy dips that can impact our overall health and vitality. This isn't limited to menopause, but can also affect people in their twenties and thirties due to stress and environmental factors. These hormonal imbalances can lead to a range of symptoms and health issues, and it's important to address them to live a long, healthy life. Hormone optimization and addressing underlying causes such as diet and stress can help improve energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. It's important to remember that aging doesn't mean falling apart, but rather living a vibrant and fulfilling life beyond a hundred years.

    • Home Neighborhood Guides, Healthy HormonesUnderstanding a neighborhood's amenities and cultural attractions is vital when buying a home. Hormonal imbalances, often caused by obesity, can lead to various health issues, including hot flashes, anxiety, and mood swings. Addressing hormonal imbalances early can help improve overall health.

      When it comes to buying a home, understanding the neighborhood is crucial. Homes.com provides comprehensive neighborhood guides for each listing, offering valuable information on amenities, transportation, cultural attractions, and more. Meanwhile, in health news, hormonal imbalances, particularly the decrease in estrogen levels, can lead to various symptoms such as hot flashes, anxiety, vaginal dryness, and mood swings. Estrogen, essential for both men and women, is produced mostly in the ovary in females and adipose tissue via aromatization. However, the high prevalence of obesity in America can lead to the production of harmful estrogen, contributing to hormonal imbalances. Symptoms of estrogen deficiency include hot flashes, anxiety, vaginal dryness, and mood swings. It's essential to address hormonal imbalances at an earlier age, especially for those who are overweight or obese. Menopause, defined as the absence of a period for 12 months, is associated with low estrogen levels. The average age for menopause is 51, but it can occur as early as 40. Hormonal imbalances can lead to various health conditions, including chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. Addressing the underlying hormonal imbalance can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall health.

    • Hormonal imbalancesHormonal imbalances can lead to serious health consequences, particularly after surgical interventions, and proper testing and comprehensive care are crucial for optimizing hormonal balance and preventing potential health issues.

      Hormonal imbalances can have serious health consequences, particularly after surgical interventions such as hysterectomies. For women, the removal of ovaries and uterus can lead to hormonal chaos, increasing the risk of mortality from conditions like heart attacks and breast cancer. Similarly, men experience andropause, or testosterone deficiency, which can also have significant health implications, including faster rates of decline in testosterone production. It's essential to understand the complexities of hormonal health and the interconnectedness of various systems in the body, as neglecting any part of the puzzle can lead to incomplete or ineffective treatments. Proper testing and comprehensive care are crucial for optimizing hormonal balance and preventing potential health issues.

    • Hormonal changesHormonal imbalances can cause various symptoms, including menopause symptoms in women and irritability or lack of energy in men, leading to significant impacts on overall well-being and relationships.

      Hormones play a crucial role in protecting the bones, brain, breast, and heart. Imbalances in hormone levels can lead to various conditions, such as menopause symptoms in women (itchy, bitchy, forgetful, sweaty, bloated, sleepy, and all dried up) and irritability or lack of energy in men. These changes can be gradual and often misunderstood as personality changes or aging, but they can significantly impact a person's overall well-being and relationships. By understanding the role of hormones and addressing imbalances, individuals can experience improved mood, increased energy, and better communication within their relationships.

    • Hormonal healthOptimizing hormones through treatments like pellets can prevent or mitigate health issues like osteoporosis, cognitive decline, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer during menopause and andropause, leading to increased bone density and improved quality of life for patients, resulting in profound gratitude and appreciation.

      Hormonal imbalances, particularly during menopause and andropause, can lead to various health issues including osteoporosis, cognitive decline, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. These conditions can significantly impact one's quality of life. However, optimizing hormones through treatments like pellets can help prevent or mitigate these conditions. For instance, pellets have been shown to increase bone density by up to 8.3% per year in clinical studies. Moreover, addressing hormonal imbalances can lead to profound gratitude and appreciation from patients, making it a rewarding experience for healthcare practitioners. It's crucial to recognize the importance of hormonal health and take proactive steps to maintain balance.

    • Hormone protection and agingAs people age, decreased hormone levels increase disease risk, but bioidentical hormones, not synthetic, can help protect against conditions like breast and prostate cancer when used appropriately. Finding a certified functional medicine practitioner is essential for optimization and individualized care.

      Hormones, including testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen, play a protective role against various diseases, including breast and prostate cancer, when present at optimal levels. However, as people age, hormone levels decrease, increasing the risk of these and other conditions. It's essential to understand that bioidentical hormones, which have the same molecular structure as those produced naturally in the body, are not the same as synthetic hormones, which have different structures. Finding a functional medicine practitioner with proper certification and experience is crucial for hormone optimization and addressing any related health concerns. The importance of asking detailed questions and allowing enough time for consultations cannot be overstated, as each person's case is unique and may require individualized attention.

    • Optimizing hormones before symptoms ariseDelaying treatment for hormonal imbalances can lead to more severe health complications, including heart disease, Alzheimer's, and mortality. It's essential to prioritize hormonal health before major symptoms like menopause or erectile dysfunction arise.

      Both men and women should consider optimizing their hormones before major symptoms like menopause for women or erectile dysfunction for men arise. These conditions can indicate that testosterone or other essential hormones are already low, increasing the risk of various health issues such as heart disease, Alzheimer's, and mortality. If you're experiencing these symptoms, it's crucial to seek help. Delaying treatment can lead to more severe health complications. Don't wait until it's too late. For more information, visit the Institute of Natural Health's website, follow them on Facebook and Instagram, or call 314-293-8123. Remember, your health is worth prioritizing.

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