
    Podcast Summary

    • Creating income and memories with Airbnb and expressing gratitude with 1-800-FlowersAirbnb transforms empty homes into income generators and welcoming spaces for travelers, while 1-800-Flowers offers opportunities to show appreciation for loved ones.

      Airbnb can turn an empty home into a source of income and a place for creating memories, while services like 1-800-Flowers offer opportunities to express gratitude towards the important people in our lives. Michelle Norris, the host of "Your Mom's Kitchen" podcast, shares her experiences of using Airbnb for finding a taste of home while traveling and entertaining guests at home. She emphasizes the potential worth of one's home when it's not being used. Meanwhile, Shag Marion Lloyd, Rosie Ramsey, and Chris Ramsey discuss the importance of human connection and the value of people, even during challenging times. They also promote the sponsor, People, which encourages embracing the ups and downs of relationships. This episode highlights the significance of making the most of our homes and cherishing our connections with others.

    • Miscommunication and its impact on collaborative projectsClarify intentions and confirm understanding to prevent misunderstandings and tension in collaborative projects. Balance creative projects and ensure adequate rest to maintain performance quality. Be aware of passive-aggressive behaviors and their impact on relationships.

      Communication and clarity are crucial in any collaborative project. During a podcast discussion, a misunderstanding arose regarding a song reference. One party assumed it was one song, while the other meant another. This miscommunication led to confusion and frustration. The importance of clarifying intentions and confirming understanding cannot be overstated. In this case, if the parties had taken the time to clarify their meanings, they could have avoided the misunderstanding and the resulting tension. Additionally, the podcast hosts discussed the impact of writing a book on their speaking abilities during podcast recordings. They mentioned feeling drained of words due to the writing process, which affected their podcast performances. This highlights the importance of balancing creative projects and ensuring adequate rest and preparation for each task. Furthermore, the conversation touched upon the topic of passive-aggressive behaviors and how they can manifest in relationships. The hosts shared an example of their mother's actions, which seemed like small favors but were actually passive-aggressive gestures. This serves as a reminder to be aware of our actions and intentions, especially when they may unintentionally cause frustration or confusion for others.

    • Surprising each other with humor and connectionDespite disagreements, they find joy in each other through humor, shared experiences, and surprising gestures.

      Despite the challenges and disagreements in their relationship, the speakers have managed to find humor and connection with each other. They have learned to appreciate each other's quirks and have even found creative ways to surprise and delight one another. For instance, the speaker bought his partner a private jet as a surprise gift, and although it turned out to be a joke, it shows the lengths they are willing to go to make each other happy. They have also found solace in shared experiences like watching Tiger King during the lockdown and playing pranks on each other using their smart speakers. Overall, their relationship is filled with laughter, surprises, and a deep connection that helps them navigate the ups and downs of life together.

    • Discovering the unexpected in repetitionEven in repetition, there can be new discoveries and moments of humor. Shared experiences and a positive attitude can make the ordinary extraordinary.

      Even in the midst of annoyance or repetition, there can be moments of humor and surprise. The speakers in this conversation kept hearing the same song, "I Saw a Tiger," multiple times, but in real life, they discovered something new each time. The song's catchy melody and similar genre made it seem like it was bleeding into the next, but in reality, they encountered unexpected situations that made the repetition worthwhile. From mistaking a man for a tiger to discovering a hidden talent for pranking, the speakers found joy in the unexpected twists that came with the repetition. The conversation also showcases the power of shared experiences and the ability to find humor in everyday situations, even during challenging times.

    • Friendship and shared experiences despite differencesFriendship provides enjoyment and connection despite disagreements and challenges, but open communication is key to avoiding misunderstandings and maintaining the bond.

      Despite differences and challenges, such as refusing to watch the news, there is still enjoyment and connection to be found in friendship and shared experiences. However, a lack of communication and understanding can lead to misunderstandings and frustration. The discussion also touches upon the impact of the pandemic on social interactions and personal boundaries. Ultimately, the friends find humor in their situation and look forward to future interactions. Despite the occasional disagreements and misunderstandings, they value their bond and the moments they share.

    • Unexpected encounter with intrusive content and its impact on communicationRespecting boundaries in communication is crucial for maintaining a positive and enjoyable interaction. Unwanted content, such as a video of someone firing a turd into a toilet, can disrupt the flow and enjoyment of a podcast or other forms of communication.

      The podcast hosts had an unexpected encounter with a video of someone firing a turd into a toilet, which they found intrusive and unnecessary. The hosts received a large volume of emails and messages, some of which were repetitive or passive-aggressive. Despite getting requests for shout-outs, they prefer not to dedicate the entire podcast to this, as it would make for a less enjoyable listening experience. The hosts also shared some personal stories about receiving shout-outs on the radio and winning talent competitions. Overall, the conversation revolved around the unexpected nature of receiving unwanted content and the importance of respecting boundaries in communication.

    • A shared secret from their past strengthens a couple's bond during quarantineDiscovering a shared love for a late-night radio show brought a couple closer together during isolation, emphasizing the value of communication and shared experiences in maintaining a strong relationship.

      The Northeast in the UK is known for its late-night talk radio shows, specifically "Night Owls" on Metro Radio hosted by Alan Robson. During one such show, Chris won a singing competition over the phone, an accomplishment he had kept hidden from his girlfriend Rosie for seven years. The conversation revealed that they have a deep connection with the radio show, as they used to listen to it together late at night when they were younger. Despite the challenges of quarantine, they remain dedicated to each other and look forward to being reunited. The discovery of this shared secret brought them closer together and highlighted the importance of communication and shared experiences in a relationship.

    • Listeners' ebb and flow behavior and unusual stories sharedListeners jump in and out of podcasts, creating an ebb and flow in the audience. Unusual behaviors from loved ones were shared, highlighting the diversity and unpredictability of everyday life.

      New listeners to a podcast often jump in at the most recent episode and then go back to older ones, creating an ebb and flow in the listener base. This was discussed in relation to a listener's mother's shocking behavior during the pandemic, where she resorted to licking her grandson's hands clean due to a shortage of hand sanitizer. The group also shared stories of odd behaviors exhibited by loved ones, such as a man who stamps his feet at the top of the stairs to wake his child in the middle of the night. Another story involved a man with a bizarre fetish who contracted herpes by eating discarded condoms under the Brighton pier. While these stories were disturbing, they served as reminders of the unique and often unexpected experiences that make up everyday life.

    • A couple's unusual fetish rumor debunkedLife can surprise us with unusual situations, but it's important to keep an open mind and fact-check before jumping to conclusions. LinkedIn is a valuable resource for hiring professionals.

      The world can be full of surprises, even the most unusual and seemingly disturbing ones. During a discussion, it was revealed that there was a couple reportedly still together despite one partner's unusual fetish. However, it was clarified that the reports were not accurate, and the couple was not actually in such a situation. The conversation then shifted to various topics, including the origin of the fetish and why the partner didn't just admit to cheating instead. The group also shared their opinions on Mister Blobby, a children's character from the past, and expressed their surprise at the price drops offered by Mint Mobile. Overall, the conversation was a reminder that life can be stranger than fiction and that it's important to keep an open mind. Additionally, LinkedIn was highlighted as a valuable resource for hiring professionals who may not be actively looking for new opportunities.

    • Creating personal sanctuaries in unexpected placesGrowing up, I found comfort in a small wardrobe, transforming it into my personal study and escape. Cherishing unique experiences, even in shared spaces, is valuable.

      Growing up, I found comfort and solitude in unexpected places. I shared a room with my sister, but instead of using the built-in wardrobe space for a bed, we had bunk beds in another part of the room. To claim a sense of privacy and ownership, I would clear out my side of the wardrobe, setting up a small desk and chair, and sit inside with the door slightly ajar. This became my personal sanctuary, where I could focus on my homework and escape the hustle and bustle of our shared living space. Although I felt fortunate to have this secret hideaway, I couldn't help but feel envious of those who had their own rooms. It wasn't until I was 18, when my sister moved out, that I finally had a space all to myself. Looking back, I realize that my experience of finding comfort in unconventional spaces has shaped my perspective on making the most of the resources available to me. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the topic of camping and the communal showering facilities. While some may view this as an inconvenience, others, including myself, cherish the memories of shared experiences and the simple joys of nature that come with camping. Overall, this anecdote highlights the importance of finding personal space and comfort in unexpected places, and the value of cherishing the unique experiences that come with it.

    • Childhood Memories: Exciting and TraumaticConfessing the truth, even if it's late, is important. Childhood memories can be complicated and may involve both excitement and trauma.

      Childhood memories can be both exciting and traumatic, and sometimes the truth about past events may not be revealed until much later. The speaker shared a story about an incident that occurred during a camping trip when he was a child. He and his brother had a fight, and the speaker threw a stone that hit his brother, leaving him with a head injury. For years, the speaker got away with the lie that another child was responsible. When the story was retold years later, the speaker confessed to his parents that he was the one who threw the stone. The experience taught him that if you haven't done anything wrong, it's important to tell the truth, but if you have, it's sometimes better to keep quiet to avoid getting in trouble. The speaker also shared a story about his girlfriend's experience of staying with her parents during the early days of their relationship and the awkwardness of having to walk past them in a towel every morning. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of truth and the complexities of childhood memories.

    • Respecting personal boundaries and privacy in shared living spacesCommunication and respect are key to maintaining healthy relationships and boundaries in shared living spaces. Everyone has different comfort levels and expectations, so it's essential to respect each other's boundaries to ensure a harmonious living situation.

      Personal boundaries and privacy are important in relationships, especially when it comes to sharing living spaces and using shared facilities. The discussion highlights the discomfort and unease that can arise when these boundaries are crossed, leading to feelings of embarrassment, annoyance, and even anger. The example given in the conversation, where one partner's morning routine involves using the bathroom in front of their significant other's parents, illustrates how such situations can be perceived as strange, weird, and even embarrassing by all parties involved. The conversation also reveals the importance of communication and respect in maintaining healthy relationships and boundaries. It's essential to remember that everyone has different comfort levels and expectations when it comes to sharing living spaces and facilities, and it's crucial to respect each other's boundaries to ensure a harmonious living situation.

    • A woman's unexpected encounter with an unconventional fetish on TinderPeople have unique preferences and desires, embrace new experiences with an open mind and a sense of humor.

      People's desires and fetishes can be unconventional and surprising. In this story, a woman shares her experience of matching with an incredibly attractive man on Tinder, only to discover that his unusual fetish involved being treated as a footstool. Despite her initial shock and disappointment, she and her housemates eventually embraced the situation and found humor and bonding in the experience. The story serves as a reminder that everyone has unique preferences and desires, and it's important to approach new experiences with an open mind and a sense of humor.

    • A Light-Hearted Conversation on Past Lives, Furniture, and CelebritiesSkepticism about past lives, fear of ordering furniture during lockdown, desire to be a former teacher or comfortable chair, investment theory about not trusting attractive people, discussion about bumping into past crushes, dream of being a celebrity guest, and a curious question about what a centipede would do with shoes if it had 100 legs.

      The conversation touched on various topics including past lives, furniture, trust, and celebrity questions. The speaker expressed their skepticism about past lives and joked about being a piece of furniture if they could. They also shared their fear of ordering furniture during lockdown and their desire to be a former teacher or a comfortable chair. The conversation also included an investment theory about not trusting overly attractive people, a discussion about bumping into attractive people from the past, and a dream about being a celebrity guest on a podcast. The speaker also shared a unique and intriguing question about what a centipede would do with shoes if it had 100 legs. Overall, the conversation was light-hearted and thought-provoking, showcasing the speakers' unique perspectives and sense of humor.

    • Navigating Life as a Centipede: Unique Challenges and Surprising TopicsBeing a centipede brings unique challenges like needing shoes to avoid sore feet but limiting access to certain places, bending to reach all feet but struggling with length and complexity, and even discussing unexpected topics like constipation and teamwork in marriage.

      Being a centipede, with multiple bodies and legs, would present unique challenges in everyday life. For instance, wearing shoes all the time would be a necessity to avoid sore feet, but it could limit access to certain places like nice carpets. The centipede's bending ability would allow it to reach all its feet, but it might face difficulties in navigating the world due to its length and complex structure. Additionally, the discussion revealed some unexpected topics, such as constipation and the importance of teamwork in marriage. It's essential to remember that these musings were the result of a creative and unscripted conversation, which sometimes led to absurd and humorous situations.

    • Woman's embarrassing office incident leads to 'mystery shitbag'Consider potential consequences and plan ahead to minimize negative impact. For example, ensure access to private areas or trusted help when facing unexpected circumstances.

      People handle uncomfortable situations in different ways, and sometimes those ways can lead to unexpected consequences. The story shared involves a woman who, due to being in a rural area without access to a proper toilet, ended up having an accident in a postal bag and leaving it in her work van. This incident resulted in a mystery person being named "the mystery shitbag" among her colleagues. Although the situation was embarrassing, it also highlighted the importance of having alternative solutions when faced with unexpected circumstances. If the woman had access to a private area or a trusted person to help her dispose of the bag, the situation could have been avoided. It's essential to consider the potential consequences of our actions and plan ahead to minimize any negative impact.

    • Unexpected discoveries and finding joy in the little thingsDespite unexpected surprises and challenges, it's important to keep moving forward and find comfort in the simple pleasures in life. Investing in high-quality items that bring comfort and satisfaction is a worthwhile investment.

      Even in the midst of unexpected surprises and challenges, it's important to keep moving forward and find comfort in the simple pleasures in life. The discussion began with a surprise discovery of a tiger in a pizza menu, which led to a series of tangents and humorous exchanges. Despite the mental toll and occasional distractions, the hosts expressed their love for their listeners and their commitment to providing value. The commercial messages in the podcast emphasized the importance of quality and comfort, with Boll and Branch promoting their organic cotton sheets that get softer with every wash, and Quince offering jet setting essentials at affordable prices with ethical manufacturing practices. Overall, the podcast showcased the importance of finding joy in the little things, even during challenging times, and the value of investing in high-quality items that bring comfort and satisfaction.

    Recent Episodes from Sh**ged Married Annoyed

    Ep 275. Robaldo

    Ep 275. Robaldo
    On this week's podcast Rosie is excited by her Apple watch and Chris get animated over back of the knee sweat. Sister Kate features this week and explains the lengths she went to get her dog to come back. Beefs get emotional and QFTP's involve a gamer ick, peeing in public and perhaps the worse thing you can eat on a plane! Plus, is it okay to wear a track suit to a wedding?...

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    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in

    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in
    In this episode of Shagged Married Annoyed Chris and Rosie discuss places they DON'T want to visit, Space being on the top of Rosie's list (even with 100 Tampons). Chris gives Mondays a kick up the backside and the beefs get personal when Chris reveals that Rosie read one of his texts. QFTP's involve an incredible/unusual kink and there are some stellar icks which kick off a chat about the John Barnes rap...cue Best Mate Steph!

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    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!

    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!
    This week on the podcast Chris is feeling under the weather and the pair get nostalgic about working in a shop. Chris gets mad at Soft Play Dads and Rosie shares an SMA level pooh story. Other topics up for discussion - CostCo, free stuff, protests and eating a cucumber in public. All of this plus Rosie has been busy watching documentaries.

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    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs

    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs
    This week, Rosie and Chris are off to London to do exciting things which they’re not allowed to talk about on the podcast, Chris has bumped into one of Rosie's old teachers at soft play and Rafe has revealed a development in our cashless society. We get an update after last week’s little argument… and the podcast also gets interrupted by the window cleaners. There are some questionable gym techniques discussed in QFTPs as well as a story from our favourite place… the GUM clinic!

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    Ep 271. Fox Blocked

    Ep 271. Fox Blocked
    On the podcast this week things get serious when the Ramsey's start preparing for a joint 40th birthday party that is taking place in 2 years! As well as this they discuss cream out of a can, thieving from your doorstep and bad algorithms! QFTP's involve some Rosie's Mysteries and a dog based ick! PLUS Chris reveals that he has never seen the film Grease!

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    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine
    It's a (kind of) sexy episode this week! Chris and Rosie chat Northern Lights, latte art, competitions and Chris does some coffee math! Rosie has been talking about Chris behind his back which gets back to him and causes some fresh beef. QTFP involve a new game, spag bowl and a roll on deodorant. PLUS Chris starts planning Rosie's quiz for next week.

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    Ep 268. Eat an egg!

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!
    Chris and Rosie discuss childhood games, refreshment sharing on a train and a league table of 'going out'. Chris shows Rosie his jiu-jitsu video and awaits her reaction! They also discus the potential meaning of pineapples! QFTP's include a randy dog, worms and a discussion about quick sand.

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    Ep 267. Rumour has it

    Ep 267. Rumour has it
    There's a rumour going around town about the Ramsey's... but is it true? The pair catch up after Rosie has been away for work and she presents Chris with the latest TikTok Bear/Man dilemma. The beef's get heated, there's some Star Wars explanation and QFTP's include a belly button investigation, an iron ick and a second time emailer!

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    Ep 266. Gasolina

    Ep 266. Gasolina
    On this week's podcast Chris proclaims Rosie as his Best Friend and it's not reciprocated! They discuss leisure wear, the London Marathon, Rosie's algorithm's and her thoughts on sugar free Chocolate Mousse. They have a couple of crime based QFTP's and a rouge mushroom incident.

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    Instagram: @newlywedspodcast

    TikTok: @newlyweds 

    Email: newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk

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    Podcast Producer & Editor: @jacksuddaby_

    Exec Producer: @jemimarathbone

    Assistant Producer: @maiaadelia.docs

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Social Media: @thechampagency 

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