
    Ep. 68 How To Overcome Your Demons With Jason Fox

    enJanuary 02, 2024
    Why is LinkedIn important for small business hiring?
    What lessons did Jason Fox learn from his military experience?
    How did the divers discover Captain Kidd's treasure?
    What impact do relationships have on mental health?
    How did Moe transition into a career in TV?

    • Utilizing LinkedIn for hiring and finding talent70% of LinkedIn users don't visit other job sites, making it essential for small businesses to use LinkedIn for hiring qualified candidates, even those not actively seeking new opportunities. Mental health struggles and resilience were also discussed, emphasizing the importance of addressing toxic relationships and seeking help.

      LinkedIn is an essential platform for small business owners looking to hire professionals. It's like looking for car keys in a fish tank if you're not using LinkedIn to find talent. Over 70% of LinkedIn users don't visit other leading job sites, making it the go-to place for finding qualified candidates, even those who aren't actively seeking new opportunities. Jason Fox, a former Royal Marine Commander, shared his inspiring journey of resilience and mental health struggles post-military. His experiences highlighted the importance of addressing toxic relationships and seeking help when needed. In the military, Fox learned valuable lessons, including the significance of being prepared and making difficult decisions at a young age. His openness about his mental health journey serves as a reminder that it's okay to ask for help and prioritize self-care. Overall, the key takeaways from this discussion emphasize the importance of utilizing LinkedIn for hiring, addressing mental health challenges, and reflecting on past experiences to learn and grow.

    • Joining the Military: A Journey of Adaptation and ResilienceRecognizing the need to make a change, the speaker joined the military at a young age and learned resilience and adaptation through rigorous training and new environment challenges.

      At a young age, the speaker recognized the need to make a change in his life and joined the military despite facing challenges. He shared his experience of joining the marines, which included physical tests, rigorous training, and adapting to a new environment. The initial shock of living on base was a culture shock for the 16-year-old, who was expected to take care of himself and his belongings. Keeping up with the high standards and expectations was the most challenging part for him during the first 10 weeks. However, he learned that he could endure hardships and push through despite the difficulties. Overall, his first year in the military taught him resilience and the ability to adapt to new situations.

    • Embrace discomfort for growthMarine Corps training teaches the importance of dedication, discipline, and adapting to uncomfortable situations for personal growth

      Becoming good at something, even if it's challenging and uncomfortable, is a result of dedication, discipline, and growing up. The Marine Corps training is a gradual process that starts with basic physical training and gradually introduces more complex military skills. However, it also requires trainees to learn essential life skills like washing and ironing clothes. The real test comes when trainees have to live in the field for extended periods, which requires them to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Those who don't embrace the discomfort and aren't motivated enough to push through will likely give up.

    • From Marines to SBS: Embracing ChallengesDiscovering the importance of embracing discomfort and challenges for personal growth, the speaker transitioned from the Royal Marines to the Special Boat Service (SBS). Despite the demanding selection process and its impact on his personal life, he thrived under the pressure and grew as a person.

      The speaker discovered a love for discomfort and challenge during his journey from becoming a Royal Marine to joining the Special Boat Service (SBS). He found the conventional duties and ceremonial aspects of the marines unpleasant and sought a more challenging role. The SBS selection process was grueling and demanding, with little feedback or encouragement. However, the speaker thrived under the pressure and learned that it was essential for personal growth. Once in the SBS, he was given significant responsibility and was constantly busy, often working abroad and dealing with various agencies. The impact on his home life was significant, with long periods away from his own bed. Despite the challenges, the speaker learned that pressure is necessary for growth and that he was capable of more than he thought.

    • Embracing Discomfort for GrowthPush yourself into uncomfortable situations to build confidence and improve abilities. Mental and physical robustness, along with a desire to face challenges, are essential traits for success.

      Embracing pressure and putting yourself in uncomfortable situations can help build confidence and improve your abilities. The speaker shares his experience of joining a live tour despite feeling uncomfortable, and encourages others to do the same in their own careers. He also reflects on his time in the military, where a high attrition rate meant only the most stubborn and resilient individuals made it through selection. The speaker suggests that mental and physical robustness, along with a desire to be in uncomfortable situations, are key traits for success. When faced with truly terrifying situations, coping mechanisms can vary, with the speaker admitting to once thinking he was invincible, but later recognizing the importance of taking responsibility as a leader.

    • Navigating Career Challenges and TransitionsAs we gain more experience, we become more aware of the psychological impact of challenging situations and may adopt different coping strategies. Self-awareness and adaptability are key in navigating professional challenges and transitions.

      As we progress in our careers and face new challenges, our coping mechanisms and mindset can change. The speaker shares an experience of feeling scared and uncertain despite having a successful military career. He found comfort in reminding himself of his accomplishments and the support of his team. The speaker also reflects on how as we age and gain more experience, we become more aware of the potential psychological impact of challenging situations and may adopt different coping strategies. When it came to leaving the military, the speaker felt a growing dread towards returning to Afghanistan for another tour, marking a shift in his feelings towards his career. This experience highlights the importance of self-awareness and adaptability in navigating professional challenges and transitions.

    • Everyday stressors can contribute to PTSDPTSD can be caused by various experiences, including everyday stressors. Seeking help and taking care of oneself is crucial for healing.

      PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, can be caused by everyday life stressors in addition to traumatic experiences. The speaker's experience in the military may have been a catalyst, but it was the normal, everyday stressors that had a more significant impact on his mental health. He found it difficult to ask for help and was resistant to the idea of leaving the military, but ultimately, he had to face the reality that taking care of himself required a change. The transition from military life to civilian life was incredibly challenging, but recognizing the importance of addressing both the traumatic and everyday stressors was crucial for his healing process. It's essential to acknowledge that PTSD can be caused by various experiences and that seeking help and taking care of oneself is vital.

    • Recognizing and Addressing Converging Points of StressAcknowledge intersections of career, relationships, and personal well-being. Prioritize, set boundaries, and practice self-care to prevent potential crises and improve overall well-being.

      It's essential to be aware of the converging points in our lives where multiple aspects, such as career, relationships, and personal well-being, intersect and may cause stress or instability. By recognizing these moments and addressing them proactively, we can prevent potential crises and improve our overall well-being. Additionally, it's crucial to understand that achieving a perfect balance between all areas of life is unrealistic, and prioritizing one aspect over another at different times is inevitable. Lastly, the constant influx of information and comparisons through social media and other sources can add unnecessary stress and pressure, making it essential to set boundaries and prioritize self-care.

    • The Importance of Communication for Mental Health and RelationshipsEffective communication is vital for mental health and relationships. Seek understanding, practice compassion, and communicate openly and honestly, even in challenging times.

      Effective communication is crucial for maintaining mental health and building strong relationships. The speaker shared personal experiences of the importance of communication in the military and in his personal life. He emphasized that even in challenging times, it's essential to communicate openly and honestly with those around us. While there may be no easy solutions for mental health struggles, the first step is always to communicate and seek understanding. The speaker also acknowledged the need for compassion and self-motivation in dealing with mental health issues. When it comes to the broader societal conversation around mental health, the speaker believes that striking a balance between compassion and personal responsibility is necessary. Ultimately, the importance of communication cannot be overstated in maintaining mental well-being and fostering healthy relationships.

    • Personal relationships and family life impact mental healthNeglecting personal relationships and family life during professional transitions can lead to mental health struggles and overall well-being issues.

      Personal relationships and family life significantly impact mental health and overall well-being, even during professional transitions. The speaker's experience of struggling in a corporate job after leaving the military illustrates this. Despite being successful in his role, he felt unfulfilled and his personal life was suffering. The kindness of his employer helped him through a difficult time, but ultimately, he realized he needed a change. This experience underscores the importance of addressing all aspects of well-being, not just professional success, and the potential ripple effects when these areas are neglected.

    • The impact of relationships on mental healthToxic relationships can negatively affect mental health, while positive relationships can lead to new opportunities and personal growth.

      The quality of our relationships significantly impacts our mental health and overall well-being. Moe's story illustrates how toxic relationships, whether at home or work, can create a vicious cycle of poor communication and negativity that can snowball and negatively affect various aspects of our lives. On a brighter note, Moe's transition into a career in TV serves as an example of how positive relationships can lead to new opportunities and personal growth. His best friend, who was also a former marine, played a crucial role in helping Moe get a job as a medic and dive buddy on a BBC show in Madagascar. This experience not only provided Moe with a fresh start but also allowed him to live and work in an amazing location while making a difference in people's lives. Overall, the importance of maintaining healthy relationships and being open to new opportunities cannot be overstated.

    • Two divers find unexpected treasureUnexpected discoveries can lead to great adventures and life-changing experiences, but it's important to respect others' discoveries and preserve historical sites.

      Sometimes, unexpected discoveries can lead to great adventures and life-changing experiences. In this story, two divers, bored after three weeks underwater, stumbled upon an old diver claiming to have found Captain Kidd's lost ship. Skeptical, they followed him down to the seabed, only to find what appeared to be a ruined dive site. However, they discovered a lump of metal in the mud, which turned out to be a 55-kilogram bar of silver, part of Captain Kidd's lost treasure. Their discovery brought international attention to the small island, and the divers found themselves in the midst of a media frenzy. This experience not only brought them financial gain but also a sense of excitement and adventure. However, it's important to note that their actions may have disturbed the original diver's work, highlighting the importance of respecting others' discoveries and preserving historical sites.

    • Living in the Moment Improves Mental HealthLearning to focus on the present, a skill gained in the military, can enhance mental health and overall well-being in daily life. This mindset can help overcome challenges and lead to personal growth.

      The ability to live in the moment, a skill learned in the military, can be applied to everyday life to improve mental health and overall well-being. The speaker shares his experience of this realization during therapy, observing a child playing in the park and being encouraged to focus on the present. This mindset helped him overcome challenges during his archaeological expedition in Madagascar, and continues to benefit him in his current career. Despite the challenges faced, including political tensions and potential danger, the experience ultimately proved valuable and led to personal growth.

    • Learning from toddlers to live in the presentAppreciate the journey of life, focus on the present, and seek support during tough times.

      We can learn a valuable lesson from toddlers - to live in the present and not dwell on the past or worry too much about the future. Toddlers don't concern themselves with what has happened before or what might happen next, but rather focus on the current moment. As adults, we often spend too much time dwelling on negative past experiences and worrying about future possibilities, which can hinder our growth and happiness. Instead, we should strive to be more present and appreciate the journey of life, just as a toddler does. Another key takeaway from the discussion is the importance of finding support during tough times. When facing challenges, it's essential to seek out someone to talk to and share our experiences with. This can provide valuable perspective and help us navigate through difficult situations. Lastly, the speaker shared his upcoming tour and the experiences and stories he will be sharing from it. He emphasized the importance of reflecting on our past, present, and future and finding the humor and meaning in our experiences along the way.

    • Shop affordable luxury with QuinzListeners can upgrade their style with Quinz's high-quality, ethically-made items at significantly discounted prices

      You can upgrade your style game without breaking the bank by shopping at Quinz. This podcast host, Danny Pellegrino from Everything ICONIC, encourages listeners to support the podcast and discover Quinz, a brand offering high-quality items including shirts, polos, activewear, and leather goods at significantly reduced prices, ranging from 50 to 80% less than other luxury brands. Not only does Quinz provide affordable options, but they also prioritize safe, ethical, and responsible manufacturing. To enjoy free shipping and returns on your next order, visit quince.com/upgrade. This partnership not only benefits listeners seeking to enhance their wardrobe, but also supports the podcast and enables further insightful conversations.

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    IG: https://www.instagram.com/jenatkinhair/?hl=en

    OUAI: https://theouai.co.uk/

    MANE: https://heymane.com/

    BOOK: https://www.harpercollins.com/pages/jen-atkin


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    RETROGRADE, SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own businesses, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

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    IG: https://www.instagram.com/roxienafousi/?hl=en

    WEBSITE: https://roxienafousi.com/

    BOOKS: https://roxienafousi.com/books/manifest/


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    RETROGRADE, SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own businesses, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    IG: https://www.instagram.com/tashoakley/

    Monday Swimwear: https://mondayswimwear.com/

    Excessively Obsessed: https://www.hachette.co.uk/titles/natasha-oakley/excessively-obsessed/9780349437927/


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    RETROGRADE, SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own businesses, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    IG: https://www.instagram.com/ankurna/?hl=en

    TWITTER/X: https://x.com/ankurnagpal

    CARRY: https://www.instagram.com/carryhq_/?hl=en


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    RETROGRADE, SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own businesses, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    IG: https://www.instagram.com/frankiebridge/?hl=en-gb

    Faves The Edit: https://www.instagram.com/favestheedit/


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    RETROGRADE, SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own businesses, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    John Amaechi: gracebeverley.komi.io/podcast/ep-76-why-youre-struggling-with-motivation-and-how-to-fix-it-with-john-amaechi-obe?id=f245b6bd-05de-4ecd-bf61-e116025b80e9

    Kate Moyle: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7cKOEHSsMRuMaWa1o7meB1?si=5ec2e4302923466d

    Vivian Tu: gracebeverley.komi.io/podcast/ep-86-how-to-change-your-relationship-with-your-finances-forever-with-vivian-tu?id=f245b6bd-05de-4ecd-bf61-e116025b80e9

    Sharmadean Reid: https://open.spotify.com/episode/73UnPKyTbpBE7yXkBePMN5?si=8386e477267d41f6

    Jason Fox: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1wwipdm3cQLxDYihB6gD54?si=2f29bbee42424d3e

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    Caroline Hirons: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5aUFuHqdIQ6bl1lzK4kbWH?si=1547f73d78fb43e1


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    RETROGRADE, SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own businesses, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Ep.99 How To Land Your Dream Job & Get Promoted With HR Expert Amy Lentz

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    IG: https://www.instagram.com/hackyourhr/?hl=en

    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@hackyourhr?lang=en


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    RETROGRADE, SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own businesses, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep. 98 I Started A New Company!! Meet The Founders Of Retrograde

    Ep. 98 I Started A New Company!! Meet The Founders Of Retrograde

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    I wanted this episode to be a raw and real conversation about our journey to date, the reality of what it's been like, how we’ve taken our idea & made it into something real, why the creator industry is crying out for change and what we think this company can be. I really hope you enjoy it.


    SIGN UP TO THE RETROGRADE WAITLIST HERE: https://rebrand.ly/2zhnecq


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    RETROGRADE, SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own businesses, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep. 97 How To Scale A Typical ‘Small Business’ To Be Worth Millions With Candace Nelson

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/candacenelson/?hl=en

    Her book, Sweet Success: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1400231507/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1685421586&sr=8-2-spons

    Pizzana: https://pizzana.com/


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep. 96 Why We’re Disconnected From Our Bodies & What To Do About It With Radhi Devlukia Shetty

    Ep. 96 Why We’re Disconnected From Our Bodies & What To Do About It With Radhi Devlukia Shetty

    Radhi Devlukia is a nutritionist & plant-based cook whose ethos is all about bringing together the latest research in nutrition, with the ancient practices she’s so passionate about, and the results are fascinating. She’s just released her debut cookbook, Joyfull, which was an instant New York Times bestseller, it was such a great read. So, if you’re feeling like you’re struggling with connection, and you’re teetering on burnout, take a moment to watch this conversation, I know you won’t regret it.



    0:00 Introduction



    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/radhidevlukia/?hl=en

    Her book, Joyfull: https://www.joyfullbook.com/


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/the-psychology-podcast/support

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    Dr. Richard Tedeschi is professor emeritus of psychology at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He’s a licensed psychologist specializing in bereavement and trauma, and has led support groups for bereaved parents for over 20 years. With his colleague Lawrence Calhoun, he published books on post-traumatic growth, an area of research that they have developed that examines personal transformations in the aftermath of traumatic life events. Their books include Trauma and Transformation, Posttraumatic Growth, Facilitating Posttraumatic Growth, Helping Bereaved Parents: A Clinician’s Guide, and the Handbook of Posttraumatic Growth. 

    Website: https://pages.charlotte.edu/richtedeschi/ 


    00:00:54 Richard’s interest in post-traumatic growth 

    00:04:05 Definition of post-traumatic growth (PTG) 

    00:06:01 Domains of PTG 

    00:10:02  Perceived change VS actual change 

    00:16:27 PTG as positive personality changes 

    00:20:42  Boulder Crest Institute’s post-traumatic growth program 

    00:26:01 Trauma as a disruption in the psyche 

    00:29:16 Richard’s roots in humanistic therapy 

    00:31:08 The subjective experience and response to trauma 

    00:36:43 Cultural differences in posttraumatic growth 

    00:40:24 Can posttraumatic growth and PTSD co-exist? 

    00:38:42 Post-ecstatic growth 

    00:44:50Catastrophe theory 

    00:46:07 The pandemic as a potential catalyst for growth 

    00:48:28 How to facilitate post-traumatic growth 

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    90: REVEALED: GKBarry Addresses Breakup, SINGLE Nights Out & Wild Dates!

    90: REVEALED: GKBarry Addresses Breakup, SINGLE Nights Out & Wild Dates!
    This episode is sponsored by Babbel, go to https://babbel.com/play, and use promo code GRACE24 for an extra six months free.

    This episode is sponsored by Shopify, go to https://shopify.co.uk/grace 

    GKBarry is back with a solo episode addressing her breakup, embracing single nights out, and the wild world of dating adventures. 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en

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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com 


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