
    EP: 74 The Final Nephilim with Ryan Pitterson

    enDecember 07, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Welcome Back Ryan Pitterson and Discussing 'The Final Nephilim'The Blurry Creatures podcast brings positivity and connection, with unique discussions on ancient artifacts and the supernatural.

      The Blurry Creatures podcast, hosted by Nate and Luke, has become an important source of positivity and connection for them during a challenging time in their lives. They are excited to welcome back guest Ryan Pitterson, who was on the show early on and has a new book out called "The Final Nephilim." The community around the podcast has been a surprising and rewarding part of the experience, and they are grateful for the support and engagement from listeners. The discussions on the show often explore unusual and intriguing topics, such as the discovery of ancient artifacts and the role of the supernatural in history and religion. Despite going silent for extended periods of time, Ryan always comes back strong with new content, and the hosts are looking forward to diving into his latest work and exploring his unique perspectives.

    • Exploring Nephilim's connection to biblical events, quantum physics, and the end timesThe Nephilim's origins, the role of the first bride, supernatural portals, and their significance in the end times were discussed, with references to Bigfoot and quantum physics.

      The discussion revolved around exploring various aspects of the Nephilim and their connection to biblical events, quantum physics, and the end times. The speakers touched upon the origins of Nephilim, the role of the first bride of the fallen angels, and the concept of a supernatural portal. They also delved into the intriguing question of how a woman could conceive the offspring of an angel. The conversation also included references to Bigfoot and the idea that it could serve as a gateway to exploring other supernatural phenomena. Additionally, Ryan mentioned his new book, "The Final Judgment of the Nephilim," which serves as a sequel to "Judgment of the Nephilim," and explores how the Nephilim story plays out in the end times. Overall, the conversation showcased a deep interest in exploring the supernatural and biblical mysteries.

    • Biblical prophecies link ancient and modern UFO phenomenaThe Bible's end times prophecies suggest fallen angels may pose as benevolent aliens, leading people into worshiping the antichrist, with signs seen in recurring themes of UFO stories involving reproduction.

      The Bible's prophecies of the end times draw connections between ancient events, such as those during the days of Noah, and current phenomena, like the UFO phenomenon. The speaker believes that the fallen angels, who in the Bible are said to have mingled with humans in Genesis 6, are now returning to Earth as demons or even presenting themselves as benevolent alien beings. The end times are marked by deception, and these beings may try to lure people into worshiping the antichrist. The speaker sees signs of this repetition of history in the constant theme of encounters involving reproduction in UFO stories and the upcoming release of the fallen angels from the earth and heavens as described in Revelation.

    • Ancient beings intervening in human historyMarvel's 'Eternals' and religious texts like the Bible share similar themes of ancient beings transferring knowledge or technology to humans and the appearance of a savior figure during chaotic times.

      Various forms of media, such as movies and religious texts, can contain similar themes and narratives. For instance, the Marvel movie "Eternals" and religious texts like the Bible share the idea of ancient beings intervening in human history. In "Eternals," these beings are portrayed as benevolent beings here to save humanity, while in the Bible, the Nephilim are depicted as fallen angels who bring forbidden knowledge to humans in exchange for human women. Both narratives involve the transfer of advanced knowledge or technology. Furthermore, the "Eternals" movie and the Bible's Book of Revelation share the concept of a savior figure appearing during chaotic times. These similarities could be seen as coincidental or as an intentional exploration of common human desires and fears. Regardless, it's intriguing to consider the potential connections between various forms of storytelling and the enduring themes they explore.

    • The temptation to be like God and seek eternal lifeThroughout history, humans have been tempted to seek eternal life and be like God, leading to rebellion and dangerous consequences. The devil uses this temptation to instigate doubt and provoke rebellion, often through technological advancements or deception.

      Throughout history, from the divine council in the Bible to modern literature and technology, the temptation to be like God and seek eternal life persists. This theme can be seen in various forms, such as the Nephilim being portrayed as saviors, the pursuit of transhumanism, and even the antichrist's deception in the end times. The devil, who is older and smarter than humans, uses this temptation consistently to instigate rebellion. In the Bible, this is seen as an issue of trust, with Jesus encouraging faith and trust in Him for eternal life. However, the devil provokes doubt, leading to rebellion and seeking ways to overcome death, such as through technological advancements or the mark of the beast. Ultimately, the temptation to be like God and seek eternal life without trusting in Him is a persistent and dangerous one.

    • The mark of the antichrist offers a counterfeit form of godlike power and resurrectionThe antichrist's mark goes against biblical teachings of humility and submission to God, offering a deceptive form of salvation through self-deification, and only God can redeem us through faith in Jesus Christ.

      The mark of the antichrist, as described in the Bible's Book of Revelation, represents a counterfeit offer of godlike power and resurrection. By taking this mark, humans would be altering their genetic makeup and disqualifying themselves from redemption. This is a deception that goes against the Christian message of dying to oneself and becoming a new creation through faith in Jesus Christ. The antichrist's offer is a form of self-deification, which is contrary to the biblical teachings of humility and submission to God. Some people believe that our salvation as Christians involves a spiritual and physical transformation, including a genetic component, when we receive our glorified bodies at the rapture. It's essential to remember that only God can redeem us, and the Christian faith emphasizes trusting in His work on the cross rather than relying on our own efforts or works for salvation.

    • The veil between spiritual and physical realms lifted in certain historical periodsDuring significant periods in history, the veil separating the spiritual and physical realms has temporarily lifted, allowing for direct encounters with angels and supernatural beings.

      During certain significant periods in history, like the days of Noah, the veil between the spiritual and physical realms has been lifted, allowing for direct encounters with angels and other supernatural beings. This is different from our current experience where there's a veil that keeps these realms separate. The antichrist's offer of temporary immortality during the 5th trumpet in Revelation 9 is an example of this veil being lifted temporarily. The veil's existence is also linked to the biblical account of the fall in the Garden of Eden, where God placed cherubim and a flaming sword to prevent humans from re-entering. This concept is further explored in Ryan's works, "The Judgment of Nephilim" and his upcoming book, which discuss the veil's significance when looking backward to Genesis 6 and forward to Revelation.

    • God's separation of heavenly and earthly realmsGod created a veil between worlds to protect humanity and further His plan, seen in Eden, temple veils, and Revelation's sea of glass.

      God instituted a veil between the heavenly and earthly realms after the flood to protect humanity and allow for God's plan of salvation to unfold. This separation is seen throughout biblical history, from the expulsion of Cain from Eden to the growth of the Israelite nation in Egypt. Eden, believed to be both a physical and supernatural place, may have served as the first temple, with God designing and manifesting His presence there, much like in the tabernacle and temple. The veil in the temple, separating the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place, is a symbol of this separation. The tearing of the veil at the crucifixion signified God's reconciliation with humanity through the atoning work of Christ. Additionally, the sea of glass before God's throne in Revelation further illustrates this separation and God's presence in both realms.

    • The Temporary Veil Between Heaven and EarthGod will remove the veil separating heaven and earth, revealing all truths and bringing a new heaven and new earth. Some supernatural beings interact with the earthly realm during significant events.

      The Bible describes a veil separating the heavenly realm from the earthly one. This veil is temporary, and God will remove it completely at the end of times, revealing all truths and bringing about a new heaven and a new earth. However, God also allows for some supernatural beings, both good and evil, to interact with the earthly realm at certain times. For instance, angels have been seen descending from heaven, and demons have been mentioned in the gospels. During significant events like Jesus' baptism and crucifixion, the veil is temporarily lifted, allowing for divine intervention and the presence of both heavenly and demonic beings.

    • The veil between the spiritual and physical worldChristianity emphasizes humility and reliance on God's grace, acknowledging our inherent sinfulness. Encounters with spiritual beings can be overwhelming, leading to fear or idolatry. Discoveries in quantum mechanics may challenge our current understanding of reality.

      The veil separating the spiritual realm from our physical world is an act of mercy from God. This was discussed in relation to the crucifixion of Christ, where the Romans were unknowingly setting up the conditions for His victory. The familiarity between humans and spiritual beings is evident in the Gospels, with possessed individuals recognizing Jesus as the Christ. However, encounters with these beings can be overwhelming and lead to fear or idolatry. Christianity's unique selling point is its emphasis on humility, acknowledging our inherent sinfulness and reliance on God's grace for salvation. The discussion also touched upon quantum mechanics and the idea that our understanding of the universe is still evolving, with the potential for discoveries that could challenge our current perception of reality.

    • Quantum Physics and Spiritual Beliefs: Intriguing SimilaritiesQuantum Physics and Spiritual Beliefs share similarities, such as the origin of everything from light, the concept of quantum superposition aligning with the Trinity, and the idea of God existing outside of time.

      Quantum physics and spiritual beliefs, as expressed in the Bible, share intriguing similarities. Quantum physicists, like Einstein, Planck, and Bohr, discovered that everything in the universe originates from light, connecting to the biblical concept of God as the source of light and life. Additionally, quantum physics introduced the concept of quantum superposition, where subatomic particles can exist in multiple states at once, aligning with the Bible's description of the Trinity as three separate beings existing as one. Furthermore, the idea of God existing outside of time and Jesus being the beginning and end of time echoes the quantum concept of superposition in the realm of time. As we delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, these discoveries offer fascinating validation of ancient spiritual beliefs.

    • Science and spirituality intersect at CERN, pointing towards the manipulation of dimensions and potential emergence of beings from another realm.CERN research and biblical prophecies hint at the manipulation of dimensions and emergence of beings from another realm, potentially massive in size and possessing divine or angelic qualities.

      The ongoing scientific research at CERN and the biblical prophecies share an intriguing connection. Both seem to point towards the manipulation of dimensions and the potential emergence of beings from another realm. Some believe these beings, referred to as the 10 kings or the old Nephilim, could be massive in size and possess divine or angelic qualities. These beings, as described in ancient texts, are often depicted as beautiful, glowing, and awe-inspiring. The research at CERN, with its technological advancements and reported rituals, can be seen as mankind's attempt to "tear through the veil" and access another dimension. This intersection of science and spirituality raises questions about the nature of these beings and their potential impact on humanity.

    • The End Times: Battle between Good and EvilThe devil raises up false messiahs and corrupts Israel genetically to delay the Messiah's return and redemption

      The end times involve a battle between good and evil, with the devil attempting to prevent the return of the Messiah in various ways. This includes raising up his own messiah to seduce Israel and corrupting them genetically to disqualify them from redemption. These actions are part of fulfilling prophecies, such as the prophecy of the devil's seed, and delaying the inevitable judgment of the devil. The devil's ultimate goal is to prevent the Messiah's return and the redemption of Israel. This is the antithesis of the gospel, where God sent His only begotten son, Jesus, to save humanity. Despite knowing his judgment is inevitable, the devil continues to try and delay it as long as possible.

    • Humans and fallen angels continue to indulge in sin despite consequencesBoth humans and fallen angels hold a delusional belief in their ability to defy God, rooted in their corrupted spiritual nature, but ultimately God will prevail.

      Despite being aware of the consequences, both humans and fallen angels continue to indulge in sin, which can be seen as a delusional belief in their ability to defy God. The devil, in particular, holds this delusion to an extreme degree, believing he can ultimately win against God. This belief is rooted in their corrupted spiritual nature, which finds excitement in evil. However, the ultimate hope lies in the fact that God will ultimately prevail, as depicted in the battle between David and Goliath and the eventual conquest of the antichrist and fallen angels. The restoration of the earth and the creation of a new heaven and new earth further emphasizes God's ultimate victory.

    • Building an ark of hope and salvationAs Christians, we should spread God's message of hope and salvation, offering refuge to those who trust in Him during challenging times, promising a better world for believers.

      God's ultimate vision is to create a beautiful and harmonious world where humans, animals, and God coexist in peace. As Christians, we should spread this message of hope and salvation, acting as Noah did by building an "ark" or offering a refuge for those who trust in God during challenging times. This message extends beyond just saving souls, but also promises a better world for those who believe. The Bible's themes of judgment and salvation are cyclical, with the great tribulation leading to a new earth, much like the Garden of Eden. The seriousness of this eternal journey requires action and a decision to believe. The future may hold a shift towards spirituality as people are forced to confront their faith.

    • First contact with extraterrestrials could lead to spiritual deceptionScriptures warn of rampant deception during end times, and extraterrestrial beings with shape-shifting abilities and miraculous powers could be the greatest delusion, potentially blurring religious and scientific beliefs and leading to dangerous outcomes.

      According to our discussion, the removal of the veil leading to first contact with extraterrestrial beings could result in widespread spiritual deception and the emergence of polytheistic beliefs. The scriptures warn about rampant deception during the end times, and these beings, who can shape-shift and perform miracles, could be the greatest delusion. The possibility of first contact happening through a sudden appearance of alien ships, as depicted in shows like "War of the Worlds" or "V," could set the stage for this scenario. The potential consequences could be profound, leading to a blurring of religious and scientific beliefs and potentially dangerous outcomes. It's important to remain critical and discerning in the face of such revelations.

    • Living in a spiritual warUnderstand the spiritual battle, recognize the true enemies, and stay prepared for the veil to come down.

      We are living in a spiritual war where we are the prize, and we are being saved from an army of darkness by Jesus Christ. This war is much bigger than our daily battles against sin and requires us to have a broader perspective. The enemies we face are not just people but principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Christians have the promise of immortality through Jesus Christ, an eternal escape from the cares of this world. However, many people are deceived by the veil that makes them doubt the existence of these spiritual entities. We need to be aware of this deception and the importance of our salvation. The veil may come down at any time, and we must be prepared.

    • Signs of the End TimesTechnological advancements align with biblical prophecies, Israel's significance emphasized, scientists' predictions support end times theories

      We may be living in the last days as described in the Bible, with technological advancements making once impossible scenarios, such as buying and selling with a mark on the hand or witnessing global events through media, now achievable. The speaker also emphasizes the significance of Israel as a nation-state in this generation and references the predictions of scientists like Isaac Newton regarding the return of Israel as a sign of the end times. The speaker's website and book, "Judgment of the Nephilim," offer further exploration of these topics.

    • Exploring Biblical Mysteries with BrianBrian, an enthusiastic speaker and author, invites questions and exploration of complex biblical mysteries. He has written two books, hosts a YouTube channel, and has a weekly theology show. Newton's pursuit of biblical mysteries despite his age inspires Brian's own commitment to knowledge.

      The author, Brian, is an engaging and enthusiastic speaker who invites questions and exploration of complex biblical mysteries. He has written two books, "Judgment of the Nephilim," available on Amazon and soon on Barnes and Noble, with accompanying study guides. Brian also has a YouTube channel, "Judgment of the Nephilim," where he shares a 6-part series and hosts a weekly Thursday night theology show. He encourages open dialogue and is excited to engage with readers and viewers. A notable quote from the conversation was Brian's reflection on Newton's determination to understand biblical mysteries despite his advanced age, inspiring Brian's own commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. Overall, Brian's passion for exploring biblical mysteries and his openness to engagement make for an intriguing and engaging conversation.

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    THIS is Tatooine Sons!

    Check out all of Brian’s work at https://www.godawa.com

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