
    EP: 75 The Cyclops with Derek Olson

    enDecember 14, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasis on isolation and self-sufficiency in Cyclops mythologyCyclops, as depicted in mythology, were solitary beings, focusing on creation due to their visual impairment. Podcasters remained dedicated to sharing knowledge despite health issues.

      The Cyclops, as depicted in ancient mythology, were isolated and self-sufficient beings with no organized society or laws. This theme of isolation and self-sufficiency was emphasized in a discussion on the podcast "Blurry Creatures." The speakers also touched upon the idea that these creatures may have focused on creating things due to their visual impairment. Additionally, the podcast's hosts encouraged their audience to become members to support the show and gain access to exclusive content. Despite dealing with personal health issues, they remained dedicated to producing the podcast and sharing knowledge about mythological creatures.

    • Discovering the Impact of Their PodcastThe hosts have been surprised by the deep connection they've made with their audience, and the positive impact their podcast has had on their listeners' lives.

      The hosts of the podcast, Derek and Luke, have found a sense of purpose and connection through their podcast, which goes beyond just interviewing guests and building their channel. They have been surprised by the deep impact the show has had on their audience, who have reached out to them with support and shared similar experiences. The hosts feel grateful for this experience and are excited to continue exploring unusual topics, like the origins of cyclopean architecture, with a sense of curiosity and passion. They embrace their role as alternative researchers and are committed to uncovering new information and perspectives, even if they go against mainstream narratives. The podcast has become more than just a hobby for them; it's a way to use their creative gifts, make people laugh, and make them think.

    • Ancient structures attributed to mythical beingsAncient structures like those attributed to cyclopes display advanced knowledge and engineering capabilities despite deterioration, hinting at a potential advanced global civilization

      Ancient civilizations believed that megalithic structures, particularly those featuring massive polygonal blocks without mortar, were built by mythical beings known as cyclopes. These cyclopean structures, which can be found in various parts of the world including Greece, are a testament to the advanced knowledge and construction techniques of the ancient world. Despite the passage of time and the deterioration of some of these structures, they still showcase the precision and impressive engineering capabilities of their creators. The cyclopes, according to Greek mythology, were the giant, one-eyed sons of the gods who were skilled craftsmen and builders. The existence of these structures across the globe suggests that there may have been an advanced global civilization that was lost in a cataclysmic event.

    • Ancient myths and texts suggest existence of giants with extraordinary abilitiesAncient myths and texts describe giants with advanced knowledge and technological abilities, believed to be offspring of gods and humans. Their legacy includes megalithic structures, like cyclopean ruins.

      The ancient myths and historical texts suggest the existence of giants with extraordinary abilities, which could be linked to the biblical account of the Nephilim. These giants, as described in Greek and Roman mythology, were often the offspring of gods and humans. Their advanced knowledge and technological abilities are believed to have been lost during a cataclysmic event, leaving behind megalithic structures as evidence. Historians like Josephus have also referenced the existence of giants in ancient times, adding credibility to this intriguing theory. The cyclopean ruins mentioned in Greek mythology are thought to have been built by this extinct race, and their legacy continues to fascinate and intrigue us.

    • Mythological beings associated with volcanoes and metalworkingThe cyclopes, depicted in Greek mythology as one-eyed giants, were believed to be connected to volcanoes and metalworking, with some being man-eating monsters and others skilled architects living underground. Their mythology continues to intrigue us with its inconsistencies and the many questions it raises.

      The cyclopes, as depicted in Greek mythology, are a fascinating and complex group of beings. They are known for their association with volcanoes and metalworking, with some being described as man-eating monsters, while others are highly skilled architects living underground. In Homer's Odyssey, the cyclops Polyphemus is the most famous example of the man-eating type, while Hesiod's Theogony introduces the cyclopes as the creators of thunderbolts for Zeus and the trident for Poseidon. The cyclopes' connection to Italy is significant, with megalithic structures and possible cyclopean walls found in the country, particularly around Mount Etna. The mythology surrounding the cyclopes continues to intrigue us with their inconsistencies and the many questions they raise, such as whether they lived in tribes or were solitary beings, and the possible connections between their mythology and ancient structures. The cyclopes' legacy endures as a reminder of the rich and complex mythological traditions of ancient Greece.

    • The cyclops: A mythological creature symbolizing forbidden or hidden knowledgeThe cyclops, a one-eyed giant from Greek mythology, represents the idea of hidden knowledge and power. Its association with megalithic earthworks and all-seeing eye imagery continues to intrigue us.

      The cyclops, a mythological creature from Greek mythology, is often depicted as a one-eyed giant. This symbolizes the idea of forbidden or hidden knowledge, as seen in the cyclops' association with megalithic earthworks and the all-seeing eye imagery. The cyclops legend, as seen in Homer's Odyssey with the famous cyclops Polyphemus, has persisted throughout history and can be found in various cultures around the world. The cyclops' one eye has also influenced modern symbolism, such as the one-eyed creature in Blurry Creatures' logo. Whether the legend of the cyclops is based on actual historical evidence or not, its significance as a symbol of knowledge and power remains intriguing.

    • Mythical one-eyed giants and reported discoveriesMyths of one-eyed giants persisted across cultures, and reported discoveries of cyclops skulls add intrigue to the debate on their existence

      Throughout history and across various cultures, there have been tales of one-eyed giants, with Balor from Irish mythology and Banjasengus from Filipino folklore being notable examples. These stories were not limited to Greek and Roman myths, but extended to other oral traditions. Furthermore, there have been reported discoveries of cyclops skulls, with credible accounts found in a Greek newspaper from 1931 and in a Filipino newspaper from 2002. These findings have added intrigue to the debate surrounding the existence of such mythical beings. The discovery of these skulls in ancient tombs, as reported, provides evidence that cannot be easily explained away, making the possibility of the existence of cyclops a fascinating and enduring mystery.

    • Ancient Myths and Genetic AnomaliesAncient myths about cyclops and other genetic anomalies may be based on real phenomena, such as cyclopia and advanced engineering skills demonstrated in cyclopean architecture.

      The ancient myths and legends about cyclops and other genetic anomalies may not be so far-fetched after all. There have been reported cases of people born with cyclopia, a birth defect characterized by the failure of the embryonic eye to properly divide into two cavities. This condition, along with other genetic anomalies such as elongated skulls and missing sutures, have been observed in various cultures throughout history. The possibility of interbreeding between humans and mythical beings, as depicted in the Genesis 6 narrative, could explain these anomalies. The existence of cyclopean architecture, such as the hill of pikes in Athens, further supports this theory. These structures, which were built without the use of mortar, demonstrate advanced engineering skills and suggest that the ancient civilizations may have had knowledge and abilities beyond what is commonly believed. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of considering alternative explanations for historical and mythological phenomena and the ongoing fascination with the mysteries of the past.

    • Megalithic Sites in Europe: A Look into Advanced Ancient CivilizationEuropean megalithic sites, like Karamikos in Peru and the Nuragic Towers in Sardinia, display remarkable cyclopean architecture and engineering, suggesting a lost advanced civilization

      Megalithic sites in Europe, particularly in Greece and Italy, showcase impressive cyclopean architecture with massive, precision-cut stones that defy modern replication. Sites like Karamikos in Peru and the Nuragic Towers in Sardinia are prime examples. The giants of Sardinian legend are believed to have built these structures, and the towers, tombs, and wells exhibit intricate designs and engineering. The cyclopes, according to myth, were known for their exceptional stonework abilities, possibly passed down from the watchers. These sites offer a glimpse into a lost knowledge and advanced civilization that once existed in Europe.

    • Ancient stories suggest humans and giants coexistedAncient narratives and mythologies describe a world where humans and giants lived together, with stories of giant-built monuments and genetic manipulation aligning with evidence of cyclopean structures. Humans took action against the giants, as seen in the discovery of the Book of Giants among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

      The ancient narratives and mythologies, as well as biblical texts, suggest the existence of giants and other superhuman beings. These stories, which often include accounts of giant-built monuments and manipulation of genetic material, align with the idea of a pre-cataclysmic world where humans and giants coexisted. The discovery of cyclopean structures and the use of the term "cyclopean" to describe them further supports this theory. The ancients recognized the potential threat posed by these beings and took action to keep them in check, leading to stories of humans hunting and eliminating the giants. The discovery of the Book of Giants among the Dead Sea Scrolls adds further evidence to this theory. While some may dismiss these stories as mere tradition, their persistence throughout history and the consistent themes they present provide compelling evidence for their validity.

    • Ancient texts depict a corrupt world before the floodThe biblical flood story may have prevented the existence of genetically deformed beings, according to ancient texts, and their birth could be explained as the result of incompatible DNA.

      The ancient texts suggest a dark and corrupt world before the flood, with the Nephilim and their offspring, the giants, leading to a corrupt earth. The biblical narrative of the flood as an act of mercy is emphasized, as it prevented the continued existence of these genetic deformities. The idea that humans and angels produced giants is not ruled out, but it may have been unintended and surprising. From a genetic perspective, the birth of these giants can be seen as the result of mixing incompatible DNA, rather than a deliberate act of God. Overall, this discussion encourages a deeper appreciation for the biblical narrative and the complexities of ancient history.

    • The corrupting influence of defiance against God's creationDefiance against God's creation can lead to destruction and suffering, even for fallen beings who had compassion for their offspring.

      The biblical story of the fallen beings creating monstrosities, or giants, is a reminder of the corrupting influence of defiance against God's creation. These beings operated within the laws of nature but their actions led to destruction and suffering. It's important to note that even these fallen beings had compassion for their offspring, adding complexity to their portrayal. The question of why God allows such destruction remains, but it's suggested that humans have dominion over creation and there are limits to God's intervention once we start manipulating it. The story of these giants adds intrigue and complexity to our understanding of the biblical narrative.

    • Exploring ancient mysteries and legendsJoin Megalithic Marvels as they uncover the secrets of the past through exploration of ancient ruins, folklore, and legends. Keep an open mind for the possibility of advanced civilizations and giants.

      The ancient world was filled with mysterious beings and structures that continue to intrigue us today. From the possible existence of one-eyed, one-armed cyclops to the awe-inspiring megaliths that dot the globe, the past is full of unsolved mysteries and hidden knowledge. The hosts of Megalithic Marvels shared their passion for uncovering these mysteries through their podcast and Instagram account, where they explore everything from ancient ruins to folklore and legends. They emphasized the importance of imagination and the possibility that there could have been advanced civilizations and giants roaming the earth in the past. Upcoming projects for Megalithic Marvels include a tour to Egypt with an Egyptologist and the exploration of lesser-known ancient sites. So, keep an open mind and join the Megalithic Marvels community as they continue to unravel the secrets of the past.

    • Exploring ancient megalithic sites with MohammedEmbarking on a tour to discover ancient megaliths, including the Temple of Osirion and the Great Pyramid, with a knowledgeable guide. Creating and sharing short films about lesser-known sites, like one in Montana, and the potential discovery of hidden megaliths.

      The speaker is embarking on an exclusive tour to explore ancient megalithic sites, including the subterranean Temple of Osirion at Abydose and a private tour inside the Great Pyramid, with the guidance of their knowledgeable host Mohammed. They are also looking forward to creating and sharing short films about lesser-known megalithic sites, such as the potential 72,000-year-old site in Montana, which may challenge perceptions of what is naturally formed versus man-made. The speaker expresses excitement for their upcoming tour and the potential discovery of hidden megaliths in various locations. They also mention their passion for creating short films about these sites and sharing them with others.

    • Staying Positive and Finding Solutions TogetherDuring unexpected situations, staying positive, focusing on the end goal, and working together can lead to finding solutions.

      Even when faced with challenges or unexpected situations, it's important to remain positive, work together, and have faith that solutions will be found. The conversation between Derek and his team members reflects a sense of camaraderie and determination, showing that even in the face of uncertainty, they are committed to finding a way forward. During the discussion, Derek expresses his appreciation for the team's efforts and their ability to adapt to new situations. He emphasizes the importance of staying focused on the end goal and not getting discouraged by setbacks. The team's response reflects a shared sense of commitment and a belief in their ability to overcome obstacles. This conversation highlights the value of a growth mindset and the importance of staying positive and focused when faced with challenges. It also underscores the importance of teamwork and the power of working together to find solutions. Overall, the conversation is a reminder that even when things get tough, it's important to stay positive, keep moving forward, and trust that solutions will be found.

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    [Music: “Easy” by SPCZ]


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