
    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Happiness in the Small ThingsDespite challenges, finding relief from allergy symptoms, excitement for a book release, and enjoying simple pleasures can bring joy and make a big difference.

      Despite the challenges of allergy season and the anticipation of a book launch during a global pandemic, there are simple pleasures to be found. For allergy sufferers, Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues offer relief without causing further irritation. For book lovers, the excitement of receiving a signed copy early is a small victory. And for everyone, celebrating Mother's Day at Whole Foods Market or enjoying a treat before dinner can bring joy to the everyday. So, whether it's tackling allergy symptoms, looking forward to a book release, or savoring a little something before a meal, finding happiness in the small things can make a big difference.

    • The importance of having a routine or settingRegular routines and settings, like eating at the table, can contribute to a sense of normalcy and stability in life.

      The importance of having a consistent routine or setting, such as eating at the table, should not be underestimated. The speaker fondly reminisced about his childhood habit of eating dinner lying down in front of the TV and how he has since adopted the habit of eating at the table with his family. He also shared his amusement at not being able to remember the multiplication tables and how he was taught a trick using his hands to help remember the 9 times table. The conversation then shifted to their difficulty in creating a jingle for their podcast, leading to a lighthearted exchange about their lack of mathematical knowledge. Despite the humor, the underlying message is that having a routine or structure, such as eating at a table, can contribute to a sense of normalcy and stability in one's life. The use of the sponsor's product, tables, as a recurring theme further reinforces this idea.

    • Rosie's experiences with math anxiety and pregnancyRosie, who struggled with math anxiety in the past, is now pregnant and excited about the upcoming birth of her second child, choosing to keep the baby's gender a surprise.

      Despite her past struggles with math and self-doubt, Rosie is currently pregnant and excited about the upcoming birth of her second child, even if she doesn't yet know the baby's gender. Throughout the conversation, Rosie shared her experiences with math anxiety, which led to her underperforming in school and being labeled as a "wagger." She also discussed her current pregnancy, sharing that she's had a relatively easy time so far, but experienced unexpected acid reflux and heartburn in the past. Despite her initial disappointment, Rosie decided not to find out the baby's gender during the 20-week scan, preferring to keep it as a surprise. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of self-doubt, past experiences, and the anticipation of a new addition to the family.

    • Unexpected challenges with birthday party planningPlanning and communication are crucial for successful events, but unexpected challenges can still arise. For instance, a large bouncy castle may not fit on a lawn, and traditions like sending Christmas cards can be time-consuming and personal.

      Despite the excitement and anticipation surrounding special events like birthdays, there can be unexpected challenges and disappointments. In this conversation, the speakers shared their experiences of ordering a large bouncy castle for a birthday party, only to discover it wouldn't fit on their lawn. The frustration and silliness of the situation were highlighted, as well as the contrasting attitudes towards displaying birthday cards. The speakers also reminisced about the past, discussing the tradition of sending and receiving Christmas cards and the time-consuming process of writing them out. Overall, the conversation revealed the importance of planning and communication, as well as the quirks and idiosyncrasies that make individual experiences unique.

    • Reminiscing Childhood Christmas CardsExchanging Christmas cards brings joy, fosters connections, and allows us to cherish past memories

      The act of exchanging Christmas cards holds a special significance, as it brings a sense of excitement and connection, especially during childhood. This tradition allows individuals to remember and cherish past experiences, even if they had small roles like distributing the cards. The memory of being the first prefect in one's family, despite the challenges, adds to the nostalgia and sense of accomplishment. The importance of this tradition lies in the personal connections it fosters and the joy it brings, making it a meaningful and cherished holiday practice.

    • Experiences of exclusion in schoolFeeling excluded from activities in school left a lasting impact on the speaker, shaping her perspective on inclusion and her desire for her son to have positive experiences in education.

      The speaker's experiences in school shaped her perspective on being excluded from certain activities and feeling left out. She recalls a specific instance where she wasn't chosen to go on a school trip and believes the names were pre-selected. This experience, along with not being a prefect, milk monitor, or on the football team, left her feeling like she didn't belong. The speaker also mentions her excitement about her son going back to school, as she believes it's a step forward and a chance for a fresh start. Overall, her experiences have influenced her feelings about inclusion and exclusion, and she looks forward to new opportunities for her son.

    • A Mysterious Encounter with the UnknownDespite unexplained events, it's important to listen carefully to listeners' emails and stay curious to uncover the truth.

      The speaker in this text is sharing a strange and confusing experience of waking up in unfamiliar clothing and finding a mysterious puddle of blood in her room. Despite her initial assumptions, she couldn't explain how she ended up in this situation or who might have been involved. The text also touches on the idea of true or false mysteries and the importance of listening to listeners' emails. The speaker expresses her frustration with technical issues during the recording and her excitement about solving the mystery at hand. Overall, the text presents an intriguing and somewhat eerie story that leaves the listener curious and engaged.

    • Mysterious Incident: No Signs of Bleeding from ClonesFriends brainstormed theories but couldn't explain strange occurrences, leaving the speaker feeling perplexed.

      The discussion revolves around a mysterious incident where the speaker found no signs of bleeding from her clones, despite waking up wearing lingerie and a puffer jacket, with no memory of the previous night. The friends have considered dark theories, but the speaker is confused and asks for help in understanding the situation. The group brainstormed possible explanations, including the possibility of an intruder or a booty call gone wrong, but none seemed to fully explain the facts. The cleaning of the room and the presence of a jubbly (a melted ice lolly) were suggested as potential clues, but their significance remains unclear. Ultimately, the group was unable to come up with a definitive answer, leaving the speaker feeling perplexed and uncertain. The discussion also touched on the topic of cleaning habits and the possibility of normal explanations for the strange occurrences. The conversation ended with a promotion for Blue Nile's lab-grown diamonds and a mention of Bombas' charitable business model.

    • Leveraging LinkedIn for HiringLinkedIn is a professional hiring platform with unique features, allowing you to reach potential candidates not found elsewhere. Utilize it for free job postings and networking.

      LinkedIn is an invaluable resource for hiring professionals who may not be actively seeking new opportunities. With over 70% of LinkedIn users not visiting other leading job sites in a given month, it's essential to look in the right place when trying to fill job openings. LinkedIn allows you to post your job opening for free and connect with potential candidates who might not be found elsewhere. While celebrating the release of a book, the hosts of the podcast had a humorous exchange about one of the guests not being mentioned in the publication. Despite this, they emphasized the importance of following COVID-19 guidelines and being mindful of social distancing rules. In essence, LinkedIn is a professional platform for hiring, and it's crucial to utilize its unique features to find the best candidates for your organization.

    • Finding joy in unexpected places and handling mistakes with humorEven in tough times, we can find joy and excitement. Mistakes are inevitable, but how we respond matters. Communication and understanding are key in relationships.

      Even in the midst of our low moments, we can find joy and excitement in unexpected places. The speaker's mood shifted from feeling down to feeling energized after a work meeting, only to be brought back down by an unpleasant experience with jelly beans. However, they were able to find humor in the situation and move on. Another takeaway is the importance of communication and understanding in relationships. The speaker and their partner shared their emotions and emotional baggage with each other, but in this instance, the partner's actions caused distress rather than relief. It's important to be mindful of each other's feelings and to consider the potential impact of our actions. Lastly, it's important to remember that we all make mistakes and that it's how we handle them that matters. The speaker's response to the jelly bean incident was to find the humor in it and move on, rather than dwelling on the negative.

    • Understanding and accepting each other's differences in hoarding and food shoppingRespect each other's unique habits and differences in hoarding and food shopping, as everyone has their reasons

      Everyone has their unique quirks and habits when it comes to hoarding and food shopping. During a conversation, Rosie and Chris revealed that they both hoard different things - Rosie hoards clothes, and Chris hoards items he doesn't know how to recycle. They also shared that they both do the food shopping but have different approaches - Rosie plans meals and buys ingredients accordingly, while Chris buys things for himself. The conversation highlighted the importance of understanding and accepting each other's differences, even if they seem strange or unnecessary to others. Additionally, it showed that everyone has their reasons for their habits, and it's essential to respect those differences.

    • An unexpected encounter at a funeral homeDating can bring unexpected experiences, making it important to communicate openly and set boundaries.

      Some people's dating experiences can be bizarre and challenging. The speaker shared an unusual encounter where her date brought her to a funeral home to meet his aunt who had passed away. She was put on the spot and reluctantly agreed to go in with him for moral support. The experience left her feeling uncomfortable and questioning the intentions of the date. Another topic discussed was the speaker's inability to keep chocolates in the house due to her partner's disapproval, leading to a constant struggle and hidden stashes. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and unexpected twists that can come with dating and relationships.

    • Bringing a date to a funeralFunerals are solemn occasions, showing respect to the deceased and their family is crucial.

      Attending a funeral with a new date can lead to awkward and strange situations. The discussion revolves around a man who brought his date to a funeral home to say goodbye to his aunt, who had passed away. The man's behavior during the funeral was perceived as insensitive and inappropriate by those present, including the narrator. The situation became even more uncomfortable when the man asked the narrator to help lift his aunt's arm so he could place a watch on her wrist and then asked the narrator to kiss her on the head. The narrator felt uneasy about the situation and ended the date awkwardly. The group found the situation disturbing and weird, and it was a relief when the man left without asking for a second date. The discussion also touched on the idea of inviting strangers to funerals and the disrespect that comes with it. Overall, the experience served as a reminder that funerals are solemn occasions, and it's essential to show respect to the deceased and their family.

    • Navigating challenging situations with intoxicated individualsBe respectful of others' boundaries and be cautious when offering help to those who are intoxicated, as they may not always appreciate it.

      Helping others can be challenging, especially when they are in a state of intoxication and seem unwilling to accept help. The speakers in this conversation recall an experience where they attempted to help a drunk woman in a nightclub who was with a suspicious man. Despite their concerns, the woman repeatedly refused their help. The conversation then shifts to discussing unusual experiences, with the speakers sharing stories of bizarre dates and encounters. One of these stories involves a man who insisted on kissing the speaker for an extra pound at a "chapel of rest," a place where people come to view deceased loved ones. The speakers express their disgust at various inappropriate behaviors they have witnessed in nightclubs, such as fingering on the dance floor and kissing lords. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of respecting others' boundaries and the challenges of helping those who may not want or need it.

    • Judging situations based on limited information can be riskyAlways respect people's privacy and autonomy, even if their actions seem unconventional or unfamiliar. Open communication and empathy are key in navigating complex situations.

      Appearances can be deceiving. The speakers believed they were helping a woman in distress, only to discover that she was actually with her boyfriend, who were police officers. The incident serves as a reminder that it's important not to make assumptions or jump to conclusions based on limited information. Additionally, the conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of consent and relationships. It's crucial to respect people's privacy and autonomy, even if their actions seem unconventional or unfamiliar. The incident also underscores the importance of open communication and empathy in navigating awkward or confusing situations.

    • Misunderstandings at weddings and the power of first impressionsFirst impressions can be misleading, and it's crucial to gather all the facts before jumping to conclusions, even at weddings where drama and misunderstandings are common.

      First impressions can be deceiving, and it's important not to jump to conclusions based on superficial similarities. The discussion revolved around a man who mistakenly thought he saw his wife cheating with another man at a wedding, only to discover later that it was a different woman. The incident reminded one of the hosts of a similar story involving an auntie who attended a wedding where a bride's friend revealed she was pregnant, leading everyone to believe the bride was the one expecting. Both the hosts found it intriguing how life imitates art and how wedding dramas continue to capture our attention. They also touched upon the topic of long-term relationships and getting married after several years. The conversation ended with a reflection on how first impressions can be misleading and how it's essential to gather all the facts before jumping to conclusions.

    • Unexpected consequences of revengeRevenge can lead to unintended chaos and disrespect. Consider the impact of your actions and communicate effectively to avoid unpleasant situations.

      Revenge can lead to unexpected and unpleasant consequences. The maid of honor's plan to get back at the groom for embarrassing her resulted in a chaotic scene at the wedding breakfast. Meanwhile, my auntie remained calm and collected, even amidst the chaos. Another story shared involved a husband's disgusting behavior when he was ill. He spent a night coughing up phlegm into a bucket, but instead of disposing of it properly, he rinsed it out and used it for cleaning the flat. Unknowingly, his wife stepped into the bucket barefoot, resulting in a disgusting experience. These stories illustrate the importance of thinking through the consequences of our actions, no matter how well-intentioned they may be. Additionally, they highlight the importance of communication and respect in relationships.

    • Dealing with Illness ChallengesSpeaker shares distaste for using mop buckets and prefers nappy bins and tissue for middle-of-the-night trips. Unwilling to drink a large amount of money as a hypothetical challenge. Introduces Pretty Litter, an innovative cat litter product.

      The speaker shares an experience of dealing with illness and the challenges it brings, including getting up in the middle of the night to use the toilet. They express their distaste for using a mop bucket and share their preference for using a nappy bin and tissue instead. They also discuss the idea of drinking a large amount of money as a hypothetical challenge and their unwillingness to do so. The speaker also promotes a new cat litter product called Pretty Litter, which is innovative, lightweight, and monitors cat health through color changes.

    • Extra coverage for healthcare costs with UnitedHealthcareUnitedHealthcare's Health ProtectorGuard plans help manage out-of-pocket costs without deductibles or enrollment periods, providing peace of mind for healthcare expenses.

      When it comes to healthcare, it's beneficial to be "extra" with UnitedHealthcare's Health ProtectorGuard fixed indemnity insurance plans. These plans, underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company, supplement your primary insurance, helping you manage out-of-pocket costs without usual requirements like deductibles and enrollment periods. This means you can focus on getting the care you need without worrying about additional expenses or restrictions. Meanwhile, for Mother's Day shopping, Whole Foods Market is the place to be for unbeatable savings. With Prime membership, enjoy a 33% discount on all body care and candles, and a 15-stem bunch of tulips for just $9.99. Complete mom's special day with festive rose, berry chantilly cake, and other irresistible treats. So, treat mom to the best this Mother's Day at Whole Foods Market.

    Recent Episodes from Sh**ged Married Annoyed

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    Ep 275. Robaldo
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in

    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in
    In this episode of Shagged Married Annoyed Chris and Rosie discuss places they DON'T want to visit, Space being on the top of Rosie's list (even with 100 Tampons). Chris gives Mondays a kick up the backside and the beefs get personal when Chris reveals that Rosie read one of his texts. QFTP's involve an incredible/unusual kink and there are some stellar icks which kick off a chat about the John Barnes rap...cue Best Mate Steph!

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!

    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!
    This week on the podcast Chris is feeling under the weather and the pair get nostalgic about working in a shop. Chris gets mad at Soft Play Dads and Rosie shares an SMA level pooh story. Other topics up for discussion - CostCo, free stuff, protests and eating a cucumber in public. All of this plus Rosie has been busy watching documentaries.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs

    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 271. Fox Blocked

    Ep 271. Fox Blocked
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine
    It's a (kind of) sexy episode this week! Chris and Rosie chat Northern Lights, latte art, competitions and Chris does some coffee math! Rosie has been talking about Chris behind his back which gets back to him and causes some fresh beef. QTFP involve a new game, spag bowl and a roll on deodorant. PLUS Chris starts planning Rosie's quiz for next week.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 267. Rumour has it

    Ep 267. Rumour has it
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 266. Gasolina

    Ep 266. Gasolina
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Don’t forget to rate and review The Confidence Sessions and please subscribe if you like what you heard! https://www.befearlesswithpaula.com/podcast

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    Contact Norah :

    Website: https://fluency.consulting
    Your journey to discover the richness of language starts here. Join us on the website and embark on a learning adventure like never before!

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