
    Podcast Summary

    • Collaboration between Marc Maron, Kleenex, and the RamseysMarc Maron discussed Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues' hypoallergenic benefits, while the Ramseys shared their excitement about reaching the Sunday Times Bestseller list with their book.

      This podcast episode featured a collaboration between Marc Maron from the WTF podcast and various sponsors, including Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues and a bestselling book. Marc spoke about the importance of fighting allergies with Kleenex's hypoallergenic tissues, while the podcast hosts, Rosie and Christopher Ramsey, shared their excitement about reaching the number 1 spot on the Sunday Times Bestseller list with their book, "Shagmurdernoid." Throughout the episode, there was a playful and humorous tone, with the hosts expressing their love for books and their excitement about their sponsors. The collaboration between the podcast and the sponsors effectively showcased the benefits of the products and the achievements of the hosts, creating an engaging and entertaining listening experience.

    • Chris's sibling count confusionA small error in Chris's book led to confusion about her sibling count and emphasizes the importance of fact-checking in storytelling.

      Chris and Rose, the podcast hosts, have recently achieved the number one spot on the Sunday Times bestseller list. This achievement brought about a mix of emotions, including excitement and confusion. Chris shared an anecdote about how Rose reacted to the news, which included tears and a misunderstanding about Chris's sibling count. The misunderstanding arose from an error in one of Chris's chapters, where she mentioned having three siblings instead of the correct number, two. A listener had noticed this discrepancy and brought it to Chris's attention. Chris also shared a childhood story about telling her friend that a photo of herself was of her dead brother, which caused quite a reaction from her mom. Chris jokingly admitted to having a habit of lying as a child and even as an adult, but clarified that the Lego in the loft story was true. Overall, the conversation highlighted the excitement and confusion surrounding their recent achievement and the importance of accuracy in storytelling.

    • Partner's Lies: White or Significant?Frustration over partner's lies, no matter how small, can escalate relationships to a breaking point. Misunderstandings and dishonesty can lead to considering divorce.

      The speaker in this conversation is frustrated with their partner's habit of lying about minor things, even when they get caught. The partner defends these lies as "white lies," but the speaker sees them as unnecessary and pathetic. The conversation escalates when the speaker catches the partner lying about being on the edge of the bed, and the partner's response leads to a discovery of a significant gap between their pillows. The speaker expresses their annoyance with the partner's lies and the inconvenience caused by their large pregnancy pillow. The situation has reached a point where the speaker is considering divorce as a solution.

    • Childhood experiences shape our memories and perspectivesChildhood experiences, like being denied money for rides or getting lost, can shape our memories and teach us to find joy in unexpected places. Friendships formed during these experiences are also valuable.

      Childhood experiences, even seemingly insignificant ones, can shape our memories and perspectives later in life. The speaker shared an experience from her childhood where she and her friend took their kids to a soft play area and remembered being denied money for rides as a child. This experience sparked memories of her own childhood and the sense of disappointment and longing when her parents didn't have the means to give her money for rides at an amusement park. The speaker also shared a story about her brother getting lost as a child and how she passed the time by playing on a machine with unlimited rides. These experiences, though seemingly unrelated, highlight the importance of making the most of situations and finding joy in unexpected places. The speaker also touched upon the theme of friendship and the bonds formed during childhood. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the significance of childhood experiences and the impact they can have on our lives.

    • COVID-19 restrictions and their authenticityEvaluate the necessity of COVID-related restrictions, some may be excuses for convenience rather than genuine health measures.

      The ongoing global situation has brought about numerous inconveniences and frustrations, often disguised as COVID-19 restrictions. A simple example shared in the discussion was the inability to order a half-and-half pizza from a reputable company. This seemingly unreasonable restriction led to a larger conversation about the authenticity of COVID-related restrictions and the potential for people to use the pandemic as an excuse to avoid certain tasks or responsibilities. The speaker acknowledged the importance of mental wellbeing during these times but expressed frustration with the small, unnecessary restrictions that add to the stress and confusion. Ultimately, it's crucial to critically evaluate the reasoning behind such restrictions and consider whether they are genuinely necessary or just an excuse for convenience.

    • Unexpected joys in life amidst challengesFind humor in unexpected situations and appreciate small joys, even during tough times. Embrace new opportunities for personal growth.

      Life can be full of unexpected surprises and moments of joy, even during challenging times. The speaker expressed disappointment with the confusion and constant changes surrounding certain situations, but found humor in unexpected ways. For instance, during a delivery interaction, she was able to make the lady from Domino's laugh by explaining her inability to provide the last three digits of her card due to COVID-19 restrictions. Another unexpected joy came when Rosie received a jar of pickles from Ocado, acknowledging her love for pickles. These moments serve as reminders to appreciate the small joys in life, even amidst the chaos. Additionally, the speaker's personal growth was highlighted as she transitioned from a jobless podcaster to an author, and soon-to-be touring speaker. These experiences demonstrate the importance of staying adaptable and embracing new opportunities.

    • Listeners suggest ending to Rosie's MysteriesRosie's Mysteries experimented with listener-driven story endings due to feedback, but hosts found suggestions annoying and preferred to 'wing it'.

      The podcast "Rosie's Mysteries" is experimenting with a new format where they present half of a story and ask listeners to guess the ending. This change came about due to listener feedback expressing frustration with unsolved mysteries. The hosts, Rosie and Chris, are open to listener suggestions but often find them annoying. They've had over 45 million downloads and seem to enjoy the freedom of "winging it" and making things up as they go along. In this particular episode, a listener shared a story about a man who accidentally inserted a butternut squash up his rectum, leading to a hospital visit. The hosts found the story amusing and decided to present it as a mystery for the listeners to solve.

    • A man's obsession with large vegetables led to an explosive surgeryA man's unusual habit of inserting vegetables into his rectum resulted in a surgical emergency and a shocking explosion during the procedure, emphasizing the importance of addressing health concerns promptly.

      A man's unusual obsession with growing large vegetables led him to an unexpected and gruesome outcome during a surgery. The man had been secretly inserting various vegetables into his rectum for years, starting with small items like green beans, and gradually progressing to larger ones. When he was finally taken to the hospital due to a suspected impasse, doctors discovered the situation and confirmed that surgery was necessary. During the procedure, as they began to widen the hole, an unexpected event occurred: the butternut squash, which had been inside him for three days, exploded, covering the doctors, students, and the entire theater in squash mash. The pressure of the man's muscles had been holding the squash together, and when it was released, it had slowly roasted the vegetable. This bizarre incident left the medical team in shock and is a reminder of the importance of seeking medical help for unusual health concerns.

    • The importance of communication and consideration in relationshipsBe present and engaged in moments that matter to your partner, as communication and consideration are crucial for strong relationships. Save on wireless bills with Mint Mobile's affordable plans, and ethically shop for travel essentials with Quinn.

      Communication and consideration are key in relationships. Marc Maron shared a humorous anecdote about his husband's lackluster response when Marc's wife wanted him to feel their baby moving in her belly. The incident highlighted the importance of being present and engaged in moments that matter to your partner. Meanwhile, Ryan Reynolds discussed the affordability of Mint Mobile's new pricing plan, making it an attractive option for those looking to save on their wireless bills. Quinn's was introduced as a brand offering high-quality travel essentials at affordable prices, while adhering to ethical manufacturing practices. Overall, the conversation touched upon various topics, from pregnancy experiences to consumer savings and ethical shopping.

    • Communication and respect during pregnancyBe attentive to your partner's needs and emotions during pregnancy, avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts. Focus on the shared experience and be considerate of each other's feelings.

      Effective communication and respect for each other's feelings are crucial in a relationship, especially during pregnancy. The discussion reveals a misunderstanding and a lack of sensitivity towards the woman's desire to feel the baby move. The man's insistence on watching TV instead of focusing on the pregnancy experience led to frustration and conflict. Additionally, the man's carelessness and messiness added to the tension in their relationship. It's essential to be attentive to your partner's needs and be considerate of their emotions during this significant life transition.

    • Habits and Unexpected TwistsTwo seemingly small habits can have a big impact on daily life. Resisting trigger warnings and experiencing unexpected events add to the unfiltered nature of life.

      The discussion revolves around two seemingly small habits that have a significant impact on daily life: leaving clothes in a nearby room instead of taking them to the laundry room, and leaving items at the bottom or top of the stairs instead of carrying them up or down. These habits, while seemingly lazy, have become routines for the speakers. The conversation also touches upon the idea of automating household chores and the volume of emails they receive. One notable point from the conversation is the speaker's resistance to adding trigger warnings to their podcast. They argue that the podcast itself is a trigger warning due to its raw and unfiltered nature. Another interesting topic is the speaker's experience of getting their eyelashes done while listening to the podcast, which led to an unexpected situation involving a face mask. Overall, the conversation showcases the speakers' unique perspectives on everyday habits and the unexpected twists that life can bring.

    • Understanding the challenges of pregnancy sicknessPregnancy sickness can make everyday activities difficult and appear contradictory to one's appearance. Empathy and understanding are crucial.

      Pregnancy can bring unexpected challenges, and for some women, severe nausea and vomiting can make even the most mundane activities difficult. This was shared in a personal story by one of the podcast hosts, Robin, who experienced an embarrassing incident during an eyelash appointment due to her pregnancy sickness. She emphasized that while she usually wouldn't sympathize with someone vomiting, the experience of pregnancy sickness is a different story. Robin also shared stories of her friends who had experienced severe pregnancy sickness and lost significant weight despite looking great. She acknowledged the double-edged sword of appearing healthy while feeling unwell. The conversation also touched on the confusion of hearing similar place names in different contexts, such as Park Lane in Monopoly versus a bus station in Somerset. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding and empathizing with the unique challenges that pregnancy brings.

    • Assumptions can lead to awkward situationsAssumptions based on appearances or context can be incorrect, leading to misunderstandings and awkward experiences. Clear communication is key to avoiding these situations.

      Misunderstandings and mistakes can happen even in the most unexpected situations, leading to awkward and confusing experiences. In the discussed story, a woman gives a stranger a lift in her car, assuming she was her cousin. Despite the confusion and embarrassment, neither party questioned each other, leading to an uneasy ride. This incident brings up the idea that we often make assumptions based on appearances or context, and sometimes these assumptions can be incorrect. It's important to remember that we should always double-check and communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings. The story also touches upon the idea of childhood embarrassment and the mortifying experiences we've all had growing up. These experiences, though embarrassing at the time, often become funny anecdotes as we grow older. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of clear communication and the inevitability of mistakes and misunderstandings in life.

    • A couple's argument-turned-joke routineFinding joy in everyday routines, even seemingly mundane ones, can strengthen relationships and bring humor and connection.

      Even in the most seemingly mundane aspects of life, such as cooking and household chores, people can find humor and connection. The story shared involved a couple's argument-turned-joke routine, with the woman often refusing to give in and choosing to heat up frozen "spiced salmon" instead of admitting defeat. This ritual, known as "the spiked salmon," had become a source of amusement for them. The conversation then shifted to discussing whether the hosts had similar choreographed arguments in their own relationships. While they couldn't recall any specific instances, they acknowledged that such behavior might be a power move and not an effective way to resolve conflicts. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of finding joy in the everyday and the potential for even the smallest of habits to bring laughter and understanding to relationships.

    • The painful experience of judgment from friends after a night outJudgment from friends after a night out can be a painful and universal experience for those seeking or in relationships.

      The experience of judgment from friends after pulling someone on a night out can be a painful and deep-cutting feeling, especially for women. This story takes us back to the speaker's younger days when they and their friends would frequent a seedy nightclub called Cellar. One night, as they were leaving, two of their friends were making out with two guys outside the club, while the other two were trying to leave with them. The speaker explains that the judgment from their friends, who knew they were just trying to go home with someone, was a harsh and unwelcome feeling. Despite this, the speaker has never let it deter them from pursuing romantic or sexual encounters. The guys listening are encouraged to empathize with the experience, while the ladies are reminded that they too have likely felt this judgment at some point. The speaker emphasizes that this feeling cuts deep and is a universal experience for those in relationships or seeking them.

    • Misunderstanding in relationships and the importance of clear communicationEffective communication can prevent misunderstandings and embarrassing situations in relationships. Jumping to conclusions can lead to shocking discoveries, but clear communication can help resolve any confusion.

      Communication and clarity are crucial in relationships. The story shared by the speaker and his friend illustrates a misunderstanding that led to a shocking discovery. They assumed their friend was being left behind, but upon further observation, they realized she was in an unexpected situation. While they were initially shocked, they eventually joined in on the laughter and moved on. However, the experience highlighted the importance of clear communication and the potential consequences of jumping to conclusions. The friend's situation, though unconventional, was consensual and private. If the speaker and his friend had communicated effectively, they could have avoided the confusion and embarrassment. The story also touches on the topic of decision-making in relationships, as the speaker ponders who gets the final say when it comes to choosing a film to watch. The conversation then shifts to reminiscing about the good old days of browsing videos at Blockbuster and Phil Ellis' comedic question for the week.

    • Entertainment, Decision-Making, and NostalgiaThe speaker fondly recalls past entertainment experiences, struggles with indecisiveness when choosing movies, and enjoys binge-watching TV shows while expressing a desire to watch lengthy, critically-acclaimed films.

      The speaker shares a fondness for seeking recommendations and past experiences, particularly related to entertainment and decision-making. He recalls his past experiences renting videos from Global Video and playing difficult games like Worms. Despite his indecisiveness and the high cost, he enjoys interacting with sex lines for movie recommendations. He also mentions his current enjoyment of watching "Boys" on Amazon Prime despite its low rating. The speaker and his partner struggle with committing to longer films but easily binge-watch multiple episodes of TV shows. The speaker expresses a desire to watch highly-acclaimed films like "The Irishman" and "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood," but their length deter him. The speaker's sitcom, "Phil Ellis is Trying," can be heard on Radio 4. Overall, the speaker's musings showcase his love for entertainment, his struggle with decision-making, and his nostalgia for the past.

    • Mishap with BBC changes podcast title, Sponsor messages for Pretty Litter and Whole Foods MarketThe unpredictable life of comedian Phil led to a podcast title change by BBC. Sponsors Pretty Litter and Whole Foods Market were featured, emphasizing cat health monitoring and Mother's Day shopping deals respectively.

      The title of the podcast episode "Prison Broke" was changed to "Prison Break" by the BBC, and this mishap reflects the unpredictable nature of comedian Phil's life. Meanwhile, the sponsor messages introduce Pretty Litter, a health-monitoring cat litter, and Whole Foods Market, a go-to destination for Mother's Day shopping with various deals and offers. The podcast is now part of the Acast Creator Network, and listeners are encouraged to continue supporting it by subscribing, rating, and liking. Additionally, Daniel, the founder of Pretty Litter, emphasizes the importance of monitoring a cat's health and the benefits of using Pretty Litter, which includes superior odor control, lighter weight, and color-changing technology for early illness detection. Lastly, Whole Foods Market is highlighted as an excellent choice for Mother's Day gifts, with discounts on body care and candles, affordable tulip bundles, and various delicious treats.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in

    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in
    In this episode of Shagged Married Annoyed Chris and Rosie discuss places they DON'T want to visit, Space being on the top of Rosie's list (even with 100 Tampons). Chris gives Mondays a kick up the backside and the beefs get personal when Chris reveals that Rosie read one of his texts. QFTP's involve an incredible/unusual kink and there are some stellar icks which kick off a chat about the John Barnes rap...cue Best Mate Steph!

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    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!

    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!
    This week on the podcast Chris is feeling under the weather and the pair get nostalgic about working in a shop. Chris gets mad at Soft Play Dads and Rosie shares an SMA level pooh story. Other topics up for discussion - CostCo, free stuff, protests and eating a cucumber in public. All of this plus Rosie has been busy watching documentaries.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs

    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs
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    Ep 271. Fox Blocked

    Ep 271. Fox Blocked
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 267. Rumour has it

    Ep 267. Rumour has it
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 266. Gasolina

    Ep 266. Gasolina
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Book: The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace


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