
    Podcast Summary

    • Celebrate moms with a personalized card from MoonpigCelebrate moms this Mother's Day with a personalized card from Moonpig and consider UnitedHealthcare's flexible, budget-friendly short-term insurance plans.

      While a crocodile can't stick out its tongue, there are other things worth focusing on, like surprise your mom with a personalized card from Moonpig this Mother's Day. UnitedHealthcare's short-term insurance plans offer flexible, budget-friendly coverage for those in need. And despite the challenges of 2020, remember that no one needs to know if you're not brushing your teeth or wearing a mask to hide bad hygiene. In the world of Shag Mary Annoyed, Rosie Ramsey and her husband Chris Ramsey discussed the joys of growing beards and the inconvenience of dental appointments. But even in the midst of these trivial matters, they reminded us that every mom deserves a special card this Mother's Day. So take a moment to celebrate the moms in your life and surprise them with a thoughtful, personalized card from Moonpig. And remember, UnitedHealthcare is there to provide flexible health insurance options when you need them most.

    • The importance of basic manners and considerationGood manners and consideration, even in small interactions, can prevent confrontations and improve people's lives. Teach children and practice them yourself.

      Basic manners and consideration for others, even in seemingly small interactions like crossing a zebra crossing, can make a big difference in people's lives. The speaker expressed frustration with individuals who fail to acknowledge drivers or pedestrians, and shared personal experiences where this lack of courtesy led to confrontations. The importance of teaching children good manners and modeling them oneself was also emphasized. The speaker's passion for this topic was evident throughout the conversation. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the success of their podcast and encouraged listeners to engage with it by liking, rating, and subscribing.

    • Navigating Emotions in a PandemicThe pandemic brings a mix of emotions including sadness, frustration, jealousy, and happiness, highlighting the importance of finding moments of joy and connection amidst the challenges.

      The ongoing pandemic and resulting restrictions have caused frustration and isolation for many people, particularly those in areas with stricter lockdown measures. This frustration is compounded by seeing others enjoying activities that are currently off-limits, leading to feelings of jealousy and anger. Additionally, the lack of social interaction and inability to see friends and loved ones has further exacerbated these emotions. The speaker expresses her own struggles with this situation, sharing her experiences of feeling angry and miserable, but also finding moments of joy and positivity. Ultimately, the pandemic has created a complex emotional landscape, with moments of sadness, frustration, and even jealousy, but also moments of happiness and connection.

    • Nostalgic memories and awkward interactions at McDonald'sGrowing up, McDonald's was a special treat, but an encounter with a young employee using familiar terms brought back uncomfortable feelings. Informal language use is common in working-class communities, but can cause confusion and embarrassment.

      The speaker has fond memories of getting McDonald's only on special occasions growing up, and the experience of being called "big man" by a younger McDonald's employee brought back feelings of discomfort and awkwardness, reminiscent of meeting a new significant figure in his mother's life. He also shared that using familiar, informal terms like "mate" and "big man" is a common working-class practice that has spread throughout the country. The speaker's father had a similar habit of addressing people as "Jackie," which also caused confusion and embarrassment for the speaker. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of language and the complex emotions that can be evoked by seemingly insignificant interactions.

    • Childhood experiences with football and father's influenceEarly experiences with football and a pushy father shaped speaker's aversion to the sport, but also influenced personal growth and perspective

      The speaker's experiences with football and his father have significantly shaped who he is today. Despite the negative associations he has with the sport due to his dad's pushiness, he can't help but feel a deep connection to it. The speaker's father would take him and his brother to watch South Shields over 40s games when they were young, often taking them into the changing room to socialize with his friends. The speaker felt out of place as the only kid there and was often mortified by his father's behavior. However, looking back, the speaker realizes that these experiences played a role in his aversion to football and his desire to pursue other interests. The speaker also reflects on how societal norms and attitudes towards football and hooliganism have changed over the years, and how he would have felt differently if these experiences had occurred more recently. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the complex and often unintended ways that our experiences and relationships shape us.

    • Personal experiences shape opinions and tastesOur past experiences influence how we view sports, fashion, and other aspects of life, making it important to respect individuality and avoid imposing our preferences on others.

      Everyone has unique experiences and preferences, even when it comes to sports or fashion. The speaker shared an unpleasant experience of being in a football dressing room as a child, which influenced his disinterest in the sport. Now, as a parent, he is dealing with his son's eclectic fashion choices, which he initially encouraged but now finds overwhelming. Both experiences show how personal experiences shape our opinions and tastes. The football dressing room incident made him vow never to force football on his child, while the current situation with his son's clothing choices has him struggling to find a balance between letting him express himself and maintaining his own comfort.

    • Finding the Right Christmas Jumper for a Growing ChildParents face challenges finding appropriate and acceptable Christmas jumpers for their growing children, leading to frustration and repetition of worn clothes.

      Shopping for the perfect Christmas jumper for a growing child can be a challenging experience. The speaker in this conversation was having a hard time finding last year's jumpers and decided to get a new one for an upcoming school party. They went through various websites, considering options with dinosaurs, snowmen, and even Pikachu. However, they were disappointed with the designs they found, some of which were ugly or inappropriate for the holiday. The speaker also mentioned that their child was particular about what they wore and would only accept a specific type of jumper, leading to the same clothes being worn repeatedly and the speaker being frustrated with the situation. The conversation ended with the speaker expressing their relief that they were having another baby and would no longer have to deal with the issue. The conversation also touched upon the challenges of finding appropriate clothing for children and the frustration that comes with it.

    • A woman's unexpected encounter with Glenn on TinderDespite initial excitement, a woman feels unsatisfied after a sexual encounter with a man she met on Tinder, leaving her questioning the unpredictability of modern dating.

      The text describes a woman's experience on Tinder, where she matches with a man named Glenn. They meet up for a date and end up at his place, where they eventually have a sexual encounter. The text is written in an inconsistent style, jumping between formal and informal language. The woman shares her experience with her friend, who uses descriptive and humorous language to recount the events. Despite the woman's initial excitement, she is disappointed when Glenn invites her friend back to his place, and the encounter leaves her feeling unsatisfied. The text also includes some unexpected details, such as Glenn's young roommate and the woman's aversion to men wearing dressing gowns during sexual encounters. Overall, the text provides a candid and humorous look at modern dating and the often unpredictable nature of romantic encounters.

    • Unexpected requests from a friendClear communication and understanding are crucial in relationships to avoid misunderstandings and confusion.

      The situation between two individuals involved unexpected and bizarre behavior, leaving one person feeling confused and bewildered. The man asked his friend to help him move furniture, but it turned out to be a mirror for his bedroom, and later, a spare door for an unusual purpose. The friend was taken aback and refused to participate in the man's requests, which seemed to be increasingly strange and inappropriate. The situation highlights the importance of clear communication and understanding in relationships to avoid misunderstandings and confusion.

    • The Importance of Communication and Preparation in Unexpected SituationsEffective communication and preparation are crucial in handling unexpected situations, whether it's a DIY project, dating, or job hunting. Being open-minded and adaptable can lead to new experiences and opportunities.

      Effective communication and preparation are key when dealing with unexpected situations, especially in relationships. The conversation touched upon various topics, including DIY issues, dating, and job hunting. The speaker shared an experience where a friend left unexpectedly during a home improvement project, expressing frustration over the lack of communication and preparation. In another context, the speaker discussed the importance of being open to new experiences and not judging based on assumptions, as demonstrated by a young man's unconventional approach to intimacy. Lastly, the conversation highlighted the benefits of using platforms like LinkedIn for job hunting and connecting with professionals who may not be actively seeking new opportunities. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of adaptability, communication, and open-mindedness in various aspects of life.

    • Discovering New Hobbies for Better Well-beingExploring new hobbies can enhance personal well-being and strengthen relationships by providing fulfillment and engagement, while reducing reliance on media or technology.

      The speaker in this conversation is a heavy smoker and has been advised to quit, as well as expressed a need to find new hobbies to engage in instead of relying on media or technology to pass the time. The speaker also mentioned an argument they had with someone about their lack of relaxing hobbies and how they spend their time. Despite the speaker's initial resistance, it was suggested that they try new activities such as baking or cooking, or even picking up a book. The speaker also mentioned their recent interest in playing video games on their PS5 as a new hobby, but it was noted that this hobby might take them away from their family and cause potential conflicts. Overall, the conversation touched on the importance of finding enjoyable and fulfilling hobbies to improve overall well-being and relationships.

    • Expressing Frustrations and Habits in Everyday LifeThe speaker candidly shares her struggles with multitasking, being in multiple places at once, and even bringing a cup of tea into the shower, highlighting the quirks and challenges of everyday life.

      The speaker in this conversation is expressing frustration and annoyance towards various situations in her life, including trying to multitask and be in multiple places at once. She also reveals her habit of bringing a cup of tea into the shower, which has caused controversy with her boyfriend. The conversation also touches upon her pregnancy and the physical challenges it brings. Despite her huffing and puffing and apparent irritability, she insists that her actions come from a place of care and concern. The conversation ends with a debate between the speaker and her boyfriend about the weirdness of bringing a hot drink into the shower. Overall, the conversation showcases the speaker's candid and humorous approach to life's challenges, as well as her strong opinions on everyday matters.

    • Debating the Unconventional Practice of Having Tea in the ShowerPersonal preferences and habits shape our daily routines, including the controversial practice of having tea in the shower, which some find relaxing while others see as wasteful.

      Having a cup of tea in the shower is a topic of debate due to its potential wastefulness and strangeness. Some people find it relaxing, while others see it as an inefficient use of resources. The conversation also touched upon the idea of our bodies and their functions, with some expressing frustration when needing to use the restroom and feeling thirsty at the same time. The discussion also explored the temperature of drinks in various contexts, such as baths and hot weather. Ultimately, it seems that personal preferences and habits play a significant role in determining what is considered normal or desirable in daily routines.

    • Exploring the benefits of unconventional living arrangementsUnconventional living arrangements like throuples can bring financial advantages and stronger relationships, but also come with unique challenges.

      Unconventional living arrangements can bring unexpected benefits, such as financial advantages and stronger relationships. The speaker shares an observation about her friends who have formed throuples (three-person relationships) and moved in together. She admits to feeling envious but also acknowledges the potential challenges, such as increased complexity in the bedroom and living situations. The speaker reflects on her past inventions and feels validated seeing her idea of three people running a household come to life. Despite the potential complications, she expresses excitement about the concept and even jokingly suggests that she may need to get four people involved if they have children. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of adapting to new living arrangements and finding creative solutions to life's challenges.

    • Three Men Sharing an Apartment and a BedAdaptability, communication, and finding creative solutions are crucial for making unconventional living situations work, as shown by three grown men sharing an apartment, a bed, and a polyfidelitous relationship.

      Gary, Larry, and Barry, three grown men, share a small New York City apartment and a bed, leading to various challenges and adjustments. They've adopted unconventional solutions to their living situation, such as removing the bathroom door and having communal meals. Despite the unique circumstances, they seem to be making it work, possibly due to their strong bond and financial reasons. An intriguing aspect is their reportedly polyfidelitous relationship, where they all consider each other equal partners and restrict sexual activity to only within their group. This living arrangement, while unconventional, highlights the importance of adaptability, communication, and finding creative solutions to unconventional living situations.

    • Exploring Non-Traditional RelationshipsRespecting individual choices and understanding the diversity of human relationships is crucial.

      Non-traditional relationships, such as threesomes or triples, exist and can last for long periods. A group of friends in college formed such a relationship and have stuck together, with some even claiming to be engaged. While some find it intriguing, others are skeptical or overwhelmed by the idea. The logistics, such as living arrangements and potential jealousy, can be challenging. Some people have even joked about polyamory, where one person has multiple partners. Despite the differences in opinion, it's essential to respect everyone's choices and understand that relationships come in various forms. The conversation also touched upon the misconceptions about polygamy, where one person has multiple spouses, and polyandry, where one person has multiple husbands. Ultimately, it's crucial to be open-minded and embrace the diversity of human relationships.

    • Witnessing an Unusual Sight During a Car RideDuring a podcast, the speakers were shocked by a man's unusual behavior while driving a tractor, discussed Mother's Day gift ideas, and promoted their own products.

      During a car ride, the speakers on a podcast witnessed an unusual sight: a man appearing to masturbate while driving a tractor on the road. The speakers and his mother were both shocked and confused by the incident, with the speaker expressing concern over the man's cleanliness and the potential for disturbing vibrations. The conversation then shifted to various topics, including the man's nationality and the appropriateness of such activities. The speakers also discussed the importance of buying thoughtful gifts for Mother's Day, mentioning Whole Foods Market and Moonpig as options. Additionally, they promoted a new merchandise line and their book. The podcast ended with a promotion for Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets, which get softer with every wash. Overall, the speakers provided a humorous yet bizarre account of an unexpected observation, while also sharing recommendations for Mother's Day gifts and promoting their own products.

    Recent Episodes from Sh**ged Married Annoyed

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    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in

    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in
    In this episode of Shagged Married Annoyed Chris and Rosie discuss places they DON'T want to visit, Space being on the top of Rosie's list (even with 100 Tampons). Chris gives Mondays a kick up the backside and the beefs get personal when Chris reveals that Rosie read one of his texts. QFTP's involve an incredible/unusual kink and there are some stellar icks which kick off a chat about the John Barnes rap...cue Best Mate Steph!

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    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!

    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!
    This week on the podcast Chris is feeling under the weather and the pair get nostalgic about working in a shop. Chris gets mad at Soft Play Dads and Rosie shares an SMA level pooh story. Other topics up for discussion - CostCo, free stuff, protests and eating a cucumber in public. All of this plus Rosie has been busy watching documentaries.

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    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs

    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs
    This week, Rosie and Chris are off to London to do exciting things which they’re not allowed to talk about on the podcast, Chris has bumped into one of Rosie's old teachers at soft play and Rafe has revealed a development in our cashless society. We get an update after last week’s little argument… and the podcast also gets interrupted by the window cleaners. There are some questionable gym techniques discussed in QFTPs as well as a story from our favourite place… the GUM clinic!

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    Ep 271. Fox Blocked

    Ep 271. Fox Blocked
    On the podcast this week things get serious when the Ramsey's start preparing for a joint 40th birthday party that is taking place in 2 years! As well as this they discuss cream out of a can, thieving from your doorstep and bad algorithms! QFTP's involve some Rosie's Mysteries and a dog based ick! PLUS Chris reveals that he has never seen the film Grease!

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    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine
    It's a (kind of) sexy episode this week! Chris and Rosie chat Northern Lights, latte art, competitions and Chris does some coffee math! Rosie has been talking about Chris behind his back which gets back to him and causes some fresh beef. QTFP involve a new game, spag bowl and a roll on deodorant. PLUS Chris starts planning Rosie's quiz for next week.

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    Ep 268. Eat an egg!

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!
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    Ep 267. Rumour has it

    Ep 267. Rumour has it
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    Ep 266. Gasolina

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    What Leaders Can Learn from Beyonce, Michelle Obama, Leonardo DiCaprio, Charlize Theron, and Michael Jordan's moms

    What Leaders Can Learn from Beyonce, Michelle Obama, Leonardo DiCaprio, Charlize Theron, and Michael Jordan's moms

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    About the Host:


    Nathalie is the EXPERT with a PROVEN SYSTEM to get you transformational results. She works with people who want to find Confidence & Clarity to Unlock their Full Potential. She is international No.1 Bestselling Author of fifteen books on success, communication, wellness and empowerment. She is the Founder and CEO of the THINK Yourself® ACADEMY, offering leading-edge courses, training and events.

    Along the past 30 years, she has inspired over 100,000 audience members and empowered thousands of clients internationally to get rid of their negative self-talk. She combines over 10 years of experience in human resources, 25 years of experience in sales and over 30 years in the fitness industry. In 2007, she was "Fitness Instructor of the Year" for Canada. She was named Canadian Presenter of the Year in August 2021.








    instagram: @nathaliepthinkyourself

    Book your FREE 15-min Virtual Coffee: www.thinkyourself.com/schedule


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    28: Dachshund's, Dicky Tummies and Dodgy Save The Dates

    28: Dachshund's, Dicky Tummies and Dodgy Save The Dates

    Warning, hide the kids, there’s swearing straight from the top of this one. 

    (Return of the Sophie) Come on

    (Return of the Sophie) Oh my God

    (You know that she is back) Here she is!

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    As always, Jamie and Sophie discuss the most pressing topics, like leaving their giant pink vibrator out for the cleaner to find. Jamie discovers his true masculinity via his mushroom scented body and Sophie reads, potentially the most poignant poo story we’ve EVER been sent! 

    ‘Reverse Mr & Mrs’ gets serious. The final’s today. Whoever loses, faces the forfeit of a tattoo of the other persons choosing. Sophie is 3-2 up. It’s all to play for. 

    Our beautiful ‘Wedding Favour’ this week is from Sam Crompton who has suggested hand written notes in bottles for all the guests. A lovely idea, thank you Sam.

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    Tiktok - nearlyweds

    Email - contact@nearlywedspodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 213. Skip Cap

    Ep 213. Skip Cap
    On this week's podcast Chris is feeling itchy and neither he or Rosie can figure out why. Rosie spent an evening at a David Bowie tribute act and reveals her technique for singing along when she doesn't know the words. The beefs are on the dry side and there's a snoring special in QFTP's!

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.