
    Podcast Summary

    • An Unexpected Encounter with a GhostThe speaker shares a personal experience of encountering a ghost, leaving them feeling a mix of emotions. They also discuss various topics, including meal inspiration, dating apps, and ghost hunting.

      The speaker had an unexpected encounter with a ghost, which left them feeling a mix of emotions. They had previously gone through the process of clearing out belongings of someone named Allison, after a suspected acid attack. One night, they heard a baby crying and were surprised to see Alison standing in front of an empty room. This experience was both creepy and slightly seductive for the speaker. A memory of a card from Alison's cousin, Laisha, who was a medium, triggered the recollection of this event. The conversation then shifted to various topics, including meal inspiration from Kroger and the new features of the Bumble dating app. The speaker also shared their love for Tim Burton films and recommended watching "Corpse Bride" and "Frankenweenie." Throughout the conversation, there were several references to ghosts and ghost hunting, which added to the overall theme of the conversation. It's important to note that the speaker's experiences and recommendations are shared in a conversational and sometimes humorous manner.

    • Sharing Stories: Truth, Exaggeration, and ConnectionPeople's stories, even with occasional exaggerations or falsehoods, can be a powerful way to connect and share experiences and memories

      People sometimes lie or exaggerate, even if they don't mean to. The speaker in this conversation seemed to be doing both, sharing stories that were not entirely truthful, but also expressing genuine enthusiasm and admiration for others. Another theme that emerged was the importance of experiences and memories, as the speaker shared stories from their past, including a memorable comedy performance and an embarrassing incident from their youth. Despite the occasional exaggeration or falsehood, these stories were a way for the speaker to connect with others and share the joy and humor of their experiences. The conversation also touched on the theme of age and the passage of time, with the speaker reflecting on the differences between their own experiences and those of younger people. Overall, the conversation was a reminder that stories, even if they are not entirely true, can be a powerful way to connect with others and share the richness of our experiences.

    • Tarot cards, independence, and unconventional expressionsThe speaker discussed tarot cards representing success, independence, and self-discipline, but felt a loss of independence due to reliance on others. They also shared a song, 'Flowers,' as an anthem for single people, and addressed a misunderstanding with humor.

      The discussion revolved around various topics including tarot cards, feelings of independence, and unconventional expressions. The tarot cards discussed represented success, independence, and self-discipline. However, the speaker expressed a feeling of losing independence due to reliance on others. There was also a mention of a song, "Flowers" by Miley Cyrus, which was seen as an anthem for single people. The conversation then took a turn towards a misunderstanding over the phrase "I'm due for food," which was perceived as animalistic or baby-like talk. Despite these seemingly unrelated topics, the conversation remained engaging and light-hearted. The speaker's clumsiness added to the humor, and the overall tone was one of camaraderie and shared experiences.

    • Derry's late wife Alison returns with mysterious messages and scalding showersThe complex relationship between Derry and Phoebe takes a dark turn as they are both scalded in the shower, with Derry believing Alison is responsible, but Phoebe dismisses it. Derry starts seeing messages from Alison on the bathroom mirror, but the truth remains uncertain.

      In the ongoing series, the character Derry, whose wife had died, is now involved in a complicated relationship with Phoebe. They have been secretly having an affair, but things take a terrifying turn when Alison, Derry's late wife, returns. The situation escalates when both Derry and Phoebe are scalded in the shower, leading them to believe that Alison is responsible. However, Phoebe dismisses the incident as a problem with the water heater, and Derry doesn't press the issue. The story takes a darker turn when Derry starts seeing messages from Alison on the bathroom mirror, but Phoebe denies seeing them. The tension builds up, leaving the audience wondering about the identity of the mysterious figure and the true nature of the relationship between Derry, Phoebe, and Alison. The series continues to explore the themes of infidelity, obsession, and the supernatural.

    • Alison's Miscarriage and Cancer DiagnosisDerek and Alison's relationship was filled with intense moments, including Alison's miscarriage and cancer diagnosis, which left a deep emotional impact on both of them.

      The relationship between Derek and Alison was filled with intense moments, both good and bad. One particularly traumatic experience was Alison's miscarriage, which left her deeply affected and led to the discovery of her cervical cancer. Despite the pain and heartbreak, Derek remained by her side. However, their attempts to start a family again resulted in more heartache and ultimately, their separation. It's clear that their relationship was complex and intense, with moments of deep love and joy, as well as pain and trauma. The memory of Alison standing in the empty crib room, looking down at nothing, is a poignant reminder of the loss they experienced. The discovery of her cancer added another layer of tragedy to their story. Despite the challenges, Derek remained committed to Alison, even in her final moments. The experience of their relationship highlights the complexities of love and loss, and the deep emotional impact that such experiences can have on individuals.

    • Unearthing family secrets through an encounter with a mediumBeing open to new experiences and perspectives, even the unconventional, can lead to valuable discoveries and a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. Letting go of past connections, both physical and digital, can promote healing and growth.

      Sometimes unexplained experiences can be connected to our past in unexpected ways. In this case, the speaker's encounter with a medium, Laisha, led them to uncover a family curse that may have contributed to the tragic events in Alison's life. The speaker was initially skeptical but open-minded enough to listen, and in doing so, gained new insights into Alison's experiences and their shared history. The takeaway is that being open to new experiences and perspectives, even if they seem strange or unconventional, can lead to valuable discoveries and a deeper understanding of ourselves and those around us. Additionally, the importance of letting go of past connections, both physical and digital, was emphasized as a way to release negative energy and make room for healing and growth.

    • The Power of Past RelationshipsPast relationships can leave lasting impacts, sometimes leading to unexplained occurrences. Addressing and resolving unresolved issues and trusting instincts are essential.

      Our past experiences and relationships can leave lasting impacts on us, sometimes in ways we don't fully understand until much later. In the discussed narrative, the protagonist discovered a hidden letter from an ex-partner and was urged to leave their shared home. After moving out and clearing out their belongings, they encountered strange occurrences, including hearing their ex's voice and finding lit candles. These events led to a fire in their old house, which they managed to escape with help. The experience left the protagonist shaken and seeking answers from their friend, Laisha. This ordeal underscores the power of past relationships and the importance of addressing and resolving unresolved issues. It also highlights the potential for unexplained occurrences and the importance of trusting one's instincts and seeking help when needed. The story continues with the protagonist sharing their own childhood experience, adding another layer to the theme of past impacts.

    • Childhood experiences shape perspectivesChildhood fears can leave lasting impacts, shaping our desires and fears in profound ways.

      Childhood experiences, even the frightening ones, can shape our perspectives and desires in profound ways. The speaker's fear of yellow glowing eyes in the woods led her to have conflicting dreams of both wanting to be close to nature in a caravan and being scared of it. The experience also led her to develop a fear of the dark and a need for a night light to feel safe. Despite her parents' attempts to reassure her, she continued to be disturbed by the experience, which stayed with her even into the next day. The fear of the unknown and the power of imagination can be overwhelming for children, and this story illustrates how even seemingly insignificant experiences can leave lasting impacts.

    • Trusting Children's PerceptionsEncourage children's curiosity and trust their unique ability to perceive things, rather than dismissing their experiences as mere figments of their imagination.

      Children, especially during their formative years, have a unique ability to perceive things that adults often overlook or dismiss. The speaker's experience of encountering what he believed to be a deer with yellow eyes outside his window as a child is a testament to this. Despite his parents' skepticism, the speaker's vivid imagination and openness to the unknown allowed him to interpret the experience as a friendly encounter. However, as he grew older, he began to question the nature of the creature he encountered and became increasingly paranoid about its intentions. This fear culminated in his belief that something was replacing his son at night, leading him to take extreme measures to protect his family. The story underscores the importance of trusting children's perceptions and encouraging their curiosity, rather than dismissing their experiences as mere figments of their imagination.

    • Jake's Nighttime Transformation: A Monstrous BehaviorJake's nighttime transformation caused fear and harm to his family, leading them to install surveillance for protection.

      The behavior of Jake, a toddler, drastically changed at night into something monstrous and dangerous. His arm extended beyond human limits, he grew taller, and exhibited superhuman strength. Jake seemed to be able to move around unnoticed during the night, and when discovered, he displayed terrifying behavior such as attacking his parents and inflicting harm on their belongings. The family felt hunted in their own home and installed surveillance to protect themselves. However, one night, they witnessed Jake harming Alice, leading the father to intervene. The incidents left the family in a state of constant fear and exhaustion.

    • Encounter with a Monster's AftermathWitnessing violence leaves the speaker questioning their safety and the nature of existence.

      The speaker has witnessed a violent and disturbing encounter between two individuals, Alice and a monster named Jake. Alice was attacked, leaving her covered in blood, and she fled the scene, leaving the speaker alone with Jake. The speaker is now home alone with Jake, who has been testing the boundaries and exhibiting monstrous behavior. The speaker fears for their safety and wonders if death is the end or if they might wake up as something else. The conversation then shifts to a lighthearted topic about attempting to levitate an object, likely as a distraction from the previous events.

    • The importance of clear communication and coordinationEffective communication and clear instructions are essential for achieving desired outcomes. Patience, persistence, and a positive attitude are necessary when faced with challenges.

      Effective communication and clear instructions are crucial for achieving a desired outcome. In the discussion, we heard two people trying to perform a body test, but their lack of synchronization and unclear instructions led to confusion and failure. They eventually found success when they took turns giving clear instructions and ensuring they were both on the same page before proceeding. This highlights the importance of clear communication and coordination in any situation, whether it's a simple body test or a complex project at work. Additionally, the conversation showcased the importance of patience, persistence, and a positive attitude in the face of challenges. Despite their initial struggles, they didn't give up and eventually found success. This serves as a reminder that setbacks and failures are a natural part of the learning process, and with the right mindset and approach, we can overcome them and achieve our goals.

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    en-gbJuly 01, 2024

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    WE ARE COMING TO EDINBURGH FRINGE - TIX BELOW! https://linktr.ee/ghosthunspod 

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    Ghost Huns
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    Ghost Huns
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    ENJOY HUNS xoxo




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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 03, 2024

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    EP79: Thrashing Around

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    Dive in this week for a story about a haunted flat in Kensington... Hannah tells us a story about Marina and her thrashing and BIG S regales us with a creepy story about people who go missing in the rain. Drip drip drip. 

    Creep of the Week is from E - it's a spooky short story!

    Finally - more spirit writing... let's all get haunted. 

    ENJOY huns xoxo



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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 27, 2024

    EP78: Baby for Dinner

    EP78: Baby for Dinner

    The huns went on a Big Night Out and we find out about how many wines were drunken. Expect hungover chaos energy on this one. No change there then. 

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    We cover all sorts this eppy - getting a wax on your period, a review of the horror film BagHead and does anyone know of the Creepers books?? 

    Hannah rounds it off with a story about Scarecrow (it's giving Goosebumps).

    Finally - We Get Haunted So You Don't Have To (WGHSYDHT) (really rolls off the tongue) - we attempt to contact a dead celeb. 

    ENJOY huns xx



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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 20, 2024

    EP77: Get Into Bed

    EP77: Get Into Bed

    This week Suzie is ratty and Hannah is worried about putin and her KeysPersePhone. The huns are shattered and knackered so expect weird hyper vibes in the studio.

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    Finally BS predicts how Hannah's weekend is gonna go through the use of ONE TAROT card... it gets creepy as fuck guys.

    Stay safe and spookeh


    JOIN OUR PATREON! EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 13, 2024

    EP76: Stranger Danger

    EP76: Stranger Danger

    It's EPPY 76 huns (we get it wrong in the intro - our brains have melted... soz.) We get a nice update about BigS and her boobs, Hannah is being dead sexeh and generally things are Very Funny. Hilarious. We hear about a breakfast mugging and whilst we are here, please don't stop making brownies Terri.

    Stories this week - a text exchange between Dad and son, a whatsapp ghost story from Emma, a riddle about how a cheating husband story ends, Big Suze tells us a short spooky story concerning suicide(TW) which Hannah debunks and our Creep of the Week is from Lileth (names have been changed) about a TRUE CRIME case-ongoing story. Ty for sending it in!

    We end with an electronic ouija board... what do we find?

    Oh, and the huns end-end with some war-mongering.

    ENJOY!!!! xoxo

    P.s. We have LIMITED EDITION MERCH! And we are going to Edinburgh Fringe - check out more on the link below:




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    EP75: Lynn's Origin Story

    EP75: Lynn's Origin Story

    This week there' a lot of tit and toilet talk. It's outrageous. But amongst the filthy chaos, we ALSO bring you the spooks.

    First up is Part 2 of the crow story (will Madison ever be found?), Hannah tells a story about a haunted toilet, stranger danger in a car park, another haunted toilet, an ACTUAL TRUE CRIME TOILET HORROR and a gorgey Creep of the Week from Kate! Ty hun - expect shadowy bedroom horror.... no thank yew Elliot.

    We round off with more telepathy and we hope you enjoy HITW xxx

    P.s. We have LIMITED EDITION MERCH! And we are going to Edinburgh Fringe - check out more on the link below:




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    6 Reasons We Fall Out of Love & 6 Changes We Can Make to Keep It Flourishing

    6 Reasons We Fall Out of Love & 6 Changes We Can Make to Keep It Flourishing

    Do you want to meditate daily with me? Go to go.calm.com/onpurpose to get 40% off a Calm Premium Membership. Experience the Daily Jay. Only on Calm 

    Falling in love with someone can happen instantly. Staying in love with the same person is hard work. In most relationships, partnerships last not because of love and all the giddy feelings that come with it. Relationships last when both partners continuously work together to build trust, deal with issues as one but still recognize deferring opinions, and plan a future together with each other’s interest and growth in mind.

    In this episode of On Purpose, Jay Shetty shares with us the common reasons why many couples fall out of love and ways to save the relationship by keeping the love burning.

    Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/ 

    Key Takeaways:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:12 The top reasons we fall out of love
    • 05:59 Reason #1: We stop learning new things about each other
    • 10:41 Reason #2: We stop talking about vulnerable, meaningful topics
    • 17:06 Reason #3: We don’t create systems to deal with arguments
    • 22:58 Reason #4: When you aren’t emotionally available
    • 23:49 Reason #5: No division of chores and responsibilities
    • 24:37 Reason #6: Not addressing important issues with your partner

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