
    Episode #021 ... One God - St. Thomas Aquinas

    enMay 05, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • Our perception of reality can deceive us, seek multiple perspectivesQuestion assumptions, seek scientific explanations, remain open-minded, refine understanding of the world

      Our perception of reality may not always align with the objective truth, and it's essential to question our assumptions and seek out multiple perspectives to arrive at a more accurate understanding. The Postal Service's song "Sleeping In" illustrates this concept through a dream sequence where people attribute natural phenomena to divine intervention, rather than seeking scientific explanations. This is a reminder that our senses can deceive us, and we must be cautious in relying solely on them to understand the world around us. Empiricism, the philosophical approach that emphasizes the importance of experience and evidence, has faced criticism for the fallibility of our senses. The song's alternate reality highlights another human failure in the pursuit of truth: the tendency to attribute natural phenomena to supernatural causes. It's crucial to remain open-minded and continue questioning and seeking knowledge to refine our understanding of the world.

    • Perception and Creation Influence Our Understanding of RealityRecognizing and addressing biases is essential for objective truth seeking, as our perception and beliefs shape our understanding of reality.

      Our perception of the world around us and the role of a creator in it can significantly influence our understanding of reality. Believing in a divine being who regulates and intervenes in the world may lead to anticipating cataclysmic events, while viewing the universe as governed by an all-powerful, infinitely intelligent entity may diminish the sense of responsibility to affect change. However, human biases, shaped by culture, time period, and education, can hinder our ability to discern truth objectively. For instance, ancient Greeks may have assumed everything was designed for them due to their surroundings, but scientific discoveries like evolution offer alternative explanations. It's crucial to recognize and address these biases when seeking truth, as demonstrated in the discussion of Saint Thomas Aquinas and the importance of understanding ourselves better in modern times.

    • Ancient philosophers pondered the nature of motion and the universe's causeAncient thinkers like Plato and Aristotle explored the fundamental nature of the universe and the cause of motion, leading to the concept of a prime mover identified as God by Aristotle, and later synthesized with Christianity by Saint Thomas Aquinas.

      Ancient philosophers like Plato and Aristotle wondered about the fundamental nature of the universe and sought explanations for phenomena such as motion. Aristotle, an empiricist, reasoned that everything in nature must be moved by something else, leading to the concept of a prime mover, which he identified as God. Saint Thomas Aquinas, a Christian Aristotelian, built upon Aristotle's ideas and emphasized the compatibility of Aristotelian philosophy with Christianity. This philosophical exploration of the nature of motion and the universe's fundamental cause is a testament to the human curiosity and the quest for understanding the world around us.

    • The belief in an unmoved mover causing all motion in the universeAristotle and Thomas Aquinas proposed an unmoved mover, a concept not subject to change, initiates all motion in the universe. God was identified as this mover. This concept is compatible with modern scientific explanations but may evolve with future understanding.

      According to Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, there must be a cause for all motion in the universe. They believed that there must be an unmoved mover or prime mover that initiates all motion, as the concept of something moving infinitely cannot be sustained. This unmoved mover is a concept that is not subject to change itself and is responsible for all types of movement, including changes in location and potentiality. For Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, God was identified as this unmoved mover. This idea offers an explanation for the initiation of motion in the universe without requiring a magical explanation. In modern times, this concept is compatible with the scientific explanation of gravity as the force that initiated the movement of celestial bodies during the formation of the universe. However, future generations may view our current explanations as primitive, highlighting the evolving nature of human understanding.

    • Ancient Greek philosophers' concept of an unmoved mover as GodAncient Greek philosophers proposed an eternal, uncaused force called the unmoved mover or God, who initiates all change and is not bound by time, contrasting with modern scientific laws.

      Ancient Greek philosophers like Aristotle pondered over the concept of an unmoved mover or God as the eternal, uncaused force behind the constant motion of the universe. This idea, which is one of Thomas Aquinas' five logical proofs for the existence of God, posits that this mover is not bound by time and is the source of all change, not just physical location. This contrasts with modern scientific laws like gravity, which have a beginning in time. Aquinas combined faith and reason, using Aristotle's works to justify Christian beliefs, and argued that faith and reason are not mutually exclusive. However, during that time, there was tension between those who relied on faith and those who used logic and evidence. Reason, in the face of faith, could sometimes lead to hostility and a desire to switch the argument to a physical confrontation.

    • Bridging the Gap Between Aristotle and ChristianityPhilosophers like Plotinus and Saint Augustine laid the groundwork for the compatibility of Aristotle's philosophy and Christianity through the concept of reason and enlightenment. Saint Thomas Aquinas demonstrated that faith and reason could coexist, even in areas of apparent contradiction like the eternity of the universe.

      Despite the long-standing perceived differences between Aristotle's philosophy and Christianity, philosophers like Plotinus and Saint Augustine paved the way for their compatibility through the concept of reason and enlightenment. While Aristotle and Christianity seemed irreconcilable on the issue of the eternity of the universe, Saint Thomas Aquinas showed that faith and reason were not incompatible. Aquinas accepted certain Christian tenets on faith, but in difficult areas, he demonstrated that faith and reason could coexist. The most significant point of contention was Aristotle's belief in the universe's eternal existence, which contradicted the Christian belief in a created universe. Aristotle's belief in the infinite and its implications for the physical world presented challenges, as the infinite body would have to have a natural place, weight, or lightness, which it could not possess.

    • Aristotle's thoughts on infinity and its relation to physical entities and timeAristotle questioned the existence of infinite physical objects or space, but acknowledged certain infinities like the number line. Thomas Aquinas reconciled Aristotle's philosophy with religious beliefs, showing compatibility.

      Aristotle's philosophy raises intriguing questions about the existence and nature of infinity, particularly in relation to physical entities and the concept of time. Aristotle argued that the idea of an infinite number of physical objects or an infinite extent of space creates logical inconsistencies. However, he also acknowledged that certain infinities, such as the number line, do exist. Thomas Aquinas, building on Aristotle's work, aimed to reconcile Aristotelian philosophy with religious beliefs, demonstrating that Aristotle's ideas about infinity were not contradictory with scripture. Aquinas' goal was not to reinterpret Aristotle but to show that his philosophy was compatible with religious truths. The concept of infinity, particularly as it relates to time and physical entities, continues to challenge our understanding and sparks ongoing philosophical debates.

    • Belief in God as creator and universe's eternal existence not contradictoryThomas Aquinas believed reason alone can't prove universe had a beginning, as it depends on God as creator. God as efficient cause could have created at any time, and Bible's teaching of a beginning doesn't rule out eternal dependence on God.

      Learning from the discussion on Thomas Aquinas' perspective on the universe and God is that the belief of the universe having an eternal existence and God as its creator are not contradictory. Thomas Aquinas, a renowned philosopher and theologian, believed that reason alone cannot prove the universe had a beginning due to its dependence on God as its creator. God, as the efficient cause, could have created the universe at any point in time without a beginning. Although the Bible teaches the universe had a beginning, it's not impossible for it to have always existed in its dependence on God. The idea of God as the efficient cause of the universe can be compared to a footprint in the sand, where the footprint's beginning depends on the foot that makes it. This concept can be applied to humans as well, as we are created by God and have a purpose or final cause in our existence. The discussion also touched upon the idea of Aristotle's four causes and how they apply to understanding the existence of things, including humans. The final cause, or purpose, of a human being remains a philosophical question, with potential answers ranging from individual purposes to a more general, encompassing purpose.

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