
    Episode #163 ... The Creation of Meaning - Escape From Evil

    enMarch 02, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Religion and culture as coping mechanisms for mortalityErnest Becker suggests that religion and culture function together as tools for individuals to deny death by investing in transference objects and creating personal cultural religions

      That according to Ernest Becker, religion and culture serve interconnected functions in helping individuals cope with the terror of their own mortality. Rather than religion being the bedrock of reality or culture being the sole source of meaning, both are intricately linked mechanisms for denying death. Becker introduces the concept of "transference objects," which are things or people to which individuals transfer intense feelings, often as a means of dealing with their fear of death. These transference objects can range from leaders and careers to possessions and even social media status. Ultimately, Becker argues that people deify these objects within their personal cultural religions as a way to find meaning and avoid confronting their own mortality.

    • Seeking validation and a sense of worth through objects and ideologiesPeople cope with fears of insignificance and impermanence by seeking meaning and purpose through external sources, often transferring their emotions onto objects or beliefs.

      People often transfer their fears of insignificance and impermanence onto objects or ideologies, seeking validation and a sense of worth. This behavior, according to Ernest Becker, may stem from childhood experiences where we view every problem as an existential crisis and seek relief from authority figures. Becker also explored the concept of human evil and the justifications people offer for it, focusing not on a divine justification (theodicy), but rather on understanding the human motivation behind it (anthropodicy). In essence, people search for meaning and purpose to alleviate their fears and cope with the realities of existence.

    • Understanding Conflict: The Duality of Human ExistenceErnest Becker's work explains how deeply held beliefs and illusions can lead to conflict, as challenging one person's set of illusions feels like an existential threat to their existence

      Learning from Ernest Becker's work is that when our deeply held beliefs and illusions come into conflict with others, it can feel like a matter of life and death. Becker, a Nobel Prize-winning psychologist, explored the question of why people commit evil against each other from an anthropological perspective. He was particularly interested in why people sometimes feel good when committing such acts, which he linked to our denial of death. According to Becker, human existence is characterized by a fundamental duality: a biological existence and a symbolic existence. We create immortality projects to deny our fragile biological side and retreat into the symbolic side of our existence. However, our symbolic identities are just illusions, and when they clash with others, it can feel like an existential threat. This can lead to hostility and conflict on various levels, from personal disagreements to international conflicts. Becker's analysis goes beyond a theodicy, explaining not just why God allows evil, but also why people can become hostile over seemingly insignificant matters. When one person's set of illusions is challenged, their very existence feels threatened, leading to intense emotions and potentially violent reactions.

    • Understanding the deeper causes of conflictPeople's deepest conflicts can stem from more than just differences in opinion, leading to dehumanization and potentially violent outcomes. Ernest Becker's theories challenge us to examine the complex motivations behind our actions and the potential for change.

      Our deepest conflicts and arguments, whether they're political debates between friends or heated disagreements between family members, often run much deeper than mere differences in opinion. For some people, these conflicts can feel like a matter of life and death, leading to dehumanization and even violence. Ernest Becker believed that people often kill out of joy, and that what seems valorous to one person can be heinous and delusional to another. This dehumanization can manifest on many levels, even within institutions we hold dear. Becker's theories challenge us to consider the complexity of human behavior and the potential for even seemingly reasonable people to commit evil acts. While his worldview may be pessimistic, it also invites us to reflect on the deeper motivations behind our actions and the potential for change.

    • Contemplating death leads to tribalism and transcendenceDeep reflections on mortality can lead to both protecting ourselves and transcending earthly concerns, connecting with the 'invisible mystery' of the universe

      Learning from Ernest Becker's work is that contemplating death can lead to both increased tribalism and transcendence. While short-term reflections on mortality may cause us to protect ourselves and our groups, deeper ruminations on death could potentially lead to transcendence and a connection to the cosmos. Becker's idea of transcendence involves breaking free from cultural heroism and connecting with the "invisible mystery" at the heart of creation. This concept is similar to those of Albert Camus and Kierkegaard, who also explored the idea of transcending earthly concerns. The invisible mystery Becker refers to is often associated with the concept of God, emphasizing the ultimate significance of the universe, even if we may never fully understand it as individuals.

    • Connecting with the cosmos for a more empathetic existenceExploring the invisible can lead to a more interconnected and empathetic existence, while religion can offer a sense of security and independence by shifting focus away from cultural standards

      Our actions, no matter how small, contribute to the cosmic order, even if we cannot fully comprehend their significance. Erich Fromm suggests that connecting with the invisible, or the cosmic, can lead to a more empathetic and interconnected existence, rather than one focused on self-importance and justification. Religion, with its abstract deities, can provide a sense of security and independence by shifting our focus away from cultural standards and towards higher ideals. Ultimately, abandoning the pursuit of ultimate meaning within human culture can lead to true freedom and the ability to live with independent values. This idea resonates with the later work of Camus, emphasizing the importance of individual autonomy and the rejection of cultural heroism.

    • Finding Meaning in the AbsurdCamus believed that acknowledging life's absurdity leads to a unique freedom through revolt, a constant confrontation with the absurdity of existence without clinging to any ultimate system of meaning.

      Key takeaway from our discussions on Albert Camus is that according to him, the universe is an absurd place and finding meaning in it is like searching for Easter eggs on Christmas. Camus believed that arriving at the conclusion that life lacks an inherent meaning is not the end of the road, but rather the beginning. He encouraged a response of revolt, which is a constant confrontation with the absurdity of existence without clinging to any ultimate system of meaning. This revolt, according to Camus, offers a unique freedom that is grounded in the absurdity of our mortality. It's important to note that this is different from suicide or blindly following transcendent doctrines like Christianity or communism. Camus believed that revolt is the only coherent philosophical position, as it challenges the world anew every second and offers a freedom that is devoid of hope but grounded in the certainty of our death.

    • Embracing the Absurdity of LifeAcknowledging the absurdity of the universe and accepting our mortality can help us live fully and access deeper meaning in life.

      According to the philosophers Camus and Becker, the constant search for meaning in life can actually prevent us from living fully. They suggest that acknowledging the absurdity of the universe and accepting our inevitable demise can help us see the world more clearly and access an important aspect of life that lies outside human concerns and projects. Becker's work emphasizes that being aware of our illusions, including our desire for immortality, can help us contend with them and differentiate between life-affirming and harmful illusions. Ultimately, the consideration of death can provide meaning to our lives by putting a bow on our completed work and giving our experiences significance.

    • The awareness of our mortality makes every moment preciousUnderstanding that life is finite motivates us to make the most of every moment and live fully and passionately

      The awareness of our mortality shapes the way we perceive and value our experiences in life. If we believed we could live forever, we might not prioritize our time as wisely. However, knowing that our lives have an end makes every moment precious. The choices we make with our time, whether it's spending it with loved ones or serving others, can have deep meaning. Death serves as a reminder to seize the day and make the most of the time we have left. It's better to live fully and passionately than to waste away waiting for something to happen. The fact that our lives are finite makes each experience all the more valuable. So, let's strive to live our lives to the fullest and make every moment count.

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