
    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Dreams: A Journey to Self-Discovery and WholenessThrough understanding our dreams, we can unlock the secrets of our consciousness, leading to personal growth and a deeper connection with the world.

      Dreams are a window to the innermost parts of our soul, and understanding them can lead to personal growth and healing. Jung, a renowned psychoanalyst, believed that consciousness holds the cosmic meaning of our existence, and through it, humans create objective reality and give meaning to the world. This perspective, as shared by Jungian analysts Lisa Marciano, Deborah Stewart, and Joseph Lee, emphasizes the importance of our consciousness and how it shapes our perception of the world. By joining Dream School, an online program that unlocks the secrets of your dreams, you embark on a journey of self-discovery and wholeness. In essence, our consciousness matters, and deciphering its messages can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

    • Human consciousness shapes the divineJung's theories propose that human consciousness influences the divine, with each individual's growth impacting the collective field.

      Human consciousness plays a crucial role in shaping the world around us, acting as a second world creator. According to Carl Jung's theories, human beings are organs of the divine, and our consciousness, self-reflection, philosophy, and theories contribute to the collective field. The divine is not static but evolving, influenced by human experiences and the way we imagine and personify God. Jung's work suggests that human consciousness affects the divine, and each individual's growth and evolution make a difference in the world. Jung's bold exploration of this idea, as expressed in his later works like "Answer to Job," challenges the traditional view of the divine and implies that humanity will continue to reimagine the image of God, inspiring new directions. As Jung wrote, "Whoever knows God has an effect on him." Each of us has the power to kindle light in the darkness of mere being by transforming our own shadows and unconsciousness into awareness.

    • Harnessing inner power to make a differenceThrough self-awareness and understanding archetypal components, individuals can evolve and express their full potential, contributing positively to the world.

      Individuals have the power to make a difference in the world, even during times of great uncertainty and crisis, by becoming more conscious and aware of their inner selves, including their shadows. This idea is echoed in various mythologies and religious texts, such as the Kabbalah in Lurianic Judaism, where humans are seen as essential in the divine plan and have a responsibility to restore shards of consciousness that have fallen out of the divine order. Jung's work suggests that this can be achieved through recognizing and understanding the archetypal components in our experiences, allowing them to evolve and express their full potential. A practical example of this can be seen in Brian Feldman's work on mothering and child rearing, where he highlights the impact of a mother's consciousness and awareness on the development of her infant.

    • Exploring the divine sparks within through archetypesEngaging with archetypes can lead to personal growth, a deeper sense of connection, and a shift in values and priorities, ultimately contributing to the collective unconscious and seeking the divine.

      The recognition and connection to archetypal forces, whether it be through mother-child relationships, storytelling, or personal introspection, can lead to profound personal growth and a deeper sense of connection to something greater. Jungian work emphasizes this idea that these archetypes, which can be thought of as divine sparks, exist before we're born and can be accessed through various means to inspire and spark an expanded consciousness. By recognizing and engaging with these archetypes, individuals can experience a shift in values, priorities, and libido, leading to personal maturation and growth. This process not only benefits the individual but also contributes to the collective unconscious, creating a lasting impact. Jung himself believed that the collective unconscious could be equated to God, emphasizing the transcendental nature of this concept. Ultimately, the work of engaging with archetypes is about seeking and connecting with the divine, whether we realize it or not.

    • God as a part of the collective unconsciousRecognizing neuroses as expressions of the divine and embracing the divine within us can lead to personal growth and co-creation of the universe.

      God, according to Carl Jung's perspective, is not an abstract concept or entity located in the heavens, but rather a part of the collective unconscious that manifests in our neuroses. Neuroses, in this context, are not just mental disorders but also unconscious expressions of a deep yearning for union with the divine. The collective unconscious, being vast and overwhelming, requires us to split off parts of it to maintain our individual consciousness. However, our mission is to help bring more consciousness to the world and to God by attending to our neuroses and recognizing their numinous nature. The way we imagine and relate to God is a personal choice, and it can be a source of suffering or a means of co-creating the universe. Jung's work highlights the importance of acknowledging and embracing the divine within us, even if it means confronting the uncomfortable aspects of our psyche.

    • Recognizing our relationship to larger forcesJung believed that mental health issues arise when we disconnect from the transcendent and fail to recognize our wholeness, leading to a lack of productive adaptation to external circumstances.

      According to Carl Jung, modern day suffering arises when we lack a connection to the transcendent and instead rely too heavily on intellect and scientific understanding. Jung believed that our consciousness, our ability to observe and make meaning of our experiences, sets us apart from other creatures and makes us a "second world creator." This reflective capacity allows us to observe our experiences objectively and make choices about the meaning we assign to them. By doing so, we can remake our inner world and adapt to external circumstances in a more productive way. Jung emphasized the importance of recognizing wholeness and moving forward rather than dissecting and taking things apart. He believed that our neuroses and other mental health issues arise when we are disconnected from the transcendent and fail to recognize our relationship to these larger forces.

    • Our understanding of God evolves as we engage with HimThrough human consciousness and ingenuity, we've humanized nature and may be transforming God's nature as well.

      Our understanding and relationship with God evolve as we engage with Him, and this engagement can lead to a transformation in God's nature. This idea is evident in Jung's interpretation of the Book of Job, where God's unfair treatment of Job led to God's evolution into man. Furthermore, the divine, as synonymous with nature, is amoral and indifferent to human suffering. However, through human consciousness and ingenuity, we have been able to mitigate the harsh realities of nature and introduce mercy and compassion into it. This humanization of nature may also extend to the humanization of God, as we continue to engage with and transform our understanding of the divine.

    • The human capacity to create meaning from life's chaosWe can't control the divine or nature, but we can find meaning in their uncertainties and share our creations with the world.

      Humans have the ability to find meaning and order in the chaos of nature and life, much like a dancer brings harmony to movement. We cannot fully domesticate the divine or nature, but we can make sense of the suffering and unintended consequences through meaning-making. The idea of the "lord of the dance" represents the divine's ordering possibility in the universe and the human capacity to create meaning from life's vicissitudes. Additionally, the power of storytelling and the importance of sharing our creations with the world were emphasized. In the dream, the dreamer's role as a caretaker highlights the need to protect and nurture, while the intrusion of the older women symbolizes potential threats to that safety and security. Overall, the discussion touched on the interconnectedness of creation, meaning-making, and the human experience.

    • A woman's dream of encountering goddesses in a houseDreams can symbolize self-discovery, personal growth, and the importance of trusting life's events

      Dreams can hold deep symbolism and meaning, as illustrated in the dream of a woman encountering three older women in a house. These women, representing goddesses or figures of fate, reveal the hidden value in the man's house, which the dreamer was unaware of. The opposition between the dreamer's fearful reaction and the women's methodical actions highlights the unreliability of the dreamer's perspective. The dream also hints at the potential for personal growth and the discovery of hidden talents or qualities within oneself, as symbolized by the famous novelist father. Overall, this dream can be seen as a metaphor for the process of self-discovery and the importance of trusting the unfolding of life's events.

    • A woman's fear of losing control over her personal growth and relationships symbolized by an intruder-infested houseEmbrace the unknown aspects of your inner world and engage with archetypal forces to discover valuable insights and achieve a sense of wholeness

      The dream of a woman unable to keep her house sealed from intruders may symbolize her inner struggle with the aging process and the fear of losing control over her personal growth and relationships. The house represents her psyche, and the old women could signify archetypal forces or aspects of her own aging self. The woman's protective instincts, whether towards her creative potential or a relationship, may lead her to isolate herself and resist change. However, engaging with these forces and acknowledging her confusion could lead to a sense of wholeness and the discovery of valuable insights within herself. The dream's emphasis on the unknown and the inability to recognize the house's address underscores the importance of embracing the unfamiliar and exploring the unknown aspects of one's inner world.

    • A woman's unfulfilled creative potentialRecognize and claim your creative potential, seek support and encouragement to pursue your goals.

      Learning from this discussion about the dream is that it may represent a woman's unfulfilled creative potential and her struggle to claim it, either in her personal life or in her relationships. The dream's imagery of a child and a house suggests a sense of belonging and ownership that hasn't been fully realized yet. The women in the dream may symbolize the encouragement and support she needs to embrace her creative destiny. The lack of address in the dream might signify the uncertainty or ambiguity she feels about how to pursue her creative goals. Overall, the dream could be a call to action for the woman to recognize and claim her creative potential, and for all of us to support and encourage those around us in doing the same.

    Recent Episodes from This Jungian Life Podcast

    SELF-SABOTAGE: Why we do it and how to stop it.

    SELF-SABOTAGE: Why we do it and how to stop it.

    Can understanding self-sabotage empower you to overcome hidden barriers and transform your life?

    Understanding Self-Sabotage is crucial for unlocking our true potential and overcoming barriers to personal growth. We can identify the unconscious complexes that hinder our progress by exploring internalized negative beliefs, fear of success, unresolved inner conflicts, and defense mechanisms like avoidance and self-handicapping. Through dream analysis, active imagination, and creative expression, we can transform self-sabotaging behaviors into opportunities for growth.

    Prepare to discover what self-sabotage is and how it manifests in your life, how to identify and address unconscious drives and defense mechanisms that work against you, which Jungian concepts and therapeutic strategies can help transform self-sabotaging behaviors into personal growth, whether your fears and conflicts are rooted in internalized negative beliefs or unresolved inner conflicts, why understanding self-sabotage is crucial for achieving a harmonious and fulfilling life…and so much more.

    HERE'S SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL: You're invited to JUNG'S AMERICAN MUSE: THE VISIONS AND ART OF CHRISTIANA MORGAN, a live podcast recording on Saturday, July 13th, at 2 pm EST. Tickets are on sale now for $5. Christiana Morgan's visions and art were pivotal to Jung's understanding of the nature of the feminine. We're thrilled to welcome her granddaughter, filmmaker Hilary Morgan, as our guest. Hilary will share Tower of Dreams, her short documentary, and then discuss her memories and reflections on her grandmother's life. BUY YOUR TICKET HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jungs-american-muse-the-visions-and-art-of-christiana-morgan-tickets-928055668487?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl.

    READ A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/self-sabotage/ 

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

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    JOHN TEMPLE: Does AI Dream Interpretation Really Work?

    JOHN TEMPLE: Does AI Dream Interpretation Really Work?

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta 

    Can the synergy between AI technology and human expertise revolutionize dream interpretation, promote personal growth, and ensure ethical considerations in the age of digital psychology?

    John Temple's AI dream interpretation app TEMENOS decodes dreams, providing insights into the unconscious. The app captures and analyzes dreams, offering immediate detailed feedback, relevant myths, images, and information on specific symbols while highlighting recurring themes. AI's ability to process large datasets allows a swift comparison of your dream series, revealing hidden patterns. While AI excels in objective analysis, human interpreters bring depth, non-rational insights, and emotional connection. Combining AI’s efficiency with human empathy may offer a holistic approach to dream interpretation. This synergy may open new pathways for exploring the unconscious, enhancing personal development, and enhancing analytic interventions. The future of dream interpretation may lie in balancing AI technology with human connection for a deeper understanding of dreams.

    Prepare to discover what AI dream interpretation reveals about the unconscious mind, how AI and human insights can complement each other in dream analysis, which benefits and limitations AI brings, whether AI can replicate human intuition, why integrating AI technology with traditional methods might enhance personal growth and self-awareness…and so much more.

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/ai-dream-interpretation/

    HERE'S SOMETHING SPECIAL: You're invited to JUNG'S AMERICAN MUSE: THE VISIONS AND ART OF CHRISTIANA MORGAN, a live podcast recording on Saturday, July 13th, at 2 pm EST. Tickets are on sale now for $5. Christiana Morgan's visions and art were pivotal to Jung's understanding of the nature of the feminine. We're thrilled to welcome her granddaughter, filmmaker Hilary Morgan, as our guest. Hilary will share Tower of Dreams, her short documentary, and then discuss her memories and reflections on her grandmother's life. Buy Your Ticket Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jungs-american-muse-the-visions-and-art-of-christiana-morgan-tickets-928055668487?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl.

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    How can recognizing and mitigating the psychological effects of toxic leadership protect people from regressing and aligning with dangerous leaders before it's too late?

    Understanding the effects of toxic leaders is crucial for fostering healthy organizational and societal dynamics. Malignant narcissism and large group regression can lead to destructive leadership, but by integrating psychological insights into leadership training and policy formulation, we can create environments that resist such toxicity. Education, ethical leadership, and community engagement are powerful tools that can counteract the negative influence of toxic leaders. Through informed action and collective effort, we can build resilient communities and organizations, ensuring a healthier and more harmonious society for all.

    Prepare to discover what specific behaviors and traits define toxic leadership and its impact on group dynamics and individual well-being, how to identify signs of malignant narcissism in leaders and implement effective strategies to counteract their negative influence, which leadership styles foster healthy organizational cultures and promote emotional intelligence and ethical practices, whether your current organizational environment is affected by toxic leadership and what steps you can take to initiate positive changes, why understanding the psychological effects of leadership styles is crucial for personal development and the overall health of organizations…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/effects-of-toxic-leaders/


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    Prepare to discover what transformative power mythological storytelling holds for urban youth development, how myths foster emotional healing, personal growth, and community, which methods effectively integrate myth and analytical psychology in educational programs, whether myth-based approaches can facilitate meaningful change, why storytelling is a vital tool for instilling hope and resilience in young people's lives…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/the-power-of-myth-in-urban-youth-development/

    Learn more about Kwame here: https://www.kwamescruggs.com/

    Learn about Kwame’s live mentor training in New York City on June 22, 2024.  https://www.alchemyinc.net/rsvp


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    Psychodermatology: How Skin Communicates Unconscious Conflicts

    Psychodermatology: How Skin Communicates Unconscious Conflicts

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    Prepare to discover what your skin can reveal about your unconscious conflicts; how a symbolic interpretation of specific symptoms can lead to a meaningful dialogue with the unconscious; which therapeutic approaches can effectively decipher the language of skin symptoms; whether addressing emotional well-being can improve chronic skin issues; why some of us are more vulnerable to somatic symptoms like skin reactions…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/skin_communicates_unconscious_conflicts/


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    IDENTITY CRISIS: When Our Story Falls Apart

    IDENTITY CRISIS: When Our Story Falls Apart

    How can understanding and reshaping our personal narratives help us navigate and overcome identity crises during major life transitions?

    A Narrative Identity Crisis occurs when the evolving story we create to make sense of our lives—integrating past experiences, present realities, and future aspirations—becomes disrupted, leading to profound disorientation and psychological distress. This crisis can be triggered by significant life changes, traumatic events, or conflicting social and cultural pressures, causing our coherent self-narrative to fragment. Memory, meaning-making, and emotional regulation are all impacted as we struggle to reconcile our self-concept with new experiences. Addressing a Narrative Identity Crisis involves reflection, support, and often therapeutic intervention to rebuild a stable, adaptive narrative that restores our sense of meaning, direction, and psychological well-being.

    Prepare to discover what a personal life story is and how it integrates past experiences, present realities, and future aspirations into a coherent sense of self; how individual narratives shape our psychological well-being, influence our emotions, and guide our understanding of life events; which cognitive and emotional processes contribute to constructing and maintaining a coherent self-narrative; whether disruptions in our self-concept can lead to identity crises and the potential for growth and transformation through these crises; why engaging with and reconstructing personal narratives is crucial for emotional regulation, resilience, and overall psychological health...and so much more.

    THE DREAM WE ANALYZE IS HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/identity-crisis/ 


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    Six Swans Jungian Analysis: Transforming Fear into Joy

    Six Swans Jungian Analysis: Transforming Fear into Joy

    How can we harness inner strength and resilience to transform personal fears and adversities into growth and joy?

    In our "Six Swans Jungian Analysis," we explore how a fairytale reveals profound insights into transformation, resilience, and the complexities of human emotions. Through a sister's silent endurance, a king's protective instincts, and the ultimate triumph of truth, we can also discover our own inner strength, sacrifice, and personal growth. The fairytale "The Six Swans" teaches us about the enduring human spirit, the transformative power of love, and the journey toward individuation and wholeness, offering valuable psychological insights into fear, joy, and resilience.

    Prepare to discover what inner strength and resilience genuinely mean in the face of adversity; how to navigate and transform personal fears into opportunities for growth; which psychological and emotional strategies can foster enduring change; whether embracing silent perseverance can lead to personal empowerment; why understanding the balance between good and evil within ourselves is crucial for achieving wholeness…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HEREhttps://thisjungianlife.com/six-swans-jungian-analysis/

    FIND THE GRIMMS TALE HERE: https://sites.pitt.edu/~dash/grimm049.html 


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    Two Red Books: The Shared Imaginal Realms of Jung and Tolkien

    Two Red Books: The Shared Imaginal Realms of Jung and Tolkien

    How can the shared imaginal realms of Jung and Tolkien empower us to navigate our personal journeys and transform our understanding of self and community?

    In exploring the uncanny shared imaginal realms of Jung and Tolkien, author Becca Tarnas uncovers a profound intersection of depth psychology and mythopoeic literature, revealed in their seminal Red Books. Amid the early 20th century's upheaval, both authors undertook personal and universal journeys into the psyche, employing active imagination to engage archetypes such as the shadow, anima, and hero. Their works, brimming with symbolic meaning and mirroring profound psychological truths, beckon us to contemplate transformation, individuation, and the potency of the feminine principle within. By crafting intricate narratives and psychological insights, Jung and Tolkien charted the inner landscapes of human experience, underscoring the universal struggles and spiritual depths that bind us all. Their exploration of nature, the environment, and the darker facets of the psyche showcase the transformative power of literal and metaphorical journeys, guiding us toward enlightenment and self-realization.

    Prepare to discover what the psychological and creative processes behind the works of Jung and Tolkien reveal about the universal journey of self-discovery; how to access and interpret your own imaginal realms to deepen your understanding of the personal and collective unconscious; which aspects of Jung's and Tolkien's methodologies can be applied to enhance self-awareness and artistic expression; whether the challenges and insights presented in their works have parallels in contemporary psychological practices and personal development; why the exploration of imaginal realms is crucial for personal growth and the cultivation of a richer, more connected sense of community…and so much more.

    READ A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/shared-imaginal-realms-of-jung-and-tolkien/ 

    Rebecca Tarnas is an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her research includes depth psychology, archetypal studies, literature, philosophy, and the ecological imagination. She is an editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology and author of Journey to the Imaginal Realm: A Readers Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings (https://a.co/d/7zIUX4K). She is researching and writing a biography of Stanislav Grof, a co-founder of transpersonal psychology.

     For more information about Becca, check out her website: https://beccatarnas.com/


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    Encounters with Light: Jung's near-death experiences

    Encounters with Light: Jung's near-death experiences

    How can near-death experiences challenge and expand our understanding of consciousness and its connection to the transcendent?

    Carl Jung's near-death experience profoundly deepened his understanding of the psyche and its connection to the universal consciousness, reinforcing his belief in life beyond physical existence. During this transformative episode, he observed Earth from a distance, encountered mystical figures, and experienced a temple-like structure within a meteoric stone, enriching his theories on the collective unconscious and archetypal imagery. This experience left an indelible mark on his professional theories and personal philosophy, intensifying his exploration of human consciousness and the continuity of life after death.

     Universally consistent across cultures, Near Death Experiences (NDEs) are marked by out-of-body sensations, encounters with entities or deceased relatives, and environments filled with light, highlighting a shared psychological process at the boundary between life and death. Research efforts have effectively verified these phenomena, especially those corroborated in clinical settings, which challenge traditional views on consciousness. The transformative impacts of NDEs are profound, often leading to a diminished fear of death, increased spirituality, and a broader sense of self that integrates with universal consciousness. Open discussions enrich our understanding of NDEs within various cultural and historical contexts and provoke deeper reflections on consciousness as potentially expansive and eternal, aligning with modern and ancient perspectives on the human experience.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE:  https://thisjungianlife.com/near_death_experiences/

    Prepare to discover what profound transformations can occur as one hovers between life and death; how psyche might extend beyond the physical realm, suggesting our consciousness is capable of surviving bodily limits; which elements of near-death experiences (NDEs) resonate across different cultures; whether personal transformations following NDEs typically lead to significant life changes; why NDEs captivate scientific and spiritual communities, as they offer a glimpse into the potential expanses of human consciousness and provide a narrative that can bring solace and meaning…and so much more.


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    MARTYR COMPLEX: Selfish or Selfless?

    MARTYR COMPLEX: Selfish or Selfless?

    How can understanding different aspects of martyrdom help us navigate personal sacrifices and societal expectations in our search for a meaningful life?

    Individuals with a martyr complex often seek validation for their pain and suffering, which can be a source of protection and nurturing. It can also be a form of manipulation where personal suffering is used to influence or control the reactions of others. This behavior can be harmful, leading individuals to persist in unhealthy relationships or dangerous situations under the guise of nobility or duty. It is important to distinguish between healthy self-sacrifice and detrimental martyrdom by gaining a reflective understanding of our motivations and aligning our actions with healthy self-sacrifice. Resolving the complex involves examining personal motives, societal values, and psychological health to foster healthier ways of being and interacting in the world.

    Prepare to discover…what complexities and interpretations surround the concept of martyrdom, revealing its multifaceted nature in both historical and personal contexts; how individuals interpret and internalize the idea of suffering and sacrifice through personal experiences and cultural narratives, shaping their worldview and psychological responses; which factors contribute to someone being viewed as a martyr, including the interplay of religious, cultural, and personal elements that influence the perception of sacrifice; whether the actions associated with martyrdom are motivated by genuine selflessness, psychological needs, or external influences, examining the blurred lines between heroism and victimhood; why the theme of martyrdom resonates deeply across different cultures and epochs, serving both as a source of inspiration and a tool for social and political change…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/martyr-complex/


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    Episode 193 - Libido: Tracking Inner Energy

    Episode 193 - Libido: Tracking Inner Energy

    Jung understood libido as psychic energy: desire, will, interest, and passion. Libido includes instincts for fulfilling bodily appetites and engaging developmental tasks. Although energy infuses all human activity, it is not a function of ego alone; for many, a worthy goal has lacked the libido to achieve it. Feelings and actions can veer into symptoms, such as neurosis or addiction. Low libido is often a form of depression, and libido that is too high can be mania. Most often, a problem with libido is experienced as “stuckness,” the stasis produced from conflict between our natural, instinctual selves and familial and cultural expectations--internalized “shoulds.” We can face fear and engage desire, for acknowledging the truth of where attraction lies creates pathways along which life energy can flow. Psychotherapy could be considered a quest for each person’s authentic psychic energy. The innate direction of libido, the enlivening wellspring of the soul, is in service to individuation.

    Here’s the dream we analyzed:

    “I am walking around a garden, praying. I’m not sure whether I’m praying to God or to the earth or the trees, but I’m expressing gratitude for the beauty around me. There are two huge beech trees next to each other at the end of the garden. The knotted and gnarled trunks make each look like a laughing face - two friendly giants. I look up at the canopy high above - they almost seem to fill the sky with leaves. Then I notice that one tree is rocking in the wind, and there is a crack at the base of the trunk that opens and closes as it does so. I am concerned that the tree will fall. Behind the trees in the neighboring garden is a large, modern house which looks rather austere and forbidding. I wonder if I should warn the people in the house about the tree. Now two men in dark blue boiler suits arrive to examine the trees. Each reaches out a hand toward a tree, but before they can touch them, both trees fall over with a crash. I am sure the house will be smashed, but instead, the trees fall neatly onto two flatbed trucks which happen to be waiting. The men examine the trees and shake their heads. The trunks were hollow, and it’s clear they were not attached to the roots at all. The trucks drive off. The garden is left looking empty and forlorn.”


    Murray Stein. Jung’s Map of the Soul, https://www.amazon.com/dp/0812693760/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_S64J8AW68TCD7VC7D5N8


    Learn to Analyze your own Dreams:  https://thisjungianlife.com/enroll/

    LOW ENERGY: Where can we source the drive to take action?

    LOW ENERGY: Where can we source the drive to take action?

    Lisa, Deb, and Joe, Jungian analysts and co-creators of This Jungian Life podcast, have introduced thousands of clients to an inner world with unexpected resources.

     Many people just can’t rally to do what’s necessary and improve their lives. Is it possible they just don’t carry much vitality, or is some inner conflict blocking their access? We share personal stories of ‘energy loss’ and offer insights into purposelessness. Jung tells us inner energy flows according to its own laws, but if we can’t harness it?

     Prepare to discover why some people are naturally low-energy, which aspects of your psyche might be leaking energy, how over-aligning with cultural norms can cut off access to instinctive vitality, where we can look for solutions, and much more…

     HERE’S A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE: https://thisjungianlife.com/low-energy/

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    Episode 122 - COVERED: An Archetypal Take on the COVID Mask

    Episode 122 - COVERED: An Archetypal Take on the COVID Mask

    Masks are the symbol of COVID life, and they have archetypal roots as old as humankind. We ward off evil microbial forces with bandanas, neck gaiters, patterned fabrics, and high filtration medical masks. Masks provide access to our shape-shifting potential, connect us to our instinctual depths, mediate our relationship to the spirits, and open a portal to the mythic realm of story and drama.

    Masks waft us into new identities: children become superheroes or face-painted animals; women apply make-up, men craft beards, and everyone wears sunglasses that shade us from more than sunlight.

    We also wear a social mask, persona, and present different aspects of ourselves to colleagues, Facebook friends, and family—but if we identify with the faces we present to the world we risk defining ourselves according to fixed and superficial attributes. Masks in all their forms affect the experience of wearer and viewers.



    I am staying in a large, gothic house in the countryside while some sort of calamity is occurring in the world. I think it is a weather event, as it is raining heavily outside. My adult daughter screams, summoning me to the foot of the imposing stairs, where she has seen a mouse scurrying.

    She is desperate that I catch it, and I do, holding it in my fist, against my bare chest. I know it is terribly diseased and that the best thing would be for me to kill it, so I simply crush it. To my horror, and disgust, foul liquid bursts out of the mouse. Now I have this horrible corpse to dispose of and I don’t want my daughter, or anyone else, to see it. I can feel the sticky liquid on my bare skin. I find myself outside in the pouring rain.

    The rain is soaking me and now I have a large teddy bear in my arms. The corpse of the mouse is embedded in the teddy bear. As I walk, the bear becomes sodden, heavy and cumbersome. I am looking for somewhere to dispose of it, but nowhere seems suitable. I wake feeling anxious.

    Episode 191 - Archetypes and the Creative Process: A Discussion with Third Coast Percussion

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    Third Coast Percussion: https://thirdcoastpercussion.com/

    Archetypes: https://thirdcoastpercussion.com/music/albums/archetypes/


    Learn to Analyze your own Dreams:  https://thisjungianlife.com/enroll/


    LISTEN: https://thisjungianlife.com/episode-191-archetypes-and-the-creative-process-a-discussion-with-third-coast-percussion/

    Episode 172 - Archetypes

    Episode 172 - Archetypes

    Although the concept of archetypes has philosophical ancestors, Jung’s theory was developed over time and rested on a foundation that was scientific and empirical. Research and experiment enabled Jung to establish the autonomous activity of the unconscious.

    He was then able to posit archetypes as a predisposition to form representations of universal human experiences and mythological motifs, such as marriage, the hero’s journey, and death/rebirth. For Jung, archetypes are innate psychic organs that “have a positive, favourable (sic), bright side that points upwards [and] one that points downwards…” Archetypes manifest spontaneously. In the collective, they are the driving force behind mass movements; in individuals, archetypes manifest most frequently as dream images that feel numinous and ‘other.’ Jung says, “The impact of an archetype, whether it takes the form of immediate experience or is expressed through the spoken word stirs us because it summons up a voice that is stronger than our own.” The power of an archetype can either possess us or inspire us.

    Here’s the dream we analyze:

    “Early morning dream, just before waking, and eerily similar but not the same as one I had several years ago about being shot in the heart and stomach area and killed by a stranger. This time, I was at home in my home office and heard someone entering through my back door. I may have wondered if it was my boyfriend, but he does not live with me, and I wasn’t expecting anyone. I went into the hallway to see who it was, and a man I’ve never seen before walked in. He had the energy of an intruder, and I felt scared. He looked right at me. His hair was white; his clothing was gray, his skin nearly colorless or ashen. His eyes and face were emotionless, without expression. He was oriented above me in my dream as if suddenly I had shrunk to the height of a small child looking up at him. I either asked or was about to ask who he was and what he was doing here. Without changing his blank expression, he pulled out a handgun and shot me, point-blank, in the stomach. This time, I woke up from the dream before I felt the bullet. The feeling was adrenaline-filled, fearful, angry, surprised, and confused. I had/have no idea who this man is or was, or what he represents.”


    Learn to Analyze your own Dreams:  https://thisjungianlife.com/enroll/