
    LOW ENERGY: Where can we source the drive to take action?

    enOctober 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding and Nurturing EnergyJoseph, Lisa, and Deborah discussed the importance of energy in our daily lives and how societal and personal challenges can make it a struggle to maintain vitality. They emphasized the significance of addressing energy issues and offered support through their podcast and Patreon.

      Energy is a crucial aspect of our lives, and it can be influenced by various factors, including physical, emotional, and societal pressures. Joseph, Lisa, and Deborah, as Jungian analysts, discussed the importance of energy in our daily lives and how it can sometimes be a challenge to maintain vitality in today's demanding world. They pondered over the reasons behind some people's struggle to harness enough energy to succeed in life, whether it's due to societal expectations or personal challenges. They also emphasized the importance of addressing energy issues and offered support through their podcast and Patreon. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of understanding and nurturing our energy to navigate the complexities of life.

    • The Overwhelming Demands of Modern LifeModern life's demands can leave us feeling disconnected from our inherent nature and struggling to adapt, leading to issues like 'failure to launch' and energy depletion.

      Modern life's psychological and emotional demands can be overwhelming due to the multitude of complex functions and constant technological issues that require our attention. This rapid change and lack of generational experimentation leaves many feeling disconnected from their inherent nature and struggling to adapt, leading to issues like "failure to launch" and energy depletion. The divide between our physical selves and our intellectual and job-oriented selves can result in feelings of fear and overwhelm, making it difficult to navigate the ever-changing environment.

    • Exploring Inner Fantasies: A Key to Unlocking Life ForceEmbrace your fantasies as a means to connect with your inner life force and navigate external opportunities. Societal norms can stifle this ability, but by acknowledging and exploring your desires, you can unlock your potential.

      For individuals, especially young people, it's crucial to acknowledge and explore their inner fantasies as a means to connect with their life force and external opportunities. According to Jung, libido, or life force, is not just sexual energy but can manifest in various ways. Fantasies serve as the channel or expression of this energy, allowing the unconscious to communicate with the conscious mind. Unfortunately, societal norms and pressures can stifle the ability to fantasize, making it difficult for individuals to identify their desires and ambitions or find a way to actualize them. By embracing fantasies, regardless of their literalness, we can unlock the potential within ourselves and navigate the external world more effectively.

    • Unlocking inner energy and motivation through exploring fantasiesExamining the roots of our fantasies can lead to deep emotional experiences and unlock hidden inner resources, but addressing lack of follow-through is crucial to tap into full potential.

      Exploring and understanding our fantasies can be a key to unlocking hidden energy and motivation within us. This can come in various forms, such as a desire to climb a mountain or pursue a new hobby. The process of examining the roots of our fantasies can lead us to deep, emotional and cathartic experiences. However, not all fantasies result in action. It's important to identify where low energy or lack of follow-through may be stemming from and address it to tap into the full potential of our inner resources. The external world can provide challenges and tasks, but true fulfillment often comes from connecting with our internal world and allowing our imaginations to guide us.

    • Bridging the gap between unconscious and egoAligning the unconscious and ego fosters personal growth and fulfillment by allowing the unconscious to influence the ego's decisions, providing motivation and energy to turn dreams into reality

      The connection between the unconscious and the ego plays a crucial role in harnessing our inner energy and turning our dreams into reality. The unconscious holds the depth of our desires, while the ego initiates action. However, when the unconscious and ego are not aligned, we may feel stuck and lack the vitality to move forward. The key is to bridge the gap by allowing the unconscious to influence the ego's decisions, providing the necessary motivation and energy to actualize our dreams. This alignment of the unconscious and ego is essential for personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Understanding ego functioning and complexes in energy flowEgo functioning influences energy flow towards goals, but complexes rooted in past experiences can interrupt this flow, requiring therapy to address and overcome obstacles.

      Our ego functioning plays a significant role in how we channel our psychic energy towards achieving goals and completing tasks. However, sometimes, the flow of energy can be interrupted by complexes, which can be thought of as blocks in the ego self axis. These complexes, often rooted in past experiences or memories, can prevent energy from flowing freely between consciousness and the unconscious. Jung identified these complexes through interruptions in the normal flow of associations during word association tests. While therapy can help identify and address these blocks, there may also be inherent differences between individuals in terms of energy levels and the ease with which their channels become blocked. Some people may have more energy than others, and some may be more prone to having their channels blocked. Ultimately, understanding the role of ego functioning and complexes in energy flow can help us better navigate our own mental processes and overcome obstacles.

    • Exploring our unique potentials and overcoming energy blockagesJungian theory encourages introspection, dreams, and reflection to tap into our inherent nature and energy sources, while addressing potential factors like anxiety, depression, health issues, developmental blockages, and external constraints to marshal life energy.

      Discovering and aligning with our inherent nature and energy sources is crucial for personal growth and fulfillment. Jungian theory emphasizes the importance of introspection, dreams, and reflection to tap into our unique potentials and avoid energy blockages. The conscious and unconscious minds have distinct goals, and the unconscious may resist the conscious if it adopts a false or pretentious attitude. To understand and address the inability to marshal life energy in pursuit of goals, consider possible factors like anxiety, depression, physiological health issues, developmental blockages, and external constraints. Sacrificing the bliss of childhood and cultivating a heroic attitude are essential steps to develop a strong ego and navigate the challenges of the outside world.

    • Transitioning into Adulthood: The Overwhelming Feeling of Being OverwhelmedRecognize the importance of both motivation and necessity to drive us forward in life. The desire and excitement (carrot) and the necessity and anxiety (stick) both play crucial roles in guiding us towards our goals.

      Young people today face a unique challenge as they transition into adulthood. The magic and protection of childhood are more emphasized than ever before, but the prospect of adulthood can seem overwhelming and unappealing. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent among those from more privileged backgrounds who have the financial means to delay entering the workforce. The theory of optimal stress suggests that this feeling of being overwhelmed might be due to a lack of engagement or motivation. To counteract this, it's essential to recognize the importance of both the carrot (desire and excitement) and the stick (necessity and anxiety) in driving us forward. Ultimately, the fantasy that beckons us can change as we grow, but it remains a powerful force in guiding us towards our goals.

    • Recognizing the importance of self-generated imagery and fantasiesSelf-generated imagery and fantasies are crucial for mental and emotional wellbeing, shaping our ego and providing energy. External influences can disrupt this process, leading to alienation from our desires and instincts. To reconnect, value and recognize our inner world, even if it seems strange or threatening.

      Our internal fantasies and self-generated imagery are essential for our mental and emotional wellbeing. These fantasies shape our ego's relationship and provide us with energy. However, external influences like gaming, Netflix, or pornography can disrupt our inner world and replace our spontaneous and emergent production of images. This can lead to a sense of alienation from our own desires and instincts, making it difficult to experience gratification or connect with our deeper self. Jung believed that we all have instincts, such as hunger, sexuality, creativity, and religion, which are deeply connected to our fantasies and have been with us for millions of years. However, modern culture and artificial stimuli can interfere with these instincts and separate us from our body and the natural world. To reconnect with our inner world, it's essential to recognize and value our self-generated imagery and fantasies, even if they may seem strange or threatening. By doing so, we can regain a sense of harmony with our instinctual nature and experience a deeper sense of fulfillment and meaning in life.

    • Exploring Blocked Channels to Our Inner WorldUnderstanding and addressing blocked channels to our inner world can help uncover hidden talents, passions, and reveal emotional issues. Asking oneself what one wanted to be as a child and what one is naturally good at can serve as a starting point for exploration and self-discovery.

      When we're unable to access our inner world due to external distractions or interferences, it can lead to various psychological and emotional issues. Instincts like creativity, activity, reflection, religion, and hunger, among others, can be affected, and little work has been done to understand how this happens. For instance, a person's inability to express creativity might manifest as obsessive-compulsive behaviors. To help uncover blocked channels, it can be helpful to ask oneself what one wanted to be as a child and what one is naturally good at. Allowing these thoughts to take shape can reveal hidden talents or passions that may have been suppressed. It's important to remember that this process is not easy or quickly solved, but these questions can serve as a starting point for exploration and self-discovery.

    • Explore talents, interests, and new experiencesNoticing and valuing your fantasies and taking action on new experiences can ignite energy, creativity, and uncover new passions.

      Discovering and following your natural talents and interests, as well as allowing yourself to explore new experiences, can help ignite energy and creativity in your life. It's important to notice and value your fantasies, even if they seem unrelated to your current situation, as they may hold the key to discovering new passions. Additionally, when feeling stuck or overwhelmed by choices, it can be helpful to simply take action and try something new, even if it's a small step. By paying attention to your inner desires and seeking out novel experiences, you can cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and potentially uncover new sources of joy and fulfillment.

    • Embrace satisficing and find energy through simple pleasuresFocusing on basic needs and small pleasures can lead to progress and vitality, while striving for perfection can hinder growth and cause feelings of depression and paralysis. Dream interpretation and analysis can also provide insights and clarity.

      Striving for perfection and only settling for the best can lead to feelings of depression, paralysis, and an inability to take action. Instead, focusing on satisfying our basic needs with simple activities can help free up energy and lead to further progress. This concept, known as "satisficing," can be applied to any area of life, from creativity and self-reflection to sexuality and spirituality. Even small, pleasurable experiences can create a spark and build vitality over time. For those struggling to find motivation or take action, tuning into dreams can also be a powerful tool for self-discovery and gaining clarity on what the psyche or soul may be calling for. Dream School, a resource for dream interpretation and analysis, can help individuals learn how to tap into the messages and insights hidden within their dreams. By embracing satisficing and incorporating small, satisfying experiences into our lives, as well as exploring the depths of our dreams, we can gain the energy and direction needed to move forward.

    • Dreams of survival, transformation, and connectionTrauma survivor experiences serene bathhouse and lake meditation, uncovers hidden library, symbolizing healing, growth, and new collaborations.

      The dreamer's subconscious is expressing themes of survival, transformation, and connection to the past and future. In the first dream, the dreamer, a trauma survivor, encounters magical symbols and experiences a sense of serenity and puzzling magical events in a Middle Eastern bathhouse setting. In the second dream, the dreamer is submerged in a silvery lake during meditation, representing a union with the water and a reminder of a previous dream and its interpretation. The dreamer also discovers a hidden library, symbolizing new collaborations and discoveries. Both dreams hold significant meaning for the dreamer, who has been deeply involved in Zen practice and is now collaborating with fellow Iranians on environmental and justice issues. The dreams serve as reminders of the dreamer's past, present, and future, and the power of meditation and self-reflection in healing and growth.

    • Experiences leading to profound transformationThrough Zen yoga training and practice retreats, the speaker gained a deep sense of calmness, resolve, and happiness, reflected in consistent spiritual dreams emphasizing internal growth and development.

      The speaker's experiences during a Zen yoga teacher training and practice retreats have led to a profound shift in her perspective on life, resulting in a deep sense of calmness, resolve, and happiness. This transformation is reflected in her dreams, which now feature consistent spiritual imagery, such as sitting cross-legged, being in water, and the presence of the moon and its phases. The dreams no longer contain magical or escapist elements, and instead, emphasize the importance of internal growth and development over a long period of time. The speaker's engagement in real-life activities after these experiences further underscores the significance of this personal growth. The consistent spiritual imagery and developmental sequence in her dreams can be compared to the fairy tale "The Nixie of the Mill Pond," where a woman rescues her lover through a series of stages that require patience and time. Overall, the speaker's experiences and dreams highlight the transformative power of spiritual practices and the importance of embracing personal growth.

    • The magnetic pull of evolution through remarkable transformationsMeditation, especially Kundalini yoga, facilitates personal evolution by activating unconscious material and putting pressure on the ego to develop, granting magical powers to see beneath the surface of things and recognize spiritual continuity

      That the Tarot card number 18, The Moon, symbolizes the magnetic pull of evolution. From the primordial waters, life evolves through remarkable transformations, drawing forward to the next stage. Meditation, like Kundalini yoga, is believed to facilitate this process, activating unconscious material and putting pressure on the ego to develop. The idea of the water being the same temperature as the body suggests a return to a primal gestating place or the second alchemical birth, facilitated by the regulating heat of one's own body. Ultimately, this process grants one magical powers, allowing them to see beneath the surface of things and recognize spiritual continuity between the inside and the outside.

    • A dream's role in personal growthDreams can provide affirming messages and symbolize personal growth through positive imagery and self-discovery.

      Dreams can serve as affirming and confirming experiences in a person's spiritual and personal growth process. The dream discussed in this conversation, which featured a woman meeting her inner collaborators and moving into a library, was particularly noteworthy for its unambiguously positive message. Dreams are often seen as offering corrective or contradictory messages, but long-term depth process can lead to more affirming dreams. The woman's relationship with water in the dream also evolved, from a bath in the first dream to a vast lake in the second, symbolizing her own growth and transformation. The library, a place of wisdom and learning, represented her ability to access and apply this newfound knowledge in the earthly realm. The mercury in the dream, which does not wet the hand and acts as a great solvent, can be seen as a metaphor for the dream itself, helping to separate and extract valuable insights from the subconscious. Overall, this dream series highlights the importance of engaging with dreams as a tool for self-discovery and personal evolution.

    • The Power of Transformation and Personal GrowthDreaming of entering and exiting transformative water symbolizes undergoing a personal growth process, leading to purification and emerging unchanged and pure.

      Mercury, represented by the alchemical symbol Hermes, signifies transformation and purification. The dreamer's experience of entering and exiting the transformative water symbolizes this process of change. The ancient belief that mercury was involved in creating gold and remaining pure after the reaction is a metaphor for the idea that one can undergo a transformative process and emerge unchanged and pure. The dream's calming and satisfying feelings resonated with all three participants, confirming the transformative nature of the dream. The Emerald Tablet of Hermes further emphasizes the importance of transformation and the interconnectedness of the above and below worlds. The dreamer's role as a leader in her profession highlights the idea that one must apply the transformative power gained to the world at large. Overall, the dream represents the power of transformation and the importance of undergoing personal growth.

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    READ A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/self-sabotage/ 

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    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

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    HERE'S SOMETHING SPECIAL: You're invited to JUNG'S AMERICAN MUSE: THE VISIONS AND ART OF CHRISTIANA MORGAN, a live podcast recording on Saturday, July 13th, at 2 pm EST. Tickets are on sale now for $5. Christiana Morgan's visions and art were pivotal to Jung's understanding of the nature of the feminine. We're thrilled to welcome her granddaughter, filmmaker Hilary Morgan, as our guest. Hilary will share Tower of Dreams, her short documentary, and then discuss her memories and reflections on her grandmother's life. Buy Your Ticket Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jungs-american-muse-the-visions-and-art-of-christiana-morgan-tickets-928055668487?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl.

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    THE DREAM WE ANALYZE IS HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/identity-crisis/ 


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    Six Swans Jungian Analysis: Transforming Fear into Joy

    How can we harness inner strength and resilience to transform personal fears and adversities into growth and joy?

    In our "Six Swans Jungian Analysis," we explore how a fairytale reveals profound insights into transformation, resilience, and the complexities of human emotions. Through a sister's silent endurance, a king's protective instincts, and the ultimate triumph of truth, we can also discover our own inner strength, sacrifice, and personal growth. The fairytale "The Six Swans" teaches us about the enduring human spirit, the transformative power of love, and the journey toward individuation and wholeness, offering valuable psychological insights into fear, joy, and resilience.

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    Two Red Books: The Shared Imaginal Realms of Jung and Tolkien

    Two Red Books: The Shared Imaginal Realms of Jung and Tolkien

    How can the shared imaginal realms of Jung and Tolkien empower us to navigate our personal journeys and transform our understanding of self and community?

    In exploring the uncanny shared imaginal realms of Jung and Tolkien, author Becca Tarnas uncovers a profound intersection of depth psychology and mythopoeic literature, revealed in their seminal Red Books. Amid the early 20th century's upheaval, both authors undertook personal and universal journeys into the psyche, employing active imagination to engage archetypes such as the shadow, anima, and hero. Their works, brimming with symbolic meaning and mirroring profound psychological truths, beckon us to contemplate transformation, individuation, and the potency of the feminine principle within. By crafting intricate narratives and psychological insights, Jung and Tolkien charted the inner landscapes of human experience, underscoring the universal struggles and spiritual depths that bind us all. Their exploration of nature, the environment, and the darker facets of the psyche showcase the transformative power of literal and metaphorical journeys, guiding us toward enlightenment and self-realization.

    Prepare to discover what the psychological and creative processes behind the works of Jung and Tolkien reveal about the universal journey of self-discovery; how to access and interpret your own imaginal realms to deepen your understanding of the personal and collective unconscious; which aspects of Jung's and Tolkien's methodologies can be applied to enhance self-awareness and artistic expression; whether the challenges and insights presented in their works have parallels in contemporary psychological practices and personal development; why the exploration of imaginal realms is crucial for personal growth and the cultivation of a richer, more connected sense of community…and so much more.

    READ A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/shared-imaginal-realms-of-jung-and-tolkien/ 

    Rebecca Tarnas is an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her research includes depth psychology, archetypal studies, literature, philosophy, and the ecological imagination. She is an editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology and author of Journey to the Imaginal Realm: A Readers Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings (https://a.co/d/7zIUX4K). She is researching and writing a biography of Stanislav Grof, a co-founder of transpersonal psychology.

     For more information about Becca, check out her website: https://beccatarnas.com/


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    Encounters with Light: Jung's near-death experiences

    Encounters with Light: Jung's near-death experiences

    How can near-death experiences challenge and expand our understanding of consciousness and its connection to the transcendent?

    Carl Jung's near-death experience profoundly deepened his understanding of the psyche and its connection to the universal consciousness, reinforcing his belief in life beyond physical existence. During this transformative episode, he observed Earth from a distance, encountered mystical figures, and experienced a temple-like structure within a meteoric stone, enriching his theories on the collective unconscious and archetypal imagery. This experience left an indelible mark on his professional theories and personal philosophy, intensifying his exploration of human consciousness and the continuity of life after death.

     Universally consistent across cultures, Near Death Experiences (NDEs) are marked by out-of-body sensations, encounters with entities or deceased relatives, and environments filled with light, highlighting a shared psychological process at the boundary between life and death. Research efforts have effectively verified these phenomena, especially those corroborated in clinical settings, which challenge traditional views on consciousness. The transformative impacts of NDEs are profound, often leading to a diminished fear of death, increased spirituality, and a broader sense of self that integrates with universal consciousness. Open discussions enrich our understanding of NDEs within various cultural and historical contexts and provoke deeper reflections on consciousness as potentially expansive and eternal, aligning with modern and ancient perspectives on the human experience.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE:  https://thisjungianlife.com/near_death_experiences/

    Prepare to discover what profound transformations can occur as one hovers between life and death; how psyche might extend beyond the physical realm, suggesting our consciousness is capable of surviving bodily limits; which elements of near-death experiences (NDEs) resonate across different cultures; whether personal transformations following NDEs typically lead to significant life changes; why NDEs captivate scientific and spiritual communities, as they offer a glimpse into the potential expanses of human consciousness and provide a narrative that can bring solace and meaning…and so much more.


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    MARTYR COMPLEX: Selfish or Selfless?

    MARTYR COMPLEX: Selfish or Selfless?

    How can understanding different aspects of martyrdom help us navigate personal sacrifices and societal expectations in our search for a meaningful life?

    Individuals with a martyr complex often seek validation for their pain and suffering, which can be a source of protection and nurturing. It can also be a form of manipulation where personal suffering is used to influence or control the reactions of others. This behavior can be harmful, leading individuals to persist in unhealthy relationships or dangerous situations under the guise of nobility or duty. It is important to distinguish between healthy self-sacrifice and detrimental martyrdom by gaining a reflective understanding of our motivations and aligning our actions with healthy self-sacrifice. Resolving the complex involves examining personal motives, societal values, and psychological health to foster healthier ways of being and interacting in the world.

    Prepare to discover…what complexities and interpretations surround the concept of martyrdom, revealing its multifaceted nature in both historical and personal contexts; how individuals interpret and internalize the idea of suffering and sacrifice through personal experiences and cultural narratives, shaping their worldview and psychological responses; which factors contribute to someone being viewed as a martyr, including the interplay of religious, cultural, and personal elements that influence the perception of sacrifice; whether the actions associated with martyrdom are motivated by genuine selflessness, psychological needs, or external influences, examining the blurred lines between heroism and victimhood; why the theme of martyrdom resonates deeply across different cultures and epochs, serving both as a source of inspiration and a tool for social and political change…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/martyr-complex/


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    Related Episodes

    Episode 46 - Hiding

    Episode 46 - Hiding

    Many a fairy tale features hiding as a strategic defense.  Jack, of beanstalk fame, hides from the giant in order to survive and discover his treasure. We often hide when we feel small and life events and people feel big. Hiding can be a conscious decision, whether for fun, as in the game of hide and seek, or out of necessity, as Anne Frank’s family’s had to do. Hiding can also be an unconscious phenomenon, particularly if there has been trauma, in order to protect the inviolable life of the soul. How, then, does an individual come out of hiding to discover him- or herself?


    The Dream:

    I was on a mountain trip in a van driven by a man with dreadlocks. He was driving myself and some others high up on the mountainside. It was a beautiful and clear winter day. I suddenly had a feeling that we were going to crash. It was a very windy road and he was driving so fast that he couldn't make the hairpin turn. We flew off the road and into mid-air. Life was suddenly in slow motion and I thought I should try to call my boyfriend while we were flying through the air and tell him what was happening. I awoke before the van started to fall.



    The Inner World of Trauma and The Soul and Trauma by Donald Kalsched, PhD. Available on Amazon.

    Episode 193 - Libido: Tracking Inner Energy

    Episode 193 - Libido: Tracking Inner Energy

    Jung understood libido as psychic energy: desire, will, interest, and passion. Libido includes instincts for fulfilling bodily appetites and engaging developmental tasks. Although energy infuses all human activity, it is not a function of ego alone; for many, a worthy goal has lacked the libido to achieve it. Feelings and actions can veer into symptoms, such as neurosis or addiction. Low libido is often a form of depression, and libido that is too high can be mania. Most often, a problem with libido is experienced as “stuckness,” the stasis produced from conflict between our natural, instinctual selves and familial and cultural expectations--internalized “shoulds.” We can face fear and engage desire, for acknowledging the truth of where attraction lies creates pathways along which life energy can flow. Psychotherapy could be considered a quest for each person’s authentic psychic energy. The innate direction of libido, the enlivening wellspring of the soul, is in service to individuation.

    Here’s the dream we analyzed:

    “I am walking around a garden, praying. I’m not sure whether I’m praying to God or to the earth or the trees, but I’m expressing gratitude for the beauty around me. There are two huge beech trees next to each other at the end of the garden. The knotted and gnarled trunks make each look like a laughing face - two friendly giants. I look up at the canopy high above - they almost seem to fill the sky with leaves. Then I notice that one tree is rocking in the wind, and there is a crack at the base of the trunk that opens and closes as it does so. I am concerned that the tree will fall. Behind the trees in the neighboring garden is a large, modern house which looks rather austere and forbidding. I wonder if I should warn the people in the house about the tree. Now two men in dark blue boiler suits arrive to examine the trees. Each reaches out a hand toward a tree, but before they can touch them, both trees fall over with a crash. I am sure the house will be smashed, but instead, the trees fall neatly onto two flatbed trucks which happen to be waiting. The men examine the trees and shake their heads. The trunks were hollow, and it’s clear they were not attached to the roots at all. The trucks drive off. The garden is left looking empty and forlorn.”


    Murray Stein. Jung’s Map of the Soul, https://www.amazon.com/dp/0812693760/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_S64J8AW68TCD7VC7D5N8


    Learn to Analyze your own Dreams:  https://thisjungianlife.com/enroll/

    Episode 224 - The Way of Kabbalah: ancient map of the psyche

    Episode 224 - The Way of Kabbalah: ancient map of the psyche

    Kabbalah is an ancient Jewish mystical tradition that has captured the imaginations of people from widely diverse backgrounds, including Jung himself. Three weeks after his heart attack in 1944, Jung had an ecstatic vision, “…Everything around me also seemed enchanted…I myself was in Pardes-Rimonim, in the pomegranate garden where Tiferet and Malchut married. I also imagined myself as Rabi Shimon ben Yochai, whose mystical marriage was celebrated now. It looked exactly as the Kabbalists portrayed it. I cannot tell you how amazing it was…” Though Jung did not live long enough to explore the Kabbalah fully, his psyche was deeply affected by the images and philosophies which played an important role in his life during this crisis.

    Like analysis, Kabbalistic methods cultivate an extraordinary receptivity to Self that illuminates the inner dimensions of the human soul, its unexplored potential, and our relationship to the divine. Its first written fragments surfaced in the 13th century, but the oral tradition reaches back millennia. Its primary symbol, the Tree of Life, reflects a rich cosmology that maps the progression of archetypal forces in the outer and inner world. It helps us track the flow of psychic energy as it descends from its animating source to archetypal image, thought, and finally to action. Like all images of the Self, it invokes the transcendental ordering principle that heals and facilitates individuation.

    Here’s the dream we analyze:

    “I’m in Putin’s inner circle. It’s attached to some other business place that I’m working in. I’m wearing a suit. He’s got an office, like in a 1920s socialist apartment building with tall ceilings. It’s not particularly high security, and I’m in it. The place is a bit messy. Putin is thin; he looks like the younger Putin, not the rounder face. One we see on TV. He’s getting medication out of boxes, and I see their statins, and I figure he’s got heart trouble. I take a seat on a sofa, and we’re talking; I’m thinking about how vulnerable he looks like a nice man; actually, I’m sensing that he trusts me, we have a good easy rapport. I’m wondering whether he knows I’m queer and what he would make of that; given the state of LGBTQ rights in Russia, I figure out that there are two pollutants, this real one behind the scenes and the one on TV. The one on TV has a body double, but the rest of the world doesn’t know that. I wonder how I’m going to keep this from the world and whether it will ever come out that I know him and how I would justify that to the media. I go to the bathroom off his office, and Putin’s bath is running. I gather that he is going to have a bath. I go back into the office, smoke a cigarette on the sofa, and we talk some more, and then I leave. I go to another room or to my friends are out of affection. I kiss my friend A repeatedly on the face, whose name I get wrong. She tells me her name is something else. It’s the first time I’ve heard her tell me the name that she says she is hers. I know her by at least two other names. I accidentally kiss her on the lips. The other friend B is there too, and then I realized that I have kissed B, not A. B asks me whether I’ve been smoking cannabis because there is a really strong smell on my breath. I think about the cigarette I smoked in Putin’s office and wonder how it could have left such a strong smell, and for context, she says the future feels unclear.”


    Dion Fortune. The Mystical Qabalah. https://www.amazon.com/dp/157863752X/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_CNHVRG5XVEK52RWZMASB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

    Erich Neumann. The Essays of Erich Neumann, Volume 3: The Place of Creation. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0691603871/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_TMA84417K13TPNWG4DGV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

    Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan. Meditation and Kabbalah. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0877286167/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_0HVCPYAXXW8DKHKYXMJJ


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    PAJA Advanced Clinical Practice Program: https://www.cgjungphiladelphia.org/assets/2022-2023-advanced-clinical-practice.pdf

    Episode 173 - The Cosmic Meaning of Consciousness

    Episode 173 - The Cosmic Meaning of Consciousness

    In Answer to Job, Jung states, “Whoever knows God has an effect on him.” If, as Jung claims, individual human consciousness affects God, what we are matters monumentally. When we serve our neuroses, the gulf between ego and Self widens. Pursuing individuation not only sets our personality in right order, it permits our personal experiences to enrich the collective unconscious – who we are is added to God. When Jung visited the Navajo, they told him they helped the sun, their father, cross the sky each day, a spiritual observance that sustained the world. Jung said, “I had envied the fullness of meaning in that belief and had been looking about without hope for a myth of our own. Now I knew what it was, and knew even more: that man is indispensable for the completion of creation, that in fact, he himself is the second creator of the world….” Human consciousness weaves meaning into the dance of life. Our psyches companion God crossing the sky each day and so participate in creation. As we confront the mystery of our lives and uncover the unique meaning unfolding in us – we become conscious co-creators.


     “I stand up from the couch and move toward the hallway. Three older women have entered the house. They look to be in their 50s or 60s, with long, draping clothes. They look like ordinary women and do not appear threatening, but I immediately feel menacing energy. I ask them who they are and what they are doing in the house. The women brush off my questions and mock me for my concern, suggesting that I am frightening the little boy. They have pushed past the hallway and are now in the kitchen. Their forcefulness tells me that they are here with ill intent, and I fear that they are here to rob the family. I grab the little boy and take him upstairs to hide him in his room while I deal with the old women, but when I am closing the boy’s bedroom door to go back downstairs, the women are already on the second floor of the house, entering all the rooms, opening drawers and cabinets, and taking things. They seem to be everywhere, and yet their movements are not chaotic but very controlled and methodical in a way that is unsettling to me. They seem particularly intent on taking books, paper files, and personal documents. I begin to think about what the family might have that the women want, what value is here that I had not known about. I remember or realize that the father is a famous novelist, and I wonder if maybe the women are trying to steal his work. I try to stop them, but they won’t listen to me, and I wonder how I am going to explain this to the family later. After following them around for a bit, I take the boy back downstairs. I decide to call 9-1-1 and leave the house until help arrives. I am barefoot and carrying the boy on my hip as I walk away from the house. While I wait for the 9-1-1 responder to answer, I realize that I do not know the house’s address. The dream ends before I find out whether help arrives.” 


    King, Warrior, Magician, Lover. Robert Moore

    Memories, Dreams, Reflections. CG Jung

    Answer to Job, CG Jung


    Learn to Analyze your own Dreams:  https://thisjungianlife.com/enroll/

    SYNCHRONICITY: the mysterious web of meaningful coincidences

    SYNCHRONICITY: the mysterious web of meaningful coincidences

    Synchronicity is a concept that has fascinated thinkers across disciplines for decades, and few have delved as deeply into its nature and implications as the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. According to Jung, synchronicity refers to meaningful coincidences that defy rational explanation but that feel infused with a sense of significance or destiny. But how do we recognize such coincidences, and what role do they play in our lives and psyches?

     Jung himself was driven to explore the concept of synchronicity by his encounters with analysands who described unusual coincidences that seemed to be tied to their inner experiences and conflicts. For example, a patient might think of a long-lost friend just before they receive a call from them, or while discussing a dream scarab, a similar insect flies through the office window. These events felt charged with meaning and often served as powerful catalysts for psychological growth and transformation.

     But what makes a coincidence truly synchronistic, as opposed to just a random or arbitrary occurrence? Jung argued that synchronistic events are characterized by their emotional intensity and their association with archetypal situations, such as death, illness, or relationship crises. In such contexts, our consciousness is often altered, and our usual defenses and rationalizations are temporarily suspended. This creates an opening for the unconscious, with its symbolic and mythical dimensions, to break through and communicate with us in a language of images, dreams, and omens.

     From a theoretical physics perspective, synchronicity can be seen as a manifestation of non-locality or the idea that seemingly separate entities can influence each other instantaneously, regardless of distance or time. This concept challenges the classical view of causality and suggests that the universe operates on a web of interconnectedness and interdependence, where every event is part of a larger pattern or order. In this sense, synchronicity can be seen as a bridge between science and spirituality, as it points to a deeper level of reality that transcends our limited senses and rational faculties.

     But how can we discern whether a coincidence is truly synchronistic or just a product of our own biases or wishful thinking? Jung emphasized the importance of personal experience and intuition in such matters, as well as the need for critical reflection and testing against external reality. For example, if we have a dream of a friend who we haven’t seen in years, we might interpret it as a sign to reconnect with them, but we should also consider whether there are other possible explanations, such as recent news or memories that triggered the dream.

     Ultimately, the meaning of synchronicity is not something that can be fully grasped or measured by our rational minds alone. It is a phenomenon that invites us to expand our awareness and sensitivity to the mysterious and numinous aspects of life and to connect with the deeper patterns and archetypes that underlie our personal and collective existence. As Jung put it, synchronistic events are those in which an inner subjective event is mirrored by an objective one, the coincidence being so striking that it is difficult to regard it as merely accidental.

    We’ve created DREAM SCHOOL to teach others how to work with their dreams. A vibrant community has constellated around this mission, and we think you’ll love it. Check it out.


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