
    Episode #175 ... Simone Weil - Vessels of God

    enFebruary 02, 2023
    What does Simone Weil suggest about self-transformation?
    How can we change our perspective on disliked tasks?
    What is the significance of 'God' in Weil's philosophy?
    Why must we cultivate attention with humility according to Weil?
    What virtues does Simone Weil emphasize for navigating complexities?

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Self-Transformation with Simone WeilInstead of relying solely on willpower, consider understanding why we dislike certain tasks and broadening our perspectives to find enjoyment in them.

      Key takeaway from the latest episodes of Philosophize This, specifically parts 3 and 4 of the Simone Weil series, is the importance of reevaluating our approach to self-transformation. While having a strong will to push through uncomfortable tasks is admirable, Simone Weil suggests that there are other valuable skills to develop. Instead of focusing solely on forcing ourselves to do things we dislike, we should strive to understand why we dislike them in the first place. By broadening our horizons and opening ourselves to new perspectives, we may find that the things we once hated become less daunting and even enjoyable. This approach to self-improvement is not mutually exclusive with the use of willpower, but rather a complementary method that can lead to a more fulfilling and less agonizing life.

    • The will and attention serve different purposesWillpower is crucial for physical goals, but attention and openness to experience are essential for intangible aspects of life, such as creativity and moral clarity.

      While both will and attention are essential for personal growth, they serve different purposes and have their limitations. The will is effective in achieving physical goals and enduring difficult situations, but it falls short when it comes to intangible aspects of life, such as creativity, inspiration, and moral clarity. In these instances, attention and openness to experience are more valuable. Simone Weil argues that trying to force ourselves to will ourselves into these states is futile and may even be counterproductive. Instead, we should recognize the importance of cultivating attention and becoming receptive to the world around us. By doing so, we become catalysts for the universe to exist through us, allowing us to navigate life's complexities more effectively.

    • Exploring the concept of moral order beyond material worldSimone Weil emphasized the importance of recognizing moral accountability and the existence of a transcendent moral order, encouraging openness to the unexplored aspects of reality.

      Simone Weil, a philosophically educated thinker, believed in the existence of something beyond the material world that governs beauty, truth, justice, order, and human obligations. She referred to this as "God," but emphasized that it was not the same as the deity depicted in religious fundamentalism. Instead, it was a concept centered around moral accountability. Weil believed that there were mystical elements of reality that couldn't be fully understood through empirical study alone and encouraged an openness to these unexplored aspects of existence. She did not advocate ignoring them or relying on a deity for salvation, but rather embracing the idea of a moral order that transcends space and time.

    • Connecting with the universal goodWe have a responsibility to connect with the universal good, present in every person, to create new beauty, creativity, and justice. Open-mindedness and avoiding closed systems of thinking are necessary for accessing these universal messages.

      Key takeaway from Simone Weil's philosophy is that we have a responsibility to connect with and enact the universal good that transcends culture and ideology. This universal good is present in every person and is the source of new beauty, creativity, and justice. We are essentially vessels of this good in the world. To access these universal messages, we must be open-minded and avoid being locked into closed systems of thinking. Philosophy, according to Weil, is the necessary preparation for living a religious and morally consistent life, as it challenges our personal prejudices and limited perspectives. Ultimately, the universal good becomes real only through our participation in society and taking action to enact it.

    • Philosophy prepares us for goodness, but action is necessary to become a vesselPhilosophy readies us for receiving universal goodness, but true connection comes from active engagement and expression in the world

      According to Simone Weil, philosophy primes us to receive universal goodness, but it's only through action and participation that we become a vessel for good. Colonization and the Society of the Spectacle are effective methods of spiritually impoverishing people by reducing their reality to passive consumption and limiting their ability to participate. Weil believed that work could be a modern-day spiritual connection, but in reality, it often alienates us from the meaningful impact of our contributions. To feel spiritually connected, we must actively engage in the world and express our unique ideas and creations.

    • Connecting to the Universe through Attention and LovePracticing attention to the world's beauty, loving our neighbors, and engaging in religious ceremonies can deepen our connection to the universe and experience a greater sense of love and connection.

      According to Simone Weil, practicing attention to the world around us can help us feel more connected to the universe and experience a deeper sense of love and connection. This can be achieved through three different experiences: appreciating the beauty of the world, loving our neighbors, and engaging in religious ceremonies. These activities may seem different on the surface, but as we delve deeper, we realize they all tap into an underlying implicit love for a higher power or God. These experiences are not unique to Simone Weil's philosophy and have been reported by people from various backgrounds and religious beliefs. To get started, one can focus on the beauty of nature, which can provide a sense of immersion and connection to something greater. Another way is to practice love and compassion towards our neighbors, which can foster a sense of human connection and empathy. These practices, while seemingly different, can lead us to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

    • Exploring connections beyond ourselvesOpening ourselves to experiences and others can provide a sense of purpose and connection, transcending self-centeredness.

      Opening ourselves up to connect with others and experiences beyond ourselves is a crucial aspect of the human experience. Caring for others can provide a sense of purpose and connection that some people may lack in their self-centered lives. Simone Weil believed that religious ceremonies, regardless of one's religious beliefs, offer an opportunity for self-transcendence and connection to something greater than ourselves. This openness to connect is not limited to religious ceremonies, but can be found in various experiences such as music festivals, vision quests, or even everyday interactions with others. It's important to remember that practicing openness and connection is a continuous journey, not a destination. We should avoid the temptation to think that we have arrived at the pinnacle of understanding simply by trying these exercises. Instead, we should approach each moment as an opportunity to deepen our connection to ourselves, others, and the world around us.

    • Cultivating Attention with Self-Awareness and HumilityApproach attention with self-awareness and humility, avoid using it for personal gain, and strive for universal connection with others. Practice moderation and courage to navigate complexities and refine ability to think clearly and stay grounded in reality.

      Cultivating attention is a valuable skill, but it's essential to approach it with self-awareness and humility. It's not just about being present in the moment, but also understanding the deeper motivations behind our actions. We must be cautious not to use attention as a tool for our personal gain, but instead strive for a universal connection with others. Simone Wey emphasizes the importance of moderation and courage, virtues that help us navigate the complexities of the world without succumbing to disgraceful frenzy. Ultimately, the goal is not to seek a destination of enlightenment, but to continuously work on refining our ability to think clearly and stay grounded in reality.

    • Aligning with the collective for greater goodIn difficult situations, choosing the lesser evil may be necessary for truth seekers, but it's important to remember the moral implications and approach with courage, moderation, and clear thinking.

      Key takeaway from the discussion about Simone Weil's philosophy is that there are certain situations in life where it may be necessary for an individual seeking truth to align themselves with the collective, even if it means choosing a lesser evil. Weil, who lived during World War II, believed that in the face of someone like Adolf Hitler, passive resistance was not enough. She advocated for fighting fire with fire, but with caution and moral clarity. When making such a choice, it's important to remember that one has ultimately chosen evil, and to approach the situation with courage, moderation, and clear thinking. Weil's philosophy emphasizes the importance of moral obligation, courage, and clear thinking in making difficult choices. Though her work is incomplete due to her early death, she would encourage individuals to make these choices with the understanding that they are choosing evil in the moment, but with the ultimate goal of promoting greater good.

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    As always, if you enjoy today's episode, please let me know! 

    With love, gratitude and gentle awareness,

    - Cam


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