
    Episode 282 - Creepy Men 2

    enAugust 30, 2011

    Podcast Summary

    • Explore and enhance your summer pleasure with Promescent's tools and the magic wandDiscover longer-lasting intimacy with Promescent's delay spray and heighten pleasure with their warming arousal gel. The magic wand, a powerful vibrator, is a game-changer in sex toys.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration, and there are various tools and products that can help enhance the experience. Promescent's lineup of pleasure enhancing products, such as their legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help individuals last longer and heighten pleasure respectively. Additionally, the magic wand, a cult-favorite vibrator, continues to be a game-changer in the world of sex toys, offering powerful vibrations and various iterations to fit different lifestyles. These tools, along with open communication and consent, can help make summer the sexiest season yet. Remember, it's important to prioritize pleasure, comfort, and consent in all sexual experiences. For more information and exclusive discounts, visit promescent.com/emily and sexwithemily.com/magicwand.

    • Unexpected celebrity encounters and unforgettable moments at the VMAsThe VMAs offered a unique and memorable experience, filled with unexpected celebrity encounters, unforgettable moments, and the importance of enjoying the moment despite setbacks.

      The VMAs experience was more amazing in person than online, with unexpected encounters with favorite celebrities and unforgettable moments. The speaker's weekend was filled with partying, interviews, and close celebrity encounters. While the speaker had a great time, they also had an embarrassing encounter with Selena Gomez and had to deal with a dead phone battery. Despite these minor setbacks, the overall experience was worth it. The speaker emphasized the importance of enjoying the moment and having a good attitude, even when things don't go as planned.

    • Unexpected experiences in LA and San FranciscoThe speaker attended a sex retreat and experienced an intense orgasmic meditation practice, opening her mind to new experiences.

      The speaker had an unexpected experience charging her phone in an underground parking lot in Los Angeles late at night and later attended a sex retreat called OneTaste in San Francisco. At the retreat, she witnessed an orgasmic meditation practice where a man strokes a woman's clitoris for 15 minutes using specific techniques. The practice aims for a whole body sensation rather than an orgasm. The speaker was initially skeptical but open-minded and found the experience intense. It's important to note that OneTaste is an organization known for its orgasmic meditation practice and has received both positive and negative attention.

    • Learning to please women through orgasmic meditationMen learn to connect with women's energy and feel their orgasms by focusing on pleasing them for 15 minutes without intercourse, deepening intimacy and fostering heightened awareness of partner's pleasure.

      The One Taste organization teaches men to focus on pleasing women through orgasmic meditation, where they stroke the clitoris for 15 minutes without intercourse. During this process, the woman's body responds with swelling and increased sensitivity, and the man learns to connect with her energy and feel her orgasms. This practice aims to shift the focus from male pleasure to female pleasure and deepen the connection between partners. The men involved in this practice report feeling a sense of fulfillment and heightened awareness of their partner's body and pleasure. It's important to note that this practice is not about sex for payment or exploitation, but rather about learning and growing together in intimacy.

    • Exploring Unconventional Sexual ExperiencesThe speaker shared her experiences of receiving orgasms from men through a specific hand technique and participating in naked yoga sessions during a weekend workshop. She found the men respectful and the experiences empowering, and plans to continue exploring her understanding of orgasms.

      The speaker had unique experiences during a weekend workshop, which included receiving orgasms from men through a specific hand technique and participating in naked yoga sessions. She found the men who performed the hand technique to be respectful and not creepy. The speaker also mentioned that she was comfortable with the audience present during her first session, which included a major TV network executive producer and the CEO of the organization. She expressed her intention to continue exploring these experiences and expand her understanding of orgasms. The speaker also mentioned her ability to meditate and focus on her sensations during these experiences. Overall, the speaker shared her openness to new experiences and her curiosity about human sexuality.

    • Revitalizing a sex life through non-sexual touch and communicationExploring non-sexual touch and communication can deepen connections and lead to valuable insights for improved sexual experiences.

      Exploring new ways to understand and enhance pleasure, such as clitoral massage, can lead to valuable insights and improved sexual experiences. During an immersion course, a couple sought to revitalize their sex life and discovered the importance of non-sexual touch and communication in deepening their connection. While the experience was not sexual for the speaker, it allowed her to learn how to read a woman's body and respond to her unique needs. This practice not only broadened her perspective but also left her curious to continue exploring and sharing her findings with others. For those interested in deepening their own understanding of women's orgasms and sexuality, an upcoming retreat, "Turn Down Women's Retreat," offers an opportunity to engage in intimate conversations and learn more.

    • An introspective look into orgasmic meditationOrgasmic meditation offers deep connection and intimacy, helping some women experience their first orgasms and improving relationships through vulnerability and open communication.

      The speaker had an unusual and introspective experience participating in orgasmic meditation, a practice aimed at deep connection and intimacy. Despite initial hesitation and uncertainty, she found the experience to be meaningful and even felt a sense of connection to the men involved. The practice, which has gained attention in recent years, is believed to help women who have never experienced orgasms before and improve intimacy in relationships. The speaker also discussed her current dating life and open relationships, and the challenges and learning experiences that come with them. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of self-exploration, vulnerability, and the importance of open communication in relationships.

    • Unexpected topics emerge in conversationDiscussed unexpected topics like a giveaway for free sex, personal living situation, and a fun party. A study hinted at gender differences in one-night stand approaches.

      The conversation touched upon unexpected topics, including a giveaway for three months of free sex with Emily and the speaker's current living situation with another woman. The speaker expressed that they were still processing the situation and not ready to discuss it further. Additionally, the conversation included a mention of a fun party and the speaker's newfound appreciation for tequila. A study was also briefly discussed, suggesting that women prefer direct approaches during one-night stands and men are more willing to provide such experiences.

    • Preference for directness in hookupsWomen prefer men who are straightforward during hookups, rather than those who engage in small talk or use quirky lines.

      When it comes to hookups, women prefer straightforwardness from men, rather than small talk or quirky lines. This was highlighted in a story shared about an encounter at a bar in San Jose, California. The man in the story, despite being recognized by security due to his radio presence, engaged in a verbal altercation with some men over being labeled as douchebags. Despite the potential for a physical altercation, the man continued to talk, eventually revealing that the men were from San Diego. The incident ended without any harm, but the story underscores the preference for directness in hookup situations. Additionally, the man's recognition in San Jose highlighted the impact of his radio presence and the unique experience of being a well-known figure in the area.

    • Understanding Women's InstinctsBe direct and confident when approaching women for hookups, avoiding small talk and quirky lines. Knowing your type and being true to yourself is important.

      Women appreciate directness and confidence from men when it comes to potential hookups. This is based on research suggesting that relationships in prehistoric times were based on raw instinct, with men choosing women based on appearance and taking them back to their caves. In modern times, being assertive and confident when approaching a woman is key. It's important to note that being confident does not equate to being a douchebag. Instead, avoid small talk and quirky. lines and get straight to the point. Understanding your type or preferences can also help in approaching women. Additionally, there seems to be an increase in prostitution in certain areas, and women are encouraged to get paid if they choose to act like "whores." Ultimately, being true to yourself and confident in your approach is the most effective way to connect with women.

    • Navigating Life's Challenges: Overwhelmed Single Parent Seeks Comfort and BalanceLife's unpredictability can lead to overwhelming feelings and difficult decisions. It's important to communicate with loved ones and consider the consequences of new experiences and opportunities.

      Life can be unpredictable and overwhelming at times, leading us to make decisions that may not be ideal for everyone involved. In this conversation, a woman expresses her feelings of being overwhelmed with her responsibilities as a single parent and the loss of her dog. She seeks comfort from her friends and ex-partner, leading to conflicting emotions and difficult decisions. It's clear that she's going through a challenging time and is trying to find balance in her life. Another theme that emerges is the distraction and allure of new experiences and opportunities, such as traveling to Hawaii or attending festivals. These desires can be tempting, but it's important to consider the consequences and how they may impact our relationships and commitments. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of navigating life's ups and downs and the importance of communication and support from loved ones.

    • Explore small improvements for a better sex lifeMake small changes weekly for improved sex life, try new positions, communicate openly, and get tested regularly for STDs.

      Improving your sex life doesn't have to be an overwhelming experience. Instead of trying to make drastic changes all at once, consider making small, incremental improvements each week. Start with new positions, and gradually explore other techniques and activities as you feel comfortable. If you're unsure about STD risks after a recent sexual encounter, it's important to get tested regularly for common STDs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV. If you've had unprotected sex and are unsure if a condom failed, consider taking the morning after pill or getting tested for potential exposure to STDs. Remember, even if your sex life isn't bad, it can always get better, so don't hesitate to try new things and communicate openly with your partner about your desires and needs.

    • Considering pregnancy concerns and using the morning after pillIf pregnant, consider alternatives to the morning after pill. For those concerned about pregnancy, it's important to speak with a doctor and consider the timing of your menstrual cycle before taking the pill. Be aware of potential side effects and remember to get regularly tested for STIs.

      If you're concerned about pregnancy, the morning after pill can be an option, but it's important to consider your menstrual cycle and speak with a doctor. The morning after pill can have side effects, including emotional and mood swings. It's also important to get regularly tested for sexually transmitted infections, especially if using condoms. The morning after pill can be obtained over the counter for those 18 and older. For improving stamina, an app called Kaggle Camp can be helpful, and practicing techniques like the stop-start method during masturbation can also aid in lasting longer during sexual activity. These methods were discussed in detail in a previous episode.

    • Respect and Communication in RelationshipsRespect boundaries, give space for individuality, use technology for connection, and practice open communication and consent in relationships.

      Communication and respect are key elements in a healthy and non-creepy relationship. Masturbation is a personal practice that can enhance sexual experiences, but stalking behavior, excessive possessiveness, and unwanted advances are major turn-offs. It's essential to respect boundaries and give space for individuality. The use of technology, such as social media, should not be a tool for stalking or intrusive behavior. Instead, it can be a means of connection and communication when both parties are comfortable with it. Remember, the chase can be exciting, but it should be mutual and consensual. Dirty talk can add spice to a relationship, but it should be done in a respectful and consensual manner. Overall, open communication, respect, and consent are the foundation for a fulfilling and non-creepy relationship.

    • Mindful of Intimate Moments and Respecting BoundariesBe considerate during intimate moments, avoid mentioning past experiences or other people, respect individual's preferences, and effectively communicate to ensure success.

      During intimate moments, mentioning past experiences or other people can be a turnoff for some individuals. This can be seen as a form of dirty talk, which often involves recalling past experiences, but it can be perceived as disrespectful or distracting. It's important to be mindful of this and consider the individual's preferences and comfort level. Additionally, having unique hobbies or obsessions doesn't necessarily make someone creepy, but being too close to family members, especially mothers, could potentially be a red flag in relationships. Lastly, it's essential to communicate effectively and follow through on actions, such as voting for a podcast, to avoid confusion and ensure success.

    • Balancing commitments and advocacyPrioritize commitments but be adaptable to unexpected circumstances, and the importance of advocacy in sharing perspectives and expertise.

      The guests on the "Sex with Emily" podcast were unable to participate in special voting due to their busy schedules and focus on promoting the podcast on other platforms. They shared that they had intended to do so but ran out of time. This conversation highlights the importance of prioritizing commitments and the challenges that come with balancing multiple responsibilities. It also underscores the significance of advocacy and the efforts made by individuals to share their perspectives and expertise with wider audiences. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of staying committed to one's goals while also being adaptable to unexpected circumstances.

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