
    Episode 58: Pedestals and Guillotines

    enJanuary 17, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Fascination with the rich and famousPeople are drawn to the lives of the wealthy and powerful, admiring their extravagant lifestyle while also enjoying their downfall, as seen in the popularity of celebrity tours and tabloids.

      Humans have a fascination with the lives of the rich and famous, as evidenced by the popularity of celebrity tours in places like Hollywood. People from all over the world come to experience a taste of this extravagant lifestyle, which includes beautiful homes, manicured grounds, and exclusive events. This fascination extends beyond celebrities to political leaders and their pomp and circumstance. However, it's important to note that this admiration is balanced by a desire to see the powerful fall from grace. The tabloid industry thrives on this duality, providing a platform for both adulation and criticism. Ultimately, our relationship with the rich and famous reflects the complexities of human psychology, with elements of both idolization and schadenfreude.

    • Our reactions to those in power or wealth can be complexPeople's reactions to successful or wealthy individuals can shift from admiration to criticism due to envy, disdain, or other emotions.

      Our reactions to those in power or those who flaunt their wealth, whether it's a celebrity or a political figure, can be complex. We may admire them for their success and wealth, but when they are confronted with a setback or a scandal, our empathy can be limited due to feelings of envy or disdain. This was evident in the public response to Kim Kardashian's robbery in Paris, where some people made snarky comments instead of expressing concern. Similarly, political figures like Dan Quayle and Rick Perry have faced harsh criticism for minor mistakes or gaffes, despite their high offices. Even Howard Dean's passionate campaign speech ended his presidential bid. These incidents highlight the thin line between admiration and criticism, and the potential for our own biases and emotions to influence our reactions.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Power and FearPower inspires both attention and fear, a fundamental aspect of human psychology rooted in our evolutionary history as hunter-gatherers.

      Humans have a complex and contradictory relationship with power, rooted in our evolutionary history. This was exemplified in a scene from the movie "All the Way" about Lyndon B. Johnson, where he celebrates his victory but anticipates the inevitable backlash. This dynamic can be observed in chimpanzee behavior, with alpha males receiving attention and grooming but also inspiring fear and ambivalence. Anthropologist Anne Pucey, studying under Jane Goodall, discovered this in the Tanzanian forest, where chimpanzee society is male-dominated and the alpha male holds significant power. However, this power comes with intimidation and fear, as seen when the alpha male runs amok and intimidates others. This ambivalent relationship between power and fear is a fundamental aspect of human psychology, shaped by our ancient past as hunter-gatherers.

    • Complex relationship towards power in early human societiesEarly societies showed reverence and skepticism towards power, leading to democracy and public image management by the powerful

      Early human societies, as observed in chimpanzee behavior and nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes, exhibit a complex relationship towards power and authority. While individuals may show admiration, submission, and even fear towards the powerful, there is also a strong undercurrent of defiance and rebellion. This ambivalence is evident when the powerful try to misuse their power, leading to scrutiny, criticism, and even ostracism. This inherent human disposition towards power, marked by both reverence and skepticism, is believed to be the root of democracy, as observed in early human societies and later in historical contexts. The rich and powerful are aware of this contradictory attitude towards power and often work to present a humble and approachable image to the public.

    • Leaders' personal lives and public imageLeaders' personal lives and public image can create a false sense of connection, potentially obscuring their actions and motivations. Critically evaluate leaders' actions and decisions.

      Leaders, whether loved or hated, have long used their personal lives and public image to connect with the people. From Asma al-Assad and Bashar in Syria, to Adolf Hitler in Germany, to Donald Trump in the United States, the media has often portrayed leaders in a positive light, emphasizing their down-to-earth qualities and shared experiences. However, these leaders have also held significant power and have made decisions that have negatively impacted their countries and people. This use of positive imagery to mask power and wealth can create a false sense of connection between leaders and the public, potentially obscuring the reality of their actions and motivations. It's important to remember that leaders' personal lives and public image are just one aspect of their complex roles, and it's essential to critically evaluate their actions and decisions.

    • Exploring the concept of 'hidden persuaders' with Hidden Brain teamThe Hidden Brain podcast, led by Neil Karuth and Shankar Vedantam, investigates the power of subconscious influences on human behavior. Listeners can engage with the team on social media and through their local radio stations.

      The podcast, which explored the concept of "hidden persuaders," was brought to life by a dedicated team, including Jenny Schmidt, Maggie Penman, Chris Banderaev, Tara Boyle, Renee Clark, Raina Cohen, Chloe Connolly, Louis Weeks, and Nick Duprey. Neil Karuth, who oversees several NPR podcasts including Hidden Brain, was highlighted as an unsung hero for his kind, calm, and measured leadership style. He supports the team with enthusiasm and grace. The podcast was produced with original music by Louis Weeks and Nick Duprey. To connect with Hidden Brain, listeners can follow the show on Facebook and Twitter, listen on their local public radio station, and tell friends about the podcast. The team is always looking for new listeners, so spread the word! Shankar Vedantam, the host, encourages listeners to share their referrals on social media.

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    Nor have they been given the wisdom - the feminine wisdom - about how to work with wealth in a way that creates REAL wealth, the kind that makes you feel on the inside content, secure and seen no matter how much $ is in the bank. The kind of REAL wealth that actually leads to creating the meaningful career, life, relationships, you desire.

    Which is why I invited a dear friend, and my personal wealth advisor, Julie Murphy, author of Awaken Your Wealth to kick off our 3 part series at Feminine Power Time on Re-Imagining Feminine Power starting with Women With Wealth.

    Reimagining Feminine Power - because we are the ONEs through how we live and lead that will dream, define and create new realities, for how we work, set up our lives, value our time,

    I decided to start with Women with Wealth because when our physical foundation is strong - which includes our wealth, financial flow and reserves, we are so much more able to actualize ourselves in our work and able to show up open hearted and generous in our relationships. Wealth and money is also where a lot of the shame, sabotaging patterns, and distortions of power live in our bodies, hearts and minds.

    So join me and Julie for an expansive and real conversation about how the empowered way women embody wealth. We will dive into REIMAGINING -

    • REAL WEALTH - and how the current definition of wealth keeps us striving and feeling never enough
    • YOUR MONEY FOCUS - Shifting your focus from making money and accumulating money to creating and cultivating Real Wealth
    •  MONEY & WORK & EFFORT -The reasons we get trapped with golden handcuffs, re-creating debt, feeling like if we just work harder or get to the next XX we will have enough
    • DEBT - What Debt is, where it comes from inside of you, and the path to freeing yourself from the deeper patterns that create it
    • THE  ARCHETYPES THAT MAKES YOUR FINANCIAL DECISIONS - The 5 types of financial archetypes that drive your economic choices - that keep you stuck in sabotaging patterns vs. real wealth.
    • FINANCIAL FREEDOM & INDEPENDENCE - What is financial freedom really? And how to cultivate it so it gives you what you truly desire.
    • THE ROLE MONEY PLAYS IN DESIGNING THE REALITY WE DESIRE - Shift the role of money and wealth into one of self empowerment vs. self judgment or subconscious patterns so you can more powerfully create the reality you desire for yourself, your work, those you love and lead.

    It’s going to be a juicy conversation.

    I poured my coffee into my A CUP OF LOVE tea - because i know MONEY is a catalyst that can bring up all kinds of energy like fear, shame, blame, self criticism, self judgment - all which take you out of your power, presence and purpose.

    SO we use the super power of feminine wisdom and self love to open up your heart to forgive yourself for past choices, and empower yourself to work with your heart to get your life in to more alignment with your heart and soul now, knowing that when you do MORE WEALTH comes to you.



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