
    Episode 9: Uprising: A Guide From Portland: Tactics and Teargas

    enFebruary 01, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Forming Connections in CommunitiesBuilding social bonds with neighbors and finding common ground through shared experiences can create a more connected community and prepare us for natural disasters.

      Building connections in our communities can bring about hope and preparedness in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of forming meaningful social bonds with those around us. This not only helps create a more connected community but also prepares us for natural disasters. Meanwhile, finding common ground, like playing the same casino game, can lead to unexpected connections. Chumba Casino offers a platform for entertainment and fun, bringing people together through shared experiences. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that we all have unique stories and experiences, as showcased in Amy Winehouse's Back to Black and the Eating While Broke podcast. By embracing our individuality and finding common ground, we can foster stronger connections and build a more inclusive world.

    • Debating protest tactics throughout historyHistorically, activists have debated peaceful vs. destructive tactics for change. The Saint Paul Principles emphasize respect for diverse tactics, but media portrayals can mislead, focusing on destructive aspects and distracting from real issues.

      Throughout history, activists have debated the use of various tactics, from nonviolent protests to property destruction, to bring about change. This was seen during the civil rights movement, as well as more recent protests. The Saint Paul Principles, drafted in 2008, emphasized respect for diverse tactics and maintaining separation between protests. However, the distinction between peaceful and nonviolent protests can be blurred, leading to misperceptions and counter-narratives that detract from the movement's purpose. It's essential to recognize that vandalism and violence are not the same, and the media's portrayal of protests can be misleading, often exaggerating the destructive aspects and distracting from the real issues at hand. Despite this, progress can still be made by working within the system, even if it's not a complete overhaul. It's crucial to challenge these misconceptions and focus on the movement's goals.

    • Protesters' motivations behind violent actionsSome protesters resort to violence to demand accountability and attention to systemic issues, but it's essential to acknowledge the majority don't and focus on addressing the root causes.

      The violent actions during protests in Portland, such as property destruction and targeted arrests, are complex issues with various motivations. While some view it as unproductive and even harmful to the movement, others see it as a desperate response to years of inaction and police violence. The desire for accountability and attention towards systemic issues like racism, class divides, and police brutality drives some protesters to engage in vandalism. Despite the criticism, these actions keep the dialogue about police violence and social injustice alive when other methods have failed. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that the majority of Portland protesters do not engage in violent acts, and the violence that does occur is often instigated by law enforcement. The focus should be on addressing the root causes of the unrest and finding constructive ways to create change.

    • Building Meaningful Social Bonds in Uncertain TimesEmpowering individuals to help each other and prepare for emergencies through community-focused initiatives is crucial in uncertain times. Addressing young people's concerns and taking action can prevent destructive reactions.

      Community connection and engagement are crucial in uncertain times. While there are various forms of entertainment to pass the time, such as Monopoly Go or The Godfather slot at Chumbacasino.com, it's essential not to overlook the importance of building meaningful social bonds. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, is an excellent example of a community-focused initiative that empowers individuals to help one another and prepare for emergencies. Moreover, addressing the legitimate issues that concern young people with urgency and taking action to fix them is vital to prevent desperation and destructive reactions. As Gregory, a young activist, stated, the world's issues, including climate chaos, racism, and the ills of capitalism, are interconnected and require immediate attention. By focusing on community and taking action, we can make a positive impact and create a more connected world.

    • Understanding the Power of Adaptability in Spectacles and Social MovementsLearning from past movements and the power of collaboration and adaptability can lead to significant change.

      The American sideshow, as explored in the podcast "Grim and Mild Presents," and various protests, including those in Hong Kong and Portland, demonstrate the power of adaptability and the importance of understanding the complexities behind spectacles and social movements. From the ashes of PT Barnum's museum rose innovative tactics and strategies that changed the world. In the case of the sideshow, it was a unique form of entertainment that challenged societal norms. In the context of protests, these tactics ranged from creating graphic designs and using social media to spread information to physically building barricades. The roles people took up in these movements were not static, and individuals could switch between roles as needed. The Hong Kong protests served as a catalyst for the Portland uprising and the 2020 BLM protests, with tactics such as using umbrellas to deflect projectiles and water bottles to contain tear gas being adopted. This illustrates the importance of learning from past movements and the power of collaboration and adaptability in bringing about change.

    • Roles of Protesters during Portland ProtestsProtesters in Portland assume various roles like medics, fire squads, range soldiers, light mages, fire mages, peaceful protesters, flag bearers, frontliners, and shield soldiers to protect, obstruct, and respond to law enforcement actions.

      During protests, various roles emerge to protect, obstruct, and respond to law enforcement actions. In Portland, these roles include medics, fire squads, range soldiers, light mages, fire mages, peaceful protesters, flag bearers, frontliners, and shield soldiers. Medics provide medical assistance, fire squads suppress tear gas, range soldiers hinder police advancement, light mages obstruct surveillance, fire mages set fires, peaceful protesters form the bulk of protests, flag bearers warn of approaching riot police, frontliners engage in direct action, and shield soldiers protect with shields. Shield walls can deflect projectiles and offer a first line of defense but can also be a hindrance if not used carefully. These roles show the diverse and creative ways protesters respond to law enforcement actions.

    • Protesting with shields and umbrellas: Effectiveness and alternativesShields can protect protesters, but have drawbacks. Umbrellas are versatile, concealable alternatives. Effective shield usage shown in Portland. Neighbor to Neighbor builds communities. Godfather slot game for entertainment. Zumo Play offers diverse content for free.

      During protests, shields can be effective in protecting protesters against attacks, but they come with drawbacks such as weight, awkwardness, and potential legal consequences for using them against law enforcement. Umbrellas, on the other hand, are a more versatile and concealable alternative for shielding against munitions. The discussion also highlighted an instance where a tight network of shields was used effectively against far-right groups in Portland. Additionally, the Neighbor to Neighbor volunteer network was introduced as a way to build stronger communities, and The Godfather slot game was presented as a form of entertainment. Finally, Zumo Play was introduced as a free streaming platform with a diverse range of content.

    • From large protests to smaller, disruptive actions in PortlandPortland protests evolved from large confrontations with police to smaller, economically disruptive actions, leading to fewer arrests but harsher charges and ongoing push for change

      The Portland Protests (PPB) evolved from large-scale, direct confrontations with police to smaller, more economically disruptive actions as the city and the nation's focus shifted. These tactics, which involved smaller crowds and vandalism, resulted in fewer arrests on average but harsher charges for those arrested. The shift echoed past protest movements and was driven by frustration over unmet demands for change. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler acknowledged the difficulty of combating these tactics, stating that the law enforcement tools in place were outdated. The tactics also raised objections from more moderate sectors of the movement and fit the right-wing narrative of the destructive Antifa boogeyman. Despite the challenges, the protesters continued to push for change, adapting their tactics to the current situation.

    • Protection and Anonymity in Protest: The Use of Black BlocProtesters use black bloc for protection, anonymity, and to evade surveillance technology. The tactic is most effective in groups and can require additional gear like respirators.

      The use of black bloc, or black uniforms, in protests is a tactic for protection and anonymity, not an identity or organization. While it was originally intended to hide race, gender, and age, the prevalence of surveillance technology has made it necessary for activists to remove logos and other identifying features. People of color are also present in black bloc. The tactic is most effective in groups and can draw law enforcement attention. Protesters often wear normal clothes underneath and choose a discreet time and place to deblock. The evolution of protests, such as the increased use of tear gas, has led to the necessity of additional gear like respirators.

    • Protesters in Portland adapted to various forms of crowd control and potential violence by acquiring protective gear.During protests in Portland, activists learned to use cartridges filtering both COVID and tear gas, create tear gas mask inserts for eyeglasses, upgrade to full face masks with eye shields, and prioritize ballistics, helmets, and shatterproof goggles to ensure their safety.

      During the summer of 2020 protests in Portland, activists learned to adapt to various forms of crowd control and potential violence by acquiring and combining different protective gear. They discovered the importance of using cartridges that filter both COVID and tear gas, creating tear gas mask inserts for eyeglasses, and upgrading to full face masks with eye shields. As threats of gun violence from far-right groups escalated, they also prioritized obtaining ballistics, helmets, and shatterproof goggles. Tear gas, a chemical weapon banned in warfare due to its painful effects, was used extensively during the protests, and activists had to learn how it transforms from a solid into a gas-like substance upon heating. This knowledge and the necessary gear became crucial for protesters to ensure their safety during the unrest.

    • Impact of Tear Gas on Humans, Animals, and the EnvironmentTear gas can harm humans, animals, and the environment with unknown long-term effects. Efforts are being made to mitigate damage to the Willamette River in Portland.

      Tear gas used during protests can have detrimental effects on both humans and animals, causing pain and potentially death at high levels of exposure. Additionally, there are concerns about the impact of tear gas on the environment, specifically the Willamette River in Portland, which is already a Superfund site. Despite research on the effects of tear gas, there is little known about its short and long term impacts on the environment. In response, preventative measures have been taken to vacuum tear gas residue from drains leading to the river and collect filters from the protest community for research. City officials have also conducted tests on sediments collected from the storm drains, but the full extent of the damage is not yet clear.

    • Lawsuit Filed Against DHS for Use of Tear Gas Without Environmental AssessmentA lawsuit alleges DHS use of tear gas in Portland produced toxic compound, causing health concerns; temporary ban on tear gas lifted, leaving decision to use up to individual officers

      A group of environmental organizations filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for using tear gas without conducting an environmental assessment, potentially exposing people to harmful chemicals. The lawsuit alleged that the use of tear gas during protests in Portland resulted in the production of hexachlorothane, a toxic compound banned by the US military due to severe health effects. Protesters reported experiencing chemical burns, stomach symptoms, and prolonged irregular menstrual cycles after exposure. While no definitive links have been made between tear gas and these symptoms, the concerns raised have added to the ongoing debate about the use of tear gas during protests. The debate gained momentum after a class action lawsuit against the city of Portland resulted in a temporary ban on tear gas use, but the ban was later lifted, leaving the decision to use tear gas up to individual officers on the ground. The potential long-term health effects of tear gas exposure, particularly for vulnerable populations such as the unhoused, remain a significant concern.

    • Protests and the Use of Tear GasDuring protests, tear gas was used by law enforcement, raising concerns for First Amendment rights and the safety of bystanders, including families and young children, who were at risk of respiratory distress. Community organizations provided protective equipment.

      During the protests in the city, tear gas was frequently used by law enforcement to disperse crowds, despite concerns over its impact on First Amendment rights and the safety of bystanders. Families living near the protests were often caught in the crossfire, with some experiencing tear gas being deployed outside their homes. The situation became particularly dire for young children, who were at risk of respiratory distress from the gas. Community organizations responded by providing respirators and other protective equipment to families in need. Overall, the use of tear gas during the protests raised questions about the appropriate use of force by law enforcement and the impact on civilians, particularly vulnerable populations.

    • Protests in Portland: Infants and Detainees Affected by Tear GasInfants and detainees were vulnerable to tear gas during Portland protests, leading to numerous lawsuits and allegations of harm. The long-term effects of tear gas are not fully understood, and its use as a tool to suppress dissent remains a contentious issue.

      During the Portland protests against police brutality and social injustice, infants and detainees were among the most vulnerable populations to the use of tear gas. Despite a ban on CS gas by the mayor, federal agents used tear gas and other munitions against protesters, leading to numerous lawsuits and allegations of harm to inmates in detention centers. The mental, physical, and environmental effects of tear gas may not be fully realized for years to come. The use of tear gas by urban police departments as a tool to suppress and silence dissent remains a contentious issue, with some arguing for more radical tactics and others emphasizing the importance of peaceful protests. Malcolm X's phrase "by any means necessary" encapsulates the ongoing struggle for black lives and the diverse tactics used by activists to bring about change. The Portland protests served as a testing ground for various protest tactics and government responses, highlighting the need for continued dialogue and action towards social justice.

    • Correcting Past Mistakes and Pursuing KnowledgeRecognize errors, learn from them, and continue the quest for knowledge. Address social issues through community connections and work towards a more equitable society.

      Respect for human rights and the pursuit of knowledge are important values. In the previous episode, there was an error regarding a researcher's role in studying the impacts of chemical munitions on humans and the environment. The researcher, Dr. Juniper Siminis, actually spearheaded the effort with volunteers. It's crucial to acknowledge mistakes and continue the quest for knowledge. Additionally, social issues such as unfair treatment of Native American students and systemic injustices persist. Individuals and communities can come together to build connections and support each other, as demonstrated by the Neighbor to Neighbor volunteer network. Ultimately, it's essential to remain curious, challenge assumptions, and work towards creating a more equitable society.

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Interesting books mentioned in the podcast

    Rhodes and his comedy can be found on Facebook and
    the Facebook group MiCADELiC FB LIVE Stream - Open Mic Night: Saturdays & Wednesdays

    Adriana can be found on:

    Instagram at @ajoylifestyle

    email: adrianaf7@yahoo.com

    You can find The Rhode Runner in the following places:

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    Please let us know if you have any questions or stories for us to read on the air. You can email TheRhodeRunner1@gmail.com

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