
    Eric Topol || Public Service Announcement: Separating Facts from Myths in the Pandemic

    enFebruary 10, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Investing in Quality Experiences and Products for Travel and HealthInvesting in personalized travel experiences and all-natural supplements free from fillers and toxins can lead to memorable experiences and positive outcomes.

      When it comes to travel and health, investing in quality experiences and products can make a significant difference. Avalon Waterways offers a more personalized river cruising experience, allowing travelers to fully immerse themselves in the picturesque shores of Europe. Similarly, Symbionica's all-natural supplements, free from fillers and toxins, provide real results. In the realm of health, it's crucial to separate unsubstantiated information from scientific consensus, especially during rapidly changing situations like the pandemic. Dr. Eric Topol, a leading researcher in medicine and a vocal advocate for evidence-based information, emphasizes the importance of relying on rigorous methodology and openness to new evidence. Whether it's exploring Europe or maintaining good health, making informed decisions based on credible sources can lead to memorable experiences and positive outcomes.

    • Dr. Scott Gottlieb's Role in Disseminating COVID-19 InformationExpert in molecular medicine, genomics, and digital health, Dr. Scott Gottlieb shares accurate COVID-19 info on social media, creating graphs and reading articles to keep community informed. Emphasizes importance of sharing knowledge.

      Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a physician scientist with expertise in molecular medicine, genomics, and digital health, has been sharing valuable COVID-19 information on social media since the pandemic began. He processes data, creates graphs, and reads articles or preprints to disseminate accurate and up-to-date information. Dr. Gottlieb, who heads the Scripps Research Translational Institute, emphasizes the importance of everyone sharing what they learn to help the community stay informed. He admits that his hypotheses have evolved as new evidence emerges, such as with the alpha variant, which initially appeared more concerning than it ultimately became due to rapid vaccination rollout. Dr. Gottlieb has no connections to big pharma and has been critical of their actions throughout his career. He clarified that emergency use authorization (EUA) for vaccines means that they have been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and found to meet the safety and effectiveness standards necessary for public use during a public health emergency.

    • From EUA to Full FDA Approval: A Process for COVID-19 VaccinesThe EUA for COVID-19 vaccines is a stepping stone to full FDA approval, involving a BLA and potential amendments for different age groups. Despite their tentative status, the rapid development and success of these vaccines is an unprecedented scientific achievement, surpassing the 10-year average for a successful vaccine.

      The EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) for COVID-19 vaccines, while crucial in getting vaccines out to the public quickly, is not a full authorization. It's based on the assumption that the vaccine may be effective, but it requires further data for full FDA approval. This process includes a Biologic Licensing Application (BLA) and potential amendments for different age groups. EUAs have also been withdrawn for drugs and tests in the past, making their status tentative. However, the rapid development and success of COVID-19 vaccines, which reduced symptomatic infections by 95% in less than a year, is an unprecedented scientific achievement. It builds on decades of mRNA research and was facilitated by the sequencing of the virus and large clinical trials. Despite the emergence of new variants, these vaccines have held up well, making it a remarkable moment in scientific history. The 10-year average for a successful vaccine has been surpassed, and the fact that vaccines against the original strain continue to provide protection against new variants is a testament to this achievement.

    • Understanding Natural Immunity and VaccinesRecognizing natural immunity and vaccines can help bridge divides, but addressing vaccine safety concerns, like myocarditis, is necessary for informed decision-making.

      Recognizing natural immunity from COVID-19 infections, in addition to vaccines, could help reduce polarization and increase understanding between different groups. However, it's important to acknowledge concerns about vaccine safety, such as the risk of myocarditis. While there is an increased risk of vaccine-induced myocarditis, particularly in young males after the second dose of mRNA vaccines, the risk is still extremely rare and usually self-limiting. On the other hand, the risk of COVID-induced myocarditis is higher than the vaccine risk, but still relatively low. It's crucial to continue researching and discussing these issues transparently to promote informed decision-making and reduce the intensity of the divide.

    • Discussions on myocarditis risk in Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine for 5 to 12-year-oldsDespite concerns about myocarditis, the benefits of vaccinating 5 to 12-year-olds against COVID-19 outweigh the risks, as they help prevent severe illness, long COVID, and transmission to others.

      While there are concerns about myocarditis as a side effect of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine in the 5 to 12 age group, the risk is very low, and the benefits of vaccination, such as reducing severe illness, long COVID, and preventing transmission to others, outweigh this risk. Dr. Topol, a cardiologist, acknowledges the concern but emphasizes the importance of using the vaccine in this age group. He also mentions that discussions about the risks of over-vaccinating young people seem taboo, but it's essential to consider different perspectives and data to make informed decisions. Dr. Offit, another expert, has expressed skepticism about boosters for young people due to their lower risk, but the majority of experts support the use of vaccines in this age group due to the various benefits. The lack of data on the necessity of boosters for younger age groups is an ongoing topic of debate.

    • Potential for Ivermectin in COVID-19 treatment is not yet conclusiveMore large, well-designed trials with clear indications are needed to establish Ivermectin's efficacy in COVID-19 treatment

      While there may be potential for Ivermectin in treating or preventing COVID-19, the current data is not conclusive enough to make definitive claims. The available studies have small sample sizes, and some have been retracted due to fraud. Large, well-designed trials with fixed doses and clear indications are needed to establish the efficacy of Ivermectin. Until then, it's important to avoid making exaggerated claims about its ability to cure or end the pandemic, as this can create false hopes and lead to misinformation. The desire for a simple, inexpensive solution is understandable during a pandemic, but it's crucial to wait for solid scientific evidence before making bold statements.

    • Managing the Pandemic: Containment Strategies and CommunicationEffective containment strategies including rapid tests, masks, and vaccinations, improved communication, and addressing psychological factors are crucial for managing the pandemic and reducing hospitalizations and deaths.

      The scientific community is facing unprecedented challenges during the pandemic, as people's patience for the scientific method wanes and misinformation spreads. The speaker emphasizes the importance of containment strategies, such as widespread use of rapid tests, masks, and vaccinations, to help reduce the number of hospitalizations and deaths. They also highlight the need for improved communication and data processing from public health institutions to help the country make progress towards containment. The speaker suggests that psychological factors, including distrust of scientific findings and the spread of conspiracy theories, may be contributing to the current situation, and that psychologists could play a role in addressing these issues. Ultimately, the speaker stresses the importance of executing effective containment strategies and improving communication to help the country move past the pandemic.

    • Unity and clear messaging needed during crisesInvesting in preparedness and a pan-coronavirus vaccine are crucial steps for overcoming the current crisis and ensuring a better response in the future.

      The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic requires unity and clear messaging from public health agencies, as well as strong leadership at the HHS level. The absence of these elements has led to infighting and confusion, which can be detrimental during a crisis. Furthermore, there is a need for education and clarification regarding the nature of vaccines, particularly mRNA vaccines, which have been subject to misconceptions and misinformation. Looking ahead, investing in preparedness for future pandemics and the development of a pan-coronavirus vaccine are crucial steps towards overcoming the current crisis and ensuring a better response in the future.

    • Access mental health support and embark on personal adventuresBetterHelp provides accessible therapy, Avalon Waterways offers personalized river cruises, and Clorox Scentiva enhances cleaning with pleasant scents

      Everyone, regardless of their background, can face mental health challenges, and having access to supportive resources can make a significant difference. BetterHelp offers flexible, affordable online therapy with licensed therapists, making mental health support accessible to all. Meanwhile, if you're yearning for an adventure, consider river cruising with Avalon Waterways. Their smaller ships offer a more personalized experience, allowing you to explore quaint European towns and create lasting memories. Lastly, transform your cleaning routine with Clorox Scentiva. This product not only cleans effectively like Clorox but also infuses your space with delightful scents, making every room feel fresh and inviting, like a tropical getaway.

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    Find more from us on Bret’s website (https://bretweinstein.net) or Heather’s website (http://heatherheying.com).

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    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.

    Q&A Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsUvr8s0qEk

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Berlinski and Deigin, published July 6, 2021 in Quillette: Looking for COVID-19 ‘Miracle Drugs’? We Already Have Them. They’re Called Vaccines https://quillette.com/2021/07/06/looking-for-covid-19-miracle-drugs-we-already-have-them-theyre-called-vaccines/

    Goldacre, B., 2014. Bad pharma: how drug companies mislead doctors and harm patients. Macmillan. Carvallo et al 2020. Study of the efficacy and safety of topical ivermectin+ iota-carrageenan in the prophylaxis against COVID-19 in health personnel. J biomed res clin investig, 2(1). https://www.medicalpressopenaccess.com/upload/1605709669_1007.pdf

    Bryant, A., Lawrie, T.A., Dowswell, T., Fordham, E.J., Scott, M., Hill, S.R. and Tham, T.C., 2021. Ivermectin for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infection: a systematic review, meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis to inform clinical guidelines.

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