
    Esther Perel's SECRET FORMULA for Desire in Long-Term Relationships (Never CHEAT Again!)

    enDecember 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Challenges in RelationshipsIndifference, contempt, neglect, and violence can contribute to the deterioration of a relationship, but contempt is identified as the most damaging factor that can lead to a complete breakdown.

      There are several core reasons that can make a relationship challenging to be in over time. Indifference, contempt, neglect, and violence are among the major factors that can contribute to the demise of a relationship. Indifference involves feeling like the other person no longer cares about you or vice versa, which erodes the sense of connection and mutual importance. Neglect occurs when partners take each other for granted and prioritize other things over their relationship. Violence, although not necessarily physical, refers to any form of disrespect or aggression towards one another. However, contempt is identified as the most detrimental factor, as it degrades and dismisses the partner, leading to a complete breakdown of the relationship. These challenges can arise even after a period of intense love and romance, as the dynamics in our relationships often reflect what we learned from our early experiences with caregiving.

    • The Impact of Childhood Experiences on Relationships and SexualityOur upbringing influences how we approach relationships and sex, and it is important to acknowledge our own role in repeating patterns. The changing focus on identity and pleasure in sexuality creates challenges in sustaining desire in long-term relationships.

      Our experiences as children shape our relationships and our attitudes towards sex. We bring with us the examples we saw growing up, both the positive and negative. We may promise ourselves to not repeat certain patterns, but often find ourselves falling into them anyway. Instead of acknowledging our own role, we often hide our mistakes and blame our partners. Sexuality has undergone significant changes in a short amount of time, shifting from a focus on procreation to one of identity and pleasure. Commitment is now rooted in desire, and sustaining that desire in long-term relationships becomes a challenge. Women tend to get bored with monogamy sooner, while men are more able to remain interested. This is not because women care less about sex, but because the experience within committed relationships may not be sufficiently exciting or seductive.

    • The Dance of Desire: Balancing Familiarity and ExcitementDesire is not solely dependent on a partner's actions, but also on individuals taking responsibility for their own wanting. Balancing love and desire involves embracing seduction, mystery, and novelty, while staying connected to oneself.

      Desire and sexual intimacy require more than just physical attraction. Esther Perel explains that for most women, foreplay starts way before the actual act of sex, involving elements like seduction, mystery, and pacing. Women, like men, desire stability and security, but also novelty and playfulness. The ideal partner is someone who can provide both familiarity and excitement. Perel emphasizes that desire is not solely dependent on a partner's actions but also on individuals taking responsibility for their own wanting. It is about feeling good about oneself, being confident and connected to one's passions and interests. Balancing love and desire means finding moments of mischief, playfulness, and breaking away from routine. Ultimately, desire thrives when individuals bring their best selves to the relationship.

    • The Importance of Effort and Intention in a Fulfilling Sex LifeBuilding a satisfying sexual relationship takes conscious effort, curiosity, and emotional risk-taking, along with appreciation and acknowledgement of each other.

      Committed and fulfilling sex requires effort and intentionality. It's not something that will just happen on its own. Esther Perel emphasizes the importance of premeditated sex, where partners prioritize each other and create a space that allows desire to flourish. This means going beyond the mundane routines of everyday life and taking emotional risks to keep the relationship fresh and exciting. Curiosity plays a key role in fostering this connection, as it encourages individuals to actively engage and explore the mysteries of their partner. Additionally, showing appreciation, gratitude, and acknowledging the presence of the other are essential for maintaining a healthy and long-lasting relationship.

    • The importance of genuine connections and navigating the complexity of relationships.Quality relationships rely on appreciation, gratitude, and going the extra mile. Instead of relying on one person, finding multiple sources of connection and embracing complexity leads to improved relationships.

      The quality of our lives hinges on the quality of our relationships. It's not about how much we work or how successful we are, but rather how we show up for others and make them feel special. Appreciation, gratitude, and going the extra mile matter more than just doing the bare minimum. We shouldn't expect one person to fulfill all our needs; instead, finding multiple sources of connection, intimacy, and friendship can provide the support we need. Relationships have become more complex because traditional societal structures and clear roles have loosened, leading to greater uncertainty and questioning. However, by prioritizing genuine connections and embracing the complexity, we can navigate and improve our relationships effectively.

    • Navigating the Shift to Network Societies and the Identity EconomyIn an ever-changing society, individuals are redefining themselves and seeking meaning in their relationships and work. Emotional and relational skills, along with transparency, belonging, and trust, have become crucial in the workplace.

      Our society has undergone a significant shift to what Esther Perel calls network societies. These societies are characterized by loose ends and commitments that can be easily revoked. This has led to a new reality where everything, from relationships to work, is negotiable and up for constant discussion. In this identity economy, individuals are constantly questioning who they are and what they want. The self has become fragile and in need of constant protection. Alongside this, we have greater expectations for love and work, seeking transformative and purposeful experiences in both areas. Work, in particular, has become an identity economy, where individuals expect their jobs to provide meaning and fulfillment. This shift has brought emotional and relational skills to the forefront in the workplace, emphasizing the importance of transparency, belonging, and trust.

    • The complexities of infidelity in relationshipsInfidelity is not always a sign of a troubled relationship. It can stem from various desires and should be approached with empathy, understanding both the impact and reasons behind it. Continually nurturing the relationship is vital for maintaining the spark.

      Not all affairs are a reflection of troubled relationships. Even in happy relationships, people may stray due to a longing for emotional connection, intensity, a different sexuality, or to reconnect with lost parts of themselves. Affairs are driven by both betrayal and hurt, as well as a deep longing for something more. It is important to approach infidelity from a dual perspective and understand both the impact it has on the person who strays and the reasons behind it. Additionally, maintaining attention, not taking each other for granted, and continuously creating desire through playfulness and creativity are essential for keeping the spark alive in a relationship.

    • Exploring new experiences and valuing each other's contributions for an exciting and fulfilling relationship.Stepping out of your comfort zone, appreciating each other, and embracing challenges can lead to a stronger and more authentic connection in a relationship.

      To bring excitement and growth into a relationship, it is important to explore new experiences and step out of your comfort zone together. This doesn't necessarily mean traveling abroad, but rather seeking out new places, activities, and even mindset shifts. Research shows that this not only breeds curiosity and discovery, but it also increases testosterone levels, which can enhance desire and creativity. It is crucial to appreciate and value each other's contributions in keeping the relationship fresh and interesting. Additionally, it is important to acknowledge that staying in a relationship after infidelity shouldn't be judged or shamed. Sometimes, going through challenges can lead to even stronger and more authentic connections.

    • The Evolution of Monogamy and Its Modern VariationsMonogamy has changed over time, from being based on factors like money and patronage to being associated with love and uniqueness. However, it requires intentional choices and compromises, and individuals can now explore different relationship forms to find what works best for them.

      The concept of monogamy has evolved throughout history and continues to do so in our modern world. Monogamy has traditionally been tied to factors such as patronage, money, and the need for children, rather than love. With the rise of romanticism, monogamy became associated with the idea of being chosen and unique in a relationship. However, Esther Perel suggests that monogamy is not our natural inclination and that it requires intentional choices and compromises. Today, there are various forms of relationships, from traditional monogamy to consensual non-monogamy, and it's up to individuals to find what works best for them. Ultimately, the human need for love and connection remains constant, but the expressions and institutions surrounding it continue to evolve.

    • Shifting Mindsets in RelationshipsPrioritizing ourselves is important, but it's crucial to find balance and make conscious choices in our relationships. Shared values, actions, and a willingness to give and receive are vital for successful connections.

      Our approach to relationships has shifted from a collectivist mindset, where we prioritize the wellbeing of others, to a more individualistic mindset, where we prioritize our own happiness and expect others to adapt to it. Esther Perel suggests that we may have swung too far to the extreme in prioritizing ourselves and our needs, often at the expense of our obligations and commitments to others. She emphasizes the importance of finding a balance and making conscious choices, rather than constantly seeking the "best" or fearing missing out. Building a life with someone requires shared values, beliefs, and a common vision, beyond just feelings. Ultimately, successful relationships require a mix of feelings, actions, beliefs, and a willingness to give and receive.

    • Rebuilding Trust in Relationships: A Step-by-Step ApproachRebuilding trust takes self-reflection, open communication, and a commitment to choose love and actively work on creating a sense of safety.

      Building trust in a relationship is crucial. It requires both partners to take a hard look at themselves and address their own needs and fears. It's about finding a balance between thinking about oneself and remembering the existence of others. Trust can be regained, but it takes time and effort to rebuild open communication and create a sense of safety. It's important to distinguish between betrayals that stem from issues within the relationship and those that have nothing to do with it. Trust isn't just about not repeating past mistakes; it's about actively choosing to be with the other person and showing genuine love and commitment.

    • Recognizing and Repairing Trust Through Acknowledgment and EmpathyAcknowledging and expressing remorse for causing pain, understanding the difference between shame and guilt, giving space to process emotions, and allowing time for trust to be rebuilt are crucial steps in repairing breached trust.

      Acknowledging remorse and guilt is essential in repairing the breach of trust caused by a hurt or infidelity. The wrongdoer needs to come forward and express their understanding of the pain they have caused, even if they don't feel guilt about the affair itself. It is crucial for the perpetrator to recognize the difference between shame and guilt, as shame focuses on self-involvement and prevents empathy for the hurt caused. Additionally, during the process of rebuilding trust, it is important to give the person who has been hurt the space to process their pain, anger, and emotions without rushing them. Trust takes time to rebuild, and it is a gradual process that cannot be rationalized immediately.

    • The "killers" of relationships and the importance of emotional connection.Contempt and negative communication are toxic to relationships, while nurturing emotional connection is crucial for a healthy and vibrant partnership.

      Affairs can either be a final blow to a dying relationship or a wake-up call for complacent partners. Esther Perel emphasizes that the biggest relationship killer is contempt, which dehumanizes and undermines the connection between individuals. Contempt often manifests through criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, and withdrawal. These are the four "killers" of relationships. People often mistakenly believe that communication issues or specific topics lead to divorce, but in reality, it is often the negative ways in which they handle those topics. The ideal relationship involves a healthy balance of conflict and affection, where conflicts are resolved, and partners continuously reconnect and nurture their bond. Neglecting emotional connection leads to estrangement and a loss of love, warmth, and vibrancy.

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1474

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Esther Perel’s full episode: https://link.chtbl.com/1291-pod

    Faith Jenkins’ full episode: https://link.chtbl.com/1221-pod

    Matthew Hussey’s full episode: lewishowes.com/944

    LOVE WILL FLOW LIKE CRAZY! (Manifest Your PERFECT Relationship!) | Dr Joe Dispenza

    LOVE WILL FLOW LIKE CRAZY! (Manifest Your PERFECT Relationship!) | Dr Joe Dispenza

    Dr Joe’s passion can be found at the intersection of the latest findings from the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to explore the science behind spontaneous remissions. He integrates that knowledge to teach people how to heal their bodies of health conditions, make significant changes in their lives, and evolve their consciousness. 

    Today we dive deep into the core of human emotions and the pivotal role self-love plays in shaping our lives and interactions. Dr Joe emphasizes that to experience love authentically, we must let go of parts of ourselves that do not align with love. Embracing love for oneself naturally extends to others, enhancing our ability to connect, give, and thrive in relationships. Through understanding and managing our energy and attention, we align closer to a state of wholeness and gratitude, further attracting positive experiences and relationships.

    In this episode you will learn

    • How self-love is fundamental to cultivating successful relationships with others.
    • The concept that a part of us must "die" to fully embrace love and shed unloving aspects of ourselves.
    • The significance of brain and heart coherence in attracting healthy, loving relationships.
    • Why survival emotions like anger, fear, and jealousy are separations from love, not opposites.
    • How to shift from survival mode to a state of creation and open-heartedness, vital for personal growth and loving connections.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1540

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes on Radical Self Love & Acceptance:

    Jason Derulo – https://link.chtbl.com/1460-pod

    Karamo Brown – https://link.chtbl.com/1457-pod

    Pokimane – https://link.chtbl.com/1443-pod

    Master the Art of Setting Healthy Boundaries & Building Life-Long Relationships EP 1454

    Master the Art of Setting Healthy Boundaries & Building Life-Long Relationships EP 1454

    The Summit of Greatness is back! Buy your tickets today – summitofgreatness.com

    In today’s Masterclass episode, the topic of setting relationship boundaries takes center stage. We explore the significance of boundaries in fostering healthy connections and preserving one's emotional well-being. 6 relationship experts delve into the importance of self-awareness and understanding one's own needs and limits before effectively communicating them to others. This episode emphasizes the role of boundaries in establishing mutual respect, trust, and open communication within relationships.

    Nedra Tawwab, a sought-after relationship expert and a licensed therapist with 12 years of practice in relationship therapy. In this episode, she will talk about why boundaries are the only way to feel at peace, how to set boundaries for ourselves, and what we should do with people in our lives who continue to cross these boundaries.

    Melissa Urban is the co-founder and CEO of Whole30 and an authority on helping people create lifelong healthy habits. She is a seven-time New York Times bestselling author and has been featured on People, Good Morning America, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and CNBC.

    Jordan Peterson shares insights from his marriage of 50 years, and how to start opening yourself up to what you want in life. Jordan also has some surprising things to teach us about marriage, discipline, resentment, and memory. 

    Esther Perel shares how relationships are truly a mirror into your own thoughts and feelings – and if we don’t take the time to nurture them properly and tap into our full range of emotions, we run the risk of our relationships being even more challenging than they need to be. 

    In this episode you will learn,

    • Why boundaries are the only way to feel at peace.
    • How to set boundaries for ourselves and what we should do if people in our lives continue to cross our boundaries.
    • The common issue between relationships that don’t work.
    • How to step away from people who don’t respect boundaries.
    • The hidden challenges of creating boundaries for yourself.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1454

    Nedra Tawwab’s full episode: https://link.chtbl.com/1085-guest

    Melissa Urban’s full episode: https://link.chtbl.com/1376-guest

    Jordan Peterson’s full episode: https://link.chtbl.com/1093-guest

    Esther Perel’s full episode: https://link.chtbl.com/1291-guest

    The RELATIONSHIP Expert: THIS Is Why 70% of Relationships FAIL In The First Year | Stephan Speaks

    The RELATIONSHIP Expert: THIS Is Why 70% of Relationships FAIL In The First Year | Stephan Speaks

    Today we share conversations on love and relationships with an SOG fan favorite, Stephan Speaks. Stephan and Lewis touch on the transformative power of healing, the strength found in showing vulnerability, and the secret sauce to keeping connections alive and thriving over time. Stephan opens up about the journey of mending from past wounds as a gateway to more joyful and satisfying partnerships ahead. He draws a clear line between the kind of disagreements that foster growth and the arguments that tear us apart, reminding us that respect is the way through any rough patch.

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to navigate the healing process from past relationships to make room for healthier future connections.
    • The difference between constructive disagreements and harmful arguing, and the importance of maintaining respect.
    • Strategies for improving communication skills to better express needs and understand those of a partner.
    • The significance of emotional safety and vulnerability in deepening relationship connections.
    • Ways to recognize and address unhealed trauma that can affect current and future relationships.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1573

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

    Rhonda Byrne – https://link.chtbl.com/1525-pod

    John Maxwell – https://link.chtbl.com/1501-pod