
    Ethical Consumption & Building Equitable Businesses, with Entrepreneur Sana Javeri Kadri of Diaspora Co.

    enNovember 02, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Considering the Ethical and Quality Implications of the Cheapest OptionsStrive for a balance between affordability and ethical consumption by supporting businesses that prioritize fair labor practices, quality, and transparency.

      While it's understandable to strive for affordability in our purchases, it's essential to consider the ethical and quality implications of the cheapest options. The global supply chain is interconnected, and many people working in these industries face challenging labor practices to keep costs low. Buying the cheapest option might seem like a smart financial move, but it could mean supporting production methods that don't align with our values. It's crucial to strike a balance between affordability and ethical consumption. As consumers, we have the power to make informed decisions and support businesses that prioritize fair labor practices, quality, and transparency. This approach might cost a little more, but it can lead to a greater sense of satisfaction and alignment with our values.

    • The Cost of Cheap Goods: Labor and Environmental Exploitation in Global Supply ChainsUnderstanding the true cost of cheap goods requires recognizing the exploitation of workers and the environment in global supply chains. Support ethical businesses to make a difference and promote change on a larger scale.

      The production of seemingly cheap goods often comes at a great cost to workers and the environment. The exploitation of labor, both human and animal, and the use of unsafe conditions or low wages are common practices in global supply chains. This is particularly evident in industries like spice trade, where farmers in countries like India are not fairly compensated despite producing billions of dollars in revenue annually. Sona Javeri Kadri, a young entrepreneur, is working to change this by building a new version of the spice trade through her company, Diaspora Co. She aims to bring fresh spices directly to consumers from farmers who use regenerative growing practices. While individual consumer choices can make a difference, deeper change is needed to address these issues on a larger scale. The need for free shipping and returns, mass production, and the involvement of numerous middlemen in the supply chain all contribute to the exploitation of workers and the environment. It's important for consumers to be aware of these issues and support businesses that prioritize ethical and equitable practices.

    • Investing in equitable businesses supports farmers and the environmentInvesting in equitable businesses like Diaspora Coast Spices leads to higher quality products, supports farmers, promotes land stewardship, builds climate resilience, and draws down greenhouse gases.

      Investing in equitable businesses, like Diaspora Coast Spices, not only leads to higher quality products but also supports farmers and the environment. Sana, the founder of Diaspora Coast Spices, sources single origin spices from 150 farms in India and Sri Lanka, paying her farm partners above commodity prices to promote leadership and land stewardship. This investment in farmers and regenerative farming practices not only builds climate resilience but also draws down greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Although the cost of Diaspora's spices is three times higher than conventional options, the long-term cost can be comparable using a cost per wear model. By supporting entrepreneurs like Sana, we can help shift industry practices towards more equitable and sustainable business models.

    • Revolutionizing the spice industry with fair trade and ethical practicesDiaspora Co is transforming the spice industry by partnering with ethical farmers, ensuring fair pay, and quickly transporting spices to deliver fresh, delicious flavors while supporting farmers and their communities.

      Diaspora Co, a single origin spice company, is revolutionizing the spice industry by prioritizing fair trade and ethical practices. Founder Sanazureka Kadri aims to break the cycle of stale, low-quality spices and exploitative pricing by partnering with expert, values-aligned farmers, ensuring equitable pay, and quickly transporting spices from farm to customer. Diaspora Co also focuses on sharing cultural stories behind the spices and highlighting the experiences of farmers and producers, often overlooked in the Western spice trade narrative. One example of inequitable practices revealed by Kadri was farmers having to pay bribes at every step from transportation to milling, which adds unnecessary costs and delays. Diaspora Co's mission is to turn the old system on its head and deliver fresh, delicious spices while supporting farmers and their communities.

    • Reforming the spice industry for fair prices and qualityDirect relationships with farmers and disconnecting prices from commodity market leads to fair prices, better quality spices, and a positive impact on the industry.

      The traditional import-export system in the spice industry often results in unfair prices for farmers and hinders their ability to produce high-quality spices. The speaker, who is working to reform this system, shares personal experiences of dealing with corrupt officials and outdated processes. To address this issue, the speaker's team focuses on building direct relationships with farmers and providing them with the resources and control they need to produce and sell their spices at fair prices. This approach not only benefits the farmers but also results in better quality spices for consumers. The speaker's efforts, as India is the largest spice exporter in the world, have the potential for a significant impact on the industry as a whole. The speaker clarifies that they pay 3-6 times the commodity price for spices from their team versus what other farmers receive. From the start, the speaker was inspired by the success of local farms in the Bay Area that charge fair prices and wanted to extend this opportunity to farmers in South Asia who were growing differently but lacked access to fair markets. By disconnecting the price from the commodity market, they aim to ensure farmers are compensated for their true costs and can focus on producing high-quality spices.

    • Providing farmers with stable incomeCompanies acting as guaranteed buyers help farmers break free from unpredictable wages, ensuring financial stability and enabling investment in their communities.

      Providing farmers with a fair and stable income is crucial for their financial stability, their children's education, and their ability to invest in their workers and communities. This is where companies like the one discussed come in, acting as guaranteed buyers and enabling farmers to break free from the cycle of unpredictable wages. However, scaling this business model while maintaining transparency, equity, and sustainability is a significant challenge. An example of this is seen with the Narni family's chili farm, where a 100% crop loss led to the family becoming the milling hub for the region, thus recovering their income. Though seemingly insignificant, accurately representing the origin of the produce and acknowledging the contributions of the new farmers is essential for transparency and telling the full story.

    • Building a sustainable and equitable food supply chainConsumers can demand better quality and standards, support small businesses, and make informed choices to contribute to a fair, organic, and ethical food industry.

      Building a sustainable and equitable supply chain for businesses, particularly in the food industry, is a complex process that involves honest communication, community building, and maintaining quality. Consumers have a role to play in demanding better quality and standards, but it's important to remember that industry and food systems also need to make changes. The consumer's power lies in their ability to vote with their wallets and push for better practices. The speakers also emphasized the importance of supporting small businesses and understanding the impact of one's purchasing decisions on the industry as a whole. As individuals, we can only do so much, but by making informed choices and advocating for change, we can contribute to creating a world where fair trade, organic, and ethical businesses thrive.

    • Investing in Yourself is ImportantSpend mindfully and intentionally on experiences, self-improvement, or luxury goods that align with personal values and financial goals.

      While it's important to save and invest for the future, it's also crucial to consider the value of investing in oneself. This can take many forms, from indulging in luxury goods to treating oneself to experiences or self-improvement opportunities. Ultimately, the decision to splurge should align with one's personal values and financial goals. It's important to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to spending, and what brings joy and value to one person may not be the same for another. It's essential to strike a balance between financial responsibility and self-care. And, as a reminder, there's no prize for accumulating the most wealth or possessions, but rather in living a fulfilling and meaningful life. So, whether you prefer designer handbags or a weekend getaway, the key is to spend mindfully and intentionally.

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    •⁠  ⁠Elona helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs align their mission and profit goals to build sustainable, impactful businesses. 

    •⁠  ⁠Her corporate career showed happiness doesn't always align with outward success. Finding purpose and meaning was key.

    •⁠  ⁠She defines an entrepreneur as someone solving a problem for themselves, then using that knowledge to help many more people.

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    •⁠  ⁠Elona starts with client clarity: What transformation do you want to create? Then crafts the branding, marketing, systems to align.

    •⁠  ⁠Creating an independent business as a legacy asset gives more options later to follow new paths while still making an impact. 

    •⁠  ⁠Healthy entrepreneurs prioritize relationships, self-care, mental wellness along with ambition. Balance across areas prevents burnout.

    •⁠  ⁠Pay attention to what attracts you, bothers you and what you admire to uncover clues about your purpose and intuition.


    Life School Podcast: https://podcast.elonaloparicoaching.com/

    Elona FB: https://www.facebook.com/elona.lopari

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    Show Notes:

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    Entrepreneurship, creativity, and personal growth. 3:42

    Entrepreneurship, vision, and profit. 9:50

    Entrepreneurship, business growth, and purpose alignment. 13:36

    Entrepreneurship, relationships, and personal growth. 19:12


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